Originally Posted by ukbilly
Interested to hear your views on coffee as ive been going through something similar myself. Im trying to drink green tea at home and decaf coffee when im out, Costa ect. I know there is caffeine in green tea but id doesn't feel anywhere near as bad as the coffee crash and decaf coffee from Costa tastes similar to normal. Anyways another decent post and good luck with the live grind.
Thanks. Yeah, everyone's body reacts differently to caffeine but I think in general it's probably underrated in our society in terms of its negative side effects. Here's an experiment: try describing your daily coffee drinking routine but replace the word "coffee" (which is loaded with connotations of normality and cultural acceptability) with "central nervous system stimulants" (which is what it actually is). If you did that and sent it to a friend they'd probably try and organise some sort of intervention. Personally I'd say that when I quit and went completely without it for around 4 months last year I felt much more stable energy levels and less anxiety. Every so often I use it for a boost though and end up relapsing.
I've done the green tea/decaf thing and it's definitely an improvement in terms of stable energy but I just don't enjoy the taste as much as I do regular coffee. I quite like this mushroom coffee stuff and my energy levels seem quite stable with it so I'm hoping it's a nice solution. It still has instant coffee in it but it's a good bit lower caffeine content than a Costa coffee, for example.
Originally Posted by Minimal23
Following. Also about to do a coding bootcamp - could you recommend any in particular?
I did one called Le Wagon -
https://www.lewagon.com. It was a good course, they have locations in lots of cool places (I did mine in Lisbon), it's at a good price point and there's a really nice community to be a part of afterwards. It's also the highest rated bootcamp in terms of reviews on switchup.
With that said, there are a bunch of things to consider and what bootcamp you should do is going to vary a lot from person to person.
Here are a few factors:
What do you want to be after the bootcamp? - do you want to be a web developer, mobile app developer, data scientist or become an entrepreneur making own product? The answer for which bootcamp you should take will vary a lot depending on this.
Which language makes sense to learn? - Ruby on Rails is a great language/framework for getting into coding and you'll be able to prototype a web app idea very quickly with it. But maybe Javascript is more in demand in your local job market or you want to work in mobile, the jump to which is harder (though still doable) if you start from Ruby.
Where do you want to work? - If you want a job in New York, it probably pays to do a bootcamp in New York. If you just want to learn to code and do your own thing, then maybe it makes sense to go somewhere where the course and cost of living will be cheaper.
Feel free to PM me more details with your circumstances/goals and the bootcamps you are considering and I'll give you my 2 cents.