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Confessions of a Spewtard Confessions of a Spewtard

07-31-2014 , 03:07 PM
Not just yet. Actually up right now. That is how awesome I am. #humbled
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 04:21 PM
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 05:44 PM
Villain: Drooling donkey not good enough to hold my jock. Complete idiot. His mother owes the world and apology.

Me: Perfect. Awesome. No know flaws.

Last hand
I get AA UTG. I blast the **** out of the pot to 15. 9 callers. Including massive ******* RoyalT, who is UTG+3.

Flop 553. I blast again 55. Idiot minraises me. I blast a mincall.

Turn a king. I check, ****-for-brains checks behind.

River a ****ing card. Don't know which one. A 4 I think. A 4 of ****.

I check he bets 100. **** him I spite call idiot probably has KT and thinks he is good. 5 less in his range than rest of table. Turns out idiot has 57. **** him. That king actually made him money.

I still cashed out about $1500 up.

**** RoyalT.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 06:28 PM
Hey 57 is a premium hand.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 06:49 PM
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Aleksei
They were both as black as his soul.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 09:39 PM
Villain: Simple minded aggro-donk who resembles the Michelin Man and who got his start as a fluff boy in several Mexican donkey porn movies.

Me: Often mistaken for Channing Tatum’s better looking brother.

Villain (UTG) obnoxiously announces to the table that this is his last hand and he plans on stacking someone before he goes. With that he slams a raise of $15 onto the table. Oooooh, SCARY!

I'm UTG+2 and look down at 7 5. What the heck, I call. Just as I suspect, so does everybody else.

Flop: 5 5 3...Heh Heh

Villain bets $55… Sucker!
I min-raise knowing this will infuriate him and possibly get more chips in the pot out of anger on a later street.
He then tries to start with the mind games, warning me to check the turn which turns out to be a Kc. I sense no strength to his hand, so I oblige and check figuring he will try to steal on the river. I was mistaken on 2 counts.
River is a 4x and the chicken**** checks again. I bet $100 for value and he tanks and pretends to do math, saying “how could you have a 5?? He makes a crying call, (literally he had tears streaming down his face) and I show him the bad news. He then goes off about getting AA on his last hand, only to get beat by 7 5.

Sorry bro.

Last edited by RoyalT; 07-31-2014 at 09:59 PM.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 10:22 PM
^^^ Villain sounds like a complete idiot. Hope u stacked him later. Or at least sucked on a miracle hand or 2 during the session.

Last edited by King Fish; 07-31-2014 at 10:24 PM. Reason: Lol @ raising $15 UTG with AA. Bet he was happy when he got all those callers. And then to get paid off?
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by King Fish
^^^ Villain sounds like a complete idiot. Hope u stacked him later. Or at least sucked on a miracle hand or 2 during the session.
No miracles. Just outplayed him the entire session.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by RoyalT
No miracles. Just outplayed him the entire session.
Way to go / well played !
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by RoyalT
No miracles. Just outplayed him the entire session.
Were you even at the table?
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
07-31-2014 , 11:10 PM
Nellie is safe. June/July final. Meh.

Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-01-2014 , 10:10 AM
Need to downswing now and Nellie will have horns which would be sweet.

Way more important than winning imo
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-01-2014 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Avaritia
Need to downswing now and Nellie will have horns which would be sweet.

Way more important than winning imo
Ok. Need a backer for this tho. Stake me?
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-01-2014 , 10:45 AM
Some assorted musings and ramblings from recent sessions:

Yesterday was the first day since I got injured that I played completely free of painkillers. Not even an aspirin.

Since I assume there is a difference between how I play "medicated" and normal figured I would try to give off a bit of a fugue state. Enough regs read this now (and at least 1 or 2 were at the table yesterday) so thought I could have some fun with it.

Tried to act like I was on a percoset or 2 but never really stated otherwise. Not sure if it had any affect whatsoever or if people even noticed but it actually did help to relax me a bit.

Arm was feeling good until the geriatric sob on my left thought it would be amusing to first punch my arm and then squeeze my shoulder. That wasn't fun. If he was 80 years younger I woulda kicked his ass. May still. But afraid he might beat me up and boy would that be embarrassing. Maybe next time I'll just roll the wheel of my chair on top of his oxygen hose.


It's odd, but Sia's new album really puts me in the right frame of mind to grind. Lately I've really been enjoying putting on my cans, blocking out the noise, and enjoying the album. It's got a good tempo and tone, and for whatever reason the overall cadence of the album just gets me in a rhythm. (I could go on forever about grind music and what I use/how I use it to get me off tilt/keep me on tilt/relax me/etc, but that's another post for another time. I have no shame just putting on the music and letting it transport me as I sway or move or whatever. I have moves like Jagger and I'm twice as sexy.

Anyway, go out and get the album. It's really quite well done.


I think in the past 2 months or so I've had days where I played my best poker and some of my worst, with few "B or C" games in between. Now that things are getting normalized again hope I can put in a solid C+ effort the rest of the way.

Have a bunch of hands filed away I need to clean up and convert and will try to post a few over the weekend. There is a promo at the poker room Sunday that necessitates and all-day grind session, so may use this blog to keep me from dozing. Sometimes those days can be a real nitfest early on. (But get more interesting towards the end of the day as most tables become quite deep, even 1/2.)


Hope to play a bit more in August. Will prob have to add some 5/10 sessions in at MDL soon. If I can avg a 10bb/hourly there the trip would be worth it. Based on what I know from the regs who play and their expected hourly, I don't think that's too far out of the realm of possibility.

Plus I really need to work on some aspects of my game and situational circumstances that I don't really get the opportunity to practice at my local casino.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-01-2014 , 11:43 AM
self admitted sia fan itt
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-01-2014 , 10:28 PM
A lot of times I write down quick notes on a player (a la online).

They aren't as much about play style as they are things that will trigger a specific memory when I see it. May be something like:

Joe Poker
Smart aggro
Pulls ear watch out
Eyes dart up
Likes lab retrievers; prefers cowboy hats

Some are poker related, others are codes to my brain that activates a database of sorts. (Hard to explain, maybe another time).

As you can see from this thread, when typing on a smart phone it's easy to make lots of typos, errors, and sometimes autocorrect had a sense of humor.

Not quite sure what was going on here, but here is a note I have on a player I took last Friday, when I was absolutely hammered and god knows what else.

I have absolutely no idea what it means, or what I was trying to say:

Player X
Are specific
Next time will bite wings
Why when firing for it doesn't klez curb
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-02-2014 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by King Fish
Not quite sure what was going on here, but here is a note I have on a player I took last Friday, when I was absolutely hammered and god knows what else.

I have absolutely no idea what it means, or what I was trying to say:

Player X
Are specific
Next time will bite wings
Why when firing for it doesn't klez curb
This seems pretty obvious to me.

Are specific- Only plays 10-8s

Next time will bite wings- Has a strange ostrich fetish

Why when firing for it doesn't klez curb- My inseam tightens when player checks the turn

Lemons- If I wasn't married, I would SOOO hit that!
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-02-2014 , 11:31 AM
LOL every "player description" section of a hand history should end with "lemons" from here on out

$900 effective
Tight OMC, saw him b/f top pair weak kicker about an hour ago
Possibly on tilt after just having his aces cracked

That would be sweet.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-03-2014 , 01:50 PM
Ran KK on button into AA IN SB. Fun.

$1.6k pot. (At least)

**** crooner.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-03-2014 , 02:39 PM
Just told $15 straddler (my SB) preflop that I would minraise him and he would fold.

Folded to me (one player was about to call but said "he's just gonna raise me"), I minraise. Fold, fold.

Poker Kreskin.

(Still running like **** tho.)
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-03-2014 , 09:04 PM
Sitting directly to the left of dumb and dumber.

Only problem is they have each hit 2-outers against me.

About even on day. Annoying.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-03-2014 , 09:26 PM
A49t board.

I have AQ. 3 handed against dumb and dumber.

Preflop I straddle 10. SB (dumber) calls. BB (Dumb) raises 25.

I have AQ opt to flat. I wanna see a flop. Dumber calls.

Flop A49r.

Check to me I bet 65. Dumb and Dumber both call.

Turn I bet 110 dumber calls and dumb says "I'm only calling cause if I hit one particular card I'll def win and may bust u."

He is only one who can draw to these nuts he says.

River Q. Heh.

Dumb leads 100. I fold AQ. dumber folds and dumb flop KJo.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-03-2014 , 09:37 PM
Preflop UTG raises 20 4 callers including me in bb with black 88.

468ss board I lead out 65. Old fool calls dumber calls

Turn 5s. I bet 115. Both morons call.

River blank. I check idiot bets dumber calls I tilt call

I tilt call because no ****ing way should either of these asshokes have a naked 7. Both have it of course (all red cards.)

**** them. **** them with a leprous detachable penis.
Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
08-03-2014 , 09:44 PM
And dumb just got stacked shoving 7x pot on AK8r board. Was snapped by AA. Free $900.

Confessions of a Spewtard Quote
