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Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner

11-05-2014 , 03:33 PM
Warning Wall of text.... Thread savers at bottom

About Me/Poker History: I'm a 21 year old college student at the University of Oregon. I'm a distance runner on the track team, which takes up the majority of my time and is why I am at Oregon. I'm fortunate enough to be on a small scholarship, so I don't need the money from poker. I sure do like it though. I started playing poker end of my Freshman year of college when playing a home game with a group of runners during the Olympic trials in Eugene. I quickly fell in love with the game and looked for a place to play regularly. I ended up finding Full House Poker, a local card room focused on cash games that is run really well, has a lot of action, and no rake (They take 5% off the initial BI and then have a BBJ drop of 10% capped at 3). I went through the typical journey of fish to winning player sucking at the game for about a year and a half and being a consistent loser. During this time I found 2+2 lurked all the threads, started playing online to get hand volume up, and read a ton of books. Around December of 2013 it began to click and I started to win for the first time. I kept this success up for a while and started a very short lived PG&C last summer. That ended after I made a dumb decision to shot take a 2/5 game under rolled though, lost, and went on a huge downswing immediately after. This became mixed with horrid play as it continued to seem I couldn't win anymore. I watched my roll plummet and was forced to take time away and reevaluate my game. The result was a massive improvement in my knowledge and skill and I feel now I have reached a whole new level. Since I restarted playing my results are as follows for 1/2

I play a very laggy style of poker so experience a decent amount of variance, but I have found that as long I'm properly rolled I'm fine riding the Variance train in name of +EV

Goals/Point of this thread: At the moment I fully consider myself a semi professional poker player and intend to go pro fully upon graduation. I am limited in the games I can play do to living in Eugene so will mainly play 1/2, with a few mtts thrown in there, and maybe the rare casino weekend 2/5 trip. This thread is to keep track of my journey navigating poker, school, and track. So without further a do here are the goals for both track and poker
Record 30+ hours a week of poker
Maintain an hourly above $30/hr
Earn enough to justify shot taking in the Monster Stack this summer (thinking about 15,000 to justify a 1500 BI)
Break 4 minutes in the mile
Earn All-American
Win a team NCAA title
Maintain a healthy balance with poker and avoid compromising track/academic success

Thread savers:

Last edited by Cbrewer4; 11-05-2014 at 03:40 PM.
Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
11-05-2014 , 03:48 PM
Good luck bro subbed! Shout outs if you know my boy charlie taylor lol! Go ducks!
Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
11-06-2014 , 05:17 PM
Yesterday's session was kinda meh. Put in 7 hours and was -$45 Ran into some coolers set over set, turned set against my trips, and table had a bunch of short stacks who were out flipping me when they would jam over my open. Did get up like $300 at one point, but went back down after. Some interesting hands though:

Villain is a bad lag sitting to my right and limps I open 66 from MP to 14

HH 1:
Flop (30)
V bets 26
I has pair and call
Turn (82):
V bets (36):
I still has pair and draw I call
V bets 36
Can't win if you fold I call and MHIG vs A5

HH 2:
This hand might be MUBSY Villain is pretty tight and I expect him to fold all non combo draws/two pairs to a 3b. I have 650 in front and he has about 350
I raise 6c7c from UTG+1 to 12 Button and BB call
Flop (37):
BB checks, Hero bets 25, V minraises to 50, BB folds, Hero calls
Hero checks, V bets 50, Hero calls
Hero checks, V bets 100, Hero folds and V says good fold and says he had JQ and had my AK... I don't know my line might be **** but I didn't want to turn my hand into a bluff and run out was awful since I expected him to have a ton of QJ+ and to check back AJ on river

HH 3:
Hero raises BU to 15 with 22 over two limpers
Villain in BB calls
Flop (37):
BB checks, Hero bets 20, BB calls
Turn (77):
BB Checks, Hero bets 40, BB calls
River (157):
BB Checks, Hero checks... MHIG

V had been peeling me every flop (literally hadn't folded to a HU c-bet) and had called a double barrel with AK high already earlier so I knew he would never believe me. Fully intended flop and turn to be value bets. River is nut worst river but obviously he had KQ and I am somehow good. If river is non face card I was throwing out a third barrel for like 65-75. Anyways first time value betting 22

HH 4:
Immediately after that hand I am against same villain
Hero: Raises to 14 over 1 limper from CO
Sb: calls all else fold

Flop (32):
Sb checks, Hero bets 25, Sb calls
Turn (82):
Sb checks, Hero bets 50, SB calls
River (182):
Sb checks, Hero checks, MHIG

Think this hand is pretty awful by me need to size bigger against such a sticky v on turn and even though river sucks I just barreled 22 he is liable to call with a K still. I don't know think not betting river is criminally bad.
Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
11-06-2014 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Shast44
Good luck bro subbed! Shout outs if you know my boy charlie taylor lol! Go ducks!
Thanks man, don't know him but if I ever run into him here I'll let you know
Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
11-09-2014 , 05:29 PM
Frustrating last few days been running below expectation in a lot of big spots managed to make money still Thursday and Friday, but last night was rough. I should have taken a longer break than I did after one of my beats and ended up spewing an extra 200 or so that I didn't need to. Anyways results and HH's to follow plus a thread saver

11/6- 5.5 hours +287
11/7- 6 hours +179
11/8- 9 hours -750

HH 1:
Really weird spot in this one V is absolute maniac whale. I have seen him get 200BB all in pre with Q4o before. Switches moods but is wild when drunk and has been drinking and jamming a lot.
UTG straddles Hero covers table

Hero (UTG+1): Opens AQhh to 20, Villain jams 450, Short stack in MP goes all in for 150, Different gamble Asian guy goes all in from SB for 225, Hero tank calls

Board: ATT7T
Results: Chop pot with crazy ATC villain who has AK my bad

I don't think I can fold here the second all in has a way wider range than he should because he likes to gamble when he sees big pots. So I think I'm against something like ATC, top 25%, and AJ+ 88+ from the smallest stack. It is a really ****ty high variance spot. I think it is very marginal and I absolutely ran into top of his range here. and got lucky. I need very little equity in the main pot to call if I have the equity in the side I believe I do.

HH 2:
Hero: Opens QQ to 15 UTG+1, 5 people call

Flop: 583r
Sb check, BB check, Hero bets 50, MP goes all in for 62, Co folds, Bu folds, SB jams 150, BB folds, Hero calls

SB shows 33 and hangs on. I almost folded here but the guys seemed relatively clueless and had been pissed at me raising all night. Felt like he has enough A8,99,TT,JJ to call here

HH 3:
So this hand I suck at poker. I'd been super lag and villain was visibly pissed at me raising so much

Hero opens 77 from mp to 12, Bu calls all else fold

Hero bets 20, V calls

Hero checks to induce, V checks

Hero bets 30, V min raises, Hero forgets to think and calls, V shows KQo

This guy was pissed at me but never has air here he is simply calling flop because he doesn't believe me and could still hit. That raise is a 100% value and always is a king or a 6. So yeah I suck at poker

Next three hands are vs this new guy who had been on a heater and was pretty deep when I sat down. He is some type of weird bad abc/rec fish player. Super sticky and will randomly peel flops.

HH 4:
Hero opens TT UTG to 12, villain raises to 24, Hero calls

Hero checks, Villain bets 20, Hero calls

Hero checks, Villain bets 20, Hero calls

Hero checks, V bets 20, Hero calls MHIG vs AQ and he is annoyed that I would ever call there

HH 5:
Hero raises A6cc from MP to 14 over 1 limper
Two calls

Flop (52):
MP1 checks, Hero checks, V bets 20, Mp folds, Hero calls

Turn (92):
Hero checks, V bets 25, Hero calls

River (142):
Hero leads for 50 villain calls MHIG

HH 6:
So V is steaming now because this young kid keeps getting him and has made several comments about it. V has 415 in front of him I cover

Hero opens AA to 12, V min 3 bets to 22 (meant to make it 24), Hero 4b to 50, V calls

Flop (100):
Hero bets 60, V calls

Turn (220):
Hero checks, V bets 55, Hero calls

River (330):
Hero leads 150, V jams for 260 total, Hero curses the poker gods and crying calls, V shows KK

So my line is really weird in this hand but I thought he was never folding flop no matter what so expected him to have AQ+,TT+ on turn and think he will always bet when checked to, but will fold to a lot of my bets on turn. Plus he is so bad at hand reading he will call with QQ, JJ on river because to him I obviously don't have the King when I check. Figured I could bomb river for value and he would consider it a bluff. Once he jams its a crying call hoping to see AK. Plus lol at the bet on turn by him so bad! Ran into a couple of bad suck outs after that hand and began to force it and run some bad bluffs.

Thread saver:
Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
11-24-2014 , 05:20 PM
Been a while since I updated this. I went on a pretty big downswing right when I started this thread like -10BI in 80 hours. Pretty gross and frustrating. Lost a ton of 80/20's and capped it off with me playing two very poor sessions and deciding to take a break for a while. During this break I've started playing micros stakes HU NL on ACR so I'll post some HH from those later and could use advice on HU because I'm kind of a noob right now. Played live last night for like 6.5 hours made 100 dollars. Table was amazing though as you will see in these hands. A few interesting hands happened and there is one I'm really interested in people's thoughts involving a massive on going leveling war between me and another good lag. So anyways HH

UTG ($500 good lag): Calls 2
UTG +1: Calls
Hero (675): Raises to 22 with AQo
MP1: Calls
HJ: Calls
Co: Calls
Bu: Calls
Blinds fold and both limpers call

Flop (147):
Checks to hero, Hero bets 75, MP1 jams 160 and I get a raging hard on, folds to UTG lag who over calls, I go flaccid and fold Lag shows 33 MP shows KQ

Had this crazy Russian guy who was betting every flop and tilting a ton he is V1 here V2 is standard bad rec fish

4 limps to hero in BB who has 250 and checks.

Flop (10):
V2 checks, Hero checks, V1 bets 12, folds to V2 who calls, Hero calls

Huge implied odds here vs these two V1 hates folding and loves overbetting, V2 is incapable of folding trips. V2 has 220 left behind V1 has 300

Turn (46):
V2 checks, Hero checks, V1 bets 25, V2 raises to 75, Hero calls, V1 says I must be strong and folds

River (196):
V2 jams 145, I think to myself damn I bet he has A4 and call, V1 shows A4

I expect this villain to always call off with trips but this action where he jams might always be boats or straights. I thought about folding river but decided he could have K4 Q4 etc. since he was in SB and completed. Obviously one of the worst river cards and I should fold.

Most interesting hand of the night

Game is 5 handed at this point SB is the good lag. He is hyper active capable of making moves and respects hero. He knows I am capable of bluffing as well and we have engaged in leveling wars before with me calling him down with third pair and being good and me getting caught making bluffs. He has ~700 I cover

UTG folds and 3 people limp. Hero in BB raises AA to 17 all three call.

Flop (68):
SB checks, Hero checks, checks around

Atypical for me to check here but seemed hard to be called by worse on this flop and felt I could induce

6s brings flush draw
UTG leads 20, Hero raises 60, folds to UTG who 3b to 200, Hero Flats

River (468):
UTG checks, Hero checks MHIG

I rarely check over pairs on this flop so he doesn't put those in my range and my line looks FOS. His lead is super weak and I don't think he has any Tx with that sizing. He could be inducing with 33 or 66 but that is about it. I think that lead is air, draws, and pocket pairs. When he 3b I think its a standard call given my ranging and what my range looks like to him, air or two overs and a flush draw. River is a horrible card for me because I think he has a lot of draws here with his air. When he checks I'm pumped to check behind and expect to be good. I think turn I can justify a small 4b and call off jams. River I have to fold if he jams and don't think I have much choice but to check behind.

Oh yeah I did get lucky a few nights ago and got a table share of a BBJ for $550 yay!

Also HU hand brag:

    WPN, $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 2 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #32898462

    BB: $22.71 (227.1 bb)
    Hero (SB): $19.20 (192 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with 2 A
    Hero raises to $0.20, BB raises to $1, Hero calls $0.80

    Flop: ($2) 4 3 K (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero checks

    Turn: ($2) J (2 players)
    BB bets $1.26, Hero calls $1.26

    River: ($4.52) 7 (2 players)
    BB bets $3.99, Hero calls $3.99

    Results: $12.50 pot ($0.50 rake)
    Final Board: 4 3 K J 7
    BB showed 9 Q and lost (-$6.25 net)
    Hero showed 2 A and won $12 ($5.75 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Last edited by Cbrewer4; 11-24-2014 at 05:28 PM.
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    12-23-2014 , 07:13 PM
    I have not updated this in so long. I was going through a rough downswing and traveling a bit with my family. Anyways though update on how everything has gone. I've really improved at HUNL after reading some books and lurking the HU forum and have begun to feel pretty comfortable at it. Have made like $290 at 25nl this month through 4000 hands or so. Live poker has been pretty stagnant for a while went on a 10BI downswing and am grinding out of it I've made back like 1200 but still have a ways to go. I'm going to just post some HU hands 2 good ones, 2 close calls, and 1 awful hand I spazzed.

    Winning Poker Network - $0.25 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

    BB: 116.6 BB
    Hero (SB): 101.4 BB

    Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

    Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has K 7

    Hero raises to 2 BB, BB calls 1 BB

    Flop: (4 BB, 2 players) 5 2 5
    BB bets 3 BB, Hero calls 3 BB

    Turn: (10 BB, 2 players) 9
    BB bets 5 BB, Hero calls 5 BB

    River: (20 BB, 2 players) 3
    BB bets 12 BB, Hero raises to 30 BB, fold

    Hero wins 42 BB

    Guy had been donking and c-betting turn and river a ton. Figure he has tons of air on this flop and prefer bluffing out all his better Kx and Ax hands than flatting river. Plus river raise can also push out some 2x hands as well. Basically just floating to value bluff

    Winning Poker Network - $0.25 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

    Hero (BB): 101.8 BB
    SB: 183.64 BB

    SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

    Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has A 6

    SB raises to 2 BB, Hero raises to 7 BB, SB calls 5 BB

    Flop: (14 BB, 2 players) 7 Q 5
    Hero bets 8 BB, SB raises to 24 BB, Hero calls 16 BB

    Turn: (62 BB, 2 players) K
    Hero checks, SB bets 20 BB, Hero calls 20 BB

    River: (102 BB, 2 players) J
    Hero checks, SB bets 33.32 BB, Hero calls 33.32 BB

    Hero shows A 6 (High Card, Ace)
    (Pre 66%, Flop 78%, Turn 86%)
    SB shows 8 2 (High Card, King)
    (Pre 34%, Flop 22%, Turn 14%)
    Hero wins 166.64 BB

    This V had been playing nearly 100 percent of hands and didn't fold to 3b's so I started 3bing wide for value. He also had begun to raise all my c-bets in 3b pots so I fully intended to get raised on the flop and call down. Obviously I'm going to look stupid sometimes and see some two pairs, but on this board run out not many one pair hands can barrel other than a turned king, Qxcc, or AQ. Even AQ probably checks back river. Plus besides including the obvious spazz range for this villain the straight draw missed as well. Also don't think he can ever have any small showdown value hands here as although he was dumb he'd still check back river with small pairs and Ace high

    Unsure hands:

    Winning Poker Network - $0.25 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

    Hero (BB): 115 BB
    SB: 98.8 BB

    SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

    Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 8 5

    SB raises to 3 BB, Hero calls 2 BB

    Flop: (6 BB, 2 players) 4 5 J
    Hero checks, SB bets 3 BB, Hero calls 3 BB

    Turn: (12 BB, 2 players) 7
    Hero checks, SB bets 6 BB, Hero raises to 18 BB

    Villain was a pretty nitty tag reg. I had been playing pretty sane nothing crazy. Playing like 55-60 percent from blind and c-betting like 60 so flop is standard call off. I think his barrels are pretty strong/polarized here. He isn't the type to bet thin with 99 or something so its Jx+, spades, or a 6. Thought I could maybe combo bet turn and fold out some weak jacks while getting value from flush draws and straight draws, but on reflection don't think he ever folds a J so I should probably smooth call turn. Getting 3b in this spot is god awful

    Winning Poker Network - $0.25 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

    Hero (BB): 145.12 BB
    SB: 59.72 BB

    SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

    Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has Q Q

    SB raises to 2 BB, Hero raises to 6 BB, SB calls 4 BB

    Flop: (12 BB, 2 players) J 5 T
    Hero bets 8 BB, SB calls 8 BB

    Turn: (28 BB, 2 players) A
    Hero checks, SB bets 8.84 BB, Hero calls 8.84 BB

    River: (45.68 BB, 2 players) 8
    Hero checks, SB bets 29.12 BB, Hero calls 29.12 BB

    Hero shows Q Q (One Pair, Queens)
    (Pre 68%, Flop 56%, Turn 3%)
    SB shows Q K (Straight, Ace High)
    (Pre 32%, Flop 44%, Turn 97%)
    SB wins 101.92 BB

    This is the same villain who I played against in the Ace high call down. This is before that hand and he has been playing agro has described. I hate the turn I feel like so much of his flatting range is Ax, but I know he can spazz bluff so feel like I should call down. Ace also brings in the straight draw and he is playing a pretty strong line against a pretty great board for my 3b range. It honestly probably isn't that close given what I know about villain and is a standard call down. I'm just being results oriented here I think

    Awful hand (don't play while distracted and watching tv):

    Winning Poker Network - $0.25 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

    SB: 115.96 BB
    Hero (BB): 104.8 BB

    SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

    Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 3 A

    SB raises to 3 BB, Hero raises to 9 BB, SB calls 6 BB

    Flop: (18 BB, 2 players) Q Q Q
    Hero bets 12 BB, SB calls 12 BB

    Turn: (42 BB, 2 players) J
    Hero checks, SB bets 22 BB, Hero calls 22 BB

    River: (86 BB, 2 players) 9
    Hero checks, SB bets 72.96 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 61.8 BB and is all-in

    SB shows A Q (Four of a Kind, Queens)
    (Pre 70%, Flop 100%, Turn 100%)
    Hero shows 3 A (Three of a Kind, Queens)
    (Pre 30%, Flop 0%, Turn 0%)
    SB wins 207.6 BB

    I understand what I was thinking, V had shown some bluffs but every pair plays this way and so does AK no way I can call down profitably. Just atrociously bad. So fishy
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    12-23-2014 , 07:16 PM
    Oh yeah fun little thing I forgot the poker house I played at wanted to get some of the better players in their player of the year tourney/fill the field more (Had to Final table one of their 4 qualifying tourneys and I kept busting out on bubble with JJ<AQ AA<KK etc.) so they gave me an invite. It's a 15,000 guaranteed free roll next month ,hopefully I run well in it
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    12-24-2014 , 03:11 AM
    Fun quick session online
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    02-06-2015 , 06:09 PM
    Update. Basically right after I started this thread I went through a huge down swing that I have finally climbed out of and was pretty frustrated with poker (see below)

    I took a break for a while, reevaluated my play, studied a ton, ran a bunch, and played online a decent amount. I realized there were some spots where I was spewing pretty hard by playing draws too fast vs villains who were never folding along with other more minor leaks. After fixing this stuff and with some run good I have had a great start to the year in cash and the small amount of tournaments I play for fun.

    I've also gotten into really good shape for track so am pretty excited about this track season coming up. I posted my goals for the year in the LLSNL thread but I'm going to post them here too.

    Break 4:00 for the mile
    Break 8:00 for the 3k
    Win a team NCAA title
    1000 hrs of live poker
    100 hrs of 2/5
    Cash in a WSOP event this summer
    >20k on the year
    Become good at online MTTs so sicko online friends stop teasing me for being a live donk.

    I'm going to post an interesting hand from a few nights ago and then leave this post with some fun chip porn from the last month and half. Probably will do a session review later

    First hand at the table in one of the rare 2/5 games that get going at the poker house. I sit down with 1000, buy the button from the SB for 7 and am dealt AQ.

    Competent but spewy young Asian villain raises to 20 utg and two passive fish call from mp and the CO. This V is willing to raise pretty wide and peel wide against 3bs. He has ~800 in front of him. I decide to 3b for value and to isolate. I expect to have a lot of fold equity vs this villain because he respects me and tightens up as pot size increases.

    Hero raises to 80 with AQ Asian V calls UTG other two fish fold

    Board (Pot 200):

    Hero bets 125
    Villain calls

    Turn (450):
    Hero checks
    Villain bets 125
    Hero Jams for ~595 effective
    Villain sighs and folds, tells me he had a pocket pair

    I'm fine with barreling or check raising this turn either one should be fine. I chose to check raise because it allows me to do it for value later on vs him with 99,JJ,KK+. He is competent enough to float that flop vs me and he knows best case scenario there with my line is I have AKss or AQss so he will fold QQ almost always to check raise. If he has KK or AA he's calling and I have lots of equity still.

    These are all from 1/2 except for the Aria picture

    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    02-06-2015 , 06:11 PM
    Nice hourley
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    02-17-2015 , 11:10 PM
    Well not too much has happened since my last post poker wise. I had a 3k race up in Seattle and got 3rd in 8:03 so still haven't achieved my sub 8 goal, but am pretty damn close. Hopefully I get another shot in two weeks

    I did play at one of the funniest tables ever last week though. Even had another 2+2er at it who can confirm, but basically this semi-thinking laggy Asian kid went on a mega heater and the hands and dynamics got bizarre. Then on top of that these two Asian women and your classic fake pro joined the table. The Asian women were jam happy they would call off or jam over any raise pre once they limped. The fake pro kept talking about how bad he was running/how he was 3bing soooo much (honestly did run bad but was probably only 3b! 5-7% lol) Sadly other than one run good hand the night was not meant to be for me. Lost 350 dollars in mainly standard spots vs the top of wide ranges.

    HH prequel:
    My favorite hand of the night doesn't involve me

    Fake Pro opens to 12
    Asian women 1 calls IP everyone else folds

    flop (27)
    Fake Pro bets 25
    she jams 125-150ish
    he tank calls



    Asian woman 1 flips over with excitement and shows JQ for the nut straight. Fake pro cries and moans then shows a King as he folds. I chuckle

    HH 1:

    UTG Asian woman 1 (has about 40 dollars): calls

    Hero: has 66 raises to 12 stack is ~400

    two people fold

    Lagtard Asian: 3b to 30
    Covers hero

    Folds to Asian woman 1 who jams for 40
    Hero calls 40
    Lagtard calls 40

    Flop (~120):

    Hero checks
    Lagtard checks

    Turn (120):

    Hero bets 80
    Lagtard calls 80

    River (280):
    Horrible river....

    Hero bets 140
    Lagtard calls 140 shows 72


    Fake pro opens HJ to 12
    Asian woman 1 calls in CO
    Fish calls BU
    Sb folds
    Hero A9 3b! to 50
    playing 320ish

    Fake Pro calls
    covers me


    Flop (125):
    Hero bets 60
    Fake Pro calls 60

    Hero checks
    Fake pro checks

    River (245):

    Hero bets 185
    Fake Pro calls


    I am only ever betting turn and river for value once he calls flop. I figured he wanted to outplay the laggy kid so if he called flop he was calling down. Had turn been a heart I check to him and evaluate my decision based on bet sizing. If it's an A I check/call then lead all rivers

    Originally Posted by DeKraken
    Nice hourley
    Thanks just a fish on a heater

    Got bored and went on a 25nl heater last night

    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    02-18-2015 , 01:06 AM
    I'll chip in my own funny hand from that table:
    Decent TAG open UTG+1 $12, Asian woman calls, hero calls BTN 24.
    Flop ($39): KQ2
    TAG checks, AW checks, hero bets $25, TAG folds, AW calls.
    Turn ($89): K
    AW checks, hero checks.
    [B]River ($89): T
    AW checks, hero checks.
    AW rolls
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    02-18-2015 , 02:14 AM
    Do you think that many hours of live poker has any effect on your training/recovery? How many sub 4 or sub 4 equivalents (3:42 1500) will oregon have this year? GL breaking 8 and 4. It must be pretty cool to have that many guys to train with.
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    02-18-2015 , 03:55 PM
    Originally Posted by Everytime
    Do you think that many hours of live poker has any effect on your training/recovery? How many sub 4 or sub 4 equivalents (3:42 1500) will oregon have this year? GL breaking 8 and 4. It must be pretty cool to have that many guys to train with.
    I have thought about this question a ton. When I got seriously into poker I had just been sick for a month and my coach and I called it quits for the outdoor season last year so it wasn't an issue then and I grinded long hours. Now I try to set limits on it so Mon-Thursday and Sunday I try to leave before midnight. I have made Friday and Saturday the two nights I will let myself play long sessions figuring it is healthier than going out drinking and I can sleep in the next day. I think poker was possibly detrimental to my running initially, but I've found a nice balance and it helps me stay more relaxed dealing with stress from school and athletics. Leading to better performances in practice and races. I use to have a lot of trouble dealing with my nerves in races so don't do well when I make my world completely running focused.

    Right now we have 7 guys who have broken 4 on the team, then a sophomore who has ran 3:41 in the 1500, a freshman who ran 3:44 in high school, and me at 3:44 as well. Plus we have a 13:30 5k guy who had no speed, but I have to imagine he would still be close. So in a perfect world we could have 10 or 11 sub 4:00 milers on the team this year. It's such a great atmosphere to be in and I am so thankful to be part of it
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    02-21-2015 , 06:48 PM
    Played two sessions since my last update. Had my successful hero call where I still lost, his Ace high out kicked my Ace high but overall think I played pretty well


    HH 1:
    This Asian kid was playing a very bad loose and aggressive style. Total spewtard who hated folding and wanted to win every pot. I had called him down earlier in the session with Ace high and lost to a bigger Ace high so he should be a little weary of bluffing me, but I don't put it past him at this point.

    UTG: Asian Lag limps
    Hero raise AJ to 15 from MP
    BB calls 15
    LAG calls 15

    Flop (46)
    BB checks
    LAG checks
    Hero: Bets 30
    BB Folds
    LAG calls 30

    Turn (106)
    LAG leads 60
    Hero calls 60

    River (226)
    LAG leads 80
    Hero calls 80

    Lag shows Q8o MHIG

    My thinking is simple, kid is clueless and his range is bigger than the grand canyon

    Villain in this one hates losing pots to me and is pretty sticky. He is a 50 year oldish white male. Doesn't lead out frequently unless its a value hand or a bluff. Usually check calls two streets vs me and tank folds river (I'm not joking). I bet very thin against him in general, but don't bluff often.

    Hero opens in CO with AJ
    V calls in SB
    LAG from previous hand calls in BB

    Flop 36
    V leads 25
    LAG folds
    Hero calls 25

    Turn (86)
    V bets 55
    Hero calls 55

    River (196)
    V checks
    Hero bets 125
    V Snap calls

    I think based on his timing with the call I missed value he had about 225 left going into river so I considered jamming, but decided to bet smaller instead. He claimed to have 99 but is a frequent liar about hands so who knows. I don't think I have any reason to raise flop or turn against a polarized range.

    HH 3:
    This hand is a mess.... It's against a very good lag. He has check raised me as pure bluffs on the turn before and I have hero'd him down. He is able to adjust though and put value/draws in there too.

    LAG limps for 2
    Hero raises from MP to 15 with TT
    4 people call including LAG who is directly to my right him and I are 1k deep

    Flop (75)
    2 players check to hero who checks
    2 check behind

    2 players check to Hero
    Hero bets 40
    folds to LAG
    LAG raises to 125
    Hero calls 85

    River (325)
    Lag bets 300
    Hero folds

    Hand is a debacle. I should check/fold turn. When I bet I thought to myself if it folds to him he is check raising. I considered throwing in a 3b! and trying to end the hand there, but decided I could use position on river. Problem is he almost never slows down on river and there are a lot of really ugly ones. I know he knows I'm weak when I check flop. He knows I know that too. I think this is a spot I should just check turn and never bet to begin with because of him. He is going to attack my weakness to often and to well for me to make this bet. Once I do I just put myself between a rock and a hard place. His line makes no sense for value, but neither does mine. It is so weird. I should fold on turn to his raise, it was a spewy call. He claimed after to have T9 which I guess makes sense, but still expect him to lead big value hands into 5 people on turn more often than not.


    I played cash for about an hour and a half then played a ten man STT donkament with a $150+$30 add on BI and chopped that for $720 a piece and I got my third seat into a HU 5k freeroll tournament they have every 3 months. I shouldn't have chopped really, but its a small poker house and I don't want to make enemies with regs. Only interesting hand of the day was in cash.

    We are playing 5 handed

    Hero opens QTo to 12 UTG+1
    BU calls 12
    BB calls 12

    Flop (36)
    Hero bets 25
    BU raises to 60
    BB folds
    Hero calls 60

    Turn (156)
    Hero checks
    BU checks

    River (156)
    Hero checks
    BU bets 80
    Hero calls 80
    BU shows J9o MHIG

    +$180 in cash and $540 in tournament

    2015 so far

    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    02-24-2015 , 05:18 PM
    I continue to run really well in 2015. Saturday night two huge whales came in and I was able to isolate them then call down light a lot. None of the hands are really interesting strategically so I don't think they are worth a post, but I made +$970 that night

    It came at a price though. The house has a BBJ where both cards must play and it was at AAA33 Saturday night, $15,000 jackpot. Now this whale is like playing against the dealer in ultimate hold' em his range at all times is ATC. So this happens. Also this sizing is in a 1/2 game lol

    Whale opens to 27 from UTG (has 68 left behind)

    Whale 2 calls 27 from UTG+1 (has like 350)

    Sticky fish calls 27 from MP1 (has like 160)

    Folds to me in BB with 44 I call 27

    Almost squeezed but thought I could use RP to call whales shove on flop if others fold, and sticky fish could call my 3b and shouldn't be weak here.


    Hero checks

    Whale shoves 68

    Whale 2 calls 68

    Fish calls 68

    Hero folds

    Whale 2 checks
    Fish shoves his remaining stack
    Whale calls


    I instantly feel sick, Whale 1 shows KJ, Whale 2 shows QQ and Fish shows A4

    Since the 4 kicker doesn't play the jackpot is not hit. Though our QQ and 44 would do it if no one had a non qualifying A.

    I don't know if I ever get to river even if sticky fish doesn't call 27 preflop from horrible position with garbage, but it's still sick getting dealt the big end of a BBJ and not getting it. This is a pretty fishy post and similar to people who say they shouldn't have folded their 72o preflop because it hit a boat on flop, but I just wanted to share the story haha

    Brag: First 100 hours of the year below

    Bad beat: Have our conference meet this weekend and was scheduled to run the 3k, but my achilles flared up yesterday in middle of a training run so have to miss the meet. We value outdoors more and want to play it safe.
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    02-27-2015 , 12:00 AM
    I continue to run good this month and am pretty happy with the way I'm playing. I feel so comfortable and confident right now. It's anecdotal but there is this lag who plays at the house I play at. He is very competent and beats 2/5 and 5/T over a good sample size in Vegas. I've put him in my HHs before and when I first played against him he seemed like a mind reader to me. He is the one in the TT debacle above. I couldn't believe how perfectly he seemed to play and he always had my number. Over time I continued to improve and started to feel more comfortable against him. In the last month or two months of playing I feel like I have gained a massive edge over him and anybody I'm playing against. I still make mistakes like that TT hand, but in general I just find myself making the better decisions than my opponents pretty frequently. It's really fun right now.

    Due to my Achilles issues I'm not running right now and can get to the poker house much earlier and arrive at around 5pm. The game is pretty small with one guy having over 100bb. I play for a while and am stuck about $100 when the table begins to get larger and more interesting.

    Villain is a middle aged white male who really hates losing pots to me. He is extremely sticky and doesn't like to fold. Often calls two streets to fold river. One of my favorite villains to play against

    Hero open T8 from BU to 15 over 1 limper
    V1 calls from BB has about 250 in play Hero covers
    limper calls

    Flop (46)
    V checks
    Limper checks
    Hero bets 30
    V calls
    limper folds

    Turn (106)
    V checks
    Hero checks

    V bets 40
    Hero raises to 100
    V tanks, thinks about jamming, then calling, then folds. Asks if his middle club was good.

    River is a thin raise but I expect him to call me with a middle club a lot here. I don't think he has Qc often with such a small river lead.


    Entire table limps to Hero on BU
    Hero open AJ to 18 has about 400 behind
    Folds to LAG I talked about above who calls 18 has 350 behind
    Villain from hand above calls 18 Covers

    Flop (65)
    LAG checks
    V checks
    Hero bets 30
    LAG calls
    V calls

    Turn (155)
    Lag checks
    V checks
    Hero checks

    River (155)
    Lag checks
    V checks
    Hero bets 200
    Lag Folds
    V folds

    At this point in the session this game has begun to get pretty deep

    Middle aged white villain and me square off again

    V1 opens to 15 from CO
    Hero 3b AA from SB to 50 stack is about 500
    V1 calls and covers

    Flop (102)
    Hero bets 40
    V1 raises to 85
    Hero 3b to 240 (meant to do 200 forgot about 40 in the pot....)
    V1 folds

    There is this new Asian player who is pretty bad, but really wants to be good. He has deep pockets and zero fear. HE makes the game huge and at the moment is an ATM for a lot of players


    Asian V opens to 15 UTG with 400 behind
    Gets 5 calls including Hero on BU with KJ Covers table

    Flop 90
    Asian V leads for 45
    Player in MP calls
    Hero calls

    Asian V leads for 150
    MP folds
    Hero jams for about 200 more
    Asian V calls

    River is a blank and MHIG vs JQ


    2 limps to hero in small blind with KQ
    Hero opens to 15
    Both players call
    Flop (47)
    Checks around
    Turn (47)
    Hero checks
    Asian V bets 30
    Folds to Hero who calls 30
    River (107)
    Hero checks
    Asian V bets 55
    Hero calls 55 with KQ and MHIG

    I then flop a combo draw and get there vs two pair to win a $500 pot and my stack looks like this

    I end up losing about 200 off that and leave with 1222
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    03-02-2015 , 11:40 PM
    Well because this is poker and every time you get cocky you pay for it, I just got owned by that lag

    I open T8 to 12 from CO
    Lag calls on BU we are 6 handed

    I bet 15
    Lag calls

    I bet 40
    Lag raises to 100
    I call

    I tank check
    He checks and shows 99 ... Pretty sick thin value bet
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    03-03-2015 , 07:30 AM
    I don't think this thread has any following on here. So it's basically just serving as a poker journal for me, but I like doing it and hopefully some people enjoy reading it. Anyways update coming tomorrow or Wenesday, but just cashed this out in 1/2 tonight. The blacks were not in play, they have a no rake game but take 5% off BIs up to $500. 1/2 is 50-300 so I just overbuy because it is long run cheaper than paying 5% every time i am stuck more than 100bb

    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    03-03-2015 , 09:54 AM
    +1 Subbed! I'm new to this whole PG&C thing, but It's nice to see someone who's also doing the live circuit and in the beginnings like me. I'll hope to learn from you and do what I can to help with opinions on HH and such (Although I don't know how much I can be relied on, as I'm super green).
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    03-04-2015 , 12:23 AM
    So last night was a really fun, interesting, and difficult session. I started off running pretty badly/getting owned by the LAG. I was stuck about $600 in the first hour and had already flopped J high flush vs Queen high flush against a loose player and got stacked. I was frustrated for a little and felt a little tilt coming on. I decided to take a deep breath, remember poker is all one session, and focused on playing as well as I could. I grabbed a seat change button (lag was to my direct left) and relaxed. Eventually a new seat opened giving me a much more +ev seat and the comeback was on.

    Decent TAG kid has been playing at the house he talks a ton of strategy and claims to have an online background. He has recognized me as aggressive and I can tell his dying to 3b me light. He has tried to bluff catch me very light in spots where it makes sense to do, but I had it.

    Hero opens BU to 12 with KT
    TAG 3b! to 36 from SB
    BB folds
    Hero Calls 36 ~$400 effective

    Flop (74):
    TAG bets 40
    Hero calls

    Turn (154):
    Tag checks
    Hero checks

    River (154):
    TAG checks
    Hero bets 200
    Tag sighs and folds

    I figured I could merge here with an overbet, since I do it polarized a decent amount. I think he is the right villain who will recognize this as either nutted or air and can look me up with any pair or A high.

    This hand is the start of what ended up being a long difficult level war against a very competent V. I am two seats to his left, but at times the two seats were empty so I had the position most of the time

    Hero opens to 12 UTG with AA
    Folds to LAG who calls 12 in SB Effective stacks ~$500

    Flop (25):
    LAG checks
    Hero bets 15
    LAG raises to 50
    Hero calls

    Turn (125):
    Lag bets 100
    Hero Calls 100

    River (325):
    Lag checks
    Hero bets 200
    Lag folds

    River is very thin I'm just targeting Tx that he 3b for value against my draws and is trying to bluff catch with. I assume he must have had missed spades.

    We are playing 6 handed at this point. People are up getting food/drinks or taking a break. I have already 3b the LAG when he tried to blind steal earlier and he folded. We in general have an aggro dynamic.

    LAG opens CO to 12
    BU folds
    Hero Raises to 40 with TT
    Lag calls 40 effective stacks are ~$650

    Flop (82):
    Hero bets 30
    Lag thinks and calls

    Turn (142):
    Hero checks
    Lag bets 85
    Hero calls 85

    River (312):
    Hero checks
    Lag bets 180
    Hero calls 180

    Lag says "King High" and I table my hand. In vacuum this line is awful, but given what I know about this V and our dynamic I felt like I could induce spazz with small c-bet and check on any turn. Then that run out means he is continuing all his bluffs on river. In some ways it is easier than a blank to call on.

    This is one orbit after my TT call against same LAG

    Hero opens AJ to 12 UTG
    Folds to LAG in SB who calls 12
    BB folds

    Flop 25:
    Lag Checks
    Hero Checks

    Turn (25):
    Lag checks
    Hero bets 20
    Lag calls

    River (65):
    Lag checks
    Hero bets 45
    Lag raises to 145
    Hero folds

    He is representing such a narrow range. Like 75 or air. But I figured after calling him down so light he shouldn't be trying any fancy bluffs on me in this spot even if I am capped and he is uncapped.

    I lost about 250 on a hand to a fishy V who for some unknown reason decided to turn top pair into a bluff and I hero called and this is the next hand vs the LAG I'm leveling with

    Hero opens to 15 from CO over 2 limpers including the LAG with QJ
    Folds to LAG who calls 15

    Flop (34):
    LAG checks
    Hero checks

    Turn (34):
    LAG bets 25
    Hero raises to 80
    LAG calls 80

    River (194):
    LAG checks
    Hero bets 125
    LAG folds

    I should probably c-bet flop but I expect him to play back at me a decent amount on such a dry board vs my lp opening range. Anyways nice turn

    Hero opens A8 to 15 from UTG
    3 people call including the LAG on BU Lag and I are $800 deep

    Flop (62):
    Hero bets 45
    Folds to LAG who calls 45

    Turn (152):
    Hero bets 90
    LAG raises to 225
    Hero calls 225 I have about 500 behind

    River (~600):
    Hero checks
    Lag bets 350
    Hero folds
    LAG shows K

    Horrible runout, I am calling any non heart river. I don't think I can do anything but call turn. If I ship I am crushed every time he calls, but I'm ahead of plenty of his raising range on turn.

    LAG opens from BU to 12
    Hero calls from SB with KJ
    BB calls

    Flop (36):
    Hero checks
    BB checks
    Lag bets 25
    Hero calls
    BB folds

    Turn (86):
    Hero leads 50
    LAG calls

    River (186):
    Hero bets 125
    Lag folds

    Gross river, I thought about check calling to induce bluffs. I think given the game flow and my reads on V I am more profitable to bet/fold this spot though.

    The cards decided to end our war for a little while, but it started again near the end of the session. In the time between that I had continued to gather chips and had about 1200 and he had around 700.

    Hero opens 87 from UTG 1 to 12
    Folds to LAG in SB who 3b! to 50
    Hero calls 50

    Flop (102):
    LAG bets 60
    Hero calls 60

    Turn (220):
    LAG checks
    Hero bets 150
    Lag folds

    This is a decent board to float in position. It is hard for him to continue on turns without an A and I can pick up equity with the BD flush draw like I do.

    LAG begins to run kinda bad and is getting a little annoyed. His stack is about $350 I cover table

    Short stack goes all in for $15
    Lag calls in SB
    Hero raises BB to 60 with QQ
    Lag thinks and jams for 350
    Hero snap calls

    Board runs out clean and I am good vs JJ

    3/2: 6.5 hours $920

    Pic of the stack at the table before the QQ hand

    And hot track athlete thread savers

    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    03-06-2015 , 06:32 AM
    Lost 1900 in 2/5 tonight, won a total of three showdowns in 5.5 hours. I'll do a update tomorrow and maybe find some spew on reflection. Frustrating because the house runs 2/5 so little and I seem to be on the wrong end of variance with it
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    03-12-2015 , 10:49 PM
    I should do an update with HH, but quick poker update after that night and one more night of 1/2 run bad everything returned to normal. Sessions have been going well, but my volume is really small due to school. Running wise we have nationals this weekend. I didn't make it which is a frustrating but the team is looking great. Excited to watch them kill and it and to start preparing for the real season, Outdoors!
    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
    03-30-2015 , 01:31 AM

    Bet, Raise, Pray- Adventures of a D1 Sunrunner Quote
