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Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school

01-09-2013 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Live_it_Twice
Ha...well played. I guess I am being kind of a whiny bastard and should probably grow up
lol. Well, good luck. I hope the poker goes well!
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-09-2013 , 05:48 PM
Not my business ofc, but this is not the way to live a good life, imo.
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-11-2013 , 08:59 PM
Well I took the advice and told my gf last night and I feel like a total douche for ever thinking I should keep it from her. Not only was she ok with me playing poker, it excited her that I was doing something out of the ordinary for once in my life. Basically a really bad read by me!

So session one starts in about 30 minutes, gotta get it started right. I'll try to note any interesting spots tonight
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-12-2013 , 11:28 AM
Good +EV decision
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-12-2013 , 11:40 AM
Good lock op glad things went well with your gf. Maybe your read on your parents will be a bit off too? I bet that if they are rational and you keep the conversation away from dollar amounts you will survive. That being said I know my parents aren't rational so do as you will.
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-12-2013 , 01:06 PM
I know you disagree, but as everyone else wrote before - if you tell the people closest to you that your´re doing something like an MBA thing and then someone finds out what you´re really doing, for the rest of your life you will not be able to go to a business trip out of town without people looking at you in a strange way. How about going for 2 month vacation touring Europe, visiting all sorts of casinos on the way and then playing poker was just part of your vacation.

My girlfriend knows I play a bit of poker and she gives me time off, so I can be focused and not get distracted. My ex-wife couldn´t accept that it was just a bit of fun for me, and kept arguing about it as if I had a major gambling problem when in fact I was just grinding the lowest of microstakes. Taught me the hard way that if a woman can´t accept you the way you are, you´re going to be in for some major trouble.
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-12-2013 , 02:23 PM
^ Women are irrational by nature. That's why you can't argue with them, it's impossible. Men argue with facts, or at least what we think are facts. Women argue with emotion. If she's dead set on poker being a gambling addiction, it's damn hard to change her mind. She should be in the kitchen making us sammiches while we grind, anyway. Bitch.
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-12-2013 , 03:43 PM

Lying to your parents isn't wise, neither is letting them hinder you from pursuing your passions.

If you've told your employer that you're taking grad classes and need to get off work early because of it, and you are in fact not doing so, you need to make that clear to your employer as soon as possible. I would recommend going back to them and letting them know that you have decided not to take the night classes after all, but, you have decided to pursue an alternate hobby/passion/life experience/money making opportunity that will require the same amount of time dedication as figured for school. Then request there be no change to your leaving work early on Fridays, but under the understanding that you're not being dishonest about going to school.

The above lie has the potential to damage your career, reputation, and future employment opportunities. You've heard the saying it's not what you know but who you know? Who you know more often than not means who you know that trusts you. Set yourself up to be known for your competence, work ethic, and trustworthiness, rather than the opposite.

The worst that can happen if your honest is you might lose a few hours of table time on Friday nights. The worst that can happen if you continue to be dishonest is you might lose your job if found out.

Don't get me wrong, none of the above has much to do with the poker aspect. You're employer isn't going to care about you playing poker per say, but you're employer is going to care greatly about being lied to.

Online poker is not the end all be all of poker as many claim. It requires a different skill set than live poker, though it is transferable to live poker. I recommend sticking to one or the other, until one or the other is severely limited in opportunity, then expand accordingly.

Tl:dr Stop giving people reasons to doubt your maturity, trustworthiness, and decision making.
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-12-2013 , 03:46 PM
By the way...Good Luck
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-22-2013 , 12:17 PM
Any updates from the past two weekends?????
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-22-2013 , 02:34 PM
Sorry for not updating the last couple of weeks. Been an eventful 10 days. Two weekends ago went ok poker wise, bought in for 200 at a drunken 1/2 table that Friday, played pretty tight with the craziness that was going on but was able to double up with Kings. Lost two medium pots with 2 pair after one guy check called all the way down with his 8-3 suited to make his flush. Last spade comes on the river and he shoves and I fold. He proudly flips over his monster 8-3. Second time I flopped two pair and another old dude flopped trips and didnt raise once. Just called every raise I put out there.

Ended that night up 95. Saturday I was about even all day and then lost my stack with Queens against a super aggro high school basketball coach. Coach had Aces this time....

Sunday I wasn't getting anything going until I flopped the nut flush two hands in a row from the blinds. Went from about 150 to 425 real quick. Nothing eventful after that though and ended up 190 on the day. So up about 85 for the weekend. Which ill take!

But poker was on the back burner these last 10 days as I found out that my gf was pregnant. LOL at me being scared to tell my parents about gambling....also that explained why the gf was so supportive of my poker, she had a little secret herself!

I was in semi freakout mode this last weekend and didnt play poker while at the casino. Instead I accidentally won about 6k on a blackjack sidebet when I was betting 100 a hand with 25 on the side bet, hit the 250-1. Figured that was a sign I should quit being an immature douche and went back and told the gf that we had to tell our families.

So we did Sunday night and the response was as expected from my side. Had to hide sharp objects from my mom for a couple hours, but yesterday they called and apologized for their reaction and things look to be ok for now. So yeah....eventful 10 days.

Tldr- no noteworthy poker, gonna be a dad, won 6k trying to throw money away along with my dreams, everything turned out ok
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-22-2013 , 02:41 PM
Oh and I told my dad about the poker and his response was, "Oh ya think son? I work with two of the guys taking your money every month!"

This thread is way less exciting than originally planned...
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-23-2013 , 09:21 AM
Congrats on the kid, congrats on the 6k, and congrats on being honest. Good luck in the future man.
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
01-23-2013 , 10:42 AM
Gratz all around. Remember the more blackjack you play the more you are throwing your money away.
Double life- Secretely grind 1/2NL while family/friends think I go to school Quote
