Borderline Poker: could it be?
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,520
that sucks, i hope u hit that upswing anytime soon mate.
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 23
1 week w/o a single hand of poker. Been in some sort of heavy drug induced fog b/c
of some anti-depressant. Very scary and very annoying even though I guess it's all good all things considered. Played again today. 20 NL just to take it easy. And guess what??????????????????????????????????????+
I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
+$30 !!!
I actually didn't think this game was beatable (at least not while writing a blog) !
strange w poekr how when youve played for a few days you just cant stop, but after taking a small break you really have to force yourself play again. then one again... you can't stop...