kinda important update really
living up to my name of donkingfish tilted off 10 buyins! in texas holdem this session so as are my bankroll management rules ive lost $50 from my texas roll so i got go down to 2nl as i only have $20 of that roll left there grind it back up to $70 so win $50 then move back upto 10nl (gotta get undercontrol of my tilt in texas as honestly ill never be longterm winner in that game if i dont tilting in a no limit game is just recipe for disaster, dont know why but i tilt in texas far more easily than omaha and when i tilt in texas i go full ******, omaha actually i think ive never really tilted as such its lot easier for me to stick to my strategy in it than texas where few bad beats or suckouts or just breakeven stretches and the monotomy tips me over the edge lol).
on plus side it seems i have somewhat of an edge in omaha never really played it much (pot limit omaha, would play very occasionally in past just for fun mix it up but seeing that graph im thinking i must have somewhat of an edge in it least at these low stakes and thankfully fishies seem plentiful) its very easy to notice mistakes of opponents in omaha, plus theres so many more very loose fishies so that helps massively as can just play your ranges and hand strengths against them very profitably without getting exploited.
yh as for texas i got no excuses i ran bad at the start first few thousand hands despit what the graph looks like then tonight this evening i just played atrociously/tilted/steaming whatever you wanna call it and ego came into the mix too so yh pathetic

so 2nl for texas holdem it is now GUTTTED! is the word but also not surprised cause of how poorly i played and tilted.
and yh still 5nl so far for potlimit omaha.
On a plus side ive apparently made $20 rakeback which is cool and much need after my pathetic performance.
(texas graph)
(omaha graph)
(both graphs)
(tournament graph, dont ask why i played just fancied a change of format was just a gamble)
so all in all ive payed 10hrs and made nothing if count tourny losses lol not good start
would quite like some advice do you think i should focus on pot limit omaha specifically for a bit learn that game more profociently and build up that roll a bit there win $360 there then come back to texas holdem focus on that and grind regrow that back up to 5nl by winning $50 then stay at 5nl for awhile focus on that win $180 there so its caught up with the omaha roll in terms of stake? or do you think i should just play omaha try get see how high up i can climb too then come back to texas at later date and do the 2nl texas grind?
opinions would be much appreciated as i want this challenge to be a success in both games but beginning to think my mental game issues in texas (tilt) are bit debilitating when they happen as only takes one session and ive undone any resemblence of winrate and tilted off any profits i made/edge i did have lol before the tilt lol.
also realising least in pot limit omaha i thought edges were small but really in the low stakes games where fish are plentiful edges seem to be actually bigger than you can acheive in texas (variance is greater but pontential edges can be greater i believe least in the low stakes games) but also maybe im just a texas fish though seems that way at moment lol