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Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer

05-20-2011 , 05:19 PM
Let me know if this stuff works: I got an ex-girlfriend that used to drive me nuts with her panic attacks.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
05-20-2011 , 06:44 PM
Another question came to mind today;

In your video we can see that you design and program your websites yourself.
Do you think it's OK to just use the web editor from for example Wordpress/Concrete 5 or do you think designing and programming your own websites is a must?
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
05-21-2011 , 01:43 PM
interesting... keep us updated
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
05-24-2011 , 06:25 AM
Ok, small update later
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
05-24-2011 , 06:32 AM

Climbing the ladder in Google ftw.

Also launched Kinda busy at work, so need to find time to add products and articles, then i can launch my backlink campaign.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
05-29-2011 , 11:35 AM
I'm very curious how you build your backlinks.

I tried some profile linking&forum signatures thing on pr4-7 sites but I failed hard
F*** Angela&Paul and their lists

but it was obvious that it's some sort of blackhat so 1 site down in the trash but it was just a practice site nothing serious.

I'm thinking about building backlinks with article (spinning is blackhatish aswell?) posting it on sites like ezinearticles then posting links into linkdirectories aswell.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
05-31-2011 , 10:07 PM
Hey Frankie,

What's happening? Any update?

Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-11-2011 , 05:57 AM
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-11-2011 , 03:12 PM
I am Back, but not for long. First 4 weeks passed by, dutch jail is like Disneyworld, no kidding. Right now I'm on my first weekend parole. Tuesday I go back again, 9 weeks to go in total and I'm amusing myself pretty much there, playing backgammon, tabletennis, regular tennis, bit of fitness and bit of work, like 3hrs a day. Jail is meant to be a punishment but it doesn't feel that way at all. Maybe it helps that I'm single without kids.

Just gave the thread a fast read, nice ambitions Frankie, will follow up on your blog and the mail you send about the subscription site!
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 05:53 AM
I just saw you launced your new site,, the design looks pretty basic, is this intentional or is it just a fast start, I expected a bit more from you, design-wise

@Just_Dance, you shouldn't go for 1 type of linkbuilding, you should mix it all up like mentioned in previous posts, blogs, comments, pressreleases, articles, webdirectory's, profiles, bookmarks etc etc. Google likes a nice mix.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 07:46 AM
Yeah im atm focusing in-site SEO things, content creation, and after that I'm going those ways. Already have a dp forum sig link+google blogspot profile link so kind of started it
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 10:27 AM
Manually placed high relevant blog comments seem to do pretty well for linkbuilding. There are autotools for that but they don't supply a personal touch so most comments placed by those will be disapproved by the blogowner.

Also maybe nice to know, I made a website in my own language and placed many links at English spoken sites, afterwards I started like 20 brand new blogs (for the sole purpose of linkbuilding) hosted by company's from my own country and my site ranked a lot faster/higher then the 100's if not 1000's of english links that I created with autolinkbuilding tools / outsourcing.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 12:23 PM
Yeah I read an ad with "buy 5k links for $20 etc" it makes me laugh. It's kind of pointless. I'm thinking about these blog commenting, but if I post ontopic things (related to blogpost) then at the end my anchored link I fear that it might look spammy. I mean I'd write unique comments as I do unique/spinned descriptions for link directories so I hope everything will work okayish.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 01:13 PM
when you make a comment there is most of the time a box with room for a link/url. This link will appear under the name that you use to comment with. So the link is not directly visible. So if you keep your comment very ontopic it doesnt look spammy at all. You only dont have the advantage of the right anchor txt.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 01:56 PM
what if I use an anchor txt as my name? so anchor txt + link --> ?? profit I guess

Last edited by Just_dance; 06-12-2011 at 01:56 PM. Reason: but that could look spammy yeah, need to figure out something short
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 04:52 PM
This thread inspired me and I just started a site that's been up for 3 weeks, about 10 unique visitors a day (mostly from google). I'm working on building backlinks gradually day-by-day, as well as more original content. It's monetized by adsense, *********, and amazon.

However, I haven't gotten any adsense clicks or sold any products, despite 300+ page views, and 60+ clickthroughs for affiliate links. Am I doing it wrong or is my sample size too small to tell? The link is
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 07:12 PM
I'd say you should keep working on backlinking, those clicks might be search engine clicks, I think you should make affiliate links "nofollow" because it'll be easier to track "real clicks". Also I checked your page, the advertisement space is too big % of the page I think.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Just_dance
what if I use an anchor txt as my name? so anchor txt + link --> ?? profit I guess
If you do that your comment seems to be out of commericial interest again (read as spam) instead of your personal opinion about the subject. I noticed that when I comment on blogs about subjects that have my interest that most comments, if not all, are approved. Once I start to use anchor txts instead of my real name close to zero get approved. (small sample though so could be variance)
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Bill 1337
This thread inspired me and I just started a site that's been up for 3 weeks, about 10 unique visitors a day (mostly from google). I'm working on building backlinks gradually day-by-day, as well as more original content. It's monetized by adsense, *********, and amazon.

However, I haven't gotten any adsense clicks or sold any products, despite 300+ page views, and 60+ clickthroughs for affiliate links. Am I doing it wrong or is my sample size too small to tell? The link is
Few things, at first I find it a pretty weird product and can't find out right away what your selling, I assume it's a book with technique's to run faster right?

Anyway, the Adsense ads are completely irrelevant to your site so I would remove them as they add no value in anyway, the Amazon products come a bit closer but also miss the point of what your visitors are looking for.

I think its very important to check on what keyphrases your visitors found your site.

Furthermore I would make less links, the random searchphrases miss there point pretty much, and personally I think less links will sell better. If you only do it for the content just add some content of the links together in one link. Your website is meant to sell something so keep it simple.

Last thing: I saw at one post that you have like 25 comments in 1 single day, (8 june) that seems pretty fake, especially if there is not a single comment from after 8th of june. Potential customers will see that as well. I would disable the option to comment at all btw.

Last edited by djdanny82; 06-12-2011 at 08:08 PM.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 08:32 PM
Another very important thing that you forgot, sorry if I sound a bit hash.

I looked up the product you chose at ********* and this info showed up:

Stats:Initial $/sale: $20.45 |Avg %/sale:60.0% |Grav:1.07
Cat: Sports : Running

Grav: 1.07 means that this is a very bad converting product, or in other words pretty much impossible to sell. Try to find a product that has a gravity of at least 50. Few of the reasons why this product is selling immens hard is:

1: because the site is a really terrible website,
2: most info to start running can be found on the internet for free
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-12-2011 , 09:04 PM
Thanks for the input guys. I chose to do this website based on the keyword "how to run faster," which pays $2.40 CPC for adsense and is low competition w/ a good number of searchs/month. It's different from the site format that Frankie uses, I followed another formula that I found online which focuses on useful, authoritative content with an autoblog. The articles that I have aren't meant to promote the CB product exactly. I was actually hoping to make most of the $ from adsense.

All the CB products on running have a very low gravity, but I suppose I could put a generic workout ebook instead? I'm just having trouble monetizing, the site going higher in the SERP each day so there's potential I feel. I'm not sure why the adsense ads aren't correlating with the keyword I'm targetting (which I feel is SEO optimized).

The comments are taken from the auto content source I get, like youtube or yahoo answers.

IM is hard stuff!
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-13-2011 , 07:32 AM
I dont think autoblogging is a very good way to make money out of a website as it results in a lot of scattered info about the subject.

QUOTE: I'm not sure why the adsense ads aren't correlating with the keyword I'm targetting

The answer is pretty simple: lack of advertisers on the subject. Many searches/month + high CPC is normally okay but isn't worth much when it isn't really a buying keyword.

I also made one website thats not really a buying keyword that has 70.000 searches/month. This site is about cartax and offers a free online calculator to see how much you pay on monthly base. It's monetized for Adsense and it's making 15 euro / month for quiet some time now. CTR is around 1.5-2%. Now this free calculator isn't really a buying keyword as well but people who look to calculate cartax are mostly young people or people that are looking to buy a new car. So the adsense ads that are shown are based on car insurances which is what people need when getting a new car. Btw this site of mine gets about 70-100 unique visits a day and still only making 15,-/month.

I think its better to really concentrate on 1 thing that people can really buy, to make a decent ammount of money out of it. I know people that are autoblogging and they are fine with like $2/month for each autoblog, must say that these people have like 1000's of autoblogs to make it worthwile. I dont think thats your intention really so better choose 1 buying product with a high gravity, write quality articles for it and promote it.

Or if you want to go the Adsense way your better off looking for financial products (mortgage/loans/insurances).

IM ain't easy indeed, if it was that easy everyone would be doing it, and everyone is doing it but most of them fail. It's just like playing poker Once I'm back fulltime I will restart with IM again and possibly also start a journey with my results.

Ps hope to hear from Frankie soon again! I guess he's busy or maybe on holiday/business trip.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-13-2011 , 12:50 PM
Really appreciate the advice djdanny82, I implemented most of the changes you suggested and will probably change more later. I removed all the ads and have 5 original content articles geared towards selling a CB product I found that has a higher gravity, but still not great.

Looking forward to your journey with results if you start one, as well as Frankie's return.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-13-2011 , 06:27 PM
If I'm planning to create a website for listing like pharmacies etc at a specified city ( kind of domain) what should I go with (adsense or *********?) I'm planning on selling featured spaces for specified clinics etc if it goes well so I guess AdSense would be obvious since I don't sell products only listing available dentists, etc?
btw I think we should make some topic for SEO like in the business forum?
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
06-13-2011 , 06:40 PM
I've been thinking about that as well. Making sites that list doctors, dentists, barbers, lawyers, house brokers, pharmacist and all that kind of things.

However I decided to not go that route cause I think when you live in a neighbourhood you know where to find your pharmacist, dentist etc. so not much sense to Google for it right? Besides that why would someone click on a dentist from 20miles away if he finds one in the normal google results 2 miles from his home.

Especiallyfor these kind of things I think people will Google like: Pharmacy + Location. And I dont think you want to build and optimize a page for each city and to get ranked on only the main keyword will be too hard to get enough visitors.

If you want to make money with a site you can better go for a product, to think in line you could go for:

- viagra
- breast enlargment
- diet pills

Just to name a few, anyway the nr1 rule to make profit from a website is to build the website around something that people want to spent money for. Purely informational websites don't bring in much cash as people want info for free and Adsense ads always have something to sell so people mostly ignore these when they are not looking to buy something.

The only reason why I started a site about cartax is cause it has 70.000 searches/month and the competition didn't seem that hard, cause that one isn't too much of a buying keyword either, however it was my first site.
Challenge: The Poker player vs The Internet Marketer Quote
