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Being a girl and playing LAG Being a girl and playing LAG

10-16-2014 , 05:03 PM
I typically play TAG.

When conditions warrant, I play LAG.

My existing LAG sessions have recorded action and profit far beyond those from my TAG sessions.

Curious to see what happens in the long term run.

Will record all my LAG sessions in this thread.
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 05:10 PM
Gl with this & welcome , be interested to see how it goes.

i try not to play a certain way but to play in a way that is opposite to my opponents.
if there tight loosen up and vice-versa.

Last edited by Bertz; 10-16-2014 at 05:12 PM. Reason: maybe im the one being exploited :)
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 05:24 PM
A recent session:

2/5. Table full of reg-looking and OMC-looking guys.

Been at the table for 15min, eff ~500. Nobody have seemed to be particularly aggressive.

Three limps and I limp BTN TJhh.
BB checks, five-way to the flop.

Flop ($25) Qh9s4h
MP leads 20, LP calls
I make it 80
Folds to MP who tank folds
LP calls, HU to the turn

Turn ($205) Jo
LP checks
I bet 135 with ~300 behind
LP tank calls

River ($475) Ao
LP checks
I shove ~300

Sadly he had more than just a Q... he c/c with Q9 otf, and tank called my river bet.

I showed my hand, and table has been giving me action since.

Reloaded. Soon after, I open QQ EP 20. MP (TAG) calls. LP calls.

Flop ($60) Q34r
I lead 30, only MP calls.

Turn ($120) 6o
I lead 100, MP tank calls.

River ($320) 8
I lead 200, MP tank calls.

I show my hand and he mucks. I suspect he called me down with TT/99 type of hands.

Further into the session:

UTG (nit) opens 25, folds to me in BB with AdAh.
I 3b to 90 (lol sizing but I bet he loves his hand).
He calls after 5 sec.

Flop ($180) 347ddd
I lead 90, he calls

Turn ($360) To
I lead 150, he folds JdJx faced up
Mmm is turn a check? Wasn't expecting him to fold an OP with one diamond and wanted to get $$$ in...
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 05:38 PM
Girl in the thread,girl in the thread ,GIRL IN THE THREAAAAADDDDD....

Goog luck

Is that TJhh limp pre stnd for live?What if we start iso raising with top scs?Thanx
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 05:53 PM
naked pics or it never happened :P
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 06:01 PM
i clicked this thread for "girl" part.
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 06:07 PM
just having the word girl in the title will get you a lot of followers. good luck
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 06:07 PM
Another session:

2/5 game with a whale who would call raise with almost ATC, then c/f if completely misses, or bet if has any piece of the board. Rest of table is tight. I have been opening every single pot when whale is SB and BB, and got HU with him. Also before I knew whale is that bad, table saw me bluffing him with all my chips (meh I had no idea he led flop with junk, and that junk happened to make 2p). I also have a high % of flop raise and turn raise. Me and whale are like two maniacs, and the rest table is waiting for a hand to 'get us!'

Somewhere in the session:

I limp UTG with 55, four more limps, five-way to the flop

Flop ($25) 258r
Was gonna lead when I looked left and saw NTA was grabbing chips. So I check
NTA bets 15 with ~200 behind
LP calls
I make it 70
NTA insta shoves
LP folds
I obv call
His 34 brick out

Shortly after:

Whale is in SB, EP (nit) limps, I make it 25 MP-LP with KT, they both call

Flop ($75) KJ9
Whale checks, EP leads 50
Thought about raising but elected to just call

Turn ($175) 7
EP leads 65
Don't think raising achieves much unless nit has exactly KxA. I call

River ($310) K
EP checks
I shove ~250 eff (he started the hand relatively short)
EP thinks for a bit then calls
I show my hand and he mucks
Whatever he has, he played pretty weird...
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 06:14 PM
There were also a couple of sessions where there's whale who would call 3b close to 100%, so I'd go from 15 -> 100 (lol) with value hands, and surprisingly got called by 88 K8s etc.

Feel like experimenting more with polarized 3b sizing... Looks like guys don't like it when a girl is trying to 'steal'?
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bertz
i try not to play a certain way but to play in a way that is opposite to my opponents.
if there tight loosen up and vice-versa.
Agree. Unconditionally playing LAG is burning $. Playing LAG at the right time can be printing money... About to find out
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by noobis
Is that TJhh limp pre stnd for live?What if we start iso raising with top scs?Thanx
Can go either way I guess. I tend to overlimp when there are too many limpers in front yet I don't have much reads.
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by qdull
naked pics or it never happened :P
>50% of profiles here already have naked pics
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 06:31 PM
Limping JThh otb after 3 limps isn't playing LAG. Punish them. You prob just take it down pre a ton or get one caller who decides to try and flop a set w/ his small PP. And even if you get a call from the BB and 3 limps, can't be too bad to see a flop 5 ways in postion w/ a hand that plays as well as JT sooooted.
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by CallFloor
>50% of profiles here already have naked pics
its never gonna hurt if we add an extra %, good luck on your grind
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 07:03 PM
I came here for the "girl" part
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 07:29 PM
Thought it would be fun to share how it is like to 'be a girl and play tight':

(Tight = Low VPIP and hasn't shown down any bluffs. I do selectively bluff at certain spots)

- Straddled pot, folds to me OTB with AQo and I open. SB folds AJs

- Folds to BTN who opens, I 3b from SB with JJ. BTN folds AKo

- EP opens, I call LP 9Tss. Flop 478ss. EP leads, I raise, he folds TT faced up

- I brick NFD. River brings four-straight and I shove. Guy tank folds OP


At the same time it's annoying that I make hands but I am not getting paid.

This happened last night:

Six-way raised pot, I am in LP with 77.

Flop ($120) 47Tss
Checked to me and I bet 80.
SB tanks foreverrrrrrrr, says "This is going to be a bad laydown" and folds. Everyone else folds.
He tries to get me talk what I had, I just shrug. He keeps talking for a while and goes on tilt. Did he fold TK?
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 07:35 PM

Sent from my SGH-T999L using 2+2 Forums
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 11:00 PM
Good luck. Read over your hands and it looks like you need to clean up your fundamentals. Where do you play and what are your background and goals?
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-16-2014 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Bill_Clinton
I came here for the "girl" part
go away you already got monica and hillary :P
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-17-2014 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by ECGrinder
Read over your hands and it looks like you need to clean up your fundamentals.
Willing to hear more.

Originally Posted by ECGrinder
Where do you play and what are your background and goals?
Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

2 years of live play. ~80% cash games and 20% tournaments.

Be a top female player.
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-17-2014 , 02:16 AM
I'm LV based and travel to LA to play frequently, feel free to PM me when you're here.

I'd advise against a true LAG style in $5 blind games. It's suicide in the small heavily raked LA games. You might be able to get away with it in the deeper and less raked vegas games, but people don't like to fold. Much better to nit it up and capitalize on the somewhat rare spots to run a bit bluff.

How about "be a top player"?
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-17-2014 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by ECGrinder
I'd advise against a true LAG style in $5 blind games. It's suicide in the small heavily raked LA games. You might be able to get away with it in the deeper and less raked vegas games, but people don't like to fold. Much better to nit it up and capitalize on the somewhat rare spots to run a bit bluff.
I did not say LAG is my style. When I first start a session I almost always default to TAG. Only when I catch signs such as a) table is weak/tight, b) I get no action/no pay, and/or c) whale playing his cards faced up - that I switch to LAG. Do you agree playing TAG in such conditions is missing value?

Originally Posted by ECGrinder
How about "be a top player"?
I suspect "be a top female player" and "be a top player" are two different problems. Some skills required by the first subject may not be applicable to the second. For example:

- Identify who soft plays with girls and utilize in tough spots (I have plenty experience when I am tanking and guy shows me his (nutted) hand so I can fold)

- Identify who bullies weak-looking girls and be ready to bluff-catch (Quite often guys assume I can't hand read and run terrible bluffs. Sorry I CALL)

- Identify who has too much ego to lose to a girl, and extract max value (Some guys just have to win vs. a girl, they would just give me action even though they know they are behind)

I want to master these skills. And obviously mastering these skills may make me a top female player but not necessarily a top player.

Where do you normally play in LV and what games?
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-17-2014 , 03:25 AM
Sounds like a good plan! I play 5/T, some T/20 and some 2/5 all across town
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-17-2014 , 12:02 PM
The only game in LA i know of that plays 2/5 and allows $500 buy in is most likely at the bike. So if I ever go there and I see a girl, I'm going to assume it's you.
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
10-17-2014 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
The only game in LA i know of that plays 2/5 and allows $500 buy in is most likely at the bike. So if I ever go there and I see a girl, I'm going to assume it's you.
Yes, because in a city/area with more than 8 million people there is obviously only one female who plays poker. LOL
Being a girl and playing LAG Quote
