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600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's 600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's

10-27-2010 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by alohadje
what do you think about superking, gourmet ao, gottamakesum, all the whenzou players and so on? Do u pay more attention when they raise? Do you have any notes taken on them?
TBH i havent really noticed much fishy action going on at the DON's since Chinese players were banned from playing together. Although i am still a little suspect and prob always will be. I have these players in a different colour to try keep an eye out for anything weird.
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
10-27-2010 , 09:14 PM
Sickoooo. I played the $52 DoNs at the start of the year to try on a supernova quest but all the cheating sent me on a sick downswing and I gave them up.
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
10-28-2010 , 12:48 AM
it aint the best way to be a SN but easy to reach with Dons 50!!! You'll have more ease with the 104!!!
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
10-31-2010 , 05:58 PM
Sorry i haven't posted any updates in the last few days guys. My grandad passed away last Thursday and had a golf trip over the weekend. So was a really bad start for me both volume and profit wise. Here are my figures for the 1st week:

Games: 583
Hours: 18.2
Profit: -$2320
VPP: 369,888 (+9,810)
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-07-2010 , 02:09 AM
So the 2nd week is now finished for me. Another poor week volume wise as i was out of action for half the week with family stuff. So im now basically a week behind pace and hope to maybe catch some of that up in the next 2 weeks. Honestly tho with Xmas coming up and all the BS that goes with it this is not looking too good. But will keep at it. I think if i can get in maybe 2 solid 55hr weeks its still achievable, so heres hoping.

This weeks results:

Games: 698
Hours: 19.8
Profit: $1232
VPP: 382,377 (+12489)

Overall results:

Games: 1281
Hours: 38
Profit: -$1088
VPP: 382,377 (+22,299)
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-15-2010 , 01:49 AM
Another week down and its now looking like im not going to reach the 600k VPP mark considering i only got just under 40hrs this week and i need like 55 hour weeks from here on in. With Christmas and other **** coming up i just dont think its going to happen. But im still going to push for the 500k mark.

So here is my last weeks summary. Alot better profit wise and i managed to clear about 8k in bonuses so thats always nice.

Games: 1323
Hours: 33.5
Profit: $3660
VPP: 407,205 (+24,828)

Overall Results:

Games: 2604
Hours: 71.5
Profit: $2572
$EV Profit: $5350
VPP: 407,205 (+47,127)
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-19-2010 , 02:05 AM
Its Friday arvo here now and prolly not likely to play anymore this week so ill post my latest now:

This week:

Games: 828
Hours: 21.6
Profit: $3592
VPP: 422,983 (+15,778)

Overall Results:

Games: 3432
Hours: 93.1
Profit: $6140 + $8000 Rakeback
$EV Profit: $6326
VPP: 422,983 (+62905)

Here is my HEM Graph:

600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-19-2010 , 02:23 AM
I've been playing the 5$ DoNs lately, can ya give some pointers for what kind of BRM to move up stakes?
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-19-2010 , 03:02 AM
I guess i depends on what kinda ROI ur making. If ur making 5% + over a decent sample id prolly be pretty confident to move up the the stakes with 50-75 buy ins. I cant imagine the $20's being much harder than the $5's. If your making <3% ROI I wouldnt moved up with under 100BI's. Hope this helps. GL
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-19-2010 , 06:18 AM
Hey I'm curious as to which software you're using to track your progress. PT3 or HEM? What %ROI are you averaging at the $100's and $50's? Thanks and good luck.
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-19-2010 , 06:33 AM
doing well, keep it up and my condolences about your grandfather
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-19-2010 , 06:40 AM
good luck
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-19-2010 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by h00tz
Hey I'm curious as to which software you're using to track your progress. PT3 or HEM? What %ROI are you averaging at the $100's and $50's? Thanks and good luck.
Im using HEM. At the moment since i started this thread i seems to be running horribly at the 100's with 1.5% and great at the 50's with 6.5%. Overall since i started playing the DON's im running at about 2.5% for the 100's and 4.5% for the 50's. Although i have put alot of work into my game in these last few months and feel ive made some good progress so im hoping to increase on these figures.

Originally Posted by yarp
doing well, keep it up and my condolences about your grandfather
Thanks m8, he lived a full life, thats all anyone can ask for.
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-19-2010 , 02:33 PM
Dude, I ve played a lot of dons 50 and 100 aswell but I do not know how I can see my leaks and how to improve on my game.
Can you tell me a little bit about that? Especially see how I can find my biggest leaks.

I give you a hint, last time I saw you on the table, I told you I saw your thread on 2+2 and wished you good luck. Maybe you remember.

Thanks man.

and Please: if you see bina and superking, KILL THEM ON THE GAMES, I hate them!
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-19-2010 , 06:52 PM
Hey Alohadje, think i remembet who you are. Sorry i didnt really reply, was just playing too many games at the time.

As for improving ur game, I dont really wanna give too much away, especially in a public forum. But to give u an idea i use SNGWIZ and HEM. But gotta be very careful how and when u use the WIZ in DON's cos in alot of spots its practically useless due to the limitations of ICM.

Everyone seems to hate superking, lol. But he tends to show me alot of respect at the table so i dont really have a problem with him. Also there are parts of his game i find really exploitable.
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-20-2010 , 08:05 PM
ahaha, true for superking my ex mentor hated him too... hehe. If I PM you with specific questions, would you reply, thx man.
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-21-2010 , 01:06 AM
Dont really know. depends on the questions i guess. cant hurt tho
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-21-2010 , 01:09 AM
Thought about SNE next year wayne? Any tips for handling lots of volume on a daily basis, like how you get into a grinding mindset or something? Do you listen to music while you play?
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-21-2010 , 01:16 AM
Yeah, definately going for SNE next year. Might make a thread for it. Hoping to make around 200-250k including RB. As for handling high volume I think the best thing that works for me is to set daily/weekly goals. I aim to put in 40hours/week, and i try do it in 5 days with each day having 2x 4 hour sessions. And yeh i need music while i play
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-23-2010 , 09:31 AM
hi wayne played a lot of games with you over this month on the 50s mainyland a few 100s

im going for sne next year too would be good to see your quest for next year in a thread so we can compare progress and results

ok gl at the tables ill be trying to exploit your fold sb and bb to stealnumbers like ususal lol
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-23-2010 , 05:26 PM
Yeah i will prolly set a thread up for my SNE quest. Are u doing the same? What is ur username? if you dont wanna post it here u could PM me.
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-25-2010 , 09:31 AM
hey we spoke on the tables
breifly both in long grinding session is assume
look at my profile iv started a thread about next year if you wana take a look about sne 2011 in dons
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-25-2010 , 05:58 PM
Bumped, gl with it.
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
11-29-2010 , 01:48 AM
Haven't updated in awhile but not really much to tell for the last week. I didnt put in much volume at all and ran pretty horribly but finished the week like $400 infront so cant complain too much. Here are my overall stats since the start of this thread:

Games: 4448
Hours: 124
Profit: $6544 + $8000 Rakeback
$EV Profit: $8124
VPP: 441,375 (+81,297)

600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
12-02-2010 , 09:21 AM
not bad waynesick that your redline is higher than your green line though thats not pretty. Ill post my december graph and we can compare at end of year

playing a lot this month 15 tabling with stack at first then 20 when im comfortable toget ready for the sne 2011 chase gl thismonth
600k VPP by Years End Playing DON's Quote
