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ALX1: making 100k a year! ALX1: making 100k a year!

02-13-2015 , 04:52 AM
learning alot, working alot, playing small volume atm. yesterday had a short session with 200+.
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
02-18-2015 , 05:25 AM
this weak i can increase my playing volume because i dont have to work alot. session today went out ok. actually won with 10 bb but lost alot on nl200 so i ended up with 100-, even i was winning in BB/100 hands.
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
03-07-2015 , 01:43 AM
good luck! you are playing well
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
03-24-2015 , 08:08 AM

after i almost coulndt play in february, i play alot in march. my game improved alot since i put in several hours of learning in february. especially in 3bet pots i improved the most i would say.

ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
03-24-2015 , 08:32 AM
I have questions about BPC program, please answer in this thread:
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
04-18-2015 , 01:32 PM

what should i say? sometimes you love poker sometimes you hate it. today i hate it, made 800-. was unlucky and carddead and then in my second session i played bad.

will see what tomorrow bring, ussually i play in the morning hours and im way more concentrated there. today after evening launch i get tired but still played.

think i will set a goal to find a solutioin to pretend me from playing when im not fit.

ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
04-26-2015 , 11:05 AM
actually im winning with 5 BB/100 hands in april but i got a total loss of 1000€ in winnings. this month its compelty diffrent than last month and i run bad at my highest limit. i dont really care about it because im winning but i def need a higher bb/100 hands.

so i will keep working on my game and i decided to start with some sport besides.

- biking once a week

- 100 push ups a day for beginning.
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
04-29-2015 , 07:21 PM
Sick goals. Good to see the thread is still going. Seems like your on the right track.
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
04-29-2015 , 10:15 PM
graph from start of 100k a yr goal ?
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
06-03-2015 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Bertz
graph from start of 100k a yr goal ?

doenst exit. when i used to play with holdemmanager in the beginning i faced often problem because HM was running so slow i i cleared my database.
im aroun 15k profit since start of the programm with 2-3 month not really playing.
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
06-03-2015 , 01:24 PM
Hi guys,
after i couldnt but in much work on my game and also playing poker because of work, i decided to go semipro testingwize for the next 2 month and i work only 20 hours a week. MY expectation to this are that i can work alot on my game and play high volume. The past 2 month showed that alot of work and irregular working and playing times were bad for my game. i hope the step i go now will work out and i can get back to old shape.

cheers alx1
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
06-29-2015 , 04:09 AM

first month semi pro is not like i expected it, almost no profit but 1k under EV. but at least still one weak to go, lets see what it brings.

therefore i concentrate only on playing max 4 tables and do a precise villain selection to boost me up to some profit.
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
07-04-2015 , 05:10 PM

july is going well so far. yesterday i had coaching and we find out some huge huge leaks. now its on me to fix them. but im pretty confident that this should be solved soon.
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
07-15-2015 , 10:31 AM
july is going good sofar almost 2k profit. still alot to improve to hit my goals, but im on a good way now after i did play break even for about 60k hands.

the new coaching structure fixed alot of leaks in my game. truly have to say gordon does what it takes to make you a profitable player.
ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
09-23-2015 , 02:51 AM

after a long break, my coach just sent me a nice video to motivate myself again.

it just came to the right time.

learned that i got take what i want and work hard for it. dont listen to people who say i cant do it.

Never give up, just dont forgott fail is part of the progress, but champions stand up one more time than the rest.


ALX1: making 100k a year! Quote
