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Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k

08-25-2019 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
It almost always seems to be men who end up like this, seldom ever women. What is it with men that so many of them lose meaning for life and fall into degeneracy/alcohol/drug spirals, but for women this is a rare occurrence?
Men are much, much more likely to feel alone and isolated, whereas most women have some sort of support system that makes them feel not alone, so they're much less likely to fall into this level of degeneracy. Also women find it much easier to talk about their issues and will usually have people who take the time to lift them up. Men on the other hand are much more likely to suffer in silence both due to a lack of a support system and the stigma of talking about your problems as a man. It should be destigmatized by this point in time but it's really not. So then the aforementioned feelings of giving up and feeling like you've lost all purpose and meaning in life manifest themselves in self-destructive ways, like the ones you listed.

Last edited by MRW90; 08-25-2019 at 02:21 PM.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-25-2019 , 03:26 PM
Yeah, I basically agree with @MRW90 on the matter. Pretty much all of the above is very relevant, especially the stigma on sharing feelings as a man.

I also think that a sizable portion of men doesn't get encouraged by the people around them at all. I can relate to this myself to some extend to be totally honest. All I've ever heard from my parents was to make sure I'd go do something in a nagging tone that gave away that they just wanted to be done with the headaches over me and to be able to present me as a success story to their relatives. Never a sophisticated conversation why it's necessary to strive towards a self-defined goal, nor ever offering words of encouragement - words that instill you with the courage and self-confidence to pick yourself up, set out a plan and then follow it. If you have trouble understanding the essence of meaning and you've almost never heard anything that instills you with the believe that you have something to offer to the world, then a nihilistic worldview is not far off.
I'm not complaining by the way. People try their best and I appreciate that. It's just that their conception of what that is and how to apply it is screwed. I'm probably gonna make a lot of mistakes as a parent as well. Once you're an adult and moved out of your parent's place there isn't really anyone to point the finger at but yourself.

I also think that women have more to lean on than men when things turn really bad. A low status degenerate male has, for example, a lot more difficulty finding a partner than a low status female; women simply aren't gonna put up with someone who's at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder and who just weakens his character by making up excuses, whereas a female still has a lot of dating opportunities, because we men are desperate and base a lot of our dating preferences merely on sexual attraction.

Last edited by OG_Tuff; 08-25-2019 at 03:39 PM.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-25-2019 , 06:04 PM
So you are thinking it is more of a Leaving Las Vegas meets Owning Mahowny situation?

The desire for self destruction combined with the thrill of gambling.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-26-2019 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by ad hoc
So you are thinking it is more of a Leaving Las Vegas meets Owning Mahowny situation?

The desire for self destruction combined with the thrill of gambling.
To my embarrasment I must admit I've never seen the movies you mentioned. Not much of a poker player, eh?

I think that the combination of being at the bottom of the socio-economic distribution and the lack of confidence that you can climb the socio-economic ladder makes men very, very resentful towards existence. Women find them useless once they realize this and they're extremely likely to be rejected by them. You can't live in this manner for a long time without it killing your self-confidence even more and it'll become apparent from your social interactions and body posture that you're a low status male that believes he doesn't have much to offer. Imagine having nothing to be proud of, no respect of others, the judgement of your relatives and peers to deal with, as well as the constant rejection of women. There really doesn't seem to be a point to existence at that point, will there? At that point some people will just try to flip the socio-economic table by following the path of crime, or, if they're temperamentally not suited for that line of work - perhaps too neurotic or empathetic - wil resort to gambling and/or drugs.

I have a brother that's in this spot and is luckily improving somewhat, but I've seen him lose two bets of $1.000,- within a minute and an additional $8000,- in the next month - his entire net worth - in the past. He basically gave the same explanation I just did. Along with it came the nihilistic sense that nothing mattered anyway and that losing that money was a perfect statement of how pointless and cruel the world is. There's a lot of self-proclaimed victimhood that comes into play as well; if you're just a victim of circumstance and if the world is cruel and meaningless to begin with, then you can just offload your responsibility and point outward instead of inward. Pretty comforting solution. Well, at least for the moment, because all that'll end up happening is that you'll find out that that produces even more suffering.
The apartment of my brother is now covered with reminders to not gamble, not drink, not smoke, not consume any alcohol, etc. He somehow managed to make it work for the most part the past year, so fingers crossed.

Aside from the flipping the socio-economic table part, the gambling really just becomes a substitute for the absence of meaning in ones life. The pursuit of hedonic pleasure is what gives one the kind of kick that he or she is missing from a true sense of meaning; progress towards a self-defined valuable goal. That's why the habit becomes so addictive, especially because it becomes a behaviour pattern that can surpress feelings of tension and anxiety for a brief moment.

So, to come to a conclusion, I think your description is pretty accurate.

Last edited by OG_Tuff; 08-26-2019 at 06:29 AM.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-26-2019 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by 18000rpm
Paisting you should bum-hunt this guy and try to get him to play heads up.
85/16 is a player type that I don't want to play against. Their hand range is so wide and they know how to balance river bets. Let's take a typical scenario against 80/10 guy. I have AA raise preflop and 80/10 whale calls on position. Flop comes K73 rainbow. I bet almost pot, whale calls. Turn is 9, I bet almost pot, whale calls. Then comes river 4. This is pure lottery game now on. If I check he shoves. He shoves better than 1 pair or pure ****. If I shove this kind of player shows so random crap that makes you cry. On this board it's something like 74 suited. Folding AA against them is weak play so it's checking turn. If you don't beat these idiot calling machines with premium starting hands your only option is to hit absolute nuts and hope they have little piece on board. How often you hit absolute nuts, not so often.

That player is also from stars and blackrain79 said there's is no value on stars because player pool is better than on many other sites. Maybe those hands are from zoom too, that is more guessing than normal tables.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-26-2019 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Paisting
85/16 is a player type that I don't want to play against. Their hand range is so wide and they know how to balance river bets. Let's take a typical scenario against 80/10 guy. I have AA raise preflop and 80/10 whale calls on position. Flop comes K73 rainbow. I bet almost pot, whale calls. Turn is 9, I bet almost pot, whale calls. Then comes river 4. This is pure lottery game now on. If I check he shoves. He shoves better than 1 pair or pure ****. If I shove this kind of player shows so random crap that makes you cry. On this board it's something like 74 suited. Folding AA against them is weak play so it's checking turn. If you don't beat these idiot calling machines with premium starting hands your only option is to hit absolute nuts and hope they have little piece on board. How often you hit absolute nuts, not so often.
Jesus f****** Christ you happily shove ATC but is afraid to call with Aces against another complete donkey with a random range.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-26-2019 , 09:47 PM
wow im a degen but damn man after reading this start to finish past couple nights all i can say is quit poker or nice epic troll. either way just stop and go outside a little.

start eating more than one meal a day like you said way earlier in the thread and enjoy life a little!
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-26-2019 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Paisting
85/16 is a player type that I don't want to play against. Their hand range is so wide and they know how to balance river bets. Let's take a typical scenario against 80/10 guy. I have AA raise preflop and 80/10 whale calls on position. Flop comes K73 rainbow. I bet almost pot, whale calls. Turn is 9, I bet almost pot, whale calls. Then comes river 4. This is pure lottery game now on. If I check he shoves. He shoves better than 1 pair or pure ****. If I shove this kind of player shows so random crap that makes you cry. On this board it's something like 74 suited. Folding AA against them is weak play so it's checking turn. If you don't beat these idiot calling machines with premium starting hands your only option is to hit absolute nuts and hope they have little piece on board. How often you hit absolute nuts, not so often.

That player is also from stars and blackrain79 said there's is no value on stars because player pool is better than on many other sites. Maybe those hands are from zoom too, that is more guessing than normal tables.
Not a troll btw
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-26-2019 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Paisting
85/16 is a player type that I don't want to play against. Their hand range is so wide and they know how to balance river bets. Let's take a typical scenario against 80/10 guy. I have AA raise preflop and 80/10 whale calls on position. Flop comes K73 rainbow. I bet almost pot, whale calls. Turn is 9, I bet almost pot, whale calls. Then comes river 4. This is pure lottery game now on. If I check he shoves. He shoves better than 1 pair or pure ****. If I shove this kind of player shows so random crap that makes you cry. On this board it's something like 74 suited. Folding AA against them is weak play so it's checking turn. If you don't beat these idiot calling machines with premium starting hands your only option is to hit absolute nuts and hope they have little piece on board. How often you hit absolute nuts, not so often.

That player is also from stars and blackrain79 said there's is no value on stars because player pool is better than on many other sites. Maybe those hands are from zoom too, that is more guessing than normal tables.
hahahaha you don't want to play against wide ranges with tight ranges? jesus christ do you even understand anything about poker?
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-26-2019 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by MRW90
Men are much, much more likely to feel alone and isolated, whereas most women have some sort of support system that makes them feel not alone, so they're much less likely to fall into this level of degeneracy. Also women find it much easier to talk about their issues and will usually have people who take the time to lift them up. Men on the other hand are much more likely to suffer in silence both due to a lack of a support system and the stigma of talking about your problems as a man. It should be destigmatized by this point in time but it's really not. So then the aforementioned feelings of giving up and feeling like you've lost all purpose and meaning in life manifest themselves in self-destructive ways, like the ones you listed.
hormones, thats why also purpose motivations meaning in life can be significantly different between genders.
women gain more from status community and **** like that they are more social and interested in those goings on why the stereotype of gossiping etc, and even the sciences women drawn to things that are more directly working with or involving people whereas men its a broader spectrum.
then theres fact women more driven to nest settle down have kids family (im generalising btw men have these urges also but greater percentage of them dont compared to women) whereas certain dudes just dont wanna settle down ever really and that can leave them more open to self-destructive **** lack of responsibility for children etc leaves you open pursue do **** you wanna do most **** that feels good is bad for you particularly if you have an addictive or obsessive personality and legitimately cant moderate those pleasures they can take over and also just **** you up desensitise you and stop working in way you want so you end up in weird vicious cycle, even healthy addictions can have consequences (sports athletes etc, both in injury and urgh health like you can be extremely fit but cause you like what your doing you can overdo it cause you feel strong need urge to do it but it can end up damaging your heart, and you end up with the same risk of dropping dead suddenly as a couch potato does cause you take it too far).

and i dont agree with women not feeling alone many are very ****** lonely with abusive spouses or just shitty friendships which are two-faced, dudes actually lucky cause again generalising our friends are our friends theres no hidden motives agenda we click we get along were buds and genuinely care for one another dont wish no harm etc, womens friendships are more political status related keep enemies close crap, competitive in a more spiteful not nice way seriously women are horrible to each other even to their friends behind there back its just more bullshit, i think the difference really is well its all relative everyones their own person has there own quirks drives motivations likes dislikes etc, but women yh there naturally wired up to be more social and more involved in community goings on and care about it whther its negative going on or positives it dont matter it keeps them busy and preoccupied and for most part even if not content they dont honestly i really dont know.

genes and hormones are the main thing that play a part environment or pressure from peers too (as in you could be wired up for some destructive traits but if you care about your loved ones or family or their opinion of you and theyd look down be disappointed by certain things or lifestyles or ways of behaving being it might deter you from doing something that if left to your own devices gut instincts desires may of gotten into and done possibly with a negative longterm outcome.

ive got addictive personalities in my family both my mother and sperm donor the way each of it comes out though is different predominately cause their personalities are different and they're wired up different and have different likes but they both got it i could say my mothers comes out in a less destructive more beneficial way cause of her hormones or upbringing but honestly i think its deeper than that her tastes are just different so the other genes, whereas the guy that made me hes just a walking talking cliche stereotype of someone with addiction issues drug problems personality disorder mental health issues etc etc yh maybe given a different environment upbringing it might been different though honestly highly doubt it hes hard wired to be how he is.

look up twin studies actually there pretty interesting, genes are bloody important and do dictate how you react within a given environment.
and yes injury disease bacteria in gut viruses parasites culture your in peers food drugs etc all have an impact but basically you are who you are unless you have some serious brain injury your personality your nature your being is pretty set in stone just how it presents itself to the world will depend upon the environment your coding exists in and experiences its had.

kinda depressing, i dont believe in free will annoyingly, i like the idea i just dont buy it as being true, i also liked the idea of pokemon being real as a kid sadly no i cannot not travel explore the world and catch them all ha and be the best there ever was ha (only in my childish dreams).
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-27-2019 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Justcalll
wow im a degen but damn man after reading this start to finish past couple nights all i can say is quit poker or nice epic troll. either way just stop and go outside a little.

start eating more than one meal a day like you said way earlier in the thread and enjoy life a little!
Same here. Couple days to read.

Op on eeppinen epäonnistuminen pokerissa.

Onko sinulla vielä rahaa pelata ????

Et voi koskaan voittaa rahaa takaisin nl2.

Why can't comprehend losing, unless just want attention?

Kuinka maksat takaisin lainoja?

Mikä on strategiasi, ja avoimet kädet vaihtelevat sijainnin mukaan?

What is your strategy, and open hands will vary by location (position)?

Unless can answer, stop playing. Jollei osaa vastata, lopeta pelaaminen.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-29-2019 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Paisting
85/16 is a player type that I don't want to play against. Their hand range is so wide and they know how to balance river bets. Let's take a typical scenario against 80/10 guy. I have AA raise preflop and 80/10 whale calls on position. Flop comes K73 rainbow. I bet almost pot, whale calls. Turn is 9, I bet almost pot, whale calls. Then comes river 4. This is pure lottery game now on. If I check he shoves. He shoves better than 1 pair or pure ****. If I shove this kind of player shows so random crap that makes you cry. On this board it's something like 74 suited. Folding AA against them is weak play so it's checking turn. If you don't beat these idiot calling machines with premium starting hands your only option is to hit absolute nuts and hope they have little piece on board. How often you hit absolute nuts, not so often.
It’s honestly incredible that after a decade of grinding poker you are still this ****ing clueless
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-29-2019 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
You're becoming a poor troll at this point. I've already answered that in a way that even someone as bad as you portray yourself as can understand. So that narrative has to go. Please step your troll game up.
Poor troll but 36 page thread.

Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-29-2019 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by ajmf5
It’s honestly incredible that after a decade of grinding poker you are still this ****ing clueless
I have filtered out thousands of same situations and made huge losses with premium starting hands against 80+ guys. You are too playing guessing game on that river.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-29-2019 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Paisting
I have filtered out thousands of same situations and made huge losses with premium starting hands against 80+ guys. You are too playing guessing game on that river.
your opponents play the same guessing game whenever you go allin preflop.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-29-2019 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Paisting
I have filtered out thousands of same situations and made huge losses with premium starting hands against 80+ guys. You are too playing guessing game on that river.

Minäkin käytän permium-käsiä (ei niin paljon) ja keskipitkällä arvo kädellä. Miksi en menetä kuin sinä?

Olet edelleen köyhä sielu, joka kieltäytyy vastaamasta kysymyksiin. Erittäin huonot tekosyyt. Oletko niin yksinäinen?

Sinä ohita oma kielesi. Onko tämä jonkinlainen pitkä vitsi?
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-30-2019 , 12:10 AM
op also has long stretches of breakevenish ev when he is playing his A game, I don't think a troll would be that dedicated

his A game is barely breakeven at 2nl and his b game is shipping blind every hand
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-30-2019 , 05:03 AM
this thread has been very disapointing, it's just a circle jerk and doesn't appear to be changing

OP, if you're ever serious about either talking through your issues or wanting some free coaching feel free to pm me. You need some help but something tells me you'd rather just wallow in self pity.

unsubbing and out
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-30-2019 , 02:15 PM
this thread delivers 5/5 stars
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-30-2019 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Paisting
I have filtered out thousands of same situations and made huge losses with premium starting hands against 80+ guys. You are too playing guessing game on that river.
Well it seems like you aren't playing a guessing game and instead just paying off every time if you are losing huge with premium starting hands against total maniacs.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-30-2019 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Paisting
I have filtered out thousands of same situations and made huge losses with premium starting hands against 80+ guys. You are too playing guessing game on that river.
Post a screenshot.
I don’t see how this is possible over big sample.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
09-02-2019 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Paisting
85/16 is a player type that I don't want to play against. Their hand range is so wide and they know how to balance river bets. Let's take a typical scenario against 80/10 guy. I have AA raise preflop and 80/10 whale calls on position. Flop comes K73 rainbow. I bet almost pot, whale calls. Turn is 9, I bet almost pot, whale calls. Then comes river 4. This is pure lottery game now on. If I check he shoves. He shoves better than 1 pair or pure ****. If I shove this kind of player shows so random crap that makes you cry. On this board it's something like 74 suited. Folding AA against them is weak play so it's checking turn. If you don't beat these idiot calling machines with premium starting hands your only option is to hit absolute nuts and hope they have little piece on board. How often you hit absolute nuts, not so often.

That player is also from stars and blackrain79 said there's is no value on stars because player pool is better than on many other sites. Maybe those hands are from zoom too, that is more guessing than normal tables.
We got it buddy, you're a special kid that needs constant attention. You've had your go, well done. The entertainment value you've provided is past it's peak. Time to perish now. Bye!
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
09-02-2019 , 12:46 PM
August is over and this is my graph from last month. Under 20k hands but too much loss. -23 buy ins below ev.

Thanks to all who have offered coaching. I will take them as soon as possible. I don't wanna be someday this guy who loses 1,2 million dollars in one session playing just couple hours. That ChimneyBarrel is finnish guy called Lars Luzak and he told that he was sitting at table with 20k buy in. Then guy came in and Luzak started to shoving in hands that are 55% equity against this guy who made enormous amounts of 20k deposits and then that guy left after 1,2 million had gone like ash to the wind. Then this finnish guy cheered like hero although he was just lucky. I don't understand anything about omaha but if you push in 55% every hand and guy with 45% won't win any of them in one session is just good luck.

Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
09-02-2019 , 02:15 PM
"I'm so unlucky!" screams the guy who open shoves 200bb+ with J3o over and over again.

Also I'm not sure why you think anyone is willing to coach you after you've shown your extreme mental instability. Seems like more of a burden now than anything. You seem to have a bunch of disposable income every month, maybe you should try a new hobby? What other interests do you have?
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
09-02-2019 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Paisting
August is over and this is my graph from last month. Under 20k hands but too much loss. -23 buy ins below ev.
Yeah, focus on the fact that you ran 23 buyins under ev instead of the fact that your actual EV was -408 buyins lol.. in 14 active days.

So let's break it down. You lost $861.36 in August across 14 active days.

That's an average of $61.53 per day.

You ran 23 buyins below ev, or 1.64 buyins below ev per day. (You lost $3.28 more than you should have per day)

Which means even if you ran at exactly ev you still would have lost $58.25 per day, or a loss of 26 buyins per day - That is your ACTUAL EV for August

Do you see the flaw in your logic yet?

Last edited by MRW90; 09-02-2019 at 04:01 PM.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
