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Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker

05-30-2012 , 03:38 PM
KK: At lower stakes I would say it's a fold: such bets (similar to river x/r's) are strong hands normally (until you've got some reads at least).

TT: Seems an easy bet OTT and a crying fold OTR: you had got crazy odds, but...

GL at NL50!!!
Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
05-30-2012 , 04:05 PM

KK hand the villain played his hand face up and showed up with think it was QTs but you live and learn.
Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
06-01-2012 , 10:34 AM
May Results

Pretty good month although didnt get as much volume as i would have liked and ended up falling way short for Goldstar and also my target of making 30 Buyins in the month.

Going to continue shot taking NL50 and must remember to not open my game up too much and remember that when people play bac at me most of the time they will do it with the nuts because most peoples mentality seems to be tighten up rather than loosen up against me.

Got a load of stufff i want to do with my blog and a few articles ready to go, one of them should be a decent read on playing against short stacks and hopefully can get another video out at some point but we will see.

All the best to you all for june.
Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
06-01-2012 , 12:18 PM
Having to play NL25 at work as i dont want to be in the middle of a hand and have to close down if i get a customer. Still having a lot of fun at NL25 though but if anything im getting a bit too confident in how easy and face up the villains seem to play. need to reel it in a touch. Anyway couple of hands that look interesting:-

Villain is 30/15 and his line on the river makes no sense and when it dosnt make sense it makes for a call.

    Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 8 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    BTN: $25 (100 bb)
    SB: $21.83 (87.3 bb)
    BB: $10.45 (41.8 bb)
    UTG+2: $25 (100 bb)
    MP1: $39.38 (157.5 bb)
    MP2: $35.09 (140.4 bb)
    MP3: $38.75 (155 bb)
    Hero (CO): $25 (100 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is CO with 9 K
    4 folds, Hero raises to $0.75, BTN folds, SB calls $0.65, BB folds

    Flop: ($1.75) 9 4 4 (2 players)
    SB checks, Hero bets $1, SB calls $1

    Turn: ($3.75) J (2 players)
    SB checks, Hero bets $2.40, SB calls $2.40

    River: ($8.55) 5 (2 players)
    SB checks, Hero bets $2, SB raises to $6, Hero calls $4

    Villain here is a straight forward Tag, other guy is 66/0 fish hence the call pre.
    My line ok? His hand looks like KK/QQ to me. I dont think i ever have the best hand by the river here.

      Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 8 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

      SB: $19.22 (76.9 bb)
      BB: $25.25 (101 bb)
      UTG+2: $20.46 (81.8 bb)
      MP1: $25 (100 bb)
      MP2: $28.60 (114.4 bb)
      MP3: $10.25 (41 bb)
      Hero (CO): $26 (104 bb)
      BTN: $24.51 (98 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is CO with J T
      UTG+2 raises to $0.75, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.75, BTN folds, SB calls $0.65, BB folds

      Flop: ($2.50) 5 J A (3 players)
      SB checks, UTG+2 checks, Hero bets $1.40, SB folds, UTG+2 calls $1.40

      Turn: ($5.30) 7 (2 players)
      UTG+2 checks, Hero bets $4.70, UTG+2 calls $4.70

      River: ($14.70) 3 (2 players)
      UTG+2 checks, Hero bets $19.15 and is all-in,

      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-02-2012 , 11:44 AM
      K9s hand: his line makes sense as JJ (if he doesnt 3bet often pre) and maybe 55 if he likes to hero call. rarely 9x. his bluffing range is mainly missed fds. after all it's a bad spot to bluff, making it a great spot to value raise. i think it is close, your sizing otr makes it harder to weight how often he bluffs (with no reads). i think that when u decide to bet river with that sizing u really have to evaluate before if u are inducing more bluffs. if u did nice hand!

      JTs hand: not sure i like betting otf. not many cards we are scared of. once u start betting otf i like db ott just to make him fold QQ-KK, but once he calls there i give up otr as i don't see many hands he take this line with that fold otr. i mean he vbets tp otf, he folds second pairs ott, once he gets to the river the chances he slowplayed a set (usually AA) are very high imo.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-02-2012 , 04:00 PM
      K9s: Villain's line makes no sense, you're right (esp. b/c he raised small). I only fold because they never bluff raise OTR (or not often enough).

      JTs: I'm not sure about the flop c-bet either but I like your line OTT and OTR as played.

      EDIT: Nice May results! Congrats!
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-03-2012 , 05:43 AM
      Thanks guys. First hand villain showed up with A8o My feeling in the hand was that his line just didnt make sense and i always get intrigued and call.

      I had the same last night, i raised AK and an uber nit called. Flop came Axx and i decided to check call as his range is face up and he checks behind the flop. I min bet the turn and river and he raised the river which was a Ten. When a nit raises i should be worried i guess because i called to see he had hit his 2 outer on the river.

      2nd hand villain folded the river so i guess he had a stubborn KK/QQ. Im always in 2 minds on the river because i feel i check behind here and see KK/QQ a lot and get pissed because he should fold on the turn and its a weird line to take if he has a big hand with the fish in the pot. Agree though that theres not much point betting the flop although i guess the fish makes it close and the reg checking to fold a lot of the time.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-05-2012 , 01:35 PM
      Nice post on your blog regarding TST dude defo gonna setup mine like that
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-05-2012 , 01:58 PM
      Awesome OP, looking forward to your progress, gonna subscribe to this thread. Good luck MartL!!
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-05-2012 , 03:10 PM
      Thanks guys. Link for anyone who is interested:- TableScan Turbo Set Up
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-05-2012 , 04:09 PM
      Its looking like i may have the same problems moving up that i had 2 years ago. As stupid as it sounds im running pretty well when taking shots so im seeing that im up and then wanting to book the win and finish playing which is a tad frustrating.

      My first impressions of the level are that there dosnt seem to be that much difference between this and NL25 which was the case on FT and some of the players are terrible and a lot of the regs ive encountered seem to be pretty abc but all that might change once they get some reads on me because at the moment im playing 24/19 with a 7% 3bet so i must be looking very loose to them.

      Only thing i do notice is that tables seem to break relatively quickly and im constantly having to open new tables as the regs sit out. So far so good though and hopefully by the end of the month ive got a good few hands under my belt and feeling a bit more comfortable.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-08-2012 , 09:49 AM
      Just posted another NL25 video session which should be a lot better quality than the first one i made:- NL25 Multi Table Session
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-08-2012 , 01:53 PM
      Changed the domain name of my blog for anyone who is interested, its now
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-16-2012 , 03:39 AM
      Looks like im heading for a ban.

      Turns out blogspam is not allowed yet i cant find a moderator to point me to a section in the 2+2 T&C`s that says as much. This is despite posting in the Bot thread where a moderator clearly posts before and after my posts that mention my blog.

      Anyway it seems the mod in question is now trawling my posts and im going to get infractions for each time ive mentioned it which will obviously lead to a ban.

      Maybe i will just cross reference any posts or something.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-16-2012 , 04:44 AM
      On that note as well, the thing that really grinds is that posts that clearly take the pee are just on the whole left alone and then theres the whole paid coaching listings where there more than a few dodgy things that go on. I mean people pay for those listings which im guessing is to help protect the community but then the listings arnt even verified and people are free to bend the truth as much as they like which was what happened in one of the higher profile cases on there.

      You have people offering coaching who cant even offer up genuine results but that is ok by 2+2 because they have paid for it, maybe they should have a blog list somewhere.............
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-16-2012 , 05:35 AM

      Sucks dude, cant see how its fair that each time you have mentioned it = an infraction, when it seems you didn't get warned for it beforehand, slap on the wrist then move forward imo.. especially as your an active member that actually takes time to help others.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-16-2012 , 06:28 AM
      Originally Posted by Claret~N~Blue

      Sucks dude, cant see how its fair that each time you have mentioned it = an infraction, when it seems you didn't get warned for it beforehand, slap on the wrist then move forward imo.. especially as your an active member that actually takes time to help others.
      To be fair i did get a warning for it before and then recieved 2 infractions for it today. But one of the infractions was for a post made ages back and i also asked the mod to point me to the section in the T&C and basically got pointed to a thread in NVG that wasnt really relevant so it looks more like unwritten rules than anything. I wouldnt mind if i were spamming but each time i have mentioned it i have felt that it were relevant, either be it in this thread, the video i posted in the Micro thread or the piece on the bots.

      Oh well. I guess there will be a way round it like posting any articles on here with a courtesy of...... on the bottom.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-16-2012 , 06:07 PM
      Hey Mart,
      Just watched ur video. Interesting, i was forgetting how FR games are like. I am glad to see u playing this well, i feel like u are now taking advantage of thinner spots than the last time i saw u playing. I would have played pretty much all the session the same, but in some spots. Sometimes it is hard to follow, with so many tables though. i wonder how you can actually play.


      11.00: AK i would flat vs SS 3bet here. I think we are ahead of his range. Plus IO for the times he 3bets with an A blocker
      13.30: JT turn cbet is too thin imo. no draws out there. I would prolly xf here.
      KTo otb I would prolly 3b as a bluff IP
      17.47: AQo i would reiso the fish on CO. We are IP. OR doesnt seem a nit and the fish can flat with much worse.
      18.00: KQs. pre is ok especially with the fish behind. I would Call river, looks like TT-JJ blockbetting, or weak Ax but not many given his position. I was also thinking about bluff raising to make him fold some better hands, but odds are too good.
      19.00: K2s reasoning for barrelling ott?
      22.00: 66 i would flat his small 3b IP here. i know it is not great to setmine in 3b pots, but we have position and his sizing gives us a decent price.
      88 hand vs. Fish i like the bet ott K as a two way bet. He still calls with draws (value) and he might fold couple of better PPs (bluff)
      28.30: A8s. Here we cant really get much value, i like the flop check. Once he check back i think he never has air but a SDV hand. We can go for one street of value maximum here. I think i would check turn as well, most people would bet any PP after two checks. River is meh even if your sizing could induce, given that his range is mainly sdv hands, i think he would just bluff catch and never raise u with worse.

      Gl mart, wp
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-17-2012 , 05:57 AM
      Thanks for the comments baohoa, really appreciate them especially with what your going through at the moment. Yes it gets a bit hectic at times but ive got used to it now and although i do miss reads that i would get while watching each table i feel i more than make up for it by been less tilty playing this way.

      Just about to check out the video in line with the comments you make but i see the JT hand mentioned and that was one that stood out for me as i played as quite a big mistake so will go and take a further look now.

      AK i cant believe i folded watching the video back. I think the only thing i was worried about was how tight the opener was. I guess i could just shove as well and the opener cant really call without AA/KK which is hard to have.

      JT Turn cbet is way too thin. Defo check/fold here.

      AQ agree that i could 3bet and get a call off the fish here. I guess i dont even need to make it that big because the opener has to play pretty honest.

      KQs again i agree and think a raise there would be pretty sweet because like you say he dosnt look too strong.

      K2s yep thats pretty gross. I guess my thinking is most bad regs are going to raise JJ on the flop and probably AA/KK and possibly AK pre flop so i dont expect him to be strong that often just flatting the flop and think i can get a fold by looking pretty strong. Pretty high variance though.

      66 I think if he was full stacked i would probably have called, i think bigger PP`s i may have called as well.

      88 Hand i think this is a spot where a lot of people would simply close down and stop betting when its a pretty clear value bet vs the fish and like you say there is the odd better hand that he may fold as well.

      A8s hand sucked a bit as his range is pretty face up and i have a lot of fun making small bets and getting paid off when villains are crushed but wont call bigger bets. River is a fold because each and every time i have face a river raise and i think i have induced a raise they have always hit their 2 outer.

      Thanks a lot for going over the video for me like i say i appreciate it. Ttyl.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-17-2012 , 06:29 AM
      Oh and forgot to mention that ive decided to set myself some sort of challenge. Anyone who knows me knows about my tilt problems and the biggest one i have is checking my database constantly while playing to see if i won or lost.

      Well ive been playing poker long enough now to know that(touch wood) i am a winning player, this coupled with the fact that i dont do much hand reviews or stats reviews because a lot of my mistakes tend to be obvious ones and a lot of my stats just fall in to normal ranges as i play, so im going to see how long i can go without checking my balance or my Hem.

      At the moment im not sure that i can go a session without doing it so anything longer than that will be a bonus but its going to be an ongoing thing and just see how i do, hopefully this will make my decisions at the tables better rather them been decided on whether im up or down in a session. Will keep this updated.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-21-2012 , 12:42 PM
      The No Look Hem Challenge is going well for me so far. Ive played about 5 or 6 sessions without looking now and do feel pretty confident at the tables because i know im making decent decisions. If anything im probably too confident and pushing the boundaries a bit too much.

      I wouldnt at all be surprised to see myself playing something like 22/17 with something like an 8% 3bet stat at the moment. I know im up in the challenge but not sure how much so thats going to be interesting to find out when i do eventually look. Will be very happy if i make it to the end of the month.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-21-2012 , 01:05 PM
      just looking through ur blog, saw your playing pool again, hows the season going for you? you in a new team starting at the bottom?
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-21-2012 , 03:41 PM
      Originally Posted by MartL
      The No Look Hem Challenge is going well for me so far. Ive played about 5 or 6 sessions without looking now and do feel pretty confident at the tables because i know im making decent decisions. If anything im probably too confident and pushing the boundaries a bit too much.

      I wouldnt at all be surprised to see myself playing something like 22/17 with something like an 8% 3bet stat at the moment. I know im up in the challenge but not sure how much so thats going to be interesting to find out when i do eventually look. Will be very happy if i make it to the end of the month.
      The itch to look has already begun ...
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-21-2012 , 05:28 PM
      Originally Posted by YouFaiil
      just looking through ur blog, saw your playing pool again, hows the season going for you? you in a new team starting at the bottom?
      Same team ive played for a while now. Think we are top of the league and just knocked a Premier league team out of the cup, they wernt happy.

      Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
      The itch to look has already begun ...
      I will be strong......
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
      06-22-2012 , 12:09 PM
      Dam had to have a look. Played a session where i started well and then it went down hill and Tiltbreaker kicked in and i had to have a nosey. So managed 7 sessions and was up 6 buyins in about 3K hands. Quite happy but not happy I had a look. Back on the horse now and see if i can do more than 7 this time. Results wise it looks like im running consistently at about 10bb/100 in my hands at NL25, i know i can do better but i really should be taking more shots.

      Last edited by MartL; 06-22-2012 at 12:15 PM.
      Dont Be Scared - Rags To Bitches: A Story Of Triumph, Women, And Poker Quote
