All forms of poker study sessions
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 152
Just did 30 mins of poker study. It was nash shove or fold for nlh tournies. I wrote down 28 different scenarios between 1 and 20bbs over all 8 positions that can open in a mtt. I wrote down the answer which I thought was correct according to nash. I ended up with 26 right answers and 2 wrong. The ones I got wrong were 67o at 9bb in the sb. I shoved when I should of folded. 87o would of being a shove not 67o. The other one was 92s with 1 bb and utg. I shoved again when I should of folded. 93s+ would be shoving not 92s.
This was for no ante in play. I will look later to see how antes affect nash shoving ranges. Also nash isnt the only stragegy for 20bb on below stacks. Look into others later. Now I'm going to spend 30 mins studying 2-7 triple draw cash games.
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 152
A rule of thumb with 2-7 triple draw is don't draw more than 3 cards. Ideally have a 2 in your hand too. With pat hands bet as much as you can. 23567 23458 are to max bet with them.
7432 or 6432 are great hands to play aggressively with. Cap on the first draw if you can. 23479 you might want to get rid of the 9. Dealt out a few hands 36A7T. Do we draw with this hand? 24584 is it stronger than the last hand? 435KA do we bet or just limp? What if aggressive opponents behind us.
So much to learn about poker.