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12-31-2012 , 04:03 PM
Seeing that most people who make goal thread are crushing after some time, I decided to do one also. I post very rarely at any forum as it usually ends up me spending ton of hours just browsing and reading sh*t, but I believe I'm over that and will use this thread to help me improve myself, not losing focus from my goals and become better at poker obv.

Short about me:
- coming from Croatia
- 22 years old
- playing poker for 3 years
- not friend with BRM (habbit from betting days)
- soccer coach for kids
- living from poker

Poker history:
end of 2009 - middle 2010 - BE at nl10,
middle 2010 - end 2010 - nl10->nl200->busto->stake nl50
2011 - nl50->nl400->busto->stake nl50 *2
2012 - read above

Money never meant a lot to me, I live quite frugally and I'm quite sure that my life would pretty much the same if I had few millions more on my account. That could explain such swings with stakes. But as my family depends a lot on me and I don't want to grind poker my whole life it's time to do something as games become harder.

My only goal is to earn enough so I don't have poker for a living. My calculation is that 500k € will be enough. This could be changed but in my head I have that number. This is long term goal and I hope to make it in 2-3 years.

Atm, I have about 70BIs for nl100. I'm playing at poker770 (ipoker network) where I should become some kind of semi-pro from 1st January.
Deal I have is good and it include playing lot of live MTTs. (don't ask about deal as I won't talk about it). Basically, more I rake, more MTTs I can play. As ipoker doesn't have great traffic I'll have to stick speed holdem. Have like 100k hands at zoom nl50 and 100 without big success. I'm big fan of small amount of tables/taking notes/pwning what shouldn't be quite easy at speed poker as it's super fast (10 sec timebank) and I'm finding hard even 3-tabling that.

I have very small live experience but I'm quite sure my edge is big at this events. Online I have 4-5k profit at mtts.

So, basically plan is to grind hard online and try to bink some life-changing money at live donkament. Solid plan I guess... And maybe PLO one day.

Move down to nl50 with 5k.
There is no nl200 speed but with 15k I could play mix of 100-400.
After 100k hands at nl100 speed should know more about that.

With speed poker I'll just have to review after every session to take notes. I usually review hands when I'm in downswing or played some weird hand but hopefully will change that. Also plan is to watch videos from genius players and crushers like Galfond, ctrlaltdegen and some zoom stuff. Pretty standard. Will post more about it with time.


This is last 3 months at boss network. Started from nl25 and moved up quickly. That site is also quite dead after nl50. It goes something like nl50>100>25>200>400>600-1k

January goals:
- 150 hours of grinding
- 50 hours studying
- mental side (focus, good warmup) - this is area I have lot of space to improve
- session review ethic - VERY IMPORTANT as I don't have time to take notes while playing

I'll try to update this daily as it's connected with my main goal of session reviewing.

Happy New Year everyone and wish you best of luck, lots of monies and obv tittiez
BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
12-31-2012 , 04:19 PM
GL, hope you can skip the busto step this year!
BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
12-31-2012 , 04:40 PM
Happy New Year everyone and wish you best of luck, lots of monies and obv tittiez [/QUOTE]

Letz do This! gl in tha new Djjeah
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01-01-2013 , 04:03 PM
1st January

Most of that is 31st Dec when action was great and I played some HU.
About half of profit is HU

- 498 hands
- 71 min grinding
- 10-15min taking notes

Didn't play much as I didn't recover from last night still.

2 interesting hands:
Shipping river as bluff, unknown reg, I know I don't rep much but he looks weak.
Not sure if river bet is good. Fishy reg.

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01-02-2013 , 03:39 PM
2nd January

Solid day $wise but unhappy with my play. Made some thin valuebets OTR and leveled myself to calling. Lost like 1.5bi on that. Get owned by one reg in 2 spots, will have to pay attention more.

2nd session added 1 more table, wasn't much harder to follow, likely will be continue 4-tabling. Today there were like 10 nl100 normal tables in lobby which surprised me, if this continue likely I'll go play there.

- 1805 hands
- 150 minutes (60+90)
- 30 minutes taking notes
- +415$

Target was 5h per day grind, but don't have my setup at home because of some internet issues until Friday or Monday, so probable will be late with pace.

I think I played this hand quite good. Reg, open 63% BTN.
XRing for value/protect, when he clickitback he shouldn't have anything, maybe 44 and that's it. Turn I wanted to shove, but missclicked, he won't bluff river. Maybe he had FD.

One maybe too nitty fold, but guy was 13/8 so probable he flat KK also. Something is wrong with hem, he had 110bb.

Vs one of better regs if not only solid reg there. He was opening 39% CO and folding to 3bets ATM about 80% = izi money. I can't fold flop, but turn he should giveup with bluffs, didn't expect him minraise Ax. Spew

Made prop bet with one friend who is also lurking at 2p2. He said I won't update blog regularly until end of summer and invested $100 1:1. Nothing to say but thanks for the money, fish
You can expect some video with me doing **** with his money, ideas welcomed


Last edited by niveaformen; 01-02-2013 at 03:51 PM.
BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-02-2013 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by niveaformen

Made prop bet with one friend who is also lurking at 2p2. He said I won't update blog regularly until end of summer and invested $100 1:1. Nothing to say but thanks for the money, fish
You can expect some video with me doing **** with his money, ideas welcomed
Here I am,waiting for you to fail :-P

BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-03-2013 , 05:51 PM
3rd January

Run quite good, hitting hands or bluffs working. Atm I have wanted bankroll for nl200 but there is no speed 200 running. Waiting lists on normal tables are huge, but there it at least 6-7 tables at 100 and 200 what's new. Probable I'll just try stick to nl100 until winning 50 or 100BIs then decide.

Speed poker is very boring, robotic as you must react very quickly isn't good for my game longterm imo. But with current states of tables it's hard I'll be moving to normal tables soon, as today I joined waitlists at 6 nl100 tables and didn't seat at any for 20mins.

- 2547 hands
- 193 minutes (3 sessions)
- 45 minuts taking notes/stove
- +777$

Originally Posted by RS6R_MTM
Here I am,waiting for you to fail :-P


I can only post whole hand, can't decide which street I'm interested. I guess it's hem problem with importing hands.
26/23 3b 12 (SB14), cb 6/6 in 3b pots.

Spots where I expekt to be called light on the river. Not sure what's best play?
25/23 open CO 44%, 4b 1/5, not much history

Was setting betsize and timeouted flop. River wanted to shove but as I started using some hotkey program it changed sizing when I moved mouse from table (still adjusting to that).
Just bet flop, ship most turns? Do you think we get XR often here?

Will post weekly graphs.

BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-03-2013 , 06:31 PM
Sretno nivea gl
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01-04-2013 , 08:00 PM
January 4th

Originally Posted by DaniFML
Sretno nivea gl
Hvala, također

Was busy most of the day, started playing before 3 hours. There was nl200 speed going, looked softer than nl100 (less multitablers) and wtf, let's go. And how it usually go with moving up, you run like ****, lost every flip, got coolered, people with super wide ranges finding nuts/near.

What's good about 200 that regs don't sitout and rebuy for 100bb when they get little deeper. That saved me day as I managed to stack some bad stationy regs in spots where they should've folded. So few big pots took me out of 4-5bi hole. Swings ftw

Regs are better than at nl100 but looks like most of them still don't know what they're doing. Bigger part are LAG maniacs which are spewy and nits which are straightfwd. I really think I should beat this. It's hard to make some harder decisions so fast, but with taking notes I should have significant edge imo. I guess nanonoko would bet this game with huge wr

- 1640 hands
- 159 minutes
- 25 minuts of taking notes
- -125$

Nothing interesting, only 2 4bet pots where I'm still little unsure about some spots as people at small stakes usually don't flat 4bets.
16/13/5 He was little looser at that time, like 7 3bet and I thought that he's mostly 3betting from blinds.
He had $250 stack and I expected from nits to mostly 5b/f so no need to make it big but I would like 1 or 2bb bigger size tho. Thoughts?
29/24/9 3b 21 from button
Very bad call, river completes lot of that and his sizings looks like obv valuebet, it's hard to find hand he's bluffing with, but would like to hear opinions on blank river?

At January 30rd will be 1st live event I'll be playing under poker770 sponsorship ( if anyone will be there and want to hang out feel free to PM me.

BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-04-2013 , 08:04 PM
Sretno nivea, subbed
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01-04-2013 , 08:57 PM
samoborski novaki ftw

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01-05-2013 , 09:31 AM
Hand 1: I would shove or fold
Hand 2: I would fold river. Don't see him vbetting worse ever.. and not many bluffs in his range.
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01-05-2013 , 09:01 PM
January 5th

One of those FML days when you hate poker. Played nl200 whole day. At the start 3-4tables, later I added 2 more when I get feel about opponents game. Was fine until one moment where I lost 5 stacks in 10mins and you can't do anything about it.

Played against one highstakes dc coach who ended like 3-4 stacks up but couldn't miss board. "Free" coaching ftw I guess Wanted to quit after those 5 stacks, took a short break and closed tables, but tables were soft and couldn't resist. Ended up donking another 2 stacks.

- 5746 hands
- 434 minutes
- 0 minutes studying
- -1195$

I'm exhausted so going to post hands tomorrow. Instead of that will post graph.

Going back to nl100 , will try again when I win 20BIs as I think I have game to beat this.

Thanks for the support
BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-06-2013 , 08:55 AM
51/33/24 ~120 hands
Agro fish. Few hands before I stacked him by check/calling TPMK in 3b pot, he barreled A high. Saw him 3betting QTs.
Given game dynamic I think it's ok, thoughts?

Can't really find any other hand where I'm unsure about my play. Now reviewing I lost ~2BIs because of bad call/spew what 's something I have to work on. Probable tightening up overall wouldn't be bad.

Forgot to add that yesterday I watched 2 coaching videos before sessions, and together with today HH reviewing (of about 1h) it's about 180minutes of studying.
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01-06-2013 , 10:08 AM
BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:05 PM
January 6th

Originally Posted by Andre_787

Bad run continues and I know it's boring to listen when somebody is whining so won't do that. Played something less than planned but not unhappy. I'm happy with my mental state after yesterday.

- 2405 hands
- 199 minutes grinding
- 35 min taking notes
- +27$

About yesterday hand, not sure why I even posted it, it's quite obvious what 's best play.
BTN is 30/12 nitty fish, folded 3/3 3bets, non position aware, expect him raise top of range so wasn't happy 3betting him deep.
BB shortstack reg

I guess we fold turn if he bets?
26/23 very solid reg, one of the better at field
We had some pf dynamic, was 3betting a lot this session together with min5betting against his big 4bet % where he folded mostly. His range is quite obvious, 88-TT, could add JJ. Saw him calling 33 BTNvSB, but don't expect to be case UTGvBB.
So, question is do we think it's higher EV shoving river or checking hoping that he will turn some of that pps in a bluff hoping that we could fold JJ-KK?
Not sure what bluffs I could come with to the river that aren't FH now.

I'm not sure I ever seen, even from fishs that they called me with anything worse than Ax here. Also, quite similar for turning pp into bluff.

What would be best play if UTG is on the BTN?

Few pwns :

BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-06-2013 , 08:12 PM
I think he will check that river A most of the time, while sometimes he might get himself to call thinking you are not shoving your PPs for value on an A river (thinking either you got A or air).
BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-07-2013 , 07:00 PM
January 7th

Very swingy day, chasing lossings and when I was half bi to green lost TTv88 pf. At the end -1.5bi what is success after all happenings. At least happy with my will to play, I think I'm little above the pace for monthly goal what 's good as I probable won't play last day or 2.

- 5067 hands
- 389 minutes
- 0 studying (will do that tmr)
- -12$ according to hem, but cashier is ~-150

Gl, hands tomorrow
BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-08-2013 , 09:33 AM
Fml, will take 1 day off, doing stuff in HEM


Obv some bad play, I'm not so mental stabile to not think about this.

Will probable move down to nl50 to regain some confidence or try playing normal tables as this 10sec timebank is really ****.
BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
01-10-2013 , 05:48 PM
January 10th

Today I was deciding to return at normal tables or not. After playing 1 session 2tabling speed and 1 session 4-tabling normal tables decision fall at speed. Timebank really sucks but I think speed is softer + I have quite good rb so volume is important.

Not super happy with my play but at least I was using brain little more. When you watch someone like sauce thinking about hand and compare it with your thinking process you realize that you suck. A lot!

Yesterday I spent whole day studying, watched several coaching videos and bought CREV. Yeah, powerfull tool, for sure going to spend lot of time with this. as I believe this will help me a ton with my game. If anyone would like to do some trees with me contact me

Good thing about 2 tabling is that I can mark every hand I want. Before while 4-6 tabling I didn't have time for that, so usually my review would be to check every 30bb+ pot what is a lot of hands.

- 193 minutes
- 1024 hands
- ~400 minutes studying (yesterday+today)
- + $214


Had 1 hand on him, snap shove. Called in last sec.
    IPoker, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #15332541

    BB: $88.76 (88.8 bb)
    UTG: $286.01 (286 bb)
    MP: $97.64 (97.6 bb)
    Hero (CO): $347.47 (347.5 bb)
    BTN: $134.65 (134.7 bb)
    SB: $287.16 (287.2 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is CO with 5 5
    UTG raises to $3.50, MP folds, Hero calls $3.50, 3 folds

    Flop: ($8.50) 6 9 5 (2 players)
    UTG bets $282.51 and is all-in, Hero calls $282.51

    Turn: ($573.52) 9 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    River: ($573.52) 2 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: $573.52 pot ($3 rake)
    Final Board: 6 9 5 9 2
    UTG showed Q Q and lost (-$286.01 net)
    Hero mucked 5 5 and won $570.52 ($284.51 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    22/18/6 fold to 3b 50
    Solid reg, no real history, no reads, he looks solid, thinking, on nitier side postflop.

      IPoker, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #15332561

      SB: $267.64 (267.6 bb)
      Hero (BB): $100 (100 bb)
      UTG: $100 (100 bb)
      MP: $228.41 (228.4 bb)
      CO: $141.60 (141.6 bb)
      BTN: $114.25 (114.3 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is BB with Q Q
      2 folds, CO raises to $3, 2 folds, Hero raises to $9, CO calls $6

      Flop: ($18.50) K 9 K (2 players)
      Hero bets $10, CO calls $10

      Turn: ($38.50) J (2 players)
      Hero bets $20, CO calls $20

      River: ($78.50) T (2 players)
      Hero checks, CO bets $78.50, Hero folds

      Results: $78.50 pot ($3 rake)
      Final Board: K 9 K J T
      Hero mucked Q Q and lost (-$39 net)
      CO mucked and won $75.50 ($36.50 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
      BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
      01-10-2013 , 05:52 PM
      January 10th

      Today I was deciding to return at normal tables or not. After playing 1 session 2tabling speed and 1 session 4-tabling normal tables decision fall at speed. Timebank really sucks but I think speed is softer + I have quite good rb so volume is important.

      Not super happy with my play but at least I was using brain little more. When you watch someone like sauce thinking about hand and compare it with your thinking process you realize that you suck. A lot!

      Yesterday I spent whole day studying, watched several coaching videos and bought CREV. Yeah, powerfull tool, for sure going to spend lot of time with this. as I believe this will help me a ton with my game. If anyone would like to do some trees with me contact me

      Good thing about 2 tabling is that I can mark every hand I want. Before while 4-6 tabling I didn't have time for that, so usually my review would be to check every 30bb+ pot what is a lot of hands.

      - 193 minutes
      - 1024 hands
      - ~400 minutes studying (yesterday+today)
      - + $214


      Had 1 hand on him, snap shove. Very hard call imo.
        IPoker, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
        Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #15332541

        BB: $88.76 (88.8 bb)
        UTG: $286.01 (286 bb)
        MP: $97.64 (97.6 bb)
        Hero (CO): $347.47 (347.5 bb)
        BTN: $134.65 (134.7 bb)
        SB: $287.16 (287.2 bb)

        Preflop: Hero is CO with 5 5
        UTG raises to $3.50, MP folds, Hero calls $3.50, 3 folds

        Flop: ($8.50) 6 9 5 (2 players)
        UTG bets $282.51 and is all-in, Hero calls $282.51

        Turn: ($573.52) 9 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
        River: ($573.52) 2 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

        Results: $573.52 pot ($3 rake)
        Final Board: 6 9 5 9 2
        UTG showed Q Q and lost (-$286.01 net)
        Hero mucked 5 5 and won $570.52 ($284.51 net)

        Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

        22/18/6 fold to 3b 50
        Solid reg, no real history, no reads, he looks solid, thinking, on nitier side postflop.

          IPoker, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #15332561

          SB: $267.64 (267.6 bb)
          Hero (BB): $100 (100 bb)
          UTG: $100 (100 bb)
          MP: $228.41 (228.4 bb)
          CO: $141.60 (141.6 bb)
          BTN: $114.25 (114.3 bb)

          Preflop: Hero is BB with Q Q
          2 folds, CO raises to $3, 2 folds, Hero raises to $9, CO calls $6

          Flop: ($18.50) K 9 K (2 players)
          Hero bets $10, CO calls $10

          Turn: ($38.50) J (2 players)
          Hero bets $20, CO calls $20

          River: ($78.50) T (2 players)
          Hero checks, CO bets $78.50, Hero folds

          Results: $78.50 pot ($3 rake)
          Final Board: K 9 K J T
          Hero mucked Q Q and lost (-$39 net)
          CO mucked and won $75.50 ($36.50 net)

          Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

          BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
          01-12-2013 , 04:44 PM
          January 12th

          Won some EV back, not super happy with my play.

          HEM2 is really tilting me, looks like I will have to upgrade my laptop eventho
          I think it's solid configuration. Or I'll have to play without hud what maybe wouldn't be bad.

          - 2163 hands
          - 260 minutes
          - ~240 minutes studying (coaching, videos, CREV)
          - +60$

          Tomorrow I'm going to spend whole day just reviewing every reg as I feel that I'm not exploiting them as much as I should. Have 1k+ hands on most of them and as speed poker is so fast, very rarely somebody adjust what should give me significant edge. After that I can remove some stats from hud which hopefully should fasten my computer.

          From Monday I will just grind like maniac and print money

          Lot of hands tomorrow coming,
          BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
          01-13-2013 , 05:39 PM
          January 13th

          After spending like 4hours reviewing regs decided to play and glad I did.
          Ran quite good, finally on other side of EV and month is in profit again.

          Still I make some spews what is really annoying and usually when I click call/raise I'm NO! Small timebank is problem, but it's same to others so no excuses. Work more outside of table to handread better and faster.

          Reviewing regs was quite fun, especially when you find some leak in their game which you didn't see before, prepare strategy with devil smile on your face and wait to play again to destroy them. I would recommend everyone (especially lower stakes grinders) to do that for some regs which make them problem.

          - 2607 hands
          - 213 minutes
          - ~240 minutes studying
          - +$530

          BOOOOOM TITLE thread Quote
          01-13-2013 , 06:01 PM
          1. UTG is short reg, bad one, opening 33% EP.
          BTN is 20/17/11, not much info.

          [converted_hand][hand_history]IPoker, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #15395791

          BB: $172.65 (172.7 bb)
          UTG: $40 (40 bb)
          MP: $61.28 (61.3 bb)
          CO: $94.31 (94.3 bb)
          BTN: $100 (100 bb)
          Hero (SB): $386.61 (386.6 bb)

          Preflop: Hero is SB with 6 6
          UTG raises to $2.50, 2 folds, BTN calls $2.50, Hero calls $2, BB folds

          Flop: ($8.50) 6 4 Q (3 players)
          Hero checks, UTG checks, BTN bets $6, Hero

          2. BB is 24/19/8, sqz 14, agressive, doesn't like folding, cbets 67% 3bet pot. In SRP he cbets a ton otf and check turn very often.
          SB is fish.

          BB has 100-110bb

          Thoughts? What would you do with 99?

          [converted_hand][hand_history]IPoker, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #15395811

          BB: $0 (0 bb)
          UTG: $36.50 (36.5 bb)
          MP: $267.66 (267.7 bb)
          CO: $116.80 (116.8 bb)
          Hero (BTN): $126.10 (126.1 bb)
          SB: $74.50 (74.5 bb)

          Preflop: Hero is BTN with 7 7
          3 folds, Hero raises to $3, SB calls $2.50, BB raises to $11, Hero calls $9, SB calls $9

          Flop: ($35) 3 4 5 (3 players)
          SB checks, BB bets $18, Hero

          Actually not much interesting hands, so that 's all.

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