Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 60
Balance:€62.87 to €10k
hey guys this is my bankroll looking good huh ?
i will start this challange playing ipoker speed holdem 5NL .
i been playing on and off poker for 4 years , started out prette good watched alot vids every day , build 500$ to 25k$ in 3 month time , stayed at 200NL .
so here iam 4 years after , basicly l;ack of motivation and study of the game
i will start this challange at 5NL ipoker speedholem(1k hands plus pr hour 4 tables i like this) maybe some reg tables6max
graf/bankroll stuff like this will come
i think speed hold em with RB is pretty good vs zoom
i would like some advide about good vids and tools to use for zoom/speed i use HM2 btw
Last edited by iplaypoker187; 12-29-2012 at 06:18 PM.