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CFP Ship It! CFP Ship It!

03-06-2015 , 11:06 AM
I wish I had something interesting to post but I don't. This is the last little chunk of hands i've played.

CFP Ship It! Quote
03-07-2015 , 10:30 AM
I thought i’d share my shot at 200nl results, they are nothing special but I am happy to have survived so far. I wish I was doing better but I have to remind my self that this journey is not about being perfect but rather making progress. I need to be real with my self and know that there will never be a point where I say to my self “I know everything I need to know”. As long as I play poker I will always need to keep getting better. I will continue to study and grind and hopefully get better a little faster than my competition and improve my results a little bit. I still feel outmatched at times but I also feel like I belong and that I am a decent player.

CFP Ship It! Quote
03-13-2015 , 12:15 AM
I made this video of some fun hands I played.
CFP Ship It! Quote
03-17-2015 , 11:44 PM
Not the way I wanted to end my day but **** happens. I started the day well and decided to take a mid stakes shot thinking worst case scenario is I end up where I started. It didn't go that well I lost a bit and then took a break. Came back to my stakes and lost some more to finish b/e. I am ok with my decision and I know this won't be the last time my day goes like this so I will just accept it.

I guess I shouldn't say mid stakes anymore since I think I already play there but above 200nl I mean.
CFP Ship It! Quote
03-22-2015 , 10:23 PM
Very poor week, most of the losses are at 100nl as I felt my game wasn't right so I played mostly there. Next week will mostly be 100nl also while I try to fix my game.

CFP Ship It! Quote
03-24-2015 , 08:40 AM
I have questions about BPC program, please answer in this thread:
CFP Ship It! Quote
03-29-2015 , 02:11 AM
Weekly review.

@Shr0om the thread is closed...
CFP Ship It! Quote
03-29-2015 , 06:03 AM
Really cool thread and you seem like a nice, cool dude. Ill be following
CFP Ship It! Quote
04-05-2015 , 03:24 AM
Glad to have you following ConorMcGregor

Really frustrated this week I never really got things going so I didn't post sooner. I may or may not do a review tomorrow (Sunday) I wanted a big week but I can't control results and I didn't play amazing anyway. I will post something tomorrow but I did spend a lot of off table hours this week and I feel better about some spots but still lost in others.

Will talk soon.

CFP Ship It! Quote
04-12-2015 , 12:56 AM
I have been focusing on blind play the last couple weeks as it seems improving that area will have a direct impact on overall win rate and so i've been experimenting a bit. My next post might be about what I found that worked and how i'll keep improving on this area.
CFP Ship It! Quote
04-13-2015 , 04:57 AM
This is how the week went not great but in the black so i'll move forward.

Will release a video shortly on a board I have been working on.

CFP Ship It! Quote
04-13-2015 , 08:14 AM

I would appreciate any feedback thanks.
CFP Ship It! Quote
04-22-2015 , 11:35 AM
Was on a bit of a hiatus but I need breaks too. This week is going pretty well and my blind results are very good so I hope to keep that up throughout the week. There was a very productive group coaching this week which I think will help the w/r as well and I have enjoyed implementing some new strategies.
CFP Ship It! Quote
04-25-2015 , 11:42 AM
This week my scheduling was much better. I was in bed by the latest midnight everyday and up between 6 & 8 after which I would answer hand histories in the forums, study equities, and work on ranges for about an hour and then start grinding. I like that way of going about things but I probably need to set aside some more time post grind to do additional studying so that is something I will try to include for next week.
CFP Ship It! Quote
04-26-2015 , 02:48 PM
Short week I had some mindset issues but I have some ways that I can improve on that. I think I made upgrades to my game this week and I want to see how it carries over into the coming weeks. Not a great week from a monetary standpoint but I think I had my most well rounded week in that I did many things well.

CFP Ship It! Quote
05-07-2015 , 05:45 PM
I have ended my contract with Internet but I will remain in cfp and will be learning HU from Gordon. I am starving for success and this is an interesting change of pace, let’s see how things turn out. I will update on more of a schedule most likely Every Wed, Fri, Sun.

GL at the tables.
CFP Ship It! Quote
05-08-2015 , 08:46 AM
I got a lot of things done this week. I figured out my new schedule for the week in terms of peak times and setting aside time for different task throughout the week. I still have some tweaking in picking networks and getting into a grind routine in terms of limit and tables etc. I have a lot of restrictions on my playing style at the moment so at times it is a bit challenging to just follow "standard lines" but I will do exactly that until i'm told otherwise.
CFP Ship It! Quote
05-13-2015 , 11:43 AM
So I have been playing HU for 8 days now and i'm losing to almost every villain only winning 35% of sessions so far. I deviated from standard lines twice and got in **** for it so i'm just going to follow it 100%. Everybody who has been his student that has talked about it keep saying just do exactly what coach says so yep I will do it "without thinking" and I hope I will understand why I do these strange things later on.
CFP Ship It! Quote
05-15-2015 , 12:28 PM
Still getting smoked at HU i've had only 2 winning days this month. My last coaching went very well though and I will just keep going because that's how we do.
CFP Ship It! Quote
05-20-2015 , 10:12 AM
So far this week i’m winning so that is a nice change of pace in HU so far. I hope it is because of the progress in coaching as i’ve had many sessions already. Only time will tell but having a winning week this month would be nice.
CFP Ship It! Quote
05-23-2015 , 12:00 AM
Still in the black this week so that is ok for now. I put in 12 hours yesterday which is most I have done so far in cfp but at HU the pace is different so it was not so bad. I will try to put in more long sessions next week. Was birthday so I went out to eat with family only got 7 hours today but it was good to get out of the house and socialize which I don't do much.
CFP Ship It! Quote
