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Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl

11-02-2010 , 11:06 AM

my goal this month is simple earn 1k

i am gunna be playing 20nl 6 max cash (but minght move up minght move down ill see what happens)

what do i want to get out of this thread

1, some motivation

2, someware to rant and rave about my beats

3, someware to post my loseing hands so you can all tell me i played the hand like a donk

4, to get some advise form other players to help improve my game

a bit about me been playin poker for about 4-5 yrs mostly mtt's and sng's
i started playing 6 max cash last month and finished down but this month am gunna earn 1k+

an ill keep a running total on the post

prof/loss ______ev
+$3 _________ +32

thanks for reading
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-02-2010 , 11:20 AM
What kind of roll are you starting with? What sort of volume are you planning on playing? Will you be posting daily progress Somewhere ;-)? I wish you best of luck, and my only advice is to keep on keepin' on
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-02-2010 , 11:43 AM
It's not because you're losing a hand that it means you played it bad. At the opposite you can win a hand by playing it bad.

Good luck to you
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-02-2010 , 01:55 PM

i have started this month a $600 br

i am gunna be lookin to put in 4hrs+ a day 5-7 days a week

i plan to stop for a break if i lose a few buyins and stop for the day if i have a couple of bad sesh's and play as long as poss when winning (does anyone aggree/disaggree with this?) should i just grind though 8hrs+ a day wether i am winning or loseing?

i have dropped down to 4 tables so i can pay more atention to all the players so should be a min of 10k hands a week

and i will be looking to update every day
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-02-2010 , 02:09 PM
You have rakeback? Is this included? 40,000 hands @ 20nl? A decent win rate of 4BB/100 should make this happen for you (approx.). Good luck and go get em!!
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-02-2010 , 02:27 PM
looks like i cant edit my first post

so after 2 days my prof/loss is +51 ev+74

here is my graph so far

Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-02-2010 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by CaperBii
You have rakeback? Is this included? 40,000 hands @ 20nl? A decent win rate of 4BB/100 should make this happen for you (approx.). Good luck and go get em!!

yea 25% rakeback

thanks for the advise
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-02-2010 , 03:01 PM
LOl, should do the same, im also nl20 player, this month at -12€, EV +144€ and 5k hands

gl to you man !
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-03-2010 , 07:57 AM

right gunna have a couple of hrs see how it goes

and ill probs post some hands later to see if i can got some adive fom you guys
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-03-2010 , 01:17 PM
just finished a sesh

was down for most of the sesh but managed to finish ev


monthly total
+55 ev +104

slow start but atleast its + and not -
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-03-2010 , 02:07 PM
here are some hands from today

any advise?


Microgaming, $0.10/0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash Games, 6 Players
Hand Converter by

UTG: $19.89
UTG+1: $20.84
CO: $22.96
Button: $31.67
SB: $15.13
BB: $26.13

Dealt to Button Q Q

UTG calls $.20, (2 folds), Button raises to $.80, (1 folds), BB calls $.60, UTG calls $.60

Flop: ($2.30) 2 6 9 (3 Players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Button bets $1.87, BB raises to $4.80, (1 folds), Button calls $2.93

Turn: ($9.23) 3 (2 Players)
BB checks, Button bets $6.05, BB raises to $20.53, Button calls $14.48

River: ($44.24) 5 (2 Players)

Button wins $50.51
BB Showed J K

Microgaming, $0.10/0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash Games, 6 Players
Hand Converter by

Button: $18.90
SB: $19.80
BB: $39.81
UTG: $19.73
UTG+1: $20
CO: $20.73

Dealt to UTG+1 K A

UTG raises to $.80, UTG+1 raises to $2.60, (1 folds), Button calls $2.60, (2 folds), UTG calls $1.80

Flop: ($7.30) 9 K 7 (3 Players)
UTG checks, UTG+1 bets $3.80, Button calls $3.80, (1 folds)

Turn: ($14.90) 5 (2 Players)
UTG+1 bets $13.60, Button calls $12.50

River: ($41) 5 (2 Players)

UTG+1 wins $39.77
Button Showed 8 A

my birthday was last week but ill take it

Microgaming, $0.10/0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash Games, 6 Players
Hand Converter by

SB: $26.85
BB: $20.75
UTG: $21.08
CO: $20
Button: $21.46
UTG+1: $20.58

Dealt to CO 6 6

UTG raises to $.70, CO calls $.70, (2 folds), BB raises to $2, (1 folds), CO calls $1.50

Flop: ($4.50) 8 7 2 (3 Players)
BB bets $3.90, CO calls $3.90

Turn: ($12.30) 8 (3 Players)
BB bets $14.65, CO calls $13.90

River: ($40.85) T (3 Players)

BB wins $.75
CO wins $38.76
BB Showed A K


Microgaming, $0.10/0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash Games, 6 Players
Hand Converter by

UTG: $17.60
UTG+1: $41.11
CO: $20
Button: $20
SB: $52.50
BB: $20

Dealt to Button 3 3

UTG calls $.20, (2 folds), Button calls $.20, (1 folds), BB checks

Flop: ($.70) 4 2 9 (3 Players)
BB checks, UTG bets $.20, Button calls $.20, (1 folds)

Turn: ($1.10) Q (2 Players)
UTG checks, Button checks

River: ($1.10) 3 (2 Players)
UTG bets $1.10, Button raises to $4.40, UTG raises to $6.60, Button raises to $15.20, UTG calls $9.50

UTG wins $33.73
Button wins $2.40
UTG Showed 6 5

Microgaming, $0.10/0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash Games, 6 Players
Hand Converter by

Button: $17.82
SB: $20
BB: $23.50
UTG: $20.30
UTG+1: $51.50
CO: $20

Dealt to UTG K A

UTG raises to $.80, (3 folds), SB raises to $2.70, (1 folds), UTG calls $2

Flop: ($5) J 8 9 (2 Players)
SB bets $2.95, UTG raises to $7.32, SB raises to $14.25, UTG calls $9.88

Turn: ($29.13) 2 (2 Players)

River: ($29.13) Q (2 Players)

SB wins $38.19
SB Showed K K
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-04-2010 , 07:20 AM
well ive been pretty lazy the first 3 days of the month 7 and a half hrs only. so time to pull my finger out and get a few sesh's in
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-04-2010 , 09:53 AM
finished first sesh of the day +47 ev+34

there wasnt many big pots just loads of mini victorys

break time then ill have another sesh hopefully 3-4 hrs and see if i can book in my first +100 day of the month
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-04-2010 , 10:07 AM
How many tables do you play?
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-04-2010 , 11:59 AM
One word of advice would be to work on your spelling/grammar. Its quite bad but other than that I wouldn't be concentrating so much on your EV. This number can be flawed and most people do not interpret it that well. All you need to concentrate on is playing your best and EV will even out.
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-04-2010 , 01:28 PM
thanks for your advice hasnt realy helped me improve any aspect of my game
because my spelling or grammer is not important to me
and i do understand what ev is
but thanks anyway
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-04-2010 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by architectpro
One word of advice would be to work on your spelling/grammar. It's quite bad but other than that I wouldn't be concentrating so much on your EV. This number can be flawed and most people do not interpret it that well. All you need to concentrate on is playing your best and EV will even out.
FYP. Heed your own advice.
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-04-2010 , 06:13 PM
finished cash early tonight was over 110 up at 1 point but then lost a couple of buyins so sticking to my rules i stopped at +75 ev +14 my qq cracked kk vs donk who acctually woke up with a hand but i got lucky for a change so happy days

seeing how i stoped early i decided to play a micro torney and managed to come 6/322 so not too bad but got ko'd just before the prizes started to jump tyipical
also satted into the 200k on sun on ipoker whitch was a bonus so overall a good day

today +$75 ev +$14
total +$130 ev +$118
total rake $98

im not gunna be counting torney cashes to the br as the main aim of this goal it to improve my cash game
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-04-2010 , 06:19 PM
nice dude, im down -122€ and EV + 155€ xD, bout 50€ rakeback atm
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-04-2010 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by M2ksu
nice dude, im down -122€ and EV + 155€ xD, bout 50€ rakeback atm
ty and ul hopefully your luck will change in your next sesh so sending out some posative vibes for ya good luck
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-05-2010 , 11:52 AM
quick update

promised my girlfreind i would take her to a fireworks dislpay tonight and had a few things to do this morning so volume not great again

managed to find some good tables today and i think i played well so another winning day

today +$78

total +$208

total rake $118

thanks for reading
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-05-2010 , 12:41 PM
Good luck man! keep grinding - how many tables do u play?
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-05-2010 , 12:50 PM
ty will do

i am just playing 4-6 atm
was grindin 12+last at 1 point but it didnt work i was missing out on a lot of reads and didnt have a lot of time to take notes so i dropped to 4 tables and it has realy improved my win rate. not gettin many hands in or rakeing much but aslong as i am winning and imroveing im happy
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-05-2010 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by architectpro
One word of advice would be to work on your spelling/grammar. Its quite bad but other than that I wouldn't be concentrating so much on your EV. This number can be flawed and most people do not interpret it that well. All you need to concentrate on is playing your best and EV will even out.
stop reading the thread if you don't like the sp/grammar... many people speak english as a 2nd language and written english is extremely difficult to be 100%, even for someone who uses it day in and day out.
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
11-05-2010 , 02:44 PM
I think some people need to relax. Its not like I bashed the spelling/grammar only. I did give some honest advice as per his thread.
Earn 1k this month 6 max 20nl Quote
