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Blind Vs Blind Blind Vs Blind

01-02-2021 , 01:05 AM
Not much to this challenge... Want to get out of micro-stakes online to low or mid-stakes by the end of the year. And make some notes along the way. Lack of live play options will assist in this regard. Just trying to improve. Playing on ACR.

For MTTs: Goal is 2K+ MTTs by the end of the year. (5.5 tourneys a day)
For Cash: Goal is 365K+ hands by the end of the year. (1K hands per day.)

Challenge starts with over $500 BR. Bankroll Management will be 1% buy-in max for MTT's. And this first month I'll be grinding 2NL 6max; then decide what to do after this month is up. I'll be posting hands I thought were interesting/ difficult along with updates.

Feedback is welcome. GL me!

Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-02-2021 , 11:43 AM
Day One Report:

Tournament Total: 10/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: -$8.47

Notes: Min cashed in 2 tournaments. Didn't really get much going in any of them. Lost all but one or two flips if I remember right and lost a few 7/3 spots as well. Lucky to cash anything, really.

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 1262/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$2.77

Notes: I have a couple of interesting hands marked, but I'll have to post them later.

Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-03-2021 , 01:12 PM
Day Two Report:

Tournament Total: 20/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: -$18.02


Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 2370/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: -$0.35

Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-03-2021 , 01:38 PM
Hand One:

MP Opens for 3x, I 3bet with KJd; BB cold calls, MP Folds.
Pot is $0.43.
Flop: BB xs and I bet half pot: $0.21
Turn: BB xs and I check behind. (yuck)
River BB leads for 2/3 pot and I shove. (yuck-again)

Notes: Probably getting stacked if I bet the turn (like I should have); but I don't think shoving the river was good. Bottom line is I lost my place in this hand especially in regards to BBs cold call Pre-flop.

Last edited by AintNodaisy; 01-03-2021 at 01:46 PM.
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-04-2021 , 10:29 AM
Day Three Report:

Tournament Total: 27/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: -$23.21

Notes: Frustrating day. Had some opportunities with stacks in the mid-stages of tournaments, but then proceeded to lose all of those stacks before the money. Wouldn't have changed anything, but one hand play wise.

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 3506/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$0.46

Notes: My graph is a yo-yo. Been tough these last few days to get my hud set with HM3; can't find the default options to set it.

Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-04-2021 , 10:42 AM
Good luck, sir! I'm also playing something similar, Cash 90% + MTTs on the side, I'm trying to focus more on cash, since the variance in MTTs is too high for my taste..
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-05-2021 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by georgelboss
Good luck, sir! I'm also playing something similar, Cash 90% + MTTs on the side, I'm trying to focus more on cash, since the variance in MTTs is too high for my taste..
Ty GL to u as well. Where are u playing? Shoot me a PM sometime maybe we can chat some poker.
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-05-2021 , 02:20 PM
Day Four Report:

Tournament Total: 33/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: -$7.97

Notes: Binked a $1.65 OnDemand MTT; pretty much ran like god, but didn't have time to snap a screen shot before it disappeared. Also, made eighth in a $3.30 on demand.

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 4669/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$6.01

Notes: Lots of short stacks at the tables; and I'm table selecting aggressively. Four handed I'm getting up. Five handed and one player sitting out, I'm getting up. One player with 40bbs and one player sitting out, I'm getting up. I'm playing somewhere around 4-8 tables at a time.

Had my car stolen yesterday.... So it's good I at least kept up my volume goals yesterday. Could have played better in the MTTs; but I'll take it.

Last edited by AintNodaisy; 01-05-2021 at 02:34 PM.
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-06-2021 , 12:59 PM
Day Five Report:

Tournament Total: 40/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: -$19.79

Notes: Feels like I'm running bad, but I'm also making mistakes. Not a good combo.

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 5889/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$3.26

Notes: Some tough spots which are probably folds. I'll post some of the hands later. What's crazy is there has been a bunch of spots where my opponents are just giving away stacks.

Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-07-2021 , 12:27 PM
Day Six Report:

Tournament Total: 49/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$36.13 (r)

Notes: Almost got a bink; twice. Got 2nd and 3rd Instead. The third was the most painful after getting lucky in a hand with K's vs A's; I had my opponents all in pre at least 10 times. Nice to be in the black for Mtts though. My Profit/Loss # aren't adding up... Not sure what's going on there.

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 7172/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$0.41

Notes: I went on tilt yesterday and got punished. I suck. I'm going to try and drop the amount of tables I'm playing from a cap of 8 to 6. We'll see if that helps.

Last edited by AintNodaisy; 01-07-2021 at 12:42 PM.
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-08-2021 , 12:36 PM
Day Seven Report:

Tournament Total: 55/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$27.68 (r)

Notes: Ran deep in a $3.30; but just ran out of chips. Played well.

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 8162/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$3.63

Notes: Certainly getting frustrated with results. Spent this morning looking over hands. There are certainly some spots where I could have/should have folded. A few coolers and some run bad... Might be giving the cash side of this a break. Edit: Also... A few spots where I made some bad mistakes. (had to add that in)

Last edited by AintNodaisy; 01-08-2021 at 12:48 PM.
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-09-2021 , 03:04 PM
Day Eight Report:

Tournament Total: 67/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$26.34

Notes: Again Ran deep in a $3.30; but just ran out of chips. Placed in a few tournaments but lost stacks in spots with the best of it.

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 9,696/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$3.57 (note: previous entry was a negative total not a positive)

Notes: Had a glitch yesterday with ACR with tables not opening (popping up) with tournaments and cash. The only thing that would open was Blitz so I played a bit; not realizing that my seat was open but the table wasn't popping up until the tournaments started. Made seven bucks. *shrug*

Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-10-2021 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by AintNodaisy
Ty GL to u as well. Where are u playing? Shoot me a PM sometime maybe we can chat some poker.
I'm playing on pokerstars and 888. Sure, we can chat some poker on Discord. But you can also post more hands here, I'm sure you'll get feedback from many other players.
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-10-2021 , 02:42 PM
Day Nine Report:

Took the day off. I'm ahead on both volume goals for cash and MTTs so it's fine. Had to watch my Seahawks play terrible and get owned by the Rams... Ugh.

Originally Posted by georgelboss
I'm playing on pokerstars and 888. Sure, we can chat some poker on Discord. But you can also post more hands here, I'm sure you'll get feedback from many other players.
Yeah I need to post more hands. Was going to do it this morning but HM3 isn't working at the moment. Checked the HM thread and indeed it's down.
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-10-2021 , 11:12 PM
Just finished 10K hands (total) tonight. Played bad in a few spots, ran bad in a few others... Player pool seemed significantly weaker than usual over fri/sat/sun. Next graph at 20K.

Currently alive in 1/9 MTTs hopefully I can get the bink.

Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-11-2021 , 01:08 PM
Day Ten Report:

Tournament Total: 76/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$7.64

Notes: Made the money in one out of nine Tournaments... Not good.

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 10,761/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$7.52

Notes:Nothing interesting yesterday.
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-11-2021 , 01:52 PM
Hand 2

Here's why it's important to not be playing so many tables. Had about eight tables up; and my brain transposed this pre to QQ.

Preflop SB raises and I 3bet to 8.5b
Flop is c/c
Turn SB bets 11bbs, I call. Knowing/realizing my (actual) hand and the fact I'm going to be bluffing the river if checked to, and a fourth spade shows....

Oh well. At least I tried to play it well. (after the fact) Probably just a fold, but sometimes you just got to go for it! lol

Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-12-2021 , 01:23 PM
Day Eleven Report:

Tilted off 2 stacks yesterday. First significant hand was A's (me) vs Q's allin pre which I proceed to lose... Obviously, (based on my ev graph above) I'm already well under ev and it just got the best of me. I thought I was fine; then I had an opponent on my left 3betting me into oblivion; same opponent doing this on a few of tables. I should of just either got up from those tables or quit the session entirely.... Ugh. Oh well, the yo-yo at 2nl continues.

Decided to play smaller MTT's based on what happened in the cash games. Played better at MTT's, but still getting creamed in key spots.

Tournament Total: 83/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$8.66

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 11,907/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$2.70

Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-13-2021 , 03:11 PM
Hand #3

I raise 3BB from middle position; BB calls
Flop: I bet 3BB; BB calls Pretty sure I'm betting my entire range on this flop.
Turn: check/check
River: BB leads for 9BB; I raise to 31.5BB and BB Shoves.

I think the raise on the river is fine; but calling the shove not so much.

I'll follow with an update tomorrow.
Blind Vs Blind Quote
01-14-2021 , 01:41 PM
Days 12/13 Report:

Didn't put in much cash last couple of days. Yesterday I Ran K's into A's all-in pre; Then got coolered flopping top 2 with QJs; got the money in on the turn against my opponents KQ, but a K came on the river.

I ran pretty deep in a few MTT's, but again-fell short from any final tables.

Tournament Total: 96/2,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$20.77

Cash 6max:
Hand Total: 13,454/365,000
Total Profit/Loss: +$1.33

Blind Vs Blind Quote
