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Destroying the turbo MTTSNGs (and MTTs) Destroying the turbo MTTSNGs (and MTTs)

09-11-2018 , 09:42 PM
Hello 2p2, Iīm back. This time my goal is to learn how to play (and crush) poker tournaments. This is a format that Iīve played for many years as a side activity when I got tilted or bored from playing uNL. I have some understanding about push/fold game, but it is still very rudimentary. Other than that, Iīm just a beginner.

This was my last thread. I quit updating it (as I did with all previous threads) because of my ridiculously low winrate (and the huge downswings that occur because of that) and tilt. I finally decided that I do not have the proper mindset to beat cash games besides the lowest limits (and I lack the proper skills obv), and the odds of fulfilling my dreams of climbing the stakes are close to 0 at cash. At MTTs they seem to be a little higher than that, from my limited experience, since up to this day I never tilted at tournaments (like I did playing cash), and even if I start to tilt tomorrow, the impact on my BR should be way lower.

So here I am. Due to going on full monkey tilt yesterday, my br is $682.03 atm (down from a little over $1,000.00). My plan is to grind all turbo MTTSNGs between $0.10 and $1 (>= 90 players) plus some non SNGs (only turbos) below $1. I'll be playing only Stars atm, as I think itīs unnecessary to add more sites playing this low. With this plan and a huge sample, I expect my BR to grow back to where it was, and after getting there Iīll be adding higher buy-ins. Iīll be satisfied if I can manage to play with an ABI of about 1000 BIs at all times.

I will also take active measures to restrict myself from playing any cash game from now on. My plan is to play at least 5 days a week, and update this thread after all sessions, winning or losing (I know, I know, easier said than done), being successful or busting my entire roll.

Tomorrow will be my first day on this new challenge. See you all on the tables.
Destroying the turbo MTTSNGs (and MTTs) Quote
09-12-2018 , 03:58 PM

Played an OK volume today, 4:19 and 29 tournaments. Considering that my self imposed table cap is 12 tables, those lower MTTSNGs donīt run very often and the maximum I reached simultaneously was 10, Iīm prettty happy with that volume.

Reached the FT 3 times, one in the $1 90 man, and two in the $0.10 360 man MTTSNG, but couldnīt close anything, so ended up losing a little bit today. Still happy that I managed to not lose a lot, since itīs my first tournament session after many months. I guess having spent about one hour putting all the push/fold/call charts into my memory helped. Still need to improve my knowledge about all the hands >= 50%, but below that I pretty much know them all almost by heart.

So, here are my results:

BR before session: $682.03
BR after session: $680.35
Result: ($1.68)
Tournaments played: 29
Session length: 4:19
ABI: $0.42

ABI a little lower than I would expect (I like to play overrolled since Iīm a huge BR nit, but 1000x is enough to satisfy my nitty needs). Tomorrow gonna add at least one 2.20 turbo that run during this time. Will study now, and later I promise some interesting hands, if I can find any.
Destroying the turbo MTTSNGs (and MTTs) Quote
09-12-2018 , 04:17 PM
stop being such a nit. If you feel like you are winning you should definetly play higher at this point, playing $0,10 sngs is a waste of time with your bankroll
Destroying the turbo MTTSNGs (and MTTs) Quote
09-12-2018 , 04:48 PM
Iīll get a bigger sample, and if I see myself winning with a nice ROI, maybe I can drop my ABI requirements to 500x. Playing turbos and mixing some bigger fields so 500x is the limit at any time.

Also, dropping the 0.10s would mean adding the 2.50s otherwise I would have to play half the volume, and as far as I can remember they were reg infested (and there are people playing those sngs for a living) so I donīt want to play those games while Iīm still "new".

But I will make the effort to move up asap. Thanks @someonegood.

Couldnīt find any interesting hand, most are just standard spots, bad beats, a few coolers, pf set ups and thatīs it.
Destroying the turbo MTTSNGs (and MTTs) Quote
09-12-2018 , 05:20 PM
If you still dont feel comfortable enough with your game sticking to the lower limits and being conservative is good, but once you are good enough you should use fairly agressive brm and move up fast, as these limits are very soft eventhough there are some regs in them.
With your br I would be playing $2,50 180 mans, $3,50 45 man and the $4,50 on demand, that have a slow structure and are very soft and fun

Anyways, do what you think is better and gl
Destroying the turbo MTTSNGs (and MTTs) Quote
09-12-2018 , 05:31 PM
Thanks man, really appreciated. Good luck!
Destroying the turbo MTTSNGs (and MTTs) Quote
