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Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k

08-14-2020 , 10:10 AM
Paisting's Paradox

We all agree on that
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-14-2020 , 12:14 PM
Occam's Razor: He plays 2NL because some time ago he read he should be playing those limits in accordance with his bankroll. Of course, we know no amount of bankroll is going to be enough for a losing player (with major tilt issues).

And that's another simple explanation for his delusion. He thinks he can beat it. I don't think there's anything more to it than that.

As for not wanting to improve, I guess it's a magic circle just like regular 9-5 working people who think they can some day get rich or get out of the rat race by working hard. Inflation is a *****, just like variance in poker.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-14-2020 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mentis
And that's another simple explanation for his delusion. He thinks he can beat it. I don't think there's anything more to it than that.
He thinks he should beat it by his strat of punishing the "whales", but it doesn't work, so instead of seriously questioning his strategy, he instead blames it on "bad luck". That's why he only posts and talks about the occasional bad beats he takes while ignoring everything else.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-14-2020 , 03:43 PM
so, in fairness to paisting, my basic calculations indicate that the chance of him being a winning player and just really unlucky are something in the region of 1 in (80^10,000)

so I'm saying there's a chance

Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-14-2020 , 07:23 PM
LOL, is there an opposite paisitngs, who despite playing like the worst player in history, is the biggest winner in history?
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-14-2020 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Gerbenator
Not comparing them at all, they have very different motives obviously.
All i'm saying is that huge whales are not necessary in financial debt or living in depression with mental issues after loosing more than many of us ever dream of winning in poker.

My best guess of OP's profile:
- He's rich. Really rich.
- He's totally okay with the costs of poker like this
- He likes the attention of this thread. Look at how high quality his title is (clickbait), how he is able to reboot the thread from time to time with a graph or some simple remarks.
- OP actually knows his fundamentals of poker. Positional advantage, cbets, steals, etc. In some of his posts he actually makes sense (also from what I've seen him play when not open shoving). But than in other analysis he's making absurd strategies which fuels the thread for a couple days again.
- He's calculated. Not a single true degen gambler would know tools like pokerSnowie, PIOsolver, or even HEM/PT...

It's an odd guy, I must admit. But this profile is far more likely than what many others have been suggesting.
You've clearly never met anyone really rich in your life.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-15-2020 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Gerbenator
My best guess of OP's profile:
- He's rich. Really rich.
You haven't been paying attention have you?
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-15-2020 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by Gerbenator
Not comparing them at all, they have very different motives obviously.
All i'm saying is that huge whales are not necessary in financial debt or living in depression with mental issues after loosing more than many of us ever dream of winning in poker.

My best guess of OP's profile:
- He's rich. Really rich.
- He's totally okay with the costs of poker like this
- He likes the attention of this thread. Look at how high quality his title is (clickbait), how he is able to reboot the thread from time to time with a graph or some simple remarks.
- OP actually knows his fundamentals of poker. Positional advantage, cbets, steals, etc. In some of his posts he actually makes sense (also from what I've seen him play when not open shoving). But than in other analysis he's making absurd strategies which fuels the thread for a couple days again.
- He's calculated. Not a single true degen gambler would know tools like pokerSnowie, PIOsolver, or even HEM/PT...

It's an odd guy, I must admit. But this profile is far more likely than what many others have been suggesting.
Lol I mean, how you can just randomly make up so many of those assumptions about Paisting is just beyond me.

Judging by this thread,

- he clearly isn't rich
- he clearly isn't totally okay with the costs of poker,
- he may have some very basic idea of how Poker works, BUT he doesn't have a clue as to how to apply said idea and his execution is beyond horrible,
- he isn't calculated at all (or why would he issue death threats over losing $100 or whatever in a session?)

What I will admit is that he does like the attention this thread brings to him, but it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. This is actually a major difference compared to Guy. From what I remember, Guy did make some effort to cover up his losses, hence the constant switching between different accounts. Bob Voulgaris actually told a story about how Guy would sit in live nosebleed games and how he would try and replenish his stack in a discrete manner on severall occasions just so he could tell his opponents how he was "pretty break-even" when he clearly had lost his ass. What Paisting does is the exact opposite. He clearly wouldn't do that if he didn't like the attention. Numerous posters have told him on several occasions to move to a different site so he could lose his money in peace.

As for the rest, my best guess is you have just fallen for his bullshit/bluffs etc. He constantly writes about how he read so many Poker books and watched so many videos and he mixes in some bullshit about Blackrain79/PIOSolver etc etc, but anybody with half a brain can make this kind of bluff and while he clearly is a flawed man, he doesn't seem like an actual ****** to me.
I actually think that him pretending about how big an effort he made is just a part of his myth as to how online poker is all rigged against him and how he is the victim here.

By the way, he clearly is a huge degenerate and using PT/HM doesn't even come close to being an argument against that simple fact. Look no further than me. Only last week, I bought PT and told myself I would grind in the cost for that purchase at PLO2. The very next day, I sat at PLO25 and dusted off $200 within an hour or so lol. Now clearly I'm bad (really bad) at controlling my impulses, but it would seem that Paisting doesn't have (or apply) any self control at all.

Last edited by dingdongdonkey; 08-15-2020 at 06:45 AM.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-15-2020 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Gerbenator
Not comparing them at all, they have very different motives obviously.
All i'm saying is that huge whales are not necessary in financial debt or living in depression with mental issues after loosing more than many of us ever dream of winning in poker.

My best guess of OP's profile:
- He's rich. Really rich.
- He's totally okay with the costs of poker like this
- He likes the attention of this thread. Look at how high quality his title is (clickbait), how he is able to reboot the thread from time to time with a graph or some simple remarks.
- OP actually knows his fundamentals of poker. Positional advantage, cbets, steals, etc. In some of his posts he actually makes sense (also from what I've seen him play when not open shoving). But than in other analysis he's making absurd strategies which fuels the thread for a couple days again.
- He's calculated. Not a single true degen gambler would know tools like pokerSnowie, PIOsolver, or even HEM/PT...

It's an odd guy, I must admit. But this profile is far more likely than what many others have been suggesting.
Worst post in the thread by far. He’s clearly the opposite of rich.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-15-2020 , 12:30 PM
Very rich people play 20knl not 2nl
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-15-2020 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
Lol I mean, how you can just randomly make up so many of those assumptions about Paisting is just beyond me.

Judging by this thread,

- he clearly isn't rich
- he clearly isn't totally okay with the costs of poker,
- he may have some very basic idea of how Poker works, BUT he doesn't have a clue as to how to apply said idea and his execution is beyond horrible,
- he isn't calculated at all (or why would he issue death threats over losing $100 or whatever in a session?)

What I will admit is that he does like the attention this thread brings to him, but it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. This is actually a major difference compared to Guy. From what I remember, Guy did make some effort to cover up his losses, hence the constant switching between different accounts. Bob Voulgaris actually told a story about how Guy would sit in live nosebleed games and how he would try and replenish his stack in a discrete manner on severall occasions just so he could tell his opponents how he was "pretty break-even" when he clearly had lost his ass. What Paisting does is the exact opposite. He clearly wouldn't do that if he didn't like the attention. Numerous posters have told him on several occasions to move to a different site so he could lose his money in peace.

As for the rest, my best guess is you have just fallen for his bullshit/bluffs etc. He constantly writes about how he read so many Poker books and watched so many videos and he mixes in some bullshit about Blackrain79/PIOSolver etc etc, but anybody with half a brain can make this kind of bluff and while he clearly is a flawed man, he doesn't seem like an actual ****** to me.
I actually think that him pretending about how big an effort he made is just a part of his myth as to how online poker is all rigged against him and how he is the victim here.

By the way, he clearly is a huge degenerate and using PT/HM doesn't even come close to being an argument against that simple fact. Look no further than me. Only last week, I bought PT and told myself I would grind in the cost for that purchase at PLO2. The very next day, I sat at PLO25 and dusted off $200 within an hour or so lol. Now clearly I'm bad (really bad) at controlling my impulses, but it would seem that Paisting doesn't have (or apply) any self control at all.
But OP stays at nl2. He hasn't played nl25 or higher as far as we're aware. He might be incredibly bad at poker with massive tilt issues, but one thing he doesn't seem to ever do is move up in stakes.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
But OP stays at nl2. He hasn't played nl25 or higher as far as we're aware. He might be incredibly bad at poker with massive tilt issues, but one thing he doesn't seem to ever do is move up in stakes.
Yeah, and this is one of the more absurd parts of his story. If I had $2,000 to blow in a month and I didn't really enjoy playing Poker all that much (which seems to be the case with Paisting), I would probably just sit at the highest table available, try to gamble it up (then again, our degenerate hero, by his own professions, detests "gambling") and be done with this **** for the rest of the month if I go busto. Just imagine the thrill and excitement of flipping for $10,000 (I`ve only done that once, and it was in a donkament) ... Paisting on the other hand just gets killed in the most boring fashion one could imagine. It would seem that, despite all his denials, he is just a classic slot degenerate who will lose $2 at a time with zero chance of ever winning anything.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by gdsfather
LOL, is there an opposite paisitngs, who despite playing like the worst player in history, is the biggest winner in history?
I had a guy limp/shove 150bb with A3s yesterday. After sucking out he informed me that he's up huge amounts of $ vs me. So maybe
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
. The very next day, I sat at PLO25 and dusted off $200 within an hour or so lol. Now clearly I'm bad (really bad) at controlling my impulses, but it would seem that Paisting doesn't have (or apply) any self control at all.
Congratulation dingdongpaisting.
Seems that paisting has more self control then you - haha.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 10:40 AM
Not sure how to put this nicely, but let´s just say you are in the Top 1 of the most pathetic people I've ever met online.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 12:53 PM
Having shared my table with Paisting for about 600 hands (mostly from 2010), I am on Gerbenator's side. The only point I disagree with is the Paisting's wealth hypothesis. I think he is using his benefits pay check to play poker.

In my DB, he used to play 19/16 in FR, clearly showing a good enough understanding of position and aggression, enough to beat NL2. It was before his raging tilt session started, when I played NL2 on Party. He was a -1bb/100 on PTR iirc. I have two hands where he shoved pretty hands like AJs or 77 against tight players (and in 2010, nits were really nitty). That alone was enough to make him a loser in my DB. However, his postflop skills were excellent for the level. In fact, I'd argue he was better than the average NL2 reg there.

I kept an eye on him on poker table ratings after I moved up because at NL2, believe it or not, he was one of my worst nemesis (49 pots vs 22 in his favour and 2 BI up against me). In 2011, he went on a winning streak for a couple of weeks before his first raging tilt session started. You could see the massive drop on his graph where he spent over a hundred hands shoving ATC. He never came out of the hole he dug out for himself after that.

He was perfectly aware of PTR and was answering his "fans" in the comments while throwing abuses to his biggest beneficiaries who came to thank him.

My hypothesis on Paisting: he is very aggressive which makes him hard to play against. But he feels entitled to win every pots and when things don't go his way, as it always happens in poker, he goes on tilt. He doesn't understand that in poker, it is perfectly normal for a winning player to have difficult days.

He doesn't know how to let go. He has to win. And that's his downfall.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 01:08 PM
Two hands from 2010:

Hand 1
Villain is a reg who doesn't usually limp.

PartyGaming - $0.02 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

himen23888 (MP+2): 83 BB
ybrjkfq77 (CO): 235.5 BB
robertrose10 (BTN): 100 BB
busal2009 (SB): 48 BB
eyros111 (BB): 85 BB
Saxer66626 (UTG): 102 BB
Raser02 (UTG+1): 83.5 BB
Donkey41 (MP): 92 BB
Paisting (MP+1): 105.5 BB

busal2009 posts SB 0.5 BB, eyros111 posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Donkey41 has 3 8

Saxer66626 calls 1 BB, fold, fold, Paisting raises to 5 BB, himen23888 calls 5 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, Saxer66626 raises to 20 BB, Paisting raises to 105.5 BB and is all-in, fold, Saxer66626 calls 82 BB and is all-in

Flop: (210.5 BB, 2 players) 9 J 5

Turn: (210.5 BB, 2 players) 3

River: (210.5 BB, 2 players) 3

Saxer66626 shows A A (Two Pair, Aces and Threes)
(Pre 81%, Flop 89%, Turn 95%)
Paisting shows 7 7 (Two Pair, Sevens and Threes)
(Pre 19%, Flop 11%, Turn 5%)
Paisting wins 3.5 BB
Saxer66626 wins 200 BB

Hand 2

PartyGaming - $0.02 NL - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

himen23888 (BTN): 17 BB
ybrjkfq77 (SB): 214 BB
busal2009 (BB): 38.5 BB
eyros111 (UTG): 135.5 BB
Donkey41 (MP): 144 BB
Paisting (CO): 120 BB

ybrjkfq77 posts SB 0.5 BB, busal2009 posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Donkey41 has J 7

fold, fold, Paisting raises to 4 BB, himen23888 raises to 17 BB and is all-in, ybrjkfq77 calls 16.5 BB, fold, Paisting raises to 120 BB and is all-in, ybrjkfq77 calls 103 BB

Flop: (258 BB, 3 players) 5 6 2

Turn: (258 BB, 3 players) 4

River: (258 BB, 3 players) 8

Paisting shows A J (High Card, Ace)

Main Pot [52 BB]: (Pre 23%, Flop 14%, Turn 8%)
Side Pot#1 [206 BB]: (Pre 28%, Flop 15%, Turn 10%)

himen23888 mucks A 9 (High Card, Ace)

Main Pot [52 BB]: (Pre 9%, Flop 3%, Turn 3%)

ybrjkfq77 shows K K (One Pair, Kings)

Main Pot [52 BB]: (Pre 68%, Flop 83%, Turn 88%)
Side Pot#1 [206 BB]: (Pre 72%, Flop 85%, Turn 90%)

ybrjkfq77 wins 196 BB
ybrjkfq77 wins 49.5 BB
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
God you´re such a ****ing idiot.
Somehow you started to be unpolite - so maybe its dingdongpaisting who is somehow pathetic (and a degenerated NL2 warrior)
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 01:31 PM
I like how you added that those hands are from 2010. Paisting still probably plays similar hands every single day in 2020, and his play is lol bad in both of them. As for his stats, Paisting would probably be the only 19/16 on planet earth to do stuff like this. You must have caught him in some strange sessions. These days, his style in 6-max is more like 45/30 with 10+ 3-bet in my database (>5,000 hands, all 2019/2020).

Last edited by dingdongdonkey; 08-16-2020 at 01:36 PM.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 04:39 PM
This might be a newsflash to some: OP is addicted to playing poker.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 07:44 PM
Alternative theory, OP is also Wacker1913
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-16-2020 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by wacker1913
Congratulation dingdongpaisting.
Seems that paisting has more self control then you - haha.
Where in that graph that you posted to DDP the other day is all the 2NL hands you played with Paisting (when he was giving you bad feelz from saying mean things)?
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
Where in that graph that you posted to DDP the other day is all the 2NL hands you played with Paisting (when he was giving you bad feelz from saying mean things)?

I didn't even consider the possibility, but his alleged results would make the stuff he does in this thread look even more pathetic.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-17-2020 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
Yeah, and this is one of the more absurd parts of his story. If I had $2,000 to blow in a month and I didn't really enjoy playing Poker all that much (which seems to be the case with Paisting), I would probably just sit at the highest table available, try to gamble it up (then again, our degenerate hero, by his own professions, detests "gambling") and be done with this **** for the rest of the month if I go busto. Just imagine the thrill and excitement of flipping for $10,000 (I`ve only done that once, and it was in a donkament) ... Paisting on the other hand just gets killed in the most boring fashion one could imagine. It would seem that, despite all his denials, he is just a classic slot degenerate who will lose $2 at a time with zero chance of ever winning anything.
He should play tournaments, at least that way he has a chance of hitting big scores. Not that he ever will, he will continue to play nl2 and lose $2k a month for the rest of his life. It's just funny how $2k is always the amount he loses. Never $5k or $10k, only $2k. He definitely has a set amount of money that he gets given as loans/welfare checks and then loses it, like that person said.

Originally Posted by BrotherLove9
Having shared my table with Paisting for about 600 hands (mostly from 2010), I am on Gerbenator's side. The only point I disagree with is the Paisting's wealth hypothesis. I think he is using his benefits pay check to play poker.

In my DB, he used to play 19/16 in FR, clearly showing a good enough understanding of position and aggression, enough to beat NL2. It was before his raging tilt session started, when I played NL2 on Party. He was a -1bb/100 on PTR iirc. I have two hands where he shoved pretty hands like AJs or 77 against tight players (and in 2010, nits were really nitty). That alone was enough to make him a loser in my DB. However, his postflop skills were excellent for the level. In fact, I'd argue he was better than the average NL2 reg there.

I kept an eye on him on poker table ratings after I moved up because at NL2, believe it or not, he was one of my worst nemesis (49 pots vs 22 in his favour and 2 BI up against me). In 2011, he went on a winning streak for a couple of weeks before his first raging tilt session started. You could see the massive drop on his graph where he spent over a hundred hands shoving ATC. He never came out of the hole he dug out for himself after that.

He was perfectly aware of PTR and was answering his "fans" in the comments while throwing abuses to his biggest beneficiaries who came to thank him.

My hypothesis on Paisting: he is very aggressive which makes him hard to play against. But he feels entitled to win every pots and when things don't go his way, as it always happens in poker, he goes on tilt. He doesn't understand that in poker, it is perfectly normal for a winning player to have difficult days.

He doesn't know how to let go. He has to win. And that's his downfall.
Wow interesting and also very depressing. So there was a time he wasn't such a bad player. I wonder what set off that first raging tilt session and why he ended up doing it for the next 10 years after that.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
08-17-2020 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
He should play tournaments, at least that way he has a chance of hitting big scores. Not that he ever will, he will continue to play nl2 and lose $2k a month for the rest of his life. It's just funny how $2k is always the amount he loses. Never $5k or $10k, only $2k. He definitely has a set amount of money that he gets given as loans/welfare checks and then loses it, like that person said.

Wow interesting and also very depressing. So there was a time he wasn't such a bad player. I wonder what set off that first raging tilt session and why he ended up doing it for the next 10 years after that.
I really don't think so. I would bet a decent amount of money that those -$2,000 months were the worst months he's ever had, and he's probably still shocked by what he's capable of. IIIRC, he posted some -$500 months only this year. Now clearly those months were still a desaster no matter how you want to look at it, but there's a world of difference between losing $2,000 or losing $500 if this is your case money (which I'm guessing it is for Paisting). I haven't seen him on 888 for two weeks now (to be fair, I only looked for him once or twice lol), so may have quit 888 for good, but I think it's more likely that he has gone full blown busto.
Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind k Quote
