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American donk going from 4NL to ??? on Merge American donk going from 4NL to ??? on Merge

11-05-2011 , 08:55 PM
Howdy, I'm a player from the land of the free, home of the brave. I, like everyone else, miss playing on Stars and especially Rush Poker on FTP which was my main game pre BF. I was fortunate to pull my roll off FTP to fund a Vegas trip in early March so subtle brag there I guess. I have always played full ring in the past. 3 days ago, I decided to start a project...deposit $50 on Merge to start learning 6max and use an aggressive bankroll strategy at first to hopefully move up faster. I plan to use the following BR guidelines for moving up in stakes:

10NL- $150(15 buyins)
25NL-$500(20 buyins)
50NL-$1250(25 buyins)
100NL-$3000(30 buyins)
200NL-$7000(35 buyins)

That being said, I have a full time job and am strictly a casual player that might play for a couple hours each night so it will take me a loooong time to get to 200NL if I stick with it and don't go busto. I only 2 table on a 13" MacBook so if you're looking to follow a high volume player on his journey, sadly I'm not it.

Might as well post a fairly meaningless graph with the first 1100 hands or so.
Current Bankroll $69.58

American donk going from 4NL to ??? on Merge Quote
