Originally Posted by olioliolion
Noone said the world is full of sunshine and happiness, this is just your misinterpretation. Beauty =/= happiness.
You claimed your post was not hateful but emotionless observation. Yet you began it with "you disgust me". Sounds like an emotionally charged comment to me. This topic is clearly triggering you. If you don't want to listen or try to understand someone else's viewpoint then just leave instead of blindly asserting your own position.
I like this.
Im here overall on your side, so do not get my wrong.
I just want to say that I understand it that some of OP's posts do trigger people.
Even when this, what he sometimes writes is what he feels/believes and/or it is the "real" reality and truth, he should be aware that the very most of his readers are perceiving reality as it "happens" to us - just very ordinary and materialistic.
So although I appreciate OP's attempt to "spread the word" and motivate people to give meditation a serious shot, it seems to me that some of his posts lack total empathy to where most of his readers (who he wants to reach) are currently at.
I mean, even I have wondered about the quoted paragraph from his last post and he comes across more like someone on psychedelic drugs, than as a stable practitioner and it might even turn people off to seriously consider meditation because he seems at time totally out of space and not so much different to a mad person.
I just do not see that experienced practioners whose books Im reading (like Culadasa or Bante Henepola) do act the same way towards their readers.
In fact they all seem very humble and down to earth, just with a little more peace of mind (what we all want), so that you think to yourself that it would be cool to also become once like them within this context.
In regards to OP, Im not so sure although there are also good things, of course.
Im just wondering, because OP is smart and if not total empathy-less, he must recognize that the way of the end of his last post (for example) will trigger people (and imho very understandably so), so maybe there is a bigger plan/strategy behind the way of some of his posts xD
But yeah, suggesting (even when this might not have been his real massage) that Life is wonderful, triggers many people, because in fact there is lots of cool going on this planet, but also lots of horrible things, as well.
So, at least I am understanding that people might feel that OP is deluded (although he likely is not and his message is misunderstood or not understood at all) and get triggered....
This said, I still want to believe that meditation will improve within few years every one's life who really follows it disciplined - still to see for me myself
Two technical questions in regards to meditation - maybe some practicioners wanna help out with info:
1.) Is it somehow dangerous (long-term for nerves) when your feet fall "asleep" during your practice?
2.) I usually wear contactlenses, but not yet, when meditating because I do it right away in the morning after showering.
Is there somehow an issue in regards to meditating with glasses?
I am just asking because I have read once an article from a German monk who said that he advices against wearing glasses during your practice, but without giving any sort of explanation.
It seems thought that not wearing glasses or contacts, myy brain does associate it with "ah, we go sleep now" and might make me doze off more often during my practice.
This latter aspect is anyways one of my biggest challenges at the moment.
But more than a cold shower and coffee, directly before my practice, I cannot do anymore
I also get most of the time enough good sleep, but for some reason, I still doze off multiple times during my daily 30min practice - maybe it will improve one day