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Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle

06-17-2014 , 06:46 PM
Played 8.5 hours at Venetian last night. Broke out of a 90 hour $6,000 downswing since I've been in Vegas. Struggling to get the **** out of bed in the morning, and low motivation to play lately. Going to hit the gym

Originally Posted by rh300487
doesn't seem to fit together those two.

Originally Posted by eldiesel
You said you were reading Limon's epic thread, although it might have been months ago, and then put up a couple hand histories where you knew V's cards but they wouldn't fold to your barrels. In Limon's first post of that thread, one thing that makes a lot of sense but I never thought of before reading it was when he said something to the effect of "If your plan is to float the flop and get him to fold on the turn, then make sure he's on board with that plan too." Knowing the cards is half the battle, knowing what they'll do is the other half.
That's a very accurate statement (as is most of what limon says). Correct action = f(opponent(s) holdings, opponents response(s) to action). Both of these rely on judgement, and the goal is to judge both as accurately as possible to make the most ev decision. In the example you read I was wrong about the second input. I've also been wrong about the first, and have had the pleasure of triple barrel shoving King high into a set.

Originally Posted by pockettwoz
Link to that thread?
search button
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-17-2014 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by pockettwoz
Link to that thread?
Search "limon random shyt" and you should find it
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-17-2014 , 11:53 PM
ECGrinder - Since you enjoy reading Philosophical type things and were smart enough to appreciate the genius of The Fountainhead; I highly recommend you check out Objectivism in its entirety. Rand has several books that are not as popular and non-fiction that really explain some very smart ideas about life.
On a completely different note, if you really want to go down the rabbit hole I recommend checking out Thelema. It's a very interesting life philosophy that is somewhat in tune with Objectivism but do have some core differences.

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Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 02:59 PM
Pro tips : LSD / Tripping wisdom

Read the Doors of Perception before taking LSD. Along with Fear and Loathing in LV. hit up Erowid more and know what you r getting into. You Probably read that already though......

Heres the thing with LSD. You are pot committed for 10 hours to that ****. Set and setting are key. That means don't take L after you have a big losing sesh. Or that girl you used to **** calls you and says she is pregnant. You get the idea. Mind set and location are critical. Dont take it if you have a headache or feel ****ty in general ... you will have a headache the whole time and think about it more intensley ( possibly ) or a cold etc whatever.

PICK YOUR TRIP MATE(s) WISELY . Dont bring the dude who has mental problems and will bitch or kill the vibe. Do let a good friend know you are tripping and maybe have them check on you midway thru to make sure you are alive. 1 word texts should be sufficient. Bringing a sober person to hike im 50/50 on they better be chill as **** and have weed and good paternal instincts and not **** with you while you are in a fragile state. Everything is more intense. happy sad, stoned, whatever.

If being in the woods hiking is your idea of a good time , do it. The first time I took L at night, I dropped at 6 pm and went hiking in a state park *with a friend . You will never look a tree blowing in the wind at night the same way. The moon is ****ing incredible and the skys colors will be more intense. If it rains, Awesome, just put ur mp3 away so it doesnt break ( Ive broken 2 while tripping because I lost my balance for a moment fell on my ****. And it was amazing. My first shroom trip I couldnt feel it after eating an 8th ( 3.5gr ) so ( shroom/trip logic ) I rented my cd player ( yes Cds were still being used at the time) to my friend who was tripping balls for a gram of weed. Smoked that **** and bam entered the world of psychedelics. Came back to my towel on the beach ( great place to trip BTW) and my buddys broken my cd player and got sand in all my cds. Yeah. That didnt bother me but I did bury my face in the sand for 4 hours and think a lot. I remember visualizing my thought bubbles in my head and seeing other thoughts shoot off and then thinking holy **** im thinking so much.

I had already taken Shrooms many times before taking LSD and was familiar somewhat with what psychedelics are like. You are on the ride boi no getting off it. This is not modanafil. You will think about life like never before, It sounds silly but it does change your perspective on life to a degree. You will find the meaning of life, come back to sobriety , question it, accept it or reject it , and move on. You have to do it to understand.

Bring water, Bring snacks, Bring dank weed*** ( bring like a quarter ounce and roll fatties before*** ( makes life easier) put em in a case and make sure u have fuego, bring extra weed and papes incase, never know if youll encounter tripping babes who lost thier joint and need a smoke up AND MAYBE SOME DICK jkjkjkjk ) and smoke it after consumption... instead of waiting around to " feel the effects" you will just start to notice the onset while your chilled already walking about.

Walking/hiking increases blood flow and drug absorbtion . Alcohol and benzos will dilute the intensity of the L so stay away unless you are freaking out. The freak out will likely not occur unless you mind **** yourself into " i dont like this " or if something genuinely bad happens. Like you encounter a wild animal and get bitten. That would be ****ed. Or you find a dead body. That would also be ****ed. If you feel anxious or freaking out remind yourself its a drug with a duration and you will come back to sanity so enjoy the trip. My first trip was a "bad trip" but overcoming the bad makes the enlightenment all that much more rewarding. Dont reach a state of enlightenment and then decide to bluff your friends and tell them your lost in the woods and that whoever you tripped with died and you need a chopper medivac. they will hate your ass when you call them and tell them you made it to taco bell safely and they are still looking in the woods for you. But it will seem hilarious at the time.

Pretty much most of my trips were outside and awesome . Night time trip is for real gangsters tho. Night time trips = more hallucinations. When you cant see ****, your mind will fill in the blanks. Auditory hallucinations also will be more intense . Bring a flash light. Try to not look at your watch too much. time is for sober people. Some people also say vitamin C pills make you trip harder or hallucinate more. Not sure because Ive tripped balls both ways. Being well rested is preferred but depriving yourself makes you trip harder.. hence why being up all day and then tripping at night is intense. Sleep is impossible while tripping amigo. I had a friend mild freak out and try to sleep once. I was like bitch your tripping balls you cant sleep your stuck on this journey get up were going places. and places we went.

Bring a journal and write down your thoughts.
I went on a 8 hour hike once and my buddy kept saying were lost. But I made a mantra to keep us sane.

" all paths lead back to the parking lot"

Now this may or may not be true BUT It kept us sane and we knew even if it was not true, it was funny as **** and you are supposed to have a good time tripping so laugh at the stupid **** you come up with. Revelations you have will seem like the gospel at the time. Feel free to post on 2p2 and share with us. lol.

Another piece of advice.

Once your trip is over you go to bed wake up the next day. Take at least 1 day off from poker. You will not play your A game. You may feel amazing physically mentally spiritually but the truth is taking psychedelics and walking around nature for hours on ends is taxing. So rest up before you go back to the felt.

Another tip.. consider turning your phone off. You dont want somone calling you telling how they busted with XY hand on ABC flop or how they need you to help them with a task . ****kkk that. People who arent tripping dont know your tripping. They wont understand the plethora of changing thoughts that you feel or that you are being different unless you say some wild ****. **** interacting with non tripping people in general while tripping. Thier go to question is " how many fingers am i holding up? " response " 10 **** off "

Bring a good vibe **** ,sunglasses, bug spray , a hat, long socks ,water, weed, mp3 snacks. And leave anything valuble locked up and safe . Only bring like 100$ dont lose the key to your ****. Zippered compartments in a backpack are ideal. Bring a knife incase an animal attacks you but dont go on a psycho trip and kill your friend because hes not trying to kill you hes just chillin. Inside jokes will formulate during the trip and likley die after due to their lack of real life application. Maybe get a sober friend to drive you around toward the end . riding in the car tripping is awesome. try to guess the speed you are travelling at . hahaha . Try.

This **** is powerful dude. Micrograms **** you up. Micro- grams. Micro.
Be careful . Be Prepared. Be one with the trip. Be. ECG. peace.

Happy trails.

P.S Glad to see you swing the otherway at 5/10 keep up the good work bro.

Last edited by WickedChippa; 06-18-2014 at 03:08 PM.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 03:16 PM
Sick Pro Tips.

It's like an all inclusive guide on how to trip. Someone should *sticky* it.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 05:30 PM
Dam chippa, that was something else...
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:09 PM
Nice post.. Seems I've been doing it all wrong :s
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 09:02 PM
Anyone else pumped to do some LSD rt now?!
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 09:26 PM
^Yeah now I'm wondering where I can get some.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 09:33 PM
Making me want to go full entourage style shroom trip out in the desert. But seriously, LSD and Shrooms experimentation is a long ways off for me. I have a lot of other things that take precedence right now such as poker, travelling, women, getting an apartment, buying a new car, investing, etc
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 09:39 PM
Too much work and too many caveats for me. I'll just stick with bourbon, a glass, and some ice. You can still feed me after midnight and expose me to water and sunlight without me going bat**** crazy and eventually exploding in the microwave.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by machi5
Too much work and too many caveats for me. I'll just stick with bourbon, a glass, and some ice. You can still feed me after midnight and expose me to water and sunlight without me going bat**** crazy and eventually exploding in the microwave.
bourbon is like a McDonald's hamburger while shrooms is like a filet. if you inform yourself about what you're taking and have a good setting and mentality at the time your likely to have one of the top 5 experiences of your life and for many people closer to top 1 or 2.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by ECGrinder
Making me want to go full entourage style shroom trip out in the desert. But seriously, LSD and Shrooms experimentation is a long ways off for me. I have a lot of other things that take precedence right now such as poker, travelling, women, getting an apartment, buying a new car, investing, etc
also from some of the books you posted...psychedelics are very likely to fast track your spiritual and personal growth as a human being. i wouldn't view them as being something that is mutually exclusive your from goals and something that you need to wait until you have accomplished X first.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-18-2014 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
bourbon is like a McDonald's hamburger while shrooms is like a filet. if you inform yourself about what you're taking and have a good setting and mentality at the time your likely to have one of the top 5 experiences of your life and for many people closer to top 1 or 2.
Good LSD would be the filet. Shrooms would be more like a Slim Jim.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-19-2014 , 12:21 AM
I've never actually tried LSD so I couldn't say personally. I've heard people say the exact reverse of what you said as well though. It's obviously different for different people but I had pretty much the most amazing exp of my life on mushrooms so I doubt even if you were proven right the difference would be that big.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-19-2014 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by machi5
Too much work and too many caveats for me. I'll just stick with bourbon, a glass, and some ice. You can still feed me after midnight and expose me to water and sunlight without me going bat**** crazy and eventually exploding in the microwave.
Classic movie.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-19-2014 , 07:08 PM
Before you jump in head first, please read this thread:
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-19-2014 , 07:55 PM
Heading to Aria to put in a session, going out tonight
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-19-2014 , 08:32 PM
What's your favorite room so far?
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-19-2014 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Donafy
What's your favorite room so far?
1. Wynn
2. Venetian
3. Aria
4. Bellagio

I think Aesah was sleeping on our couch this morning
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-20-2014 , 01:44 AM
Just stacked a grinder for a $5.3k pot. That's more than my starting bankroll. **** them all.
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-20-2014 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by ECGrinder
Just stacked a grinder for a $5.3k pot. That's more than my starting bankroll. **** them all.
Great feeling
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-20-2014 , 03:21 AM
At the Wynn ?
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
06-20-2014 , 07:27 AM
Not Harry, right?
Becoming a / Live Pro for the Lifestyle Quote
