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Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia

05-31-2015 , 05:02 AM
So the downswing is over its been going well recently. Im happy with the tables so far, we'v seen more spewy whales then i was expecting

The daily tourney is super soft and fishy, most dont have a clue what to do when their short. Ive played a few now and ive been doing pretty well, i won a $25 rebuy yesterday

new profile, the only pic so far
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
05-31-2015 , 06:08 AM
Nothing more boring than a results post that says "doing pretty well".

How much are you up in the tourneys? how much are you up in the cash games?
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-01-2015 , 05:39 PM
+1 how is Charlie Harpers - or any other recs on a place to stay for like 5 days? Comin in Wed or thurs
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-01-2015 , 05:52 PM
apparently some douche called the cops on all the home games in town so thtere s noone left, come to Queenco, they have a daily tourney from 5 and cash games from 7, the broke bros await you...
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-01-2015 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Izzit
So the downswing is over its been going well recently. Im happy with the tables so far, we'v seen more spewy whales then i was expecting

The daily tourney is super soft and fishy, most dont have a clue what to do when their short. Ive played a few now and ive been doing pretty well, i won a $25 rebuy yesterday

new profile, the only pic so far
I think I already thought her in PP at Ponton Club; met her on Tinder

Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-02-2015 , 07:56 PM
Lol I'm free "tonight". Just how did she fit it in around her tight business schedule.
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-02-2015 , 08:11 PM
stopping at THIS place on the way to snook. anybody been to kampot? Waterfalls, rafting, and some of the moto riding look awesome, not to mention all the river activities. I'm hyped
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-05-2015 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by dogarse
Nothing more boring than a results post that says "doing pretty well".

How much are you up in the tourneys? how much are you up in the cash games?
We were both up around $1k last month ^^ Izzits been doing well in the tournaments, won 2 or 3 now... I don't really play them, played maybe 5-6 and havn't cashed any This month hasn't started too well, had a bad day yesterday when the table was good -.-

Originally Posted by boliver
stopping at THIS place on the way to snook. anybody been to kampot? Waterfalls, rafting, and some of the moto riding look awesome, not to mention all the river activities. I'm hyped
We've only ever been through Kampot, never stayed there... Have wanted to for a while tho ^^ Let us know how it is
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-05-2015 , 02:41 AM
Is there a good iPhone app to track live poker results? Was told about one the other day but forgot the name...
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-05-2015 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by Yazzx
Is there a good iPhone app to track live poker results? Was told about one the other day but forgot the name...
I've heard good things about Poker Journal, but not sure if it's working with the new OS. I've just been using excel on my tablet as I didn't want to shell out the $15 for poker journal
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-05-2015 , 05:53 AM
Have you two ever gone to any of the shooting ranges in Cambo? I haven't shot since I left the US and obviously it's nearly impossible to do here.
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-07-2015 , 07:29 AM
charlie harpers confirmed busto sexpat cheap ass hotel. not rec'd. Hopefully gonna switch tomorrow but just wanted a place to grind my sunday schedule.

Kampot was awesome. great motobike rides, went to a crab village and got some good crab for cheap, can ride to bokor mountain with amazing view and crazy ass abandoned casino. hostel I stayed at was just water fun stuff all day, just like that video i linked. relearned double backflips and gainers so was stoked on that

hands down worst internet I've had in cambodia is at this hotel. Switching to 4g now to continue session. any more recs on decent guesthouse? Victory hill, around serendipity, or downtown prob 3 places I could see myself for now - first day here though. gonna check agoda. got some extra cash so might hit up queensco monday night - any specific good nights to go?

fwiw shooting ranges seem overhyped, but then again I grew up with a shooting range in my front yard, could be cool if ur from the uk, but def no better value than a shooting range in hollywood or something. Rocket launcher is $250 I've seen. grenades are expensive as well.
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-07-2015 , 10:11 AM
shouted out the broke bro's when i became BIG TIME the other day
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-08-2015 , 02:42 AM
switched to a nice room right on serendipity beach. might come by the casino tonight and say whats up but u guys got any $5 binge drinking sessions planned anytime this week?!

nice article k2d
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-08-2015 , 07:23 AM
You guys still in Snooky? Me and some friends are here right now.
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-09-2015 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
shouted out the broke bro's when i became BIG TIME the other day
Grats on making it BIG TIME

Originally Posted by boliver
switched to a nice room right on serendipity beach. might come by the casino tonight and say whats up but u guys got any $5 binge drinking sessions planned anytime this week?!

nice article k2d
We don't really do the $5 tour anymore... Sick of beer lol.. Maybe will have a night out soon tho, seems a few 2p2ers are in snooky atm

Originally Posted by Soulwaxical
You guys still in Snooky? Me and some friends are here right now.
Yeah. We will be at Queenco everynight I think Monday, Wednesday and Sunday are the busiest days, Tuesday is usually the quietest.. I was told that the game at Fortuna rarely runs atm

The game has been pretty good recently, still playing $0.50 - $1, occasionally 2 tables will open... Last night we had some rounds of PLO and some rounds of straddles... Had a bad start to the month but we are around breakeven now


Haven't posted spoilers in a while

Last edited by Yazzx; 06-09-2015 at 02:05 AM.
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-09-2015 , 02:03 AM
Fun hand last night.. Can't remember exact details but went something like this... I opened in MP with 99, fun player on BTN whos been 3betting me a lot 3bets, I call. Flop AKx, I check, he checks. 9 Turn, I bet, he raises, I reraise, he shoves, I call and he shows AA... Binked a 9 on the river haha he was so mad

Also hit a straight flush like 20 mins earlier vs same guy when we got it in on 8h9hx flop, I had TJhh he had 67hh, Qh turn

Last edited by Yazzx; 06-09-2015 at 02:08 AM.
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-09-2015 , 04:28 AM
What range do you put him on when he 3b?
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-09-2015 , 05:24 AM
Boys need some help. Do you know the name of a blonde cambodian girl with a load of ear piercings and some tattoos that goes down to jjs and dolphin etc?
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-09-2015 , 10:52 AM
Chick sounds awesome, going to need some follow up pics. Don't be put off if it turns out she has a........... ........ 8===>
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-10-2015 , 02:02 AM
Sounds as if a theft took place or something, wouldn't you just go there again for a hook up if she's a reg there?
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-10-2015 , 02:20 AM
He was talking about 'condom girl' for those that know of her haha... Nothing bad happened

Played 6 handed last night with the btn choosing which game we play, PLO or NLH.. lots of fun :P
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-10-2015 , 03:21 AM
I left last night but knew Id be back. Was hoping to get some details so can possibly have an easy hook up when I do return.

Last edited by Soulwaxical; 06-10-2015 at 03:26 AM.
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-10-2015 , 10:53 PM
Cheers for the good time boys. Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. Had a hectic last few nights/days. Hope to be back again soon!
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
06-12-2015 , 01:57 PM
Hey I'm travelling kambodza tomorrow from bangkok. Does anybody know is the boarder crossing casino hosting poker games and is there action?

No matter what we are gonna visit the capital and its casino and there should be live poker games, right? Does anybody know if there are tournaments and when they start, buy ins and when the cash games start?

After that we are gonna come to Snooky to play and see the night life. Would be awesome to meet you bros.

We are too young guys who loves poker and met by accident at the airport and decided to travel together. Im from Finland and my buddy is from Czech. Appreciate the info in advanced.
Broke brothers grinding and partying in Cambodia Quote
