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ClickingButtons Autumn to 2024 0 to 50 to 400 Challenge ClickingButtons Autumn to 2024 0 to 50 to 400 Challenge

09-01-2023 , 03:05 AM
going to play holdem and omaha need to withdraw the $210 at somepoint to live the rest i should hopefully be able to leave on but might not be able to

couple rules-

stick to bankroll rules i set for self lol hard to do but especially as mixing games cant afford redeposit i need be not a ****** so gonna be conservative (was gonna say try, but yh no be conservative)

try get 24hrs in a week in minimum so weekends friday night 8hrs each and jobs a goodun

only look at results next day way after session done so can try not be results orientated so dont look at results in game while playing, unless shot taking cause if shot taking i only got so many stacks to burn through and ive dropped quite alot in short sessions playing both holdem and omaha and while not even tilting spewing so i know those dips can happen in quick succession

obvious one try to play well enough and avoid monkey tilt spew, or mega spew

thats about it

updates on thursdays night or friday mornings might try update biweekly so sunday night monday morn too
ClickingButtons Autumn to 2024 0 to 50 to 400 Challenge Quote
09-02-2023 , 08:02 AM
played too long yesterday last 20min 1hr was pointless dumped 2 buyins off in bad bluffs called it a night

also was too aggtardy at first session of the day too yesterday

other than that play ok ish b-c game, and ran well in flips pre post etc also remember few coolers in my direction pre come to think of it aa vs kk etc

volume - good

game - eh c/b no efg though so that plus

not looking at results - failed looked during session often, really need stop that as i know for a fact affects my mood game indirectly directly
stuck to conservative bankroll plan yh thankfully was tempted to bump it out once won $125 shot 25nl but i dont need that stress and know ill be unlikely to move down if shot fails and potentially tilt play stupidly i cant redeposit end the day i gotta stop being a ****** loser gambler and be sensible or im just gonna keep repeating pattern busting deposits

oh another + point is i avoided zoom, ive never beat that damn game longterm i always inevitably monkey tilt go off the deep end for a session some point doing that

how do you rake enough for weekly challenge mines saying i gotta rake $500. for $200 return theres just no way. so rakeback seems impossible unless playing 50nl. got

rakeback - $2 from chest
hrs played - about 12hrs

ClickingButtons Autumn to 2024 0 to 50 to 400 Challenge Quote
09-03-2023 , 10:44 PM
weekend done decided to call it a night early as sunday im not tired i could play but i feel like last session of the weekend was just off like i kinda wanna play but think getting sloppy.

weekend over recap-

-3 or 4 sloppy sessions where i werent tilted i just werent playing very well focused enough (why cut tonight short too, should of done so last night actually yesterday really all the volume was bad i kept slipping between genuinely playing well to playing atrocious just bad calls where if thought for a second wouldnt of same some bluffs just poor ones, think cause played so much the first night and approached day 2 saturday kinda not really wanting to play so was sloppy out the gate played well later that night as woke up then got sloppy and tilted by end of night
sunday was 50/50 ok start, better at night then last session just sloppy so cutting session short im not tired i wanted to try play more as im wide awake with it but just i can feel i played too long even though kinda havent whereas first night definitely did
-1 or 2 or 3 genuine tilt sessions 2 maybe while playing holdem the other quite big significant one playing omaha donated about 7 buyins that session in short amount time omaha and holdem i dumped good amount unnecessarily back to the table too

it says i played 27hrs i didnt quite but 26hr30 so happy them volume just shame as i with it enough to play like another 2-5 but i think ill possibly be going in circles from good to poor play so im calling it a night.

oh i played zoom today also was getting bored agitated of the pace of regular tables, i know not smart but was either that or play omaha and after the recent tilt omaha session i werent in the mood to battle that, and was playing regular too sloppy too in end i dunno

rakeback made $12 the weekly chests are impossible even with zoom for me no way am i able to rake $500 in a damn week even at i really would have to be playing 50nl to do that not damn 10nl

anyways update done, next one thursday night or friday morn

oh other negative still looking at results during session really gotta stop doing that its going affect my play and mood negatively i need to not look i already decided im gonna use conservative bankroll plan so really there should be very little need to look till next day or if shotting a stake gotta stop looking its gonna harm me
ClickingButtons Autumn to 2024 0 to 50 to 400 Challenge Quote
