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A dream is a dream deferred no longer! A dream is a dream deferred no longer!

06-12-2014 , 02:29 PM
Break time -- We're at the money bubble.

Just laid down a huge pot, but I was right. I'm at 165K so I still have plenty of chips, blinds are 1K/5K/10K coming back.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-12-2014 , 03:44 PM
Today didn't go exactly as planned, however I did min-cash. I'm happy with my play, and I have to live with the result. There will be better results as long as I play my best and continue to improve.

I'm going to figure out what the plan is and probably get in some cash tonight. I'll likely give an update when I get back to Brooklyn.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-17-2014 , 09:15 PM
So I've taken a few days to clear my head from some poor play near the end of the tourney last week and rough session on Friday.

I'm on my way to Atlantic City to play a couple more events and get in some cash sessions this week. I've had to deal with some uncertainty at work, as well as frustration with my living conditions and life in general, but I'm feeling more and more refreshed the closer I get to AC.

The felt is starting to become the basketball court for me. Poker is my sanctuary and takes me as I am. The opportunity to play this game at a high level is a blessing and a joy and it drives me, even though tough times.

The plan is to play my best poker this week in Event 10 & 12 of the Summer Open. As long as I plays best, take advantage of spots and use the experience to improve, this will be a great trip.

Play my game, live with the results. That's my lifestyle right now and I'm excited to continue to build on the progress I've made this far.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-18-2014 , 11:23 AM
On line to register Event 10 now -- Plan is to survive and advance through the re-entry levels, then come back from the third break with at least 80K.

I'm excited to play and focused on playing my best poker.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-18-2014 , 12:11 PM
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-19-2014 , 05:27 AM
Today didn't go as planned but I got some great experience and was able to build some more confidence in my game, especially in my mental approach.

Event 10 started off pretty well and midway through the second levels I was chipping up nicely until I ran boat into boat for a stack. I flopped it on a 755 board (77), but was rivered by KK. That, combined with running a straight into a flush on the river, knocked me down to a really short stack.

However, I didn't waver. I got my chips in live a few times and even though I ended up bricking 2 bullets, I still feel that I played my best.

Cash went even worse initially, as I got coolered with KK on a 643 when the villain flopped the nut straight. Even still, I kept to the plan and kept grinding. What was going to be a -500 loss of a short session ended up being a -47 session and I'm confident that I can continue to play my best tomorrow.

My bankroll has taken a big hit lately so I have to be conservative with tourneys for the rest of the open, but the survivor tomorrow looks to be a go. Plus I can still get in some cash and continue to grind up my bankroll.

I'm in a relative downswing, even with cashing the opener for the Summer Open, but I know that I am still improving, plugging leaks and becoming a stronger player. I welcome the challenges and know that the journey will not always be easy.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-20-2014 , 01:32 PM
Posting a quick update before I start a cash session today -- The last couple of days have been a roller coaster, but it's still an enjoyable ride and I'm having a great time.

Yesterday I got in a session at the Borgata and started out hustling backwards. I got caught in a couple awkward spots like this one:

Hand #1

AK -- MP

There's a straddle and I have no read on the table yet. Generally I'll raise here, but I decide to call to see if anyone behind me raises the straddle so I can re-pop. Instead, we get 3 more callers and the straddler checks.

Flop (18) -- 8 7 2

BB bets 7, and straddler calls. I thought about raising here but that could put me in a tough spot with players behind me. I call, one other player calls and we get 1 fold.

Turn (43) -- 2

Not the worst card in the world for my hand since it's not likely someone has a 2, and an A or K can make me good against 87. BB bets 15, straddler folds. I call and the player behind me folds.

River (73) -- 8

This might be the worst hand in the deck. Seriously, if you opened up the deck and asked which card I don't want on the river, this is the one. Of course, the BB bets 30 here.

I don't think I'm ever good here, even with the nut flush. Every 8 wins and that's what he's been repping, so I fold.

However, things started to turn around and at some point on my upswing, Duke shows up at my table and I instantly lose a big pot HA.

Hand #2

JJ -- CO

2 limps before me. I raise to 12. BB and 1 limper call.

Flop (33) -- K 8 4

I can't remember if the K was a spade or not here. Either way, it checks to me and I bet 25. BB calls and limper folds.

The BB is a relative nit so his range is pretty tight here {AA - QQ, AK - AJs, KQs}, knowing if the K is a spade should make a big difference here because if it is than that may add more flush draws into his range since he couldn't have a combo here.

Turn (81) -- x

I know for sure it was a card lower than a T that didn't pair the board and wasn't a spade. In essence a brick. The BB bets 50 and it immediate looks like a flush draw or AK. I doubt he'd bet any pair below KK here. I call and decide to re-evaluate on the river.

River (181) -- K

BB thinks for a while, then bets 100. It's either a K or a busted flush draw at this point in my mind. There's {AK, KQ; AQ - AJs; QJs}. That's pretty narrow but I can't see him having much else here as played.

I call and he turns up AK. Well played by him, I could've folded the river bet but the board pairing made it less likely he had a K. I've got to keep this hand in mind for next time I run into this guy.

Anywho, the game was really good at this point and I was only stuck 50 after this hand so of course I played on with Duke at the table. We didn't really get into at all, but I'm not sure I'm a fan of playing with my friends at the table. We could end up cutting into each other's equity and making a good game for either of us worse. It wasn't his doing so no harm done there, but if I'm game-selecting, I think I'd rather play in an average game than a good game that has one of my buddies sitting in. This is only the case with a few people I really know, so not other regs that I'm friendly with, but really just guys like Cuse, Duke and others that I call friends.

Maybe Duke brought some run good with him because immediately a couple big stacks, including the villain from the previous hand, started to meltdown and I picked up all of their chips in big spots.

This served to be a good bankroll boost after I had a tough run in the last couple tourneys I played and a great cash session to get me back on track.

I'm going to head upstairs and fight a table now to get in another session before it's back to BK for me. I'll likely see if I can get a post in on the ride back and update with my plans for the future. This will include some updated life and poker goals, and well as some review of my progress thus far.

Bankroll -- 2033
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-21-2014 , 03:51 AM
Enjoy reading your thread! Best of luck at the tables. Sub'ed thread
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-21-2014 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Hardkor
Enjoy reading your thread! Best of luck at the tables. Sub'ed thread
Thanks! I appreciate that.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-21-2014 , 05:10 AM
I'm on the bus back to Brooklyn now so I figured I'd try to get an update in before the sun comes up. People on my bus were going nuts and it's actually a packed ride back home at 4AM on a Friday. I've never see this many people coming back from AC but I guess it makes sense that they have go home eventually.

First of all, this week had a bunch of ebbs and flows, but it ended with a blast of a time. Of course I started off by oversleeping, which didn't cost me much except time on the bike at the gym. I attribute that to the lack of sunlight in my room. I stayed in the Harbour Tower at Harrah's AC. You definitely don't want to stay in that tower if you want a modern room or a nice view. I thought I was in the Showboat or some ****.

Once I finally got to the tables around 2PM, I found a pretty decent game that seemed to turn to **** almost immediately. After an hous of suffering there, I finally got a table change and got into an awesome game with some funny Indian dudes. One of them was relatively solid, while the other one just kept getting stacked. He was actually a nice guy so I was a little disappointed and of course I got him once for a stack. Eventually that game started to change a little bit so I felt the need to table change again.

Boy was that a great decision. I got sat into a pretty good game with the only solid player directly to my right. I decided to chat him up and eventually we had our whole side of the table talking. This one dude who looked like Abdullah the Butcher (Google him, he's a real OG) kept getting stacked and we got it all-in for a small stack with AK vs. QQ. He ran like **** and I binked my A on the river.

As people started leaving the game, a bunch of drunk friends starting sitting at the table and absolutely spewing chips. They pretty much gave all of the chips to myself and 2 other people at the table. However, we has a great time at the table cracking jokes with every dealer and each other. They ended up being really nice guys and one of their guys chased me down with middle pair. Other than that, I ran well and was able to outplay these guys for the most part.

I'd probably say that was the best game I'd played in a casino and it played more like a home game. The good thing is that I was able to get a read on the players and find profitable spots. Of course I got spewed into also, which is always.

The only failure of the night was trying to get a room at the Borgata. Apparently they were "fully committed" (what does that even mean?). I work in customer service so I immediately hate when someone starts giving me sideways talk. If you have no rooms, that's all good. But don't make up a term for saying you're not giving me a room when I just saw two black cards get a room from you.

Anyway, I hung out at Bally's for an hour or so after my table broke and finally the woman who was bugging out on this bus decided to shut the hell up so everyone could sleep. Since I have to work tonight and tomorrow morning, I'm staying awake until I get home so I get good sleep in my bed. Hopefully I get home fast enough to take out the trash though.

Speaking of work, I got my new work schedule all set and I'll be able to play more weekends hopefully in better games over the weekend. Looks like the sun is coming up so I'll leave it here. I'll be back in AC next week for a few more events and some cash. In the mean time, I still need to review my goals and evaluate my progress. I'll leave that for next time.

Bankroll -- ~2630
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-24-2014 , 07:32 PM
And I'm back, live at the Borgata!

I took the bus down again and this time it was completely packed. Plus, there were about 5 babies all crying at different times during the trip. Fortunately for me I heard none of this, thanks to headphones and Styles P radio on Pandora.

The plan for the week is to play the last 3 events of the Summer Open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. However, if I make a deep run tomorrow night, I'll likely take the day off Thursday and do some sight-seeing to rest my brain.

I'm also trying to find a way to play the WSOP satellite this Saturday night, if it even runs. I found a friend to stay with but the problem is that I'm scheduled to work that night. If push comes to shove, I'm prepared to play it while I work, which would be extraordinary when I win a seat, but I'd rather not do that. Instead, I'll badger my friends at work to find coverage for the shift hopefully.

Now it's dinner time, then a cash session at the Borgata -- More 1/2. I've been crushing cash and it's been a huge bankroll, while tournaments have been a drain, despite a couple decent runs. I'm prepared to play my best and enjoy the week. It should be awesome and I'll be updating daily.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-25-2014 , 02:02 AM
Just finished up a short cash session. It turns out I was having some real trouble focusing after the first hour or so and I definitely left some money out there on the table.

I was able to double through early with a flopped set of deuces against a fish who overplayed TPWK. The river gave him trips and sealed his fate though.

I decided to call it a night a little early because of the lack of good game and my apparent exhaustion. Today was a long day so I should definitely get a good night's sleep before the event tomorrow.

I'll be up early for breakfast (some fruit and granola), then formulate my gameplan for how I want to approach the tourney.

I'm excited but I'm tired so I'm hitting the sheets -- I'll update tomorrow after the dinner break.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-25-2014 , 08:13 PM
Coming back to 116K after the dinner break -- Looking at about 27bb with 33 left. 18 get paid so we're approaching the bubble. I'm at a tough table but I'm playing well and I'm focused on binking this one.

One level at a time.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-25-2014 , 11:28 PM
I ended up finishing in 17th, but got a min-cash for the win! I made a big mistake coming back from break but I grinded it up pretty well and got some run good to make the money. I played well to get to that point so I can't be bummed by the result.

I would have loved to make a deeper run at this as I felt I was fully capable to do so, but it wasn't to be today. Tomorrow is another day and I may still take the off day after my meeting depending on how I feel. It may be a good day to get out and see the sun, plus walk the boardwalk and hang out a little. Either way, this week is shaping up really well and I'm only getting started!
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-27-2014 , 11:46 AM
I'm up a little early this morning, which is surprising since I had a pretty late night. However, I can generally wake up without an alarm in hotels because I leave the curtains open when I sleep to let natural sunlight come up. I always feel fresh when I wake up that way so I like it. I wonder what other people think about that because I feel like that is a big deal, as far as getting great sleep and waking up naturally when your REM cycle ends.

Anywho, yesterday was a planned off day after the deep run Wednesday night. I slept in, watched the US advance to the knockout stage in bed, then shot over to the boardwalk to catch the second games. I hit up the Landshark Bar & Grill outside of Resorts and had some awesome oysters and a decent fish sandwich. Their Banana Breeze drink is probably the best thing since sliced bread and my best decision was probably going for only 2 of those and not a 3rd one since they were pretty strong HA.

Once I got back over to the Borgata, I watched the NBA Draft, which was probably the best draft I've seen overall for the NBA. Just about every team got it right, and my Knicks got Cleanthony Early, a player that I really like for our future. We'll see what happens with Melo (I hope he stays!) but we're off to a good start in the Phil Jackson/Derek Fisher era.

Once the draft was over, I started getting a little antsy so I figured I'd head down to the poker room for some 1/2 instead of going to sleep super early. I got down to the room and found 5 friends immediately looking for a game with each other. Of course I hopped in on it, and when another couple of friends brought their dad to the game, I knew this was going to be an awesome table.

The only problems were that the guys didn't bring a ton of money with them (which was still fine with me given that a couple of them had never played before), plus the one super aggro player ended up god-seating me. But once the cards got going, I felt really confident that this situation would work out.

Thursday June 26

The game ends up being a limp-raise fest early, so I figured I'd get in on the fun with a speculative hand, since I didn't moving around a little money to hopefully get the game started and knew I could outplay everyone post flop if need be.

Hand #1

89 -- EP

Generally I'll throw away this hand if it's unsuited and even suited at times depending on the table, position, etc. But I decided to limp in for expecting a raise a multiway pot which would work out for a hand like this one.

One player limped before me, I limp as well, the super aggro dude (who seemed to have a complex about playing hands with me later in the session) raises to 10. A nitty fish raises to 20 behind me and two of his friends flat, one of which didn't really know how to play. Pops flats as well from the BB in his first hand, and one of his sons, the original limper folds. I call, as does his other son, the super aggro dude. So we go 6way to flop for $20, sounds good to me.

Flop (118) -- K 9x 8

Bingo! However, there's no action to me. I bet 25 to try to induce some action, the super aggro player calls, his friend calls, then Pops thinks for a few and decides to ship is his last 55. Perfect! I can reraise here and with so many players behind I decide to put in a sizable raise to iso Pops and take down the dead money since I should be good here.

I raise to 200, and both the aggro player and nit fold. The other friend goes along for his 40 or so.

The board runs out with a Q and a brick, and ironically both players show JJ -- MHIG

In the mean time, I hear the aggro dude commenting to the other players about how bad that was (Thank you Sir!). I love when comments about a play he thinks was poor. For one, it exposes him/her as the target that people should stay away from because he/she is the "better player", and secondly it gives some great insight to how they value hands and plays that they wouldn't dare make.

Later on, I got involved with him in this hand.

Hand #2

AJ -- EP

A couple players had the left the game at this point at getting stacked so we were starting to break down. The aggro dude has been flatting my ISO and raises a ton, and trying to play back at me, but he was generally not doing much OTT and OTR.

I raise to 12, super aggro makes it 23. We get 1 call from the blinds (another player who didn't know how to play but stacked the aggro dude in a funny spot and was doing pretty well) and I call as well. My strategy is to check-call pretty much any flop as long as the blind folds since I can outplay the aggro guy post flop.

Flop (66) -- KK3

Check, check, aggro dude bets 25. Blind folds. I'm pretty sure aggro dude is betting all of his range here so I make the call, expecting him to fire again on the turn where I can check raise pretty much.

Turn (116) -- A

This changes things since I can likely be far ahead here and don't want to fold out small-medium pairs that the villain could have here. I check and the villain checks behind, which makes me think he has some equity here, maybe a smaller A or a small pair that makes the A worry him. A hand like QJ, QT, JT is also in there.

River (116) — J

Not the best card in the world, but the plan is to check call here. The villain shoves about 90 here. Looks like a bluff and I snap-call here. He tables QT LOL — Just what I expected, but he ended up drawing out. His range is so wide here to shove that I’m pretty sure he’s shoving his whole range thinking he will get folds almost every time. This time it seemed that it just didn’t work out.

So I ended up down 23 from a great game, which sucked, but wasn’t the worst result and mostly was attributed to the game not going long. If I knew it was going to break so quickly I would have probably found a different game, but that’s ok.

I ended up hopping games a couple times until I got to another good game…just in time for it to break UGH — But a couple players stuck around and I ended up getting into a nice spot where I tilted a (bandwagon?) Heat fan about the possibility of Lebron leaving the Heat. I said they had a good run, he snaps “4 finals in 4 years, that’s a great run”. Ok, you got it small soldier. But I had some fun at his behest and he snap-left after I 3bet him from the SB once. So that was nice to get one of the better players out of the game.

One of the my last hands of the night ended up being a huge pot.

Hand #3

43 -- SB

We get 1 limp and a raise to 7 from MP. The button calls and I decide to speculate since the table had been pretty passive post flop. BB calls as well, which I didn’t realize at the time, and the limper calls.

Flop (31) -- 4 3 2 r

I check, and it checks around to the button, who bets 16. I decide to call and evaluate on the turn, which I think is an error if I know the BB is in the hand. I’d probably raise there more often than not with more players in since it’s more likely I can get value from a naked A. However, the BB calls and immediately I’m kicking myself for not making it 40. The other two players fold though.

The plan is that I can donk any none A, 6 or 5 here pretty often so I stick to that.

Turn (76) -- 4

Well that changes things a lot. I know how a lock and can look to the button to bet again, however I should probably still be leading out here in hindsight. We end checking through, which sucks.

River (76) -- Q

I fire the 40 I should have fired on the turn, and the BB almost instantly raises to 105. This looks like A4 or A5 here and I’m pretty sure I can get stacks in. The button folds and I think for a little while before shoving, which gets the insta-call. She turns over 65 and MHIG. I end up getting some hidden luck in not raising the flop but I can look bad on this hand I believe and find some flaws that I can patch up in the future, especially since my 2 pair is so vulnerable to straights that pretty much any A or 5 is looking up a raise, but any A brings a better two pair that is never going anywhere. Maybe I played it well, but I think it’s worth evaluating.

A few orbits later, I decided to call it quits, after about 4.5 hours. I was getting pretty tired and I wanted to be up early today to take my time checking out and getting to the last Summer Open event.

The plan is to take it one level at a time and get to the breaks with healthy stacks that I can use to make a deep run. I want to take all profitable spots and leave the marginal spots alone early, plus I need to be that I don’t spew chips late in the day with small pairs or marginal hands when I miss, which has been a theme in my last few tourneys.

I feel confident in my play and feel that I’m improving daily from conversation about hands the experience I’m getting from putting in the hours. When I’m at the Borgata, there’s almost always talk about Phil Ivey and the prevailing theme is that he just put in the hours at the table. I think that’s the best way to get a feel for your game, especially if you are putting in work off the table too. I’m not grinding 30+ hour sessions, but I’m definitely putting in my time more often than not in cash sessions and tourneys, even if I do make some smaller sessions for sanity reasons.

I’m happy and excited for what life has in store for me for this journey and I know it’s been and will be a hell of a ride. Today and tomorrow are big days and I could be booking a trip to Vegas next week. At the same time, staying grounded, humble and friendly is a must for me and I’m blessed to have the opportunities I have. I’ll be updating later in the day, hopefully from a dinner break!

Bankroll -- 3220
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-27-2014 , 08:28 PM
I made the dinner break! I had a short stack for a little while and it was a roller coaster ride to get here but I'm up to over 300K now. I'm coming back to about 60bb and I plan to use the experience I've had over the past few weeks to my advantage. I have a great stack for picking off the shorties and I have no need for marginal situations.

I'll update later tonight -- Looking forward to a deep run again!
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
06-27-2014 , 11:04 PM
Tonight just wasn't my night -- I need to improve my mid game with 40-60 bb if I want to consistently play my A game. I think that's my biggest leak in tourneys right now.

Even with the disappointing finish, I can still look back and be happy with my progress and my mental game, as I responded well to some adversity and avoided tilt early on.

I have some resources lined up in the coming week that I plan to use to help me improve my game so I'm looking forward to that. My moonshot tomorrow seems like it's far away now, but I know I'm improving every day and I have the experience to make it.

I'll update tomorrow night or Sunday in all likelihood with some more info about my poker weekend.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
07-02-2014 , 07:01 PM
Just booked my stays in Atlantic City for this week and I figured now would be a good time to review my month of June and set goals for the month of July.

Here are my June stats:

Volume (Cash/Tourney): 125 hours (84/41)
Profit/Loss: +$591 (+$1435/-$844)
Hourly: +$4.71/hr (+$17/-$20)

I'm excited about having a positive month and with how well I've done at 1/2, getting ⅔ of my action in cash game. As expected, tourneys were a huge leak to my bankroll and I'm planning to cut down on the number of tourneys I play. The Summer Open was a great opportunity to play and learn though so I'm happy I got the experience and made a few deep runs, including 2 cashes.

This month, I'll be down in Atlantic City on these dates:

7/8 - 7/11
7/14 - 7/19
7/22 - 7/26
7/30 - 8/1

I should be able to get plenty of volume in and with the exception of a few tourneys I'll be focusing much more on playing cash to continue to build my bankroll. I'll still take a shot at few good tourneys during my stays though.

As of right now, I'm planning to play:

Deepstacks Challenge Event #3 (7/9) -- $170+30
Deepstacks Challenge Event #5 (7/11) -- $260+40
100K Guaranteed Saturday Series (7/19) -- $350+50
100K Guaranteed Mini-Series (7/23-25, I'll likely play Day 1B and/or 1C) -- $150+30

This is subject to change, as I may not play the mini-series depending on my work schedule, but this looks reasonable and with my cash volume I should be able to swing each of these with my current roll as long as I don't hit a prolonged downswing. Additionally, a deep run in any of these could be a huge boost to my roll.

I'll also be picking out a few nights to get in some online grind as well. I'll probably pick out a few good tourneys on days when the live action isn't very good and mix in some small stakes HE and PLO/PLO8.

Lastly, I want to put in as much volume as possible, work and life permitting. Here are my goals for this month:

Volume: 140 hours (90/50) -- I estimate 50 hours for deep runs in each event, but if I bust early, I'll be using those days for more cash or potentially reworking my low volume days into off days. This includes online hours, but I don't have any planned designation for how many hours of online play I'll get in since I can only play in Jersey and the live action normally plays so much better.

Profit: +$2100 -- At $15/hour total, I can clear this number easily if I hit my volume. Obviously more cash and game selection will be critical but the last 2 months have been really useful for finding the best games so I'm sure I'll be fine there.

Cash Game Leak: Preflop range -- If I can narrow down my preflop ranges in certain situations, I feel like this will allow me to continue to grow my game and allow me to be a better player especially once I get to 2/5.

Tournament Game Leak: Midstage Strategy -- I'm seeing a trend where I'm busting out of tournaments at around the same levels. I've already begun strengthening my play with 25-40bb during the midstages of tournaments. This includes my ranges, ranging opponents, playing stack sizes and structures.

Long term, I'm still looking to make the move to AC by December of this year, and be playing 2/5 by that point and I'm well on my way.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
07-02-2014 , 11:29 PM
Yo sick hourly, boss
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
07-08-2014 , 03:00 PM
I just got down to AC for my sessions this week -- Going to be a hectic moving between rooms with my stepdad but otherwise should be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to it. Once I feed my belly, I'll be starting the grind.

Plan is still to play cash for the majority of today, then grind out the Deepstack tourney tomorrow.

Feeling good and happy to be back at the tables.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
07-08-2014 , 03:43 PM
I've only skimmed to this point so I can only give some general observations:

1. Positional awareness is lacking. I'm seeing some bad SB completions, which are exacerbated by bets into the field with like 2nd pair etc. Just muck most of these hands and consider checking the flop even when you have a little something. It'll make it easier to get some value later as well as keep the pots smaller. Also raising some trouble hands in EP (like KJs). They look nice, but in that spot are probably best left alone.

2. I see a pattern of betting just to bet. It doesn't seem like you know what you're trying to accomplish with your bets. There are some spots where a cbet seems iffy and you bet it anyway, and then a turn bet is outright suicidal and with a blank turn you fire away. Think about what your bets are aimed to do before you throw the chips in. You'll start finding spots to save money by not betting with a low chance of success.

Good luck. I hope your bankroll climbs at an ever higher rate.

A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
07-09-2014 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by spikeraw22
I've only skimmed to this point so I can only give some general observations:

1. Positional awareness is lacking. I'm seeing some bad SB completions, which are exacerbated by bets into the field with like 2nd pair etc. Just muck most of these hands and consider checking the flop even when you have a little something. It'll make it easier to get some value later as well as keep the pots smaller. Also raising some trouble hands in EP (like KJs). They look nice, but in that spot are probably best left alone.

2. I see a pattern of betting just to bet. It doesn't seem like you know what you're trying to accomplish with your bets. There are some spots where a cbet seems iffy and you bet it anyway, and then a turn bet is outright suicidal and with a blank turn you fire away. Think about what your bets are aimed to do before you throw the chips in. You'll start finding spots to save money by not betting with a low chance of success.

Good luck. I hope your bankroll climbs at an ever higher rate.

Thanks for reading and I appreciate the advice.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
07-09-2014 , 05:42 AM
Just finished up a rough session tonight -- I actually found a pretty good game that ran into the wee hours of the morning but ended up stuck 2 buyins, not the way I wanted to start off July.

I definitely paid off too much in tough spots so that's something I can take away. I also think I played a much more aggressive style preflop tonight, which may have put me in more higher variance spots that didn't go my way. I'm really happy with my play preflop, but my postflop play and hand reading need some work. Since I'm really focusing on better preflop play this month, I can be pleased with my start there (attacking limpers, narrowing my opening range, limiting SB completes,etc.). However I may need to consider less high variance plays while I continue to work on my game and build my bankroll.

All in all, I can charge it to the game, wake up tomorrow a better player and continue to improve.

Tomorrow is a deepstack tourney and I need to get to sleep to be fresh for the grind. I'm sure I can shake off tonight's session and play better poker.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
07-10-2014 , 07:38 AM
LOL What an evening -- I played the Deepstacks tournament and fired two bullets, but that didn't work out. Afterwards I logged a few hours of cash and was able to leave +198 on the session which was encouraging.

Later in the evening, I met up with my stepdad who's staying with me at the Trop. Out of boredom, I went to check out the poker room and the two games they had going looked great. I hopped into one but ran pretty cold early on. I stayed patient though and was able to leave at about even, despite the game being extremely profitable.

However, the problem arose after my session. I walked over to the main cage to cash out and as I was walking back to my room, an older female security guard approached saying that I couldn't go through the way I was going. I was confused at first and albeit a little tired so as I'm figuring out which way to go a Spanish make security approaches us in an aggressive manner shouting that I can't be in the area. Apparently, I was in an area of the slots where they were emptying the machines.

As I'm trying to figure out where I needed to go, the male security guard continues to shout over the female guard and myself and calls on his radio that I'm causing a scene. I tried to calm him down and let him know that I'm confused about how to get back to my room and he grabs my arm in an attempt to move me. I immediately grabbed my arm away from him and at that point other security guards approached as well as the security manager.

While the male security guard continues to be aggressive in tone, a younger female security steps in and tells me to just come with her so I can get to where I need to go and she directs me to the South Tower on the path that was literally two steps away from me (my initial confusion also stemmed from asking the older security guard if I could take the path and she said no). While there, I spoke with the security manager about what happened and gave an account of the issue to file a report.

I'm going to follow up on it a little in the morning just to make sure it didn't get brushed aside but I can't say I'd recommend playing at the Trop to any buddies nor do I think I'd be back any time soon, especially if the issue is taken up by higher management.

I'm just happy I grew up in South Jamaica and was raised not to take any **** like that. If I was some tourist or something, this guy could've done whatever he wanted and possibly just gotten away with it. Fortunately I remained calm (my poker face was on point), and I didn't act aggressively even after the guy tried to grab my arm.

Hopefully issues like that aren't the norm though. Time to get to bed and get some rest for my grind today.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
07-10-2014 , 11:20 AM
I still plan on ending up at the Borgata today, but I won't be able to contact you because my phone appears to be dead. I'll keep an eye out.
A dream is a dream deferred no longer! Quote
