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7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st 7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st

01-17-2012 , 09:46 PM
I'll try and keep this short. Life time (over the last 6yrs I guess) I have played 4726 Micro Mtt and Mtt Sng's at Poker Stars. Like a lot of people around here, due to lack of discipline, alchohol, poor BR management etc., I am a big lifetime loser at on-line poker. To try and get myself started on the right path, I am going to try and play 2774 Mtts on Stars with a profit by the end of February.

About Me
I'm a 41 year old manager with a beautiful, smart wife and 2 kids. I won't bring up the 7 animals in the house . Basically I have succeeded at everything I have ever wanted to in life except poker... which is funny as it is truly a passion of mine. Money isn't really an object for me as both my wife and I make good money and with several other business ventures I guess I have always been a spew monkey as I never worried about re-loading. Despite My success in life, I'm admittedly a heavy drinker... something I have addressed and I hope this thread helps me keep focused.

Me and Poker
HUGE lifetime loser!!!
I am sick of reading, watching and listening to everything under the sun and not absorbing, or at least implementing what I have learned. Poker has always been a stress relief after work for me, usually over multiple beer! After dusting off another nice BR at ST HU SNG's, and waking up to see I had no money left on pokerstars, I decided to evaluate my game.

- I suck at HU SNG's... can't handle having 6 dominating hands busted in 5 minutes.
- I suck at cash games... usually to drunk and have no patience.
- I suck at MTT's - I lose focus and patience after a few hours
- Seem to at least be winning at MTT SNG's

Short Term Goal
- Play only micro mtt's and sng's till I hit 7500 lifetime, showing a profit
- keep studying and learning the game
- keep my tilt under control (something I am good at sober, but suck at when drinking)
- play volume!

I have also noticed there isn't a lot of info, video's etc for the micro stakes grinder. Hopefully, if I continue to improve, I can share my experience with people hoping to grind up a roll from basically nothing.

Basically that is it. I have a lot of other thoughts and insights that I will share over the next ~ 6 weeks, but for now I'll just post some basic graphs:


By damajha at 2012-01-17


By damajha at 2012-01-17


By damajha at 2012-01-17

Anyway, I hope somebody follows along and wishes me luck, and if not thats fine as this is more of a test for myself.

NOTE: I will only be posting profits/loses, as my actual potential BR is way above the avg BI for these stakes.

NOTE #2: I almost forgot, basically when I am playing these I will be 18-24 tabling them with all the micro-turbo sng's being loaded by Table Ninja - I will elaborate more later

Good Decisions always,
7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st Quote
01-18-2012 , 09:37 PM
Day one is in and although I am fairly happy with my volume, the results are a little disappointing. After posting this I must have been excited about getting off to a good start as I didn't really have any patience and was way overplaying hands with my middling stacks (15-25 BB's deep). Unfortunately It took me almost 30 games to realize where I was spewing. After fixing the problem, things definately turned around, but I didn't run very well, especially when it counted. Way to many min cashes !

Anyway, I spent a few hrs today going over my HH's and am feeling pretty good about all things overall.

Here is yesterdays results. The hourly is a little skewed as I was single-tabling some 10 centers at work while I was working on tweaking my HUD and my setup overall.

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Anyway, off to start another session...

Good decisions always,
7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st Quote
01-19-2012 , 05:22 PM
Really low volume day as I was tired and spent alot of time playing with settings so I can multi-table on my Ipad. I had 10 going and it seemed fine. Will try a couple sets of 15 tonight and see if my setup can handle it

On the positive side, I played really well in the few games I did play. I really just need some volume and some run good when it counts, but I'll take a winning day anytime!

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Good decisions always,
7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:43 PM
lol... I thought when I mention multi-tabling on the ipad, at least somebody would ask about it... guess everybody is doing it and I`am just catching up»!

Wish me luck on tonights session... hoping for at least 60 games!

Good decisions always,
7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st Quote
01-20-2012 , 01:32 AM
Noticed I had 20 games of 18 3.50`s ... figured I would check the planet LB:

Kinda cool

Good decisions always,
7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st Quote
01-20-2012 , 08:06 PM
Well, I played well at the beginning of my session but was to stubborn to quit when I started getting tired... Hopefully lesson learned I also ran like crap in anything over 18 man... Oh well, it should turn around eventually

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However, speaking of the 18`s, it`s nice to go on a heater in something anyway! Hardly sustainable but it looks pretty!

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It`s also nice to see the progression of firsts through 4ths... now I just need to start running better in the 45 and 180`s

Good decisions always,
7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:55 PM
Well, my wife received a big award and promotion so her company sent us to the River Rock in Vancouver for 3 days. Kinda fun playing live! Up about $600 in 1/2 NL and cashed in 2 of the 3 tourney's I played so Poker wise it was cool! Also up about $120 in the slots and another $300 in craps, so overall a good few days.

As for my online play obviously it's been slow, but I hope to put in some good volume this week. I also managed to finish 12th last week in the BOP for a $30.00 bonus so that was pretty cool.

Here is whats happened since I first posted this.

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And the Graph:

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Not sure why I am adding sheduled MTT's as I run like crap in them, but I guess I'll never improve or bink anything unless I play in them.

Sng's are going decent except the 3.50 45's. I think I am playing well and making good decisions but am just running poorly in them... maybe this is the week!|

Good decisions always,
7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st Quote
01-24-2012 , 07:19 PM
GL buddy!

are you just playing scheduled or sng's too?

def seems like you should profit so long as you keep a good Bankroll Management!
7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st Quote
01-25-2012 , 10:06 AM
GL dude!

Also, congratz to your wife for the promotion
7500 Lifetime Micro MTT's and MTTSNG's by March 1st Quote
