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Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker)

10-29-2013 , 06:08 PM
That'd hurt bro, GL with that, glad I can just poker on the big sites
Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
10-29-2013 , 06:15 PM
Well if this goes smooth I'll have a $900 roll to mtt it up with... Sucks big ones not playing on the big sites for sure..

Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
10-29-2013 , 07:39 PM
Such a weird day.. The feeling is overwhelmingly comparable to Christmas..

GL to every1 tonight..!
Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
10-29-2013 , 11:36 PM
    Cake Poker, $5 Buy-in (40/80 blinds) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20286481

    BTN: 4,925 (61.6 bb)
    SB: 10,220 (127.8 bb)
    BB: 5,000 (62.5 bb)
    UTG+1: 4,325 (54.1 bb)
    UTG+2: 10,780 (134.8 bb)
    MP1: 7,310 (91.4 bb)
    Hero (MP2): 4,850 (60.6 bb)
    MP3: 3,975 (49.7 bb)
    CO: 5,000 (62.5 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is MP2 with Q T
    3 folds, Hero raises to 160, 3 folds, SB calls 120, BB calls 80

    Flop: (480) 5 8 T (3 players)
    SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets 280, SB raises to 974, BB folds, Hero raises to 2,593, SB raises to 10,060 and is all-in, Hero calls 2,097 and is all-in

    Turn: (9,860) 6 (2 players, 2 are all-in)
    River: (9,860) 7 (2 players, 2 are all-in)

    Results: 9,860 pot
    Final Board: 5 8 T 6 7
    SB showed 9 8 and won 9,860 (5,010 net)
    BB mucked and lost (-160 net)
    Hero showed Q T and lost (-4,850 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    First MTT on Pure Poker.. Also first time posting a hand in a while.. Not complaining here just sharing.. I don't know for sure how the money is going to work out on there.. They sent me $50 and said for $200 & above they'll go on a player to player basis up to 7 days to sort out the total... I had ~$100 on lock w/ $700 pending and despite what somebody else itt's said about pending w/d's not being converted it appears yet to be seen, I don't think they would've even sent me $50 if they would only be able to send me ~$100 total but I've seen crazier things happen... I dabbled around w/ Lock's new software as well and as far as that goes I've come to the conclusion to leave both of these sites alone until some clearer picture is painted.. Lot's of confusion in the Lock Crisis Thread as well as elsewhere in the forums..
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 10:44 AM
    You should not be 3betting the flop there almost ever. Call or fold. When you get 4bet all-in it's a fold. Instead of thinking about the hand, you're posting because you happened to be up against someone who didn't know what they were doing and got unlucky.

    Do you see why you shouldn't 3bet or call the 4bet?
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 11:36 AM
    Originally Posted by DecisionMade
    You should not be 3betting the flop there almost ever. Call or fold. When you get 4bet all-in it's a fold. Instead of thinking about the hand, you're posting because you happened to be up against someone who didn't know what they were doing and got unlucky.

    Do you see why you shouldn't 3bet or call the 4bet?

    I posted that because it was the first MTT I played on a site that just gave me $50 claiming to be retrieving my full Lock balance while Lock is up and running on it's own platform now disclaiming this information..

    Definitely not the most standard line here but I don't see my self not calling the 4bet after I 3bet given my sizing and stack sizes..

    I don't see anywhere in the HH why I shouldn't have done what I did other than the result.. Maybe you're saying flat see the turn and things will play out different ?
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 11:48 AM
    True 3 betting that flop and calling off w/ 60 bigs to start the hand looks a little silly but are we playing Jacks or better here ? No set no bet ? These clowns routinely have worse than QT in that spot ..
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 11:52 AM
    Calling the 4bet is something a lot of people do because they feel they have committed too much and are "getting the odds to call". In this case, try to imagine what you can beat other than someone like this turning their hand into a bluff (not something that will happen often this early in a tournament). You can still fold and have ~2000 left - 25bb.

    You couldn't have called the turn as you were all-in on the flop but I assume you meant the flop. You should have flatted the flop (or folded, but I think that's a bit weak) and re-evaluate on the turn.
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 11:57 AM
    By 3betting the flop, you are essentially telling the villain your hand is much stronger than it actually is. In doing so, the villain can only continue with strong made hands, strong draws (which there are none here) or pure bluffs. These are the one of the fundamentals.

    There is no reason to overrep your hand in this case and doing so seems to be a beginners thing as they fear any "bad cards" on later streets (not meaning any offence to you, of course).
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 11:59 AM
    Originally Posted by DecisionMade
    Calling the 4bet is something a lot of people do because they feel they have committed too much and are "getting the odds to call". In this case, try to imagine what you can beat other than someone like this turning their hand into a bluff (not something that will happen often this early in a tournament). You can still fold and have ~2000 left - 25bb.

    You couldn't have called the turn as you were all-in on the flop but I assume you meant the flop. You should have flatted the flop (or folded, but I think that's a bit weak) and re-evaluate on the turn.

    I definitely don't snap assume villains bluffing.. Also don't feel like I can't fold because of committing half my stack..

    & that's what I said.. Flat (the flop), to see the turn, and go from there..
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 12:06 PM
    If you could put a percentage on how often you think you are ahead when you call a 4bet shove for 60bb on a 5,8,T rainbow flop with QT what would it be? It should be quite low.

    What I will say is that if stacks are shorter then it changes everything.

    And, granted, the player pool may be soft but you want to get your game right for if/when you move up where the play is tougher - a mistake like that could cost you a lot.
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 12:21 PM
    Originally Posted by DecisionMade
    By 3betting the flop, you are essentially telling the villain your hand is much stronger than it actually is. In doing so, the villain can only continue with strong made hands, strong draws (which there are none here) or pure bluffs. These are the one of the fundamentals.
    Why can't villain continue w/ any Tx.. He shouldn't be I understand that but we are playing against some serious headcases a lot of the time that turn over A8s here more than bottom set or 2 pair.

    Maybe my logic's a bit off and that's why I'm posting but I don't think it's that bad..

    Originally Posted by DecisionMade
    If you could put a percentage on how often you think you are ahead when you call a 4bet shove for 60bb on a 5,8,T rainbow flop with QT what would it be? It should be quite low.

    What I will say is that if stacks are shorter then it changes everything.

    And, granted, the player pool may be soft but you want to get your game right for if/when you move up where the play is tougher - a mistake like that could cost you a lot.
    Should be quite low indeed but it's there..

    Again this is not my standard stack off by any means.. In real-time I felt like villain was fos, I'm playing a $5 on a brand new site and I trusted my gut there.. I am folding this otf a lot (a ton) to that check-raise but not this time not right now ya dig ? I understand that this would be a mistake in say a $7-180 and even a $2-180 and a big mistake but we have to always take into account game flow, who we're playing against, how we look, and all the circumstances that are view-able to both parties..
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 12:32 PM
    V can continue with any Tx but why would they raise it? If they have the best hand, it makes sense to get value from weaker hands on later streets by not pushing them out by shoving.

    I'm not here to diss your play but more to help you understand why you as a player do certain things. Fundamentally, you are a winning player if you extract the maximum value when ahead and lose the minimum when behind - note: this includes bluffs and semi-bluffs, even though you're behind, as you will extract value from those bluffs that work. Try to see each scenario this way.

    For this player pool, if you discover that the players are so bad that you can make this play then do it - that obviously provides more value than just calling - but the norm is that this does not happen.
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 12:48 PM
    Originally Posted by DecisionMade
    V can continue with any Tx but why would they raise it? If they have the best hand, it makes sense to get value from weaker hands on later streets by not pushing them out by shoving.

    I'm not here to diss your play but more to help you understand why you as a player do certain things. Fundamentally, you are a winning player if you extract the maximum value when ahead and lose the minimum when behind - note: this includes bluffs and semi-bluffs, even though you're behind, as you will extract value from those bluffs that work. Try to see each scenario this way.

    For this player pool, if you discover that the players are so bad that you can make this play then do it - that obviously provides more value than just calling - but the norm is that this does not happen.
    I couldn't agree more, but the majority of players on these U.S. facing sites do not go by the norm and it's got me guessing a lot a lot.. That said I've been coached and staked by some bright minds... I'm not going to mention any names right now but basically they all trusted me and thought well of my play (for the most part). Since BF I've only been staked by 1 person for hyper's and he doesn't really coach well but he know's his hyper's.. Nevertheless I'm definitely willing to admit I've probably picked up some leaks and or not fixed some that were already there.. I mean I dealt cards for almost 3 years w/out being able to fully dedicate to the game... 5 days a week I'm grinding the box babysitting moronic rude "people" and I swear that's taken a lot out of my soul.. Hostile work environment to say the least, having to tip out 20% to get a good cash table & all the politics involved in that nonsense has really had me spinning for a while.. So def. willing to admit there's some leaks to plug but I'm also for the most part pretty comfortable w/ my game and as far as co-workers go, most of them look at me as a good player not to be underestimated, I get underestimated a lot when I shave because I have a face like a baby .. This is the first time in a while that I'm posting a lot on 2+2 and I hope to get tested more and learn as much as possible, pursuing the dream now and I know there are way more bright minds out there than in my little circle and hopefully I can learn a lot from them... Feeling young (w/baby face), optimistic, and ready for the future

    Last edited by buddahchild; 10-30-2013 at 01:06 PM. Reason: thanks DecisionMade... got durrrstracted there
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 12:54 PM
    You might want to edit that post. You double posted part of it :P

    You're clearly passionate about it so hopefully now you're no longer working in the charity room you'll get to focus on your game and rise through the stakes. Obviously it's not great losing steady income but every cloud has a silver lining.

    I would say avoid hypers though. I know a few players grind them out mass-tabling for a <4% ROI and that's fine if you're looking for SNE and rakeback grinding, which you're not just now. GL and get studying
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 02:01 PM
    I was playing on the reg under one of Merge's biggest affiliates who solely grinds hypers so I understand the variance there.. Probably will still play a bit there as I'm in a little bit of makeup but most of my play will be on Bovada with MTT's and $10-$50 DoN's... They're just sooo soft for reals.. Probably play some scheduled's on Merge too though..
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 05:11 PM
    Playing an interesting rebuy tourney on Intertops Lock replacement site Pure Poker atm..

    $0.50 + 20% increments for 500 chips up to $50+$10 for 50k chips & a 5k chip add on..

    $1k pool though and someone and it looks like a few people have put over $10 into it and one person $30... It should play pretty interesting to say the least..
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 06:07 PM
    INteresting indeed, keep us updated
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 06:36 PM
    Originally Posted by Pronk
    INteresting indeed, keep us updated
    Busto there.. Think I put $1.60 into it didn't wanna rebuy with blinds at 200/400.. Still wanna see how smooth of a switch over takes place from Lock to Pure Poker.. I was able to play an MTT on Lock's new 2.0 software yesterday which was pretty different as well.. Looking like Lock is gonna lose most of it's player pool to Intertops/Juicy who should have a semi-stable pool of players from here on out so long as the payouts are speedy which seems to be the consensus in the Internet Poker forum..

    Gonna finish the night out w/ MTT's and DoN's on Bovada.. I'll update my roll a little later..

    Still hasn't fully hit me that my work was shutdown and the real grind has begun, might be in a haze for a few days idk...
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 06:45 PM
    posting to follow GL for the future.
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-30-2013 , 08:31 PM
    Originally Posted by le4_prince
    posting to follow GL for the future.

    TY.. GL to you as well
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-31-2013 , 11:03 AM
    Sorry I didn't get to update guys... I was in the drunk tank from around midnight till about an hour ago fml... I'll go into detail if anyone really wants but for now I haven't slept and need to talk to my lawyer..

    Bovada Roll - $1317.60
    Savings - $200
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-31-2013 , 11:30 AM
    Originally Posted by buddahchild
    drunk... haven't slept and need to talk to my lawyer
    Thread just got more interesting
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-31-2013 , 12:26 PM
    lol nice edit... However I wasn't drunk, or stoned yet got charged w/ driving while impaired and possession of marihuana..

    Last edited by buddahchild; 10-31-2013 at 12:37 PM. Reason: I spell pot like that given it's legal spelling here in MI
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
    10-31-2013 , 01:50 PM
    Wish you'd be living in holland now right, legal pot and legal online poker. The only problem here is that our santa clause can't have black helpers haha
    Bankroll Building For Mexico (Job and U.S. Poker) Quote
