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Crushing micros before the end of the year! Crushing micros before the end of the year!

06-03-2020 , 06:40 PM
I'd open smaller.
Def. go smaller on the flop.
Easy call.
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-03-2020 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by opirk
I'd open smaller.
Def. go smaller on the flop.
Easy call.
Thanks, my opens are 3bb, except BTN and SB which are 2.5bb, thought that was pretty standard?
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-03-2020 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronrevans
Thanks mate, do you mind me asking why you’d go smaller OTF?
Hey, yeah np

The board is so dry and safe, and at the same time the pot got so big, and also at the same time you have what seems to be a decent amount of recs in this hand, don´t see the point of blowing up Kx, Tx, optimistic QJ floats, by betting so big and blowing them off the hand while restricting the hands you´d get a call to a narrow range. Don´t think the 3bettor would 3bet 66 btw.

I get you have middle set, probably the best hand, and this seems a spot you´re looking for max value, but you can still play a 3 street game, get ai otr vs the main villain at least, and keep more ppl on board to maximize the $ you´ll get.

It´s a vacuum thinking obv, but vs recs I don´t think you should worry about anything else.

Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-03-2020 , 07:18 PM
I guess it is kind of preference , but I would do the exact opposite of you.
Opening smaller utg,mp,co and going bigger on the button and sb. I actually do 2,5 x everywhere and 3x from the sb.
You want to play smaller pots out of position and bigger pots in position.
Sb is a different story because only 1 to act. Against regs I open 3x and against nits who fold too much I go smaller to risk less and open more.

And to your question about the sizing on the flop. Weird spr really. 70bb in the pot already. No need to go bigger. You play 2 streets anyway. And other than sb you are 100bb deep. I like a shove more that your sizing here. Flop is pretty dry and you pretty much always have the best hand here.
Small bet(idk maybe around 20)>check>shove>your sizing imo.

Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-04-2020 , 03:56 AM
FazendieroBH, thankyou for your response, yeah when you put it like that it makes perfect sense, I just need to have that kind of logic in game time, but I guess these things just come naturally over time. I think I just **** myself and wanted to get it in before more cards came.

Opirk, yeah I think it is preference, I mean I use 3bb because it stops others coming along cheaply, and when we’re in early positions we should have a stronger hand anyways so them also calling 3bb makes the pot slightly bigger. Then I use 2.5bb on the button to give the big blind an opportunity to play with weaker hands, and the 2.5bb in the small blind got a cheap steal. I guess the different sizings in different positions have there pros and cons but they’re the reasons I use the ones I do
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-04-2020 , 05:51 AM
You should also consider going all in preflop.
There are 26 BB already in the pot.
If he calls you with JJ+ and Ak you have 33% equity.
But thats only 3% of all hands. If he 3bets 30% on average
than he will call about ervery 10th times.
You will pick up more than 200 BB until he calls you.
But if the size of the 3bet tells you that he might have a stronger 3bet range
than usual than a shove could also be -ev.
On the flop you have a total monster and therefore you should not bet big
and scary everybody away.
Maybe betting around 50% of the pot. But if it would be a hu-situation you
could even bet less than that.
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-04-2020 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Sugilite
You should also consider going all in preflop.
There are 26 BB already in the pot.
If he calls you with JJ+ and Ak you have 33% equity.
But thats only 3% of all hands. If he 3bets 30% on average
than he will call about ervery 10th times.
You will pick up more than 200 BB until he calls you.
But if the size of the 3bet tells you that he might have a stronger 3bet range
than usual than a shove could also be -ev.
On the flop you have a total monster and therefore you should not bet big
and scary everybody away.
Maybe betting around 50% of the pot. But if it would be a hu-situation you
could even bet less than that.
Thanks for your input, whilst I’d like to think I understand these concepts I definitely don’t think like this at the table, this is what I need to work on, I need to take more time making decisions. I definitely wouldn’t of thought of shoving pre if I’m honest. On top of that I need to work on my bet sizings clearly
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-04-2020 , 09:04 AM
Please do not 4b shove vs a sqz with TT, they are not calling JJ+ and AK (and I´m not only talking about the squeezer)

It would be an unbelievable spew imho.
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-04-2020 , 09:27 AM
Please do not 4b shove vs a sqz with TT, they are not calling JJ+ and AK (and I´m not only talking about the squeezer)
If he is 3betting 30% it doesnt matter how wide he calls.
Against the entire range TT has 64% equity.
There could be traps form the BTN and SB but I dont think they
will have Aces too often.
But the real question is if he would 3bet in this situation
and put a lot of chips in the middle with his entire 30% range.
Or is he only 3betting a higher % of his range in smaller pots.
Therefore you would have been at the tables and watch him play
to get an answer.
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-04-2020 , 09:45 AM
High 3bets over 100 hands or so sometimes mean just running good. Depends obv on his 3b/sqz strat from BB but still don´t think TT does that well, quite the opposite. And the traps you mentioned was exactly what I meant Anyway need to check more showdowns by him before assuming anything, like, if op has more hands he 3betted and went to showdown etc.

Anyone else has an opinion regarding shoving TTs?
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-04-2020 , 09:49 AM
Because it is such a big raise we also have to recognise that this is a very tricky situation because we dont get the correct odds for flopping three of a kind.
If he has a very strong range a fold could also be the best play.
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-05-2020 , 07:18 AM
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-05-2020 , 07:25 AM
Thanks for your input guys, I guess it really matters on the player and with only 100 odd hands we don’t have an incredible amount of information.

On a plus note moving forward, played another session last night and was 28.95 BB/100 over 871 hands so pretty happy about that, may be online again later, if not then tomorrow. Really enjoying the 16nl stake atm, however I do feel like if I got 20BI for 25nl I’d probably be out of my comfort zone but we will see, it’s all just a learning process for me right now.
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-13-2020 , 10:10 AM
Hi all, just posting to give you all an update really, things have been going ok up until my last 2 sessions, 1 of them I played pretty sloppy and last nights sessions I just run around 3.5/4BI under EV due to a bad run of cards. 1 of the hands was AA vs KK pre and villian made a K high flush and the other hand I’ll post tomorrow as I’m currently on mobile. I’ll also post my graph and how things are going at 16nl. I think I’m up to around 6-7k hands now but it’s definitely beatable for me so as soon as I stop being so sloppy at the table we will be at 25nl in no time. (I’m hoping to be there in less than 2 weeks if I can play most nights). From there I will probably stay for a while until I feel like my game has improved significantly, I’ve started reading the grinders manual also instead of watching videos on RIO so I’m hoping that will add a lot of value to my game. I’m taking the night off tonight as I’ve played I think 11/12 nights recently so a rest is needed to freshen up.
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-14-2020 , 06:46 PM
Hi all, so here's my graph so far at 16nl, things were going ok and then my last few sessions I've been running bad as you can clearly see, there's probably 2 hands on there that were a bit of a spew and lost a couple of BI's due to a bit of tilt after a few of these hands. I still believe that this stake is very beatable for me so I'll continue to play unless I lose another 5 BI's or so. Below is a picture of my graph and a couple of my bad beats the last couple days

PokerStars - $0.16 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BB: 65.94 BB
UTG: 58.13 BB
Hero (MP): 122.63 BB
CO: 155.56 BB
BTN: 109.44 BB
SB: 104.25 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A A

UTG calls 1 BB, Hero raises to 4 BB, fold, fold, fold, BB calls 3 BB, UTG calls 3 BB

Flop: (12.5 BB, 3 players) K 9 2
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets 6 BB, BB raises to 18 BB, fold, Hero calls 12 BB

Turn: (48.5 BB, 2 players) 6
BB bets 43.94 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 43.94 BB

River: (136.38 BB, 2 players) 8

BB shows 8 8 (Three of a Kind, Eights)
(Pre 20%, Flop 8%, Turn 2%)
Hero shows A A (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 80%, Flop 92%, Turn 98%)
BB wins 130.25 BB

PokerStars - $0.16 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (SB): 126.19 BB
BB: 143.13 BB
UTG: 100 BB
MP: 23.94 BB
CO: 55.63 BB
BTN: 153.06 BB

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB, UTG posts penalty blind 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 2.5 BB) Hero has 8 K

UTG checks, MP calls 1 BB, fold, fold, Hero calls 0.5 BB, BB checks

Flop: (4 BB, 4 players) K 8 3
Hero checks, BB checks, UTG bets 1.94 BB, MP calls 1.94 BB, Hero raises to 6.75 BB, fold, UTG raises to 26 BB, MP calls 21 BB and is all-in, Hero raises to 125.19 BB and is all-in, UTG calls 73 BB and is all-in

Turn: (224.94 BB, 3 players) 7

River: (224.94 BB, 3 players) J

Hero shows 8 K (Two Pair, Kings and Eights)

Main Pot [72.81 BB]: (Pre 21%, Flop 55%, Turn 5%)
Side Pot#1 [152.13 BB]: (Pre 27%, Flop 81%, Turn 76%)

UTG shows J K (Two Pair, Kings and Jacks)

Main Pot [72.81 BB]: (Pre 52%, Flop 12%, Turn 0%)
Side Pot#1 [152.13 BB]: (Pre 73%, Flop 19%, Turn 24%)

MP shows Q 8 (Flush, King High)

Main Pot [72.81 BB]: (Pre 27%, Flop 33%, Turn 95%)

UTG wins 146 BB
MP wins 69.56 BB
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
06-21-2020 , 06:26 PM
Hi all, haven't updated in a week or so, so here I am. An update of my graph below.

Running way under EV but that's how it goes, part of me is glad its happened as I know I've played 2/3 hands a bit tilted and punted stacks and I feel like next time it'll just be time to log off (easier said than done I'm sure). I'd rather be experiencing these kind of downswings (I'm sure people have had worse) at these kind of stakes rather than if I were to get to 25nl or 50nl and it happen there, so to me its a just a little poker lesson, I may even increase my BR a bit at each stake jump and play with 25-30BI rather than the 20BI I play with now.

Overall I know the results aren't fantastic and progress is a little slow due to playing the regular tables but I feel like my game has improved playing at 16nl, I seem to be thinking about things more and even the fish I'm not taking so lightly like I did at 5nl and 10nl because even though you'll still find the 60+ VPIP players at 16nl I think they seem to know where the fold button is, and not so much at the lower stakes.

I haven't studied at all this week due to wanting to actually get back to winning ways and a few commitments outside of poker but this week I'll be getting stuck back in as I have lots to improve on.

I'm also waiting for the casinos to open in London so I can play live for the first time. As it'll be the first time I'm going purely for the experience and more of a night out rather than super serious, I'll probably go on a Friday/Saturday evening as I'm guessing that's the best time to play? Obviously I'll try my best to win but like I say its more the experience I want. If anyone has any live tips they can offer for a first time player then I'm all ears. Thanks

Last edited by Aaronrevans; 06-21-2020 at 06:34 PM. Reason: adding more
Crushing micros before the end of the year! Quote
