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Confessions of a Spewtard Confessions of a Spewtard

09-10-2014 , 10:30 PM
Dealt A T in SB

Limped to me 9 ways. Last time I was in the SB I also had ATss and raised and took it down. I decide to just check as I don't want to have to fade a 3b (or even a call) OOP.


I check, villain bets 35 I flat for reasons.

Turn 4

Not bad not great. I check he bets 40 I call.

River 6

Yuck. Everything got there. I opt to check call all bets under $100. I feel there is a better chance he has AJ+ than a 4 or a flush.

He bets 55 I instacall, he shows AJ I flip my AT

Then realize I had A8.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-11-2014 , 01:54 PM
A35r board.

2 players go all in. Dumb is third to cold call.

Turn J

River 2

Dumb shows JJ.

Dumb beats AK and 55.

Welcome to Charlestown.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-11-2014 , 04:50 PM
Was about to leave. Decided to play one more orbit.

Get AA. All in against QQ.

Q turn.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-11-2014 , 05:14 PM
Next hand TT. Lose.

Final hand q9hh board q358qhh lost $400 to station. (He bet whole way. If I didn't hit flush was fold of river but that q cost me $225 when I was forced to call his bet.)

(If u r a reg I'll just say his name is "of the sea."

So last orbit -$1.1k AFTER I got the rack to cash out.


Aren't u glad u read this?

these bad beat posts are cathartic for me. I know no one cares or likes bad best stories, but is my thread so **** off.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-11-2014 , 05:27 PM
Keep the badbeat stories coming. I want to get a rough idea of how bad you run. Or how good you run.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-11-2014 , 05:30 PM
so in your opinion since the most skill comes from deepstack and turn decisions, if i play online and get 200 bbs or more on a table i should stick there and not leave and come back with 100 bb if im a winner at that stake?
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-11-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Parallelflux
Keep the badbeat stories coming. I want to get a rough idea of how bad you run. Or how good you run.
In the long run, pretty much even.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-11-2014 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by KrakenUO
so in your opinion since the most skill comes from deepstack and turn decisions, if i play online and get 200 bbs or more on a table i should stick there and not leave and come back with 100 bb if im a winner at that stake?
in a vacuum if you think you have an edge on the table then yes. But if you play scared or DS play negatively affects your play style then leave and come back.

I'm comfortable with DS play and do feel that is where skilled players gain a larger edge. However if your game better suited to short stack or you prefer a preflop/flop strat then that could be an exception. It just naturally fits my specific skillset (and all players are different)

If playing deep takes you out of of your element maybe drop a level or 2 and practice it so you feel comfortable, then start playing more at 150 bb stacks at your regular level and gradually gradient up as you get more experience.

But I do think it is something worth learning even if your particular game/style may be best served at 100 BB or less.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:29 AM
Na honestly im better deep than preflop player, im really good deep. I make more mistakes on preflop/flop decisions
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-12-2014 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by KrakenUO
Na honestly im better deep than preflop player, im really good deep. I make more mistakes on preflop/flop decisions
I think that anything you do preflop is speculative. Unless you have QQ+ or AKs, you basically have to assume you're drawing, and thus every call is speculative and every raise is a semibluff (or semi-value/protection).

So preflop doesn't matter THAT much if you're a postflop beast.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-12-2014 , 04:20 PM
I was the 77. We got it in on the flop. 3-way. ~$2k pot.

Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-12-2014 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by King Fish
I was the 77. We got it in on the flop. 3-way. ~$2k pot.

Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-13-2014 , 09:03 AM
Ugh so sick, what a brutal game it can be sometimes. Gl
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-13-2014 , 10:18 PM
I have all villains covered.

Limped 8 ways, I have 33 in MP.

673r flop.

Checked to me. I check for reasons, even tho I like sets.

Button bets 10. 1 caller. I opt to flat for the same reasons as above. (Trust me, I have a plan. I swear!) 5 other callers.

Turn 9

Crazy old dude (COD) leads 50 in SB. I flat. (Reaons) Folded to Dumb in HJ who shoves for 700(!) more. Folded to COD who calls (abt 600).

On me, I tank fold. (See, I told you I had a plan [Didn't say it was a good one.).

(My thoughts: absolute best case is I'm up against 2 straights, which barely gives me odds to call. Obv any overset I'm drawing to 1 out, and even a 2p hand (assuming other villain has a str8) will take away at least half my outs.)


River is a blank.
Dumb has 85, COD 77.
I pull a muscle patting myself on the back for playing like a spaz.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-17-2014 , 01:00 PM
Playing MDL today. Def need a change of scenery.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-17-2014 , 02:37 PM
Thanks for the lunch, golfpro!
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-19-2014 , 09:30 PM
Sorry to hear of life bad beats. Long live the kingdom.

If I were smart enough to post a pic ITT, it would be a big dog like Hooch salivating, waiting for an MDL report.

On the high poker play matter . . . I enjoy playing high. I enjoy doing just about everything high. But I don't do anything the best high ...... except eat.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:32 PM
My MDL day was anticlimactic. Didn't even play 5/10. Opted to stay at a good 2/5 table to be part of the $1k/every 30 min high hand promo.

Overall day down a few hundred bucks .

Not many interesting hands.

Lost a 3-way all in early in day (my pair+OESD vs 2 pair vs flush draw) for a ~$2.5k pot.

Most interesting hand of day is one that was badly butchered by me that should never have even become interesting

I am the effective stack in this hand with abt $800.

Dealt 99 in LMP I raise a loose opener to 30 get 3 callers (button, SB and opener)

flop: A68r

Checked to me I bet 65 (mistake 1a?), am minraised by the button, a player who has had my number all day (habit of my AK running into his high PP and me having to fold time and again). Folded to me I flat with the plan of firing all turns (mistake 1b).

Turn is a 7

Now, the one card falls where I can alter my game plan (which wasn't such as great plan anyway) where check/calling (or check/shoving) is a virtual no-brainer. But do I even think about that? Nah.

I fire 135 because I have no ****in idea I spazzed this entire hand (mistake 2,3,4).

He of course shoves. I'm not quite getting right price here and am forced to reluctantly fold like the chump I am.

Pretty much in running for my top 3 worst played hands of the year. And that's saying something cause I misplay so many ****ing hands.

Then on way home I get a ticket for not fully stopping at a stop sign (bad beat), but on the plus side the cop does not inquire about the 1/2oz+ of weed that may (or may not) have been in my car when I was pulled over. So maybe that was a win?

But the trip did convince me I have to make the time to go to MDL more often. I'll shoot for once a week but in reality I'll be thrilled if I can get out there 2-3x per month.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-20-2014 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bigs and Smalls
Sorry to hear of life bad beats. Long live the kingdom.

If I were smart enough to post a pic ITT, it would be a big dog like Hooch salivating, waiting for an MDL report.

On the high poker play matter . . . I enjoy playing high. I enjoy doing just about everything high. But I don't do anything the best high ...... except eat.
Hey Bigs,
You, me and King Fish need to make a road trip to MDL for a day. Let's look at a day in October.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-20-2014 , 04:19 PM
Hells yea! Latter part of October is probably better for me baby/biz-wise. You might wanna ride separate though Royal. King and I will be allegedly riding dirty.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:20 PM
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-26-2014 , 01:04 PM
GL king fish thanks for posting enjoying your thread
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
09-26-2014 , 01:28 PM
can we bump this to the next page already? Everytime I click this thread for updates, the first thing that pops up is that ugly picture where you lose to quads. The 3 pair of hands floating around on the side of the pic bothers me.

(And of course someone quotes it so I have to see them twice)
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
10-09-2014 , 06:12 PM
Dear Spewtardo,

Your fans are becoming restless. What? Did you join GA or something? Post some stories already!

Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
10-11-2014 , 05:41 PM
First day back on felt since vacation.

Got a $800 BR today. Boom or bust.

Or I just leave quietly in a few hours.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
