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Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker

09-30-2014 , 04:29 PM
I’m happy with this weeks results and I’m going to make a youtube video reviewing it but my microphone is broken. I think it broke when I smashed my headset in the ground xD. I will buy new microphone tomorrow and make video!
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
09-30-2014 , 05:05 PM
Hi, I think I follow you on PS or somewhere, doesn't matter, subbed here too at which stakes you currently play? glgl
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
09-30-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by FranFran95
Hi, I think I follow you on PS or somewhere, doesn't matter, subbed here too at which stakes you currently play? glgl
Yeah I have blog on PS as well! I play at nl50 atm my bankroll doesn't allow me to move up
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
09-30-2014 , 07:37 PM
I bought a new microphone and the one I got is like a budget version of the microphones artists use on TV when they sing. My roommate thought I was going to be the new Justing Bieber, I certainly have the looks for it. Anyway I hope the sound quality is decent.
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-06-2014 , 04:44 AM
First week of October has been going good I feel more confident in my game and I don’t have so many spots that I feel I don’t know what to do in. I had problems with donkbets before but I have spent much time on that and now it feels a lot better. I have started working on 3b-pots and that will be my main focus in coaching for the future. My goals villain selection and hand reading have been going good, it could be better on villain selection but overall I’m happy with it. Hand reading has also improved and I take more time on each decision now than I did before.

I bough pokertracker 4 yesterday because HEM 2 kept crashing and felt generally unstable.
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-06-2014 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by Uhlvar

Btw, anyone have a good spotify playlist or youtube playlist for good music to listen to when playing poker? I like all kinds of music so everything is useful!
also pretty much every song by Enya on spotify.
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-07-2014 , 03:00 AM
September review!

Good luck on the tables!
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-09-2014 , 03:55 AM
The start of this week has been good. I got some bad beats but did avoid tilt and in the end I was the one with the money .

I also got offered a job as a teaching assistant in a mathematical statistics course in the university. It will require me to prepare and teach 10 classes for the students. I think it could be a good job to learn how to speak in front of an audience and it will probably not take so much time. What do you guys think should I accept the job?
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-09-2014 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Uhlvar
The start of this week has been good. I got some bad beats but did avoid tilt and in the end I was the one with the money .

I also got offered a job as a teaching assistant in a mathematical statistics course in the university. It will require me to prepare and teach 10 classes for the students. I think it could be a good job to learn how to speak in front of an audience and it will probably not take so much time. What do you guys think should I accept the job?
u should if u need the money and u want the job, thread title is "all-in on poker" though..
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-12-2014 , 03:13 AM
I had my day off yesterday so I went out with my old classmates. We had a great time and it felt good to take my mind of poker for one day. Many of them didn’t understand how I could quit school to play poker. Some of them was positive and thought it was a brave decision. Today I will relax and play a bit of poker I have already played a lot this weak so I can play less today.
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-14-2014 , 02:05 AM
Best week so far! Check my video to hear about it!
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-17-2014 , 07:33 AM
Today I went to university to sign my contract to work as a lecturer. First time I have a real job in my life but I’m exited for it. I think it will be a great experience.

In poker I’ve had a rough start on the week but I have had good training against passive calling stations. Patience is the most important thing against them, you can play 200 hands and be down a bit then in the next 10 hands the poker gods bless you and you get all their money. The problem is playing solid and fold when they raise. I also played a very peculiar villain that was limping a lot and min DK the flop 100% of the time. He did not react much to my raises so I started to only raise for value and call with some of my hands. He did make strange plays on the turn sometimes he pot out with bluff or min bet with nuts. It was a match that would tilt me a lot 1 month ago but I stayed solid and in the end I got all of his money.

Playing solid and taking time for every decision is the most important thing I have to think about in order to move up in the limits from NL50.
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-19-2014 , 05:07 AM
Day off today and I will have a party at my place with friends from high school. We have been in the same class for 10 years but most of them I haven’t met in years, so it will be fun! I cleaned my whole room because I had nothing else to do. Found out that some spider had nested under my stationary computer which was a nice surprise . Now everything is cleaned including m y mouse pad and it feels like a new room .

Yesterday I had a great session in poker up about 300 euros which puts me up 100 euro for the week. I will try to get some good action on Saturday and Sunday those days are usually good action.
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-20-2014 , 03:18 AM
The party we had on Friday got a bit out of hand and i ended up drinking 70 cl vodka. Felt like I got run over by a train the day after. Couldn’t play on Saturday I was knocked out most of the day. Today I played for 10 hours and ended up with 200 euro in profit. The weeks total is about 300 euro plus. It is definitely not a bad week but it could have been better. Next week I will not drink any alcohol that is for sure!
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-22-2014 , 07:10 AM
Today I prepared hands to make videos with Gordon for all the students in the program. It’s always very instructive to make videos with Gordon. Today’s session was very good I took time for every decision and made almost no mistakes. My villain selection is getting very good and I don’t have any troubles quitting people even if I’m down anymore.

Gordon gave me homework to post 10 Equity hands and my guesses so here we go:

Board: Kd7h6h TP vs OESD
Equity Win Tie
SB 65.76% 65.76% 0.00% { KsQc }
BB 34.24% 34.24% 0.00% { 9c8s } 35.00%

Board: Kd7h6h TP vs FD
Equity Win Tie
SB 63.43% 63.43% 0.00% { KsQc }
BB 36.57% 36.57% 0.00% { Jh2h } 40.00%

Board: Kd7h6h TP vs FD+1 over
Equity Win Tie
SB 54.34% 54.34% 0.00% { KsQc }
BB 45.66% 45.66% 0.00% { Ah3h } 41.00%

Board: Kd7h6h TP vs 1 over
Equity Win Tie
SB 84.95% 84.95% 0.00% { KsQc }
BB 15.05% 15.05% 0.00% { Ad9c } 17.00%

Board: Kd7h6h TP vs 2ndP+1over
Equity Win Tie
SB 79.80% 79.80% 0.00% { KsQc }
BB 20.20% 20.20% 0.00% { Ad7s } 20.00%

Board: Qd7h6h 2 overcards vs gutshot
Equity Win Tie
SB 62.12% 62.12% 0.00% { AdKs }
BB 37.88% 37.88% 0.00% { 8s4c } 17.00%

Board: Qd7h6h 1 over vs gutshot
Equity Win Tie
SB 62.63% 62.63% 0.00% { Ad2h }
BB 37.37% 37.37% 0.00% { 8s4c } 40.00%

Board: Qd7h6h 2ndP+1over vs gutshot
Equity Win Tie
SB 70.61% 70.61% 0.00% { Kd7s }
BB 29.39% 29.39% 0.00% { 8s4c } 25.00%

Board: Qd7h6h TP+1over vs gutshot
Equity Win Tie
SB 79.70% 79.70% 0.00% { KdQs }
BB 20.30% 20.30% 0.00% { 8s4c } 20.00%

Board: Qd7h6h 2 overcards vs gutshot+backdoor FD
Equity Win Tie
SB 60.91% 60.91% 0.00% { AhKs }
BB 39.09% 39.09% 0.00% { 8d4d } 40.00%
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-23-2014 , 10:52 PM
Got some bad luck today but kept playing solid and ended up. I was up 100 euro then down 20 euro then up 100 euro, very swingy session. But felt good about my plays I did not tilt or play faster which is huge for me.

Homework for today:

Board: Qd7h6h TP+overcard vs gutshot+backdoor FD
Equity Win Tie
SB 77.27% 77.27% 0.00% { AhQs }
BB 22.73% 22.73% 0.00% { 8d4d } 25.00%

Board: Qd7h6h 2 overs+backdoor flushdraw vs 2ndP
Equity Win Tie
SB 26.97% 26.97% 0.00% { AdKh } 25.00%
BB 73.03% 73.03% 0.00% { Jc7s }

Board: Qd7h6h A-high vs 2ndP
Equity Win Tie
SB 11.82% 11.82% 0.00% { Ad2c } 14.00%
BB 88.18% 88.18% 0.00% { Jc7s }

Board: Qd7h6h 1 over + backdoor FD vs 2ndP
Equity Win Tie
SB 20.71% 20.71% 0.00% { Kd5d } 18.00%
BB 79.29% 79.29% 0.00% { Jc7s }

Board: Qd7h6h gutshot + backdoor FD vs 2ndP
Equity Win Tie
SB 32.73% 32.73% 0.00% { 9d5d } 35.00%
BB 67.27% 67.27% 0.00% { Jc7s }

Board: Qd7h6h gutshot vs 2ndP
Equity Win Tie
SB 29.39% 29.39% 0.00% { 9d5c } 25.00%
BB 70.61% 70.61% 0.00% { Jc7s }

Board: Jh6hTc FD + 1 over vs top 2P
Equity Win Tie
SB 32.83% 32.83% 0.00% { Ah2h } 31.00%
BB 67.17% 67.17% 0.00% { JdTs }

Board: Jh6hTc FD + 1 over vs second best 2P
Equity Win Tie
SB 35.56% 35.56% 0.00% { Ah2h } 34.00%
BB 64.44% 64.44% 0.00% { Jd6s }

Board: Jh6hTc OESD vs second best 2P
Equity Win Tie
SB 31.92% 31.92% 0.00% { Qd9d } 32.00%
BB 68.08% 68.08% 0.00% { Jd6s }

Board: Jh6hTc set vs best 2P
Equity Win Tie
SB 83.23% 83.23% 0.00% { 6s6c }
BB 16.77% 16.77% 0.00% { JdTs } 18.00%
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-24-2014 , 06:30 PM
Poker is going good and today I made a vlog about last week:

First time I make a video and when I saw the results I was shocked. I have Vertical Video Syndrome! Will try to cure it until next time! If you don’t know what VVS is watch this video:

Also homework for today: Learnt that having backdoor FD gives about 4+ equity vs pair!

Board: Jh6hTc
Equity Win Tie
SB 91.31% 91.31% 0.00% { TdTs }
BB 8.69% 8.69% 0.00% { Jd6c } 8.00%

Board: Jh6hTc
Equity Win Tie
SB 86.67% 86.67% 0.00% { TdTs }
BB 13.33% 13.33% 0.00% { JdTh } 8.00%

Board: Jh6hTc
Equity Win Tie
SB 8.18% 8.18% 0.00% { Ts6d } 8.00%
BB 91.82% 91.82% 0.00% { JdTh }

Board: 8d5dQs
Equity Win Tie
SB 65.96% 65.96% 0.00% { AdKh }
BB 34.04% 34.04% 0.00% { 7c4s } 40.00%

Board: 8d5dQs
Equity Win Tie
SB 74.95% 73.64% 1.31% { Ad7s }
BB 25.05% 23.74% 1.31% { 7c4s } 26.00%

Board: 9d8d5h
Equity Win Tie
SB 80.30% 79.70% 0.61% { Ks9h }
BB 19.70% 19.09% 0.61% { 7c3s } 20.00%

Board: 9d8d5h
Equity Win Tie
SB 76.77% 76.16% 0.61% { Ks9h }
BB 23.23% 22.63% 0.61% { 7d3h } 34.00%

Board: 9d8d5h
Equity Win Tie
SB 52.17% 51.72% 0.45% { Ks9h }
BB 47.83% 47.37% 0.45% { 7d3d } 43.00%

Board: 9d8d5h
Equity Win Tie
SB 67.63% 67.07% 0.56% { Ks9h }
BB 32.37% 31.82% 0.56% { Ad7s } 32.00%

Board: 9d8d5h
Equity Win Tie
SB 71.21% 70.61% 0.61% { Ks9h }
BB 28.79% 28.18% 0.61% { Ac7s } 28.00%
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-25-2014 , 10:01 PM
I hit stop-loss today. I lost all flips and in the end I made some questionable calls. Will restart tomorrow and be on my feet again! I studied a lot today instead and learnt much about min3b pots and some good adjustments!

Here is todays homework:

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 45.91% 44.85% 1.06% { Ad3h } 44.00%
BB 54.09% 53.03% 1.06% { Jc8s }

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 35.86% 34.34% 1.52% { Ad3h } 32.00%
BB 64.14% 62.63% 1.52% { 8s6s }

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 51.36% 50.30% 1.06% { AdKh } 58.00%
BB 48.64% 47.58% 1.06% { Jc8s }

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 36.46% 34.95% 1.52% { AdKh } 36.00%
BB 63.54% 62.02% 1.52% { 8s6s }

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 66.52% 65.76% 0.76% { Ad9h } 64.00%
BB 33.48% 32.73% 0.76% { Qc8s }

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 51.77% 51.01% 0.76% { Ad9h } 56.00%
BB 48.23% 47.47% 0.76% { 8s6c }

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 59.39% 58.48% 0.91% { AdTh } 68.00%
BB 40.61% 39.70% 0.91% { Qc8s }

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 44.34% 43.43% 0.91% { AdTh } 40.00%
BB 55.66% 54.75% 0.91% { 8s6s }

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 52.12% 50.61% 1.52% { AdAh } 55.00%
BB 47.88% 46.36% 1.52% { 8s6s }

Board: 8d7d6d
Equity Win Tie
SB 29.09% 24.55% 4.55% { AhAc } 20.00%
BB 70.91% 66.36% 4.55% { 8s6s }
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-26-2014 , 11:18 PM
Today was a very swingy session I was -60 euro then +250 euro then down to +60 euro but ended the session +200 wich feels great! I should take day off tomorrow but I want to play and Sunday usually is good action. I played a maniac who was crazy. My coach sometimes tell me that I’m a nit so it is good to play vs maniacs sometimes and train my calling station abilities

Here is one of the crazy hands we played.

BB: €105.28
Hero (SB): €74.64

Hero posts SB €0.25, BB posts BB €0.50

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.75) Hero has K K

Hero raises to €1.00, BB raises to €1.50, Hero raises to €4.50, BB calls €3.00

Flop: (€9.00, 2 players) 3 J 5
BB bets €30.50, Hero calls €30.50

Turn: (€70.00, 2 players) 5
BB bets €22.50, Hero raises to €39.64, BB calls €17.14

River: (€149.28, 2 players) 8

BB shows A 2 (One Pair, Fives) (Pre 28%, Flop 29%, Turn 16%)
Hero shows K K (Two Pair, Kings and Fives) (Pre 72%, Flop 71%, Turn 84%)
Hero wins €147.78

And here is the homework for today. Got surprised that 9c6c has more equity vs QhTd than Ac9c on Th8hKc.

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 11.52% 11.52% 0.00% { 9s9c } 8.00%
BB 88.48% 88.48% 0.00% { QhTd }

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 14.04% 14.04% 0.00% { Ad9d } 20.00%
BB 85.96% 85.96% 0.00% { QhTd }

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 18.08% 18.08% 0.00% { Ac9c } 20.00%
BB 81.92% 81.92% 0.00% { QhTd }

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 22.22% 22.22% 0.00% { 9c6c } 12.00%
BB 77.78% 77.78% 0.00% { QhTd }

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 28.38% 28.38% 0.00% { Jc7c } 28.00%
BB 71.62% 71.62% 0.00% { QhTd }

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 29.90% 29.90% 0.00% { Jc7c } 32.00%
BB 70.10% 70.10% 0.00% { QdTd }

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 17.58% 17.58% 0.00% { Ac7c } 24.00%
BB 82.42% 82.42% 0.00% { QdTd }

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 66.16% 66.16% 0.00% { Ac7c }
BB 33.84% 33.84% 0.00% { 9h6s } 40.00%

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 18.38% 18.38% 0.00% { Td2c } 18.00%
BB 81.62% 81.62% 0.00% { Ks7d }

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 12.02% 12.02% 0.00% { QdQs } 8.00%
BB 87.98% 87.98% 0.00% { Ks7d }
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-27-2014 , 09:30 PM
Continued to play some maniacs today and I feel that I have to improve a lot against them. Need to stay very focused against them because they put a lot of pressure. I’m very happy with the week all in all but there is a lot I have to improve. Next week I will probably put more of my time into studying as I played very much this week.

Here is the homework for today. I will do turn analysis the next days!

Board: Th8hKc
Equity Win Tie
SB 8.79% 8.79% 0.00% { 5d5s } 8.00%
BB 91.21% 91.21% 0.00% { Ks7d }

Board: 8hJs6s
Equity Win Tie
SB 84.44% 82.63% 1.82% { KhJd }
BB 15.56% 13.74% 1.82% { QcJh } 14.00%

Board: 8hJs6s
Equity Win Tie
SB 80.96% 79.19% 1.77% { KhJd }
BB 19.04% 17.27% 1.77% { QhJh } 20.00%

Board: 8hJs6s
Equity Win Tie
SB 81.11% 79.39% 1.72% { KsJd }
BB 18.89% 17.17% 1.72% { QhJh } 16.00%

Board: 8hJs5s
Equity Win Tie
SB 49.09% 49.09% 0.00% { 8d5h }
BB 50.91% 50.91% 0.00% { Ts9s } 55.00%

Board: 8hJs5s
Equity Win Tie
SB 51.82% 51.82% 0.00% { Jh8d }
BB 48.18% 48.18% 0.00% { Ts9s } 48.00%

Board: 5dTs9s
Equity Win Tie
SB 70.40% 70.40% 0.00% { As2s }
BB 29.60% 29.60% 0.00% { Jd8h } 40.00%

Board: 5dTs9s
Equity Win Tie
SB 70.20% 70.20% 0.00% { Qs2s }
BB 29.80% 29.80% 0.00% { Jd8h } 25.00%

Board: 5dTs9s
Equity Win Tie
SB 74.95% 72.83% 2.12% { Js5s }
BB 25.05% 22.93% 2.12% { Jd8h } 30.00%

Board: 5dTs9s
Equity Win Tie
SB 65.15% 65.15% 0.00% { 8s5s }
BB 34.85% 34.85% 0.00% { QsJc } 40.00%
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-28-2014 , 08:34 PM
I have had the best week so far in my poker career. I reached my goal of 1 k euro in profits and I feel that my hard work and sacrifices are paying off. There is so much more to learn and I’m more motivated than ever to learn and become even better.

Next week I will spend more time on studying. I need to learn my standard lines perfectly in order to not get owned on NL100 which is my goal for the near future.

I made a youtube video where i review last week you can watch it here:

Also here is the sexy graph for last week:

Homework for today:

Board: Kh9hQs6s
Equity Win Tie
SB 15.91% 15.91% 0.00% { AdJd } 14.00%
BB 84.09% 84.09% 0.00% { Ks5c }

Board: Ah9hQs6s
Equity Win Tie
SB 18.18% 18.18% 0.00% { JdTh } 16.00%
BB 81.82% 81.82% 0.00% { As5c }

Board: Ah9hQs6s
Equity Win Tie
SB 68.18% 68.18% 0.00% { JdTh }
BB 31.82% 31.82% 0.00% { 5h4h } 31.00%

Board: 9hQs3c6s
Equity Win Tie
SB 86.36% 86.36% 0.00% { QdTd }
BB 13.64% 13.64% 0.00% { AdKh } 13.00%

Board: 9hQs3c6s
Equity Win Tie
SB 34.09% 34.09% 0.00% { KsTs } 30.00%
BB 65.91% 65.91% 0.00% { AdKh }

Board: 9hQs3c6s
Equity Win Tie
SB 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% { KsTs } 30.00%
BB 75.00% 75.00% 0.00% { Qh9d }

Board: Ts9s4c2d
Equity Win Tie
SB 22.73% 22.73% 0.00% { KdJd } 20.00%
BB 77.27% 77.27% 0.00% { 9h3c }

Board: Ts9s4c2d
Equity Win Tie
SB 13.64% 13.64% 0.00% { AdJd } 13.00%
BB 86.36% 86.36% 0.00% { 9h3c }

Board: Ts9s4cQd
Equity Win Tie
SB 18.18% 18.18% 0.00% { AdTh } 11.00%
BB 81.82% 81.82% 0.00% { 9h4s }

Board: Ts9s4cQd
Equity Win Tie
SB 18.18% 18.18% 0.00% { As5s } 16.00%
BB 81.82% 81.82% 0.00% { 9h4s }
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-28-2014 , 10:35 PM
Great work! Well deserved results.

Holla if you ever want to meet up in Linköping for a beer or something. (Kinda took the same route as you regarding school but I decided to take a lil break with only my Msc thesis left.... Its still a work in progress ;-) )
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-29-2014 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by YouAreHappy
Great work! Well deserved results.

Holla if you ever want to meet up in Linköping for a beer or something. (Kinda took the same route as you regarding school but I decided to take a lil break with only my Msc thesis left.... Its still a work in progress ;-) )
Thank you! Sure add me on skype: Uhlvar
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-29-2014 , 10:24 PM
hmm.. (putting professor gown on) ..

My comments are based on postings (disclaimer)

You have posted interesting results on different hands and odds.. Yet your analysis of these is 0??
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
10-29-2014 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Monsieur
hmm.. (putting professor gown on) ..

My comments are based on postings (disclaimer)

You have posted interesting results on different hands and odds.. Yet your analysis of these is 0??
I'm not sure what you mean?


Board: KcTc5c7s
Equity Win Tie
SB 31.82% 31.82% 0.00% { Ac5s } 30.00%
BB 68.18% 68.18% 0.00% { Ks8d }

Board: KcTc5c7s
Equity Win Tie
SB 22.73% 22.73% 0.00% { AsAc } 22.00%
BB 77.27% 77.27% 0.00% { KhKs }

Board: KcTc5c7s
Equity Win Tie
SB 31.82% 31.82% 0.00% { JcTh } 28.00%
BB 68.18% 68.18% 0.00% { KsQd }

Board: KcTc5c7s
Equity Win Tie
SB 34.09% 34.09% 0.00% { 8s6c } 34.00%
BB 65.91% 65.91% 0.00% { KsQd }

Board: KcTc5c7s
Equity Win Tie
SB 34.09% 34.09% 0.00% { AcQs } 34.00%
BB 65.91% 65.91% 0.00% { KsQd }

Board: KcTc5c7s
Equity Win Tie
SB 22.73% 22.73% 0.00% { QsQc } 23.00%
BB 77.27% 77.27% 0.00% { KsQd }

Board: 8h5s4s2d
Equity Win Tie
SB 77.27% 77.27% 0.00% { Kd5h }
BB 22.73% 22.73% 0.00% { Qs7d } 22.00%

Board: 8h5s4s2d
Equity Win Tie
SB 68.18% 68.18% 0.00% { Kd5h }
BB 31.82% 31.82% 0.00% { Qs6d } 32.00%

Board: 8h5s4s2d
Equity Win Tie
SB 54.55% 54.55% 0.00% { Kd5h }
BB 45.45% 45.45% 0.00% { 6s2s } 44.00%

Board: 8h5s4s2d
Equity Win Tie
SB 75.00% 75.00% 0.00% { AsKs }
BB 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% { 9d6s } 24.00%
Bored of university, swedish student goes all-in on poker Quote
