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Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200)

05-16-2014 , 02:34 AM
your PLO ROI should be muuuch higher than NLHE, right? (really not positive..what is standard?). But yeah, that's a big reason why playing low table count of lower midstakes non-turbo MTTs is really just not a good idea and not worth the variance... as field sizes are often huge as well. Gotta double or more that ABI to really make it comparable to any hourly that would make ya happy.

Sorry about your buddy, Big Huni (good high stakes sicko) got dengue in costa rica right before PCA this year as well. He lives on pacific side of costa rica. He had a full recovery, and iirc a lot of hydration is about the best you can do if his symptoms aren't insane. Oral rehydration salts (sales de rehidracion) should be available and im sure the physician there is taking care of things proper.

GL closing out scoops!
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-17-2014 , 11:54 AM
Came down with some sort of sickness yesterday. Thankfully, I have flamethrower diarrea, which means its not dengue.

This is the first time I can remember being sick in about 2 years. The timing is pretty bad. Today im feeling around 70-80%, but not good enough to play MTTs. No way I could play a 8-12 hour sesión.

Today its all about rest, wáter, and orange juice. Hoping im good to play tmrw.

Last edited by Alobar; 05-17-2014 at 10:45 PM.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-17-2014 , 12:12 PM
Get well soon, also hope Zac is ok too
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-18-2014 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Aesah
Get well soon, also hope Zac is ok too
Zac´s fine. Im feeling better today. Im gonna fire up some tables. May play main event depending on how Im feeling in a couple hours.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-18-2014 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by tmckendry
Thankfully, I have flamethrower diarrea
This is most likely the first time these five words in this order have ever been written, spoken, or even occurred as a thought, in the history of mankind.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-18-2014 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by machi5
This is most likely the first time these five words in this order have ever been written, spoken, or even occurred as a thought, in the history of mankind.
Lol so true. Hope you guys recover ASAP.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-18-2014 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by TheTyman9
Lol so true
Haha yeah, I felt ridiculous writing it.

I only played a few events today. Only 1 staked event, 215 on FT, cashed $441.92.

Im feeling a bit better. My stomach wont accept foods so energy levels die off pretty quick.

SCOOP is wrapped up. I broke even. Ill have to sort out the package tomorrow or tonight. Blah ,thats going to take awhile.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-19-2014 , 08:38 PM
Hmm Zac re-sick ,Im feeling good. Costa seems to be pretty common for tourists getting sick. Humidity brews up some sickly stuff.

I biked into town today and checked it out. Pretty sweet place. Its about 9 blocks and has no commercial buildings , but has tons of restaurants/hostels/bars. Prices are not that cheap though. Close to US prices even at the local looking places. Supermarket prices are comparable aswell.

There is a group of about 10 western europeans that just moved into a house nearby my place. They are volunteering at the Jaguar rescue center for a few weeks. Most of them are hot 19 year old girls. Yes.

Im going to the Jaguar rescue camp tmrw. Excited. Also I want to check out turtle island. Will try and get pics from both.

Also, $10-$20 hu plo on sealswithclubs?! wtffff may have to register
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-19-2014 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by tmckendry

Also, $10-$20 hu plo on sealswithclubs?! wtffff may have to register
More like 10swc/20swc. You get 1000swc/BTC IIRC

1 BTC = ~$440 so 10/20 is $4.40/$8.80
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-19-2014 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
More like 10swc/20swc. You get 1000swc/BTC IIRC

1 BTC = ~$440 so 10/20 is $4.40/$8.80
It was .02-.05 BTC on pokerscout. I used and it said .05 BTC = $22.29 USD
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-19-2014 , 09:23 PM
I didn't see 25/50 running when I checked the lobby but I do see someone sitting there now. GL if you deposit there.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-20-2014 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I didn't see 25/50 running when I checked the lobby but I do see someone sitting there now. GL if you deposit there.
midstakes+ HU appears pretty regularly, normally 1 table above $1-$2 about half the time I check. I dont plan on signing up on it anytime soon, ill leave the fishies to you.

I tried playing some $1-2 zoom today. Games seemed way tougher than $1-2 bovada, as I expected. Certainly still lots of fishy business going on, but overall bb-100 around half bovada. I played pretty poorly, and not very long. Shooting for 2k hands tomorrow.

I went to the Jaguar rescue center today. It was awesome, but somehow they have no Jaguars. However, they did have a wide variety of animals with various injuries. Monkeys missing eyes, owls afraid of prey, hawks with chronic flamethrower diarrea, tucans missing wings etc. Cool experience, I recommend it.

Turns out there is a stomach virus going around the área I{m in. Supposedly, a couple days after you start to feel normal it comes back again to wreck havoc. This is what happened to Zac. Ive been fine 2 days now. Tomorrow may be ****ty.

As for tomorrow... 2k hands 1-2 zoom. 1 hour review. Beach. Chocolate Factory tour.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-21-2014 , 01:06 AM
^ any particular reason for zoom instead of regular tables? tbh ive always felt zoom was the ultimate rock garden
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-21-2014 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by danny356
^ any particular reason for zoom instead of regular tables? tbh ive always felt zoom was the ultimate rock garden
I have never been able to try zoom due to lack of HUD on a mac. I want to check it out. Your opinión is quite popular in the community though. I played with a couple regs yesterday that I thought were good. I played with book3723727, who I remember thinking was realllly good back when I played plo25.

Got a new laptop. I wanted to get i7 window 7, got dis:
Seemed pretty decent Price for specs-- thoughts from anyone who knows about computers?

I also bought an external harddrive. Time to start backing up my files/database like a responsable profesional.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-21-2014 , 04:38 PM
i7 is nice, RAM should be fine, toss in a solid state hard drive and you should be good to go. 5400 rpm is fairly slow although it should work fine, especially if you have a smallish size hud database. i dont like the screen resolution but whatever, im a nit about that. i like more usb ports but you can always get a dongle anyways to add more. I don't see how big ur video card is but doesn't matter a whole lot anyways for the pokers as long as it connects to an external monitor. I am far from a computer wizz, have just figured out what works for me over time and doing research.

you could even skip the external hard drive and just get a converter kit thing for the 1TB HD that is already in the computer, use that as external, and then buy your SSD to use which is dedicated for ur database and computer program type stuff, then keep music, movies, porn, pics, whatever...on the external. buying a separate external HD is so cheap anyways though, doesn't matter much either way.

updates on hot 19 year olds?!?!
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-21-2014 , 06:17 PM
looks kind of terrible to me 1366 x 768 a 5400 HDD and an old operating system

edit:also consider backing files to the cloud so you never have to worry about any hardware malfunctions
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-21-2014 , 09:34 PM
Is it terrible for the Price point? I know it isnt a top of the line machine, I am more interested in value. For serious online grinds im going to have an external monitor. That will probably be border line for this machine. Playing say 10-12 tables on an external monitor, running pt4, and music. That will rarely happen. I{m going to use it mostly for browsing and 4-8 tabling bovada/wsop/888.

Nothing much happened as of yet /w 19 year olds. I ran into one of them today but was speed walking back from the beach to use the bathroom.

It turns out the chocolate Factory tour is tomorrow. Will go tomorrow.

Ive been making my way through Catch 22, its been quite entertaining thus far, and certainly a bit on the strange side. There is a lot going on and I havent quite put it all together yet. It feels like there is a major theme that I{m missing.

Just updated HUD on this crap-ola laptop. Im using positional RFI/3b vs stats in my HUD. Thats actually the majority of my HUD now. I find its what I check the HUD for the most often, so I mine as well have it readily available. 500 moar hands for the day. Running super hot aiev wise, but getting crushed situationally. Lots of strange stuff going on. I had someone c-r bottom 2 pair and triple off? Also had someone flat a 3b with AA77ss IP 115bb deep. Flopped TP and 2nd nfd. He has overpair and NFD obv.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-22-2014 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by tmckendry
...was speed walking back from the beach to use the bathroom... It turns out the chocolate Factory tour is tomorrow.
Sounds like it was today.

Apologies, but this could simply not be passed up.

/poop jokes
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-22-2014 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by machi5
Sounds like it was today.

Apologies, but this could simply not be passed up.

/poop jokes
N1 A+
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-22-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by tmckendry
midstakes+ HU appears pretty regularly, normally 1 table above $1-$2 about half the time I check. I dont plan on signing up on it anytime soon, ill leave the fishies to you.

I tried playing some $1-2 zoom today. Games seemed way tougher than $1-2 bovada, as I expected. Certainly still lots of fishy business going on, but overall bb-100 around half bovada. I played pretty poorly, and not very long. Shooting for 2k hands tomorrow.

I went to the Jaguar rescue center today. It was awesome, but somehow they have no Jaguars. However, they did have a wide variety of animals with various injuries. Monkeys missing eyes, owls afraid of prey, hawks with chronic flamethrower diarrea, tucans missing wings etc. Cool experience, I recommend it.

Turns out there is a stomach virus going around the área I{m in. Supposedly, a couple days after you start to feel normal it comes back again to wreck havoc. This is what happened to Zac. Ive been fine 2 days now. Tomorrow may be ****ty.

As for tomorrow... 2k hands 1-2 zoom. 1 hour review. Beach. Chocolate Factory tour.
Don't you find that PLO Zoom is full of nits passing money between each other and getting slowly eaten up by the rake? Where's the value in playing in that kind of game?
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-22-2014 , 10:29 PM
Hmm I have found zoom to be tough, as expected. It does have lots of nits, but not much more than normal tables. Its more TAG than nitty too. I have no regs under 20 vpip, and only a couple under 15 pfr. Most regs have a 3b of 6-8%, which isnt really nitty. I{m one of the nittier players in the player pool running at 25/17/5.

I believe im a winner in the game, but there is at least one reg playing at any time whom I think is better than me.

119.2 hours on the month with a goal of 120 hours.

Graph thus far:

Its pretty rosy. Im running really well situationally last 1k hands. I won a huge pot on the river after calling the turn IP with 30% equity.

The chocolate Factory was really cool. Barely worth $26, but thats cause Im a nit and could have learned much pretty much everything online. Here is a breakdown of what I learned:
The Cocoa market is really far behind most industries. Basically, 80% of chocolate is ****ty chocolate that comes from slave labour in west Africa. They have bad production practices that are run mostly by children(seriously).
Lately, the trend has been away from the huge multinationals and more towards the smaller guys who focus on process and quality.
In this área, wet cocoa beans go for $3/kg. There are many farmers in the area to who sell wet cocoa.
You can set up fermintation pretty easily. Maybe $20-50 worth of boxes. It takes a few days to ferment the Cocoa, then you dry and roast. With a single worker and a couple hundred dollars you can get roasted beans. However, in this región those beans are $25/kg.
Bean to bar adds as much value, but requires what appears to be more expensive equipment, and cooling/labelling etc.

The guy running the operation is an older man from Tampa. He{s got a huge heart, but no business sense. He buys the wet cocoa beans at 66% above market price to try and help out the local economy. He told me his business had a huge opporunity last year that he missed out on. I asked him what it was, expecting it to be some sort of shipping unión or partnership, but he said the huge opportunity was to fly to Ghana to teach the locals how to properly harvest/cultivate Cocoa. The guy has no interest in making money. He just wants to help out the local economy. His dream is for this área to be known for great chocolate. I suggested to him he should create a Talamunca chocolate association, brand all the chocolate made from here, get some sort of trademark, and do quality control with the other local cocoa cultivators. He mauled it over and thought it was a great idea. It really is mind blowing to me that he did not think of this himself or have it suggested by someone else. I suppose that is why the business consultant industry is soooo large.

Chocolate Liquor.. Cocoa, vanilla extract, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and honey. This thing was awesome, and is healthy.

Chocolate with Garlic and sea salt. Soooo good.

View from chocolate Factory

This machine takes the roasted cocoa beans. This machine churns them around for 3 days. The Cocoa butter (fats) inside the cocoa beans créate the liquid cocoa.

Oh, and some pics from the Jaguar rescue center:

This guy was outside the center, I suppose he escaped but wanted to get back

Spider monkey


Tucan that cant fly..
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-23-2014 , 04:15 AM
haha cool stories u got there, gl man
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-23-2014 , 09:09 AM
Hey man, what were the dates that you'll be in Vegas this summer?
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-23-2014 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by mojojo16
Hey man, what were the dates that you'll be in Vegas this summer?
June1-July15. Come visit! Im offering space in my house for a couple days for friends or people I want to meet on 2+2. Couch or floor, if I remember correctly, you seem to sleep pretty heavy so it could work.

Serious thunderstorms here in Costa Today/tmrw. I just tried playing a sesión and got disconnected twice within 5 minutes. Ughhhh; shouldnt have started another hand without disc protection! Add another $20+equity to my disc losses.

Despite a short sesión, I had fun in a couple spots. Repping nothing seems to get a decent amount of folds versus nits. I find it pretty humurous. Conversely, I raised the turn repping nothing versus a fish. I missed a cbet 3ways with a pairgutter and NFD versus a fish and aggro tag. Flush came in on the turn and a guy b/3b bluffed no blocker 150bb 3b pot on a flush board.
Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
05-23-2014 , 09:52 PM
Bad day for volume, but played A-game. Would have went perfectly if my 100bb bluff worked out. His time bank almost expired Ran into the top of his range and he still almost folded:

PokerStars - $2 PL Hi FAST (6 max) - Omaha Hi - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 124.66 BB (VPIP: 15.52, PFR: 6.90, 3Bet Preflop: 3.57, Hands: 117)
SB: 329.06 BB (VPIP: 34.09, PFR: 20.45, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 44)
BB: 100 BB (VPIP: 26.09, PFR: 21.74, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 23)
UTG: 114.37 BB (VPIP: 53.33, PFR: 40.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 15)
MP: 47.49 BB (VPIP: 77.78, PFR: 22.22, 3Bet Preflop: 14.29, Hands: 9)
Hero (CO): 171.91 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K 6 K 7

UTG raises to 2 BB, fold, Hero raises to 7.5 BB, fold, fold, fold, UTG calls 5.5 BB

Flop: (16.5 BB, 2 players) 2 4 6
UTG bets 15.76 BB, Hero calls 15.76 BB

Turn: (48.02 BB, 2 players) A
UTG checks, Hero bets 29.5 BB, UTG calls 29.5 BB

River: (107.02 BB, 2 players) Q
UTG checks, Hero bets 66.5 BB, UTG calls 61.61 BB and is all-in

Hero shows K 6 K 7 (One Pair, Kings) (Pre 60%, Flop 33%, Turn 10%)
UTG shows 4 A 2 3 (Two Pair, Aces and Fours) (Pre 40%, Flop 67%, Turn 90%)
UTG wins 228.83 BB

Turn was to set up river shove. Trying to get him to fold small 2 pairs here, which I think is about 60-70% of his range when he donk pots/ch turn. The standard fish line is to peel turn because flopped 2 pairs is a strong hand, then fold river when the board looks scary and bottom two pair is probably not good. Pretty uncommon hes going to have an ace here. Too bad

Crushing PLO (PLO5-->PLO200) Quote
