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Confessions of a Spewtard Confessions of a Spewtard

11-14-2014 , 04:07 PM
more detailed hand histories when you're no longer pissed?
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-16-2014 , 08:47 PM
Yeah I'll get back to that soon. Right now I prefer to wallow in my own crapulence.

I'll bet at MDL tomorrow it looks like making the place that much prettier.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-20-2014 , 01:42 PM
First hand at table. Hit quads. Won a $200 pot. I'll take it.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-20-2014 , 03:23 PM
Flopped trips and turned a boat very next hand.

Took a hand off then flopped a flush in BB with J 4

**** is going down hill fast.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-20-2014 , 03:26 PM
in before epic tilt.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-25-2014 , 07:39 PM
King Fish wanted your thoughts on this hand

2/5 at a local casino
3 AM 5 handed

Villain has been drinking play out control stack had been as low as 1.3 k and high as 6k. He is the most reckless player I have sat with.

Villain 2- I have played with him multiple times and he tends to over play

Villian 1 3.5 k
Hero 2.05 k
Villain 2 800.00 (has been playing for about
30 minutes)

Utg: Villain 1 limps for. 5 utg
Button: Hero 10/9 os makes 25
Sb: Villain 2 calls 25

V1 makes it 100
Hero: I call b/c I can play this profitably in positon.
V2 calls

300 in pot
Flop 10 7 4 rainbow
Checks to me
I opt to check as v1 has a lot check raises in his range and my hand is likely best. I cannot with stand a check raise (we would
Be playing for stacks)

Turn is 9
I have two pair !
Sb leads for 200
V1 makes 700
My choices are jamming and folding for this game

I opt to jam
V2 I have played with him several times and he will make plays
V1 I feel he has straight draw a lot of the time

V2 as soon as v2 tanks I know good
V1 says wtf straight already

V 2 calls off 800 total
V 1 calls off additional 1250

River j

V1 has 10/8 for straight
V2 mucks 9/7

I pass my chips take the 3 dollars and give it to
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-25-2014 , 09:52 PM
Well since KF hasn't replied yet, my guess on what his first thought will be: "Is this casino within driving distance from my house?"
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-26-2014 , 02:33 AM
Lol. We discussed this hand earlier. My jaw was a bit on the floor.

I told him there are maybe three people I know where I can value jam top 2 there. And pretty much the rest of the world I'm instamucking mid set (or am I?).

I love how quickly it escalates. While I wasn't there, I'm pretty sure this is how it all REALLY played out:


<Harmless flop>

V2: "Yeah, umm I was just kidding I don't want it. Check."

V1: "Man I don't want this pot give it to the other guy?"

H: "ME??!? No man I was just ****ing around with the button preflop. Lol I don't want this money one or you guys take it on the turn."


V2: "OK guys thanks I'll take it. If none of you want it I'll pay $200 for the orphan pot. Thanks."

V1: "HOLY **** IS THAT A 9?!?!?!!!!!! No one said there would be 9s. I bet 75x pot!!!"

H: "I RAISE! I don't know why but I raise here is money I'm just gonna throw it all in!!!"

V2: "Sorry guys I wasn't paying attention. I just called my mom."

DEALER: "That's a call, sir."

V2: "****."

V1: "Oh ****. I gotta protect my initial investment. I call. Do either of u have a pair?"



"Do we get any more cards?"

/end scene
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-26-2014 , 02:55 AM
"V1 makes it 100
Hero: I call b/c I can play this profitably in positon."

Woeful ignorance.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-28-2014 , 02:18 AM
Happy Thanksgiving all!

Unless you put a bad beat on me recently. Then you can just **** off.

Last edited by King Fish; 11-28-2014 at 02:24 AM.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
11-28-2014 , 08:53 PM
Someone ITT let me know that the ABC app currently has me ranked in the top 10 at OFC pineapple.

Doubt it's accurate but still guess it's cool while it lasts.

Either way, have been on a sick OFC heater last few months. Have 17 active games and 16 are in the green.

Having a lot of fun at the game because I took a very different approach when I started playing. Since it was a fairly new game, I didn't want to be swayed by how others (no matter how successful) approaches the game.

The moment I heard learned about OFC (Thanks @Kevmath), I realized that this is the type of game that fits extremely well into my particular skillset.
I also didn't look up and of the odds or math behind the game. I wanted to see what I could learn by instinct and trial and error.

Eventually I started scanning a couple of 2p2 threads for hand histories. I ignored strat; just wanted to see how people were setting/approaching individual hands. I disagreed with a lot of the approaches, but assumed I could well be wrong. I stuck to my guns tho and just kept at it.

I went back and just played played played. I was willing to lose in short term to gain experience. (And thankfully we all sucked at the start so footing was fairly even among friends.) I bounced ideas of a few folks as we played. (Some of which read this thread).

I realized also that by playing OFC, I could gain some insight into how they approached poker in general. It let me try approaches I may not have otherwise considered.

I won right from the start, but the swings were crazy. This seemed be universal. I call it the Omaha of OFC.

I started to get some confidence and began reading more threads. Posted a bit and asked questions (mostly to see if the math I thought was anywhere near on target).

I started winning more consistently. There were still swings, but they were cut down. I wrote a quick high-level strat post about my "new" approach and was summarily laughed at and called a fool. And I completely understood. Only a fool doesn't use all the tools afforded him.

But I was winning. I still had holes (that to me were glaring). The variance was still too high. I was unsure what the "correct play" was in some fairly common situations.

read all the time about how top players can have monstrous swings. I wondered if there was a way to mitigate these swings without cutting into profit.

After more trial and error I developed an approach that did seem to quell the variance a bit, but while my losses were small so were my wins.

Steady, reliable grinding. ZZZZzzzzz.

Back to the drawing board.

Every time I toyed with a new approach my winrate would drop of course. Pretty sure my opponents were scratching their heads at some plays I made, but hey only way to see what doesn't work is to fail a few times, no?

Then maybe 6 weeks ago something clicked. I had a bit of a "Eureka" moment. Now to figure out if it was possible in practice.

Since I made my latest "adjustment" I have been absolutely crushing. Variance has almost disappeared (lol taunt the gods much, idiot?), I am hitting fantasyland with more frequency, I have been minimizing my losses and maximizing wins (usually a good formula).

Now, do I think I've solved OFC and am ready to take on all comers at $1k/point? **** no.

I'm sure some of recent results are due to a combination of good cards and opponents who, like me, are still learning.

But I DO think that I'm a little ahead of the curve right now. I STILL don't know the math (tho I do have an idea of course, I still haven't looked up/tried to figure out exact percentages in non-standard situations. I trust my brain enough to give me a reasonable approximation of the true odds. Close enough anyway. One day I'll prob come to learn what a luckbox fish I really was.

Anyway, I'll post more about my OFC exploits and some approaches I have taken if people ITT are interested.

Take it for what it's worth: Likely flawed, possibly suicidal approaches from a fish still fairly (less than a year) new to the game. YMMV.

And no, I won't be discussing in any level of real detail what I am doing right now. Whether time proves me right or wrong, I'm pretty damn sure my approach is unique if nothing else. (I mean, u see how I play hold'em, right?)

If any of the high(er) stakes pros who read this and know me are willing to play for $1/pt so a fish can get some high level schooling, I'm more than willing to get my ass pwned in exchange for new experiences.

I have no illusions that I would have an edge in this game, I just want want the practice.

I know, too, that the game is constantly evolving and every day new variants are popping up I still haven't had a chance to play.

For now, OFC has made Poker fresh and new to me, so even if I'm completely wrong and my approach is so flawed and laughable, at least I got that going for me.

About to resume driving duties for the road home, so I'll leave this where it is for now and perhaps resume my rant at some point in the future.

As always sorry for the rambling and typos. I have absolutely no ****ing idea what I just wrote.

Last edited by King Fish; 11-28-2014 at 09:08 PM. Reason: Trying to fix a typo. I think I failed.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
12-21-2014 , 02:15 PM
Bad beat story:

Logged in 2p2 after few week hiatus and No King Fish posts since November.

Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
12-21-2014 , 02:20 PM
OP confirmed busto
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
12-21-2014 , 02:21 PM
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
12-24-2014 , 04:53 PM
Not busto. Dealing with too much real world crap.

Decided to take a hiatus until 2015. Prob re-evaluate then, focus more on larger games and less hours.

Reason for absence not poker related. I wish it was.

But I also know I can't play my best right now and won't enjoy 2/5. If I won't have fun, not worth playing at that stake. No win would make me happy, and pretty much any loss would tilt me. So, I'll stay away.

Among other things, have "real world" jon opportunities I must consider.

My next game may just be a "shot" at 10/25. Dunno yet.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas (or whatever). Hopefully room hasn't completely died just because the biggest fish in the game is takin a few weeks (months?) off.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
01-20-2015 , 03:26 PM
Sad to say - we don't even miss you much - although I did need to find a new crack dealer...

The open seat has been filled by even bigger fish (even though we never thought that was possible)

Enjoy OFC - some of us are killing it at your old tables.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
01-21-2015 , 01:40 AM
I guess I owe this thread an update. I'll try to give a mini one for now and expand later:

Blah blah blah, bad stuff happened. Enter 2015. A new year. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and become enraptured. I know I can never leave the house again, now that I have found true beauty.

But what to do? OFC? Yeah, but you coward ****faces won't play me for more than $2 a point. That won't pay the bills.

Hmmmm. How can I stay home and wallow in my own crapulence (it doesn't mean what you think it means) AND make a fun, easy living? Why, daily fantasy sports, of course.

Never really played it except some fun dabbling, plus it's NBA Season (duck season!) and I haven't watched an NBA game in 10 years. Sounds like the perfect time for a career change.

So yadda yadda yadda I develop a system that strips the names of players down to a point system, then I take that output and cross check it with various factors an zzzzzz....

Anyway in 2 weeks I've climbed into the top 2% in the tournament leaderboard and climbing fast. I am getting consistent results every night and my projections are consistently better than the "experts" And every night I have a chance to win 5 or 6 figures on s 1k investment.

I even watched 2 basketball games this week. Life is starting to look up.

Last edited by King Fish; 01-21-2015 at 01:54 AM.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
01-21-2015 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by Crooner
Sad to say - we don't even miss you much - although I did need to find a new crack dealer...

The open seat has been filled by even bigger fish (even though we never thought that was possible)

Enjoy OFC - some of us are killing it at your old tables.
I hope you are killing it, my friend. You and I need to go wardrobe shopping soon. Argyle is the new black.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
01-22-2015 , 05:12 PM
So how many six figure wins so far?
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
01-22-2015 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
So how many six figure wins so far?
Ask me again in a week.

(Pretty sure the answer will still be 0.)
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
03-25-2015 , 10:06 PM
For those that still care, this is where I spend most of my 2p2 time:

I'll probably start playing poker again in April. Still coaching and getting that itch.

Will prob stick mostly to 5/10 with some 10/25 shots due to time constraints. Hope everyone is doing well. I assure you I am not dead.*

*And if I am, Heaven sucks. Or Hell. Most likely the latter.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
03-25-2015 , 10:26 PM
Come back plz. I miss your HHs.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
03-28-2015 , 01:16 AM
This is why DFS > Poker.

Hard to get a 10000% ROI in poker.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-12-2015 , 01:37 PM
Started playing poker again after an 8-month hiatus (to focus on DFS) and made probably the worst mistake I've ever made.

This happened about 2:30 AM after ~14 hours of play and I guess I wasn't as fresh I had thought.

5-10-25 game folded to my CO I make it 75 to go with QT. BB (a weak player who overvalues very marginal hands, and who is probably the weakest player at the table) calls.

Flop: Q97 rainbow.

He donks $225. I call.

Turn 8
He bets $400 I call.

River 7

He bets $800 I tank call.
He flips up 89 for 2 pair and I muck.

Then I realize what I did.

FML a $3k gift of a pot.

Welcome back to poker King "you ****ing" Fish. A few hands later I picked up the remainder of my stack and made walk of shame to the cage.

When I arrived home the drinking of copious amounts of vodka ensued.

More to come in future episodes.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-12-2015 , 03:02 PM
Been there, done that.

Pot was about $40. I was pretty drunk though

After having 8 months off, good to see you jumped straight into 5-10-25!
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
