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From 81.83$ to Washington DC! From 81.83$ to Washington DC!

10-20-2011 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by EdmondDantes84
Also, whats your take on bodogs hide the tables, no waitlist update?
To finally respond to your post, I originally thought that it was crazy stupid, and still kinda hate it. Mostly because there are some huge whales on bodog and this has stopped me from going whale fishing. But other than that it's really not too bad.
From 81.83$ to Washington DC! Quote
10-20-2011 , 02:47 AM
I haven't really posted in my thread for a while, so I figured I'd do so now.

After a few decent sessions I have moved my bankroll up to 482. But the most exciting update is that I have found a cash game on campus to play in.

I went on Tuesday night, and the game plays ridiculously aggressive, to the point where cbetting is not profitable and the name of the game is to b/c/b/c/b/shove with your fat value hands and almost nothing else. I am severely under rolled for this game, it's a .5/1 game that plays like 1/2 with live straddles most rounds and a 200$ buyin.

I ran pretty good in the beginning, doubling up when my a5c rivered the nut flush against a guy who played his trips horribly. Then I almost doubled up again when I b/b/b aces against a maniac fish, and got my KK in against 55 pre for 200$. However, after this I bluffed off 150 on a 3barrel that was poorly timed. After these hands I basically went card dead for the rest of my session (besides getting AQ against AK for another 100 loss) I cashed out at the end of the night up 225$.

My effective bankroll for this live game is 600. It should be at least 2k, but I am confident that I can play not as scared money and make the right moves and take advantage of this table.
From 81.83$ to Washington DC! Quote
11-28-2011 , 07:08 AM
Renewing the thread

So I realize I have not updated the thread in quite a long time. Just to give a brief overview of how things are going, I basically went busto on my online account. (well not completely, but I had to move allll the way down to 5NL and was incredibly discouraged with my play and lacking confidence.) However, things were going decently in my live game, and I have booked a small profit of like 600 in the 6 or so sessions. The game is hyperaggressive and high variance and I still needed to adjust to live play or else I think my profits would be significantly higher since I ran pretty hot in one of the games and booked a 900 dollar profit.

Anyways, I decided to deposit 400 into my account on Bodog and hopefully restart my play, along with a subscription to DC. I found that this, along with a good promotion was all I needed, and my account has gone from busto to robusto pretty quickly, and I am sitting on a 3k bankroll atm between my live games and my online play.

More importantly, I feel like this was a large make or break moment in my young poker career, and I feel like I passed. It feels pretty good after a lot of self doubt. In reviving my play, I hope to revive this thread so that I will keep myself motivated to reach my goal.

Speaking of goals, my new goal is to be able to play 1/2 when the games are juicy and play at least 50k hands this coming month since I will be on Christmas break for most of it.

This graph isn't so cool, because I play on one computer in my dorm and another when I'm home, but it kinda shows my busto-robusto course.

More to come.
From 81.83$ to Washington DC! Quote
