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Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery

03-02-2011 , 02:02 PM
I'm now running low on bankroll and confidence, and it is time to pull myself up from my bootstraps and start recovering. Some of you may know my story: I started with a deposit of $150 in 2008 and ran it up over $100k over the next three years, mostly in turbo 180 man SNGs. I ended 2010 on a strong note and then began the worst downswing I have ever experienced over my 30k+ games played. On top of that, I'm getting married this month and have to make a significant withdrawal for those expenses. As you can see from my all games graph, I'm down around $16k from my high point:

I have been constantly evaluating my play throughout this downswing. I'll be working on some hh review over the next few days to get my mind in the right place. It's very tough/impossible to accurately evaluate the cause of a downswing of this magnitute. It's possible I developed some bad habits. Obviously I'm running terrible as well, but the overal attribution to running bad can be debated. Nonetheless, the money is gone and all I can do is look to the future. I still believe I am a talented poker player.

After withdrawal I'll have $5k left in my pokerstars account. I have a signficant amount of equity wrapped up in a staking team, but that may not turn into cash for some time. So I'll be playing mainly 12/180 SNG with a few 36/180s mixed in and maybe some ssmtt and Sunday million with fpp. If the downswing continues I may have to move down to, gasp, $2/180s.

Note: I have a good paying job and am not in any danger of going IRL busto.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:04 PM

glgl brad, turn it on around
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:05 PM
GL !
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:18 PM
Lessons from peachymer imo.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:20 PM
GL sir. I'm in the same boat...

May you win every flip that isn't against me
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by brad2002tj
If the downswing continues I may have to move down to, gasp, $2/180s.

I would cry if this were to happen. Please turn this around.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:26 PM
Just covering my bases....

Hello Bradley,

We are sorry to hear you have had a few bad beats recently. However, please
keep in mind that bad beats are a part of poker, and happen to all players,
whether they play poker in a live casino, at a friend's house, or online at

As much as it might be a convenient explanation for when you receive a bad
beat, there is no such thing as a "doomswitch". It is simply a fanciful term
invented by players, who in the early days of online poker, were seeking to
explain away their poor results by blaming factors other than the natural
randomness that occurs in the game.

PokerStars has no control over who wins and loses at our tables, and we
cannot determine how your hole cards, the flop, turn and river are going to
be dealt. We just deal the cards and the rest is up to the players in the
game. We are sorry to hear about your bad beats, but please understand this
has nothing to do with PokerStars or our shuffle. In over 50 billion hands
dealt, not one single person has found any indication that our shuffle is
unfair or not random. Plenty of independent studies by players have found
the opposite to be true. You may find just two of them here:



PokerStars deals the cards in a fair and honest manner. Once the deck is
shuffled, it is set, and the order in which the cards are dealt cannot be
changed. The software that shuffles and deals the cards cannot control who
wins and loses; it just deals the cards and the rest is up to the players in
the game.

Our software produces a shuffle that is completely random, which favors no
player over any other. The methods we use ensure complete randomization of
the cards, and complete unpredictability of the cards to come. You can see
the description of these methods at:

We arranged for the largest consulting firm specializing in software
security and quality, Cigital, to review PokerStars' shuffle. Their
investigation found the shuffling be fair and random. You may read about
their analysis at:

We encourage you to review your own hand histories and to perform your own
analysis. We have dealt over 50 billion hands and freely give real money
hand histories any time someone requests them. If you want, we can send you
a copy of every single real money hand history that you have played.

*Every* proper investigation of our shuffle has found the same thing: That
our cards are randomly shuffled. Many who have conducted such studies have
posted their findings to the Internet. You can find two of them here:

We hope this information helps you to understand that PokerStars' games are
fair. We value all of our players, and take the integrity of our site very


Jordan J
PokerStars Support Team

----- Original Message -----
From: brad2002tj
Sent: 2011/03/02 01:24:59
Subject: doomswitch removal

>Dear support:
>I very humbly ask for doomswitch removal from my account. So far in 2011 I
am running over 3 million chips under ev over thousands of tournaments. I am
very sorry for calling out Bryan and Steve in the past and for questioning
whether peachymer is real/qualified for team online. I hope you can tell I
am a faithful customer and would like to continue playing tons of
tournaments on pokerstars, which will be impossible if the doomswitch
continues and I go busto. I am not asking for a boomswitch, just to run at
expectation over the next few thousand tournaments so I can rebuild my
shattered roll.
>Very truly yours
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:29 PM
<3 <3 <3
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:39 PM

seriously tho, gl, no doubt at all you'll turn it round
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:43 PM
gl, pretty brutal downswing, what is it playing, mainly 180s?
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:48 PM
you are a boss Brad, gl with the recovery.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:49 PM
stars paying you back for run good for first 9k games. rigged sites.

glgl in turning it around
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
gl, pretty brutal downswing, what is it playing, mainly 180s?
Mainly turbo 180s, I play a decent number of mtt's mainly all the turbo mtt's under $109. I sometimes reg a turbo $109, but obv not anymore.

2011 SNG:

2011 scheduled mtts:
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:52 PM
Watching this downswing happen over the past months is one of the main reasons I'm trying to learn cash now...
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:58 PM
May your cards be live.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 03:00 PM
Good luck, brad. Will follow.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 03:06 PM
$150 to 100k is pretty damn impressive. GL getting throught the downswing.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 03:10 PM
LOL peachymer doomswitch.

What did you play for your first ~8k games? glgl
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 03:24 PM
Same games, I just ran hot at mtts.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by mement_mori
you are a boss Brad, gl with the recovery.
Gl with this bro....there was a post in the mtt forum a while back that offered an example of exceptional mtt stats (cant remember what the numbers were). Great ROI%, ITM%, finish %, etc. all pokerstars 180s. I mean stellar stats over a large sample. When it was revealed to be your stats, I tried to follow your posts to learn what I could. God I wish I could find that post....

Damn if this can happen to is in store for me/ other players?

Congtrats on getting married, GL with the recovery
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 03:38 PM
gl with the wedding, sir

Don't worry about moving down if you have to, it's part of the whole poker thing. Doubt you'll fall further than liberace, who won $1.3million in the 2008 WCOOP ME, and last night I ran into him several times as he was grinding the 6/45s lol.

Also, I'm probably burning money to suggest this but maybe grind 6/45s instead of 2/180s for a while if your roll drops any lower. Pretty much the same game early on, with some small adjustment for the shorter stacks at the FT, but the smaller fields make variance a lot less than 180s.

Anyway, gl with everything.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 03:42 PM
LMAO at the doomswitch post.
Good Luck Brad! You're due for a good run
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 05:01 PM
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 05:13 PM
But you coolered me yesterday with AA v my AK suited! No way you are running bad.

ily <3, get well soon
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
03-02-2011 , 06:31 PM
all the best brad. on wedding, on the felt and in your life overall!

a beast like you will soonly bink the smillion or other big one and be on pace in no time.

go, go, brad.
Brad2002tj's Epic Downswing Recovery Quote
