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Building a BR in DoNs Building a BR in DoNs

08-20-2010 , 01:37 AM
So this is it... finally starting a thread.

Ok so this summer, after breaking even in July, i won almost 400$ at the beginning of August in a 3,30$ 180 players. Cashed out 200$ after seeing that I wasn't able to build it up a lot and then broke even for 2 weeks and went on tilt and almost lost it all. I kind of went stupid and lost a lot in HU PLO 0,10/0,25 even if I really wasn't rolled for that. Stupid really fast session where I lost 43 of 55 hands and went 0-9 in flips . Very funny!

So never mind, I thought about building a BR playing HU but I'm not sure I'm good enough in them to build it from there and I don't want to start at 2$ cause some people are ridiculous and it's impossible to win constantly and get better when fishes, donks and crappy players are the only ones you play.

So I thought about the DoNs... never played them much, thought it was too long to double and preferred HU... but then I thought it may be a good way to build a BR without risking too much if I could stick to BR management and some basic rules I would set.

The question is: Should I play the 1,10$ Turbo to get rolled for the 5$ or should I deposit a bit more to be rolled already for the 5$?

I have like 26 BI for the 1,10$ (28$ something) left in my account and I was wondering how much it would take to be ok with the BR management for DoNs.


1- Play 1,10$ to get rolled for the 5$ or play the 5$ after a deposit?
2- How much does it take to play the 5$ without risking too much?
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-20-2010 , 03:20 AM
Ok no interest or reply by now here but just played 12 1,10$ DoNs.

Record: 8W 4L (+2,80$)

Lost 2 of them with AKs to A3s (flush) & A7o (hits a 7)...

Playing well, luck is average.

Can't play a lot before a couple of days but I will update soon!
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-20-2010 , 03:28 AM
I'll just stick to $1,10.
It's gonna be gutwrenching probably but hopefully you're less prone to tilt than me. Playing a lot of tables helps :P

Good luck.
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-20-2010 , 04:36 AM

just shove with As fold everything else. you should do pretty good haha.

gl man
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-20-2010 , 02:36 PM
Hahaha... incredible!

I'll only build this up to something like 30-40 BIs at the 5,20$ and then move up. Couldn't possibly think about grinding the 1,10$ for 100k games!

Hard to believe that he couldn't do better than 2% ROI playing all these... Didn't have time to read the whole thread but I'm going to tonight!

Gonna try to play something like 30-40 DoNs 6-8 tabling for a couple hours later tonight too!

Working in a bookstore and it's the ''Going back to school'' rush... pretty exhausting!

Thanks for the comments!
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:01 AM
So just had time to play 18 more. Went 10-8... not so good.

I'm 18-12 so far and I'm not really happy with those results... that gives me a 9% ROI in 1,10$ DoNs... Thought I'd have a better edge. Was aiming for 70-75% winrate and not 60%. But still, ridiculous sample and didn't get lucky couple of times.

- Aces cracked with trips against KK hitting quads on river...
- KK running into AA, then built back, AKs running into... AA
- AQ vs KQ, he rivered a K
- 999 on rainbow flop vs AJs hitting runners for flush
- Q10 vs K2: FLOP K-J-9... i shove, he calls. TURN K RIVER K.

At least I lost a lot against AA and quads kings. Hahaha!

And got very lucky once vs AA with AKs... flush draw on flop and hitting it on river.

Looking forward to put some volume... ain't gonna happen till Monday or Tuesday, still gonna try to continue play a couple ones before I can play something like 100 in a day.

See ya!
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-23-2010 , 02:04 AM
Ok, so finally was able to play some more!

Played 9 and went 6-3. So that's a big +2,10$!

Then started 6... and disconnected for 15 whole minutes. Damn. When I came back I was all-in on one table with like 6-3 against AK and naturally lost. Had something like 1,5 BB on other table. The 4 others were kind of playable stacks... 10 BB and less but one table where I was really owning before I disconnected.

So lost the 1,5 BB race and won the 4 other tables. In other words, i made it 4 wins 2 loss even if disconnected 15 min. +1,40$ more.

So far, 10W 5L for the night and +3,50$.

I'm gonna play some more and then make an overall update...

Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-23-2010 , 02:16 AM
I know winning all those American dollars makes you happy.....but if you're going to play with American dollars you need to put a period instead of a comma. Show some respect donkey.
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-23-2010 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by SupportUIGEA
I know winning all those American dollars makes you happy.....but if you're going to play with American dollars you need to put a period instead of a comma. Show some respect donkey.
troll somewhere else, you prolly fit in at BBV

gl sir with your challenge
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-23-2010 , 04:02 AM
Didn't do well at all... finished like 7W-11L... so 17-16 for the night, -2,30$... Very ugly.

Running bad again, couples hands that eliminated me:

A5 to J2 (rivering J for trips to my high pair)
JJ to 88 (flush... runners)
QQ to K10 (rivering K)
AK to AQ (A-Q-3 flop. it held)
A8 to J3 (3 on turn)

Very funny to play.

So overall I'm 35 wins to 28 losses... that's +0,70$ and that's ridiculous. Lol... I may play a lot on Wednesday and if it doesn't get better I will take a shot at HU 2,20$ to grind my way up to 5,20$ DoNs or 5,25$ HU.

I'll see...

Thank you InFlamesWeTrust... and ... it will be commas SupportUIGEA!
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-23-2010 , 08:17 AM
You are MORE than underestimating DON's.

70-75% Win Rate is impossible to sustain at any level. Anything over 10% ROI is pretty good, and over 15% ROI is very good.

Rake is too high at the low DON's... 35-28 at $10.40 would equate to $44.80 Profit (4 1/2 BI's) as opposed to less than 1 BI at the $1 Level.
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-24-2010 , 05:42 PM
Thank you for the comment! I actually came up with that reflexion too yesterday... calculating for the 5,20$ and the 10,40$...

And... 63 SNGs is still a very very small sample... so gonna give it a shot for a longer time lapse!

Gonna play some more tonight and tomorrow and update!

See ya!
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-24-2010 , 06:17 PM
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-24-2010 , 08:48 PM
Go to the $5 DoN's...the players there are bad also. But you will get sucked out on a lot so get used to it which I have a hard time doing, but get up there for less rake.
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by SupportUIGEA
I know winning all those American dollars makes you happy.....but if you're going to play with American dollars you need to put a period instead of a comma. Show some respect donkey.
i know you guys are really proud of inventing a gramatical term that also means a menstrual cycle
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:25 PM
Are you sure you don't want to just go to McDonald's?
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Simon2727
some people are ridiculous and it's impossible to win constantly and get better when fishes, donks and crappy players are the only ones you play.

Hi. I just saw this thread. I just had to comment on how ridiculous the above statement is. I will play the fishes, donks and crappy players all day every day. Those are who you want to play. If I could just play these types of players, then I certainly wouldn't have to work for a living. Don't let the short term variance against these types of players discourage you. If you are solid, you will take their money.

Good luck!!!
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-25-2010 , 04:01 PM
Just played 19 (only) cause I was running bad and got tired of DoNs already. Haha...

Went 8-11... so overall it's like 43-39... lol. - 4,20$

Going for 2,20$ HU building a BR for 5,25$ ones. I feel I may be more lucky/good in them. Gonna update someday.

Might be playing some late tonight, to be continued...
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-26-2010 , 06:22 PM
Went 6-6 on the first 12 HU...

Was 6-2 and then lost 4 in a row...

Gonna play some more tonight probably!
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-27-2010 , 11:34 AM
2 tabling

5-0 then lost 2 after being up to 2500-500 in both.

Lost like 3 all in being favorite in one and in the other he climbed his way back to even and won with something like A3 to my AJ...

So instead of being kinda pissed cause I was tired I stopped and went to watch one of Kevin Smith's Evenings DVDs...


11-8... so +2.20$ after 19
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-27-2010 , 12:55 PM
good luck sir dont get too discouraged....
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-29-2010 , 03:27 AM
Just played my best HU session so far... but the results don't show that:

7 W 4 L

Here are the 4 HU I lost:

1- AA vs A9s first hand... all in preflop he hits nut flush on flop
2- AQ vs 62 followed by AA vs Q6... first two hands he hits two pairs on board with Q6

I was then 7-2, so 7 wins and 2 losses with AA so... I was playing well!

3- 10-10 vs 6-7 all in preflop by him, I called, he gets 6 on flop, 7 on turn
4- Q-10 vs A-10 but... flopped K9J... went all in, he calls and hits the 3 outer on river to win it.

Well... so for tonight +3,80$ and +6$ overall after 30 HU. ROI ~9% if I'm not wrong.

Kinda pissed again that I'm not up 8$ more winning at least 2 of those 4 hands... but whatever, that's poker.

Maybe gonna play 2-3 more and then heading to bed. Update later or some other day!

See ya...
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-29-2010 , 04:17 AM
So played 3 more and won 2 of them.

9W 5L tonight and 20W 13L overall.

+5,20$ tonight (ROI almost 17%)

+7,40$ overall (ROI a little more than 10%)

My goal was to hit between 15-20% ROI in the 2,20$ over the first 100 i played. I was too optimistic maybe. But still doable!
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-29-2010 , 06:14 AM
GL Man, You will do it
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
08-29-2010 , 12:14 PM
Thanks, I believe it's possible if I play like last night... I'd say that I should have won at least 3 of the 5 I lost, and one of my wins was a suck out.

So that means technically I would have been at least 22-11... and that would lead me to the 66-34 goal I'm aiming for...

Gonna play some more tonight!
Building a BR in DoNs Quote
