My name's Mike. I'm a 27 year old living in Minneapolis, MN. Before I explain my motivations for deciding to become homeless over the next 6 months (February-August), I should first give a little background about who I am and what my financial status currently is.
I am a veteran of the USAF, I have a 4 year degree in psychology (graduated about 4 years ago), and I currently work full-time as an "awake overnight staff" at a group home (7 days on, 7 day off rotation of 63 hours) and part-time as a janitor (25 hours per week M-F afternoons). So one week I work 88 hours and the next week I work 25 hours. The awake overnight job is pretty slick, I "get to" sleep, watch movies, shower, do laundry, grill, basically whatever I want because the residents in the house are sleeping. The janitor position I've just recently started. It seems okay. I clean a floor of a hospital building. There's nobody there to bug me and it's all completely independent. I listen to music and podcasts and clean from 5:30pm-10:30pm during the week. It's good exercise too, so I don't mind it all that much. I make $2,100/month after taxes from both jobs. Not a whole lot, right? Right, so....
I decided to go back to school so i can make more money and get off the work grind. Over the last year I've applied for 8 graduate programs, which I find out in March if I've been accepted or not. I've put a lot of work in during the last year doing things like taking the general and subject GRE (scored well, like 80th percentiles) and all the other assortment of things that's required of prospective applicants. Aka lots and lots of bull****.
One of the programs I've already been accepted into, so I'm for sure going back to school this September. I'm going for School Psychology. All of the programs have 100% employment placements (will make around $55,000 starting, with summers, weekends, and holidays off, so a step up from where I am now). The programs will cost me around $30,000 program costs and $15,000 life expenses. Right now I have about $14,000 in students loans. So when I graduate, I'll have around $60,000 in student loans. Besides that, I have a $2,500 credit card maxed out and nothing else. I own my own car, don't owe anyone money. I enjoy my jobs, I'm supporting myself, and I have a little extra every month. I have a plan for my future to get a better job and a clear sense of direction, so minus the lack of a girlfriend, I feel okay with where I'm at.
I live right now in a place that costs $600/month. I don't pay any utilities, wireless, cable, electricity, etc... it's all covered in the $600. The area I live in has one of the highest costs of living in Minnesota, so in some cities where $600 can get you your own 1 bedroom apartment that's 800 square feet, $600 doesn't get me that far where I am. As a matter of fact, it gets me in the lower level of a crazy lady's falling over house.
To give a few examples of why she's crazy, she's quite literally threatened to call the police on her dog multiple times for barking (who loves licking my feet every time I walk in and has had the audacity to **** in my level/tear open my trash on a number of occasions), somehow gets into an argument with every repair man who comes over - there's been repairs for a number of things...recently it was a leaking water pipe which saturated half of my carpet with water - and never leaves her house. I swear if she isn't bitching at a repair man or a relative on her LAN line - which rings so loud it wakes me up - , she is watching TV 24/7. My toilet flushes every other time and her house wreaks of old people. The "hm, I wonder if there is a dead rat in the walls" kind of a smell. Oh yeah I can also hear every movement she makes since the floor boards are hardwood and her living room is above my bedroom. She also randomly comes downstairs to do things, like decide to replace the furnace filter at 9 in the morning. She used to be a teacher but was kicked in the leg by a student. As you can tell, I have a lot of built up anger about my living situation and the lady I live with.
Okay, now that that's covered...what do I mean "voluntary homelessness for 6 months?". Well, besides being sick of my living situation and certain small reasons (like having everything packed and organized far in advance of my fall semester starting) there are 2 main factors which have motivated me to do this:
The main one is for the "freedom". When I start school in September I am pretty much going to be going nonstop. I've had a desire for freedom for a while now. Some of my heroes I look up to are Christopher McCandless (from "Into the Wild") , Matthew Moore (from Two Plus Two), and Carlos Welch (from Twitch). Once I begin school I'm going to be "indebted into society", if you will, with student loans and such, having to live a "normal persons" life so I will be able to afford my way. I guess you could say this is the last chance, for a while, for an anticultural atheist to escape the sometimes claustrophobic cluster **** of civilization.
Secondly, for the last 10 years I've had a pipe dream of becoming a professional poker player. I haven't covered my background in poker much and this is my first post on the two plus two forums, but I've been playing poker for around 10 years. I play online cash and live tournaments. My poker bankroll is $0. I haven't won any huge tournaments. That being said, I feel like I'm a decent player. I feel like I haven't been able to give myself a fair shot. I've lived on my own since I've been 18, went through 2 long-term unsuccessful relationships, served a 6 year term in the military (went on deployments to a number of places, Afghanistan/Kuwait to name 2), have moved 6 times in the last 4 years, and have struggled to get myself to the point I am now. I haven't ever really had the money to separate my poker winnings from my life expenses. Not paying rent for 6 months will help with that.
After a 6 month storage locker and USPS mailbox rental, a trailer rental for moving, $100 to a friend to help me move, and boxes and **** I'll save about $3,410 in those 6 months. So I have $3,410 dispersed over 6 months to put towards playing poker. This is only 17 buy-ins at the local Canterbury Park $2/$100 spread game I'll be playing in ($1/$2 blinds, $100 max bets, but can reraise as many times as you'd like, so it plays a lot like NLHE game), so if I run bad that can go real fast. Point being I recognize that's not enough money to really "test to see if I could be a professional poker player", but that's not really what I'm trying to do with this whole experiment.
Worst case is that when August rolls around, I'll be right where I was before, but perhaps with a fresher, less "**** society" mindset, or have some extra money going into graduate school (or be living in the opposite side of the world as a sex slave, dead in a ditch, or freeze to death... lol). By the way, the reason I plan on keeping my jobs is because I still need some guaranteed income (still have bills to pay and still need like $4,000 in savings going into September to make graduate school doable). So this isn't a travelling around the world for 6 months kind of homeless, this is a sleep in your car, pass time at the local library, play cash games like a degenerate kind of a homelessness. The later being much less entertaining. That being said, I do get every other weekend off, so may take a quick weekend trip to Florida for the weather or to Vegas just for the hell of it - depending if I start winning at poker.
Being homeless in Minnesota during the coldest time of the year is nothing to mess with. Sometimes it can be 30 below zero, so you have to know what the hell you're doing. I'm no expert, but I feel like I'll manage. I've been a bit of an outdoorsman most of my life (go to the boundary waters each year and have lived in the frigid winters all my life), so I know how to prepare for the cold weather. It'll only be a few months until the end of March, the time it starts getting warmer out, so it should get easier as time goes.
Being voluntarily homeless will not be nearly as exciting as it might seem. It'll probably get boring as ****. I'll be spending a lot of time at the local library, at work, or hopefully grinding some live cash games. I plan on showering/working out/reducing my manginess at LA Fitness, where I have a membership. I'll be sleeping out of my car mostly. As of now, I don't want to crash at a friend's place or couch surf, so this is my plan starting out.
I figured making a thread would help pass some time by and it could be a cool experience worth sharing. I'll do daily updates starting on January 15th. I'll post everything poker related (hand histories, daily bankroll updates), and any weird experiences, random thoughts, concerns, etc...
Once again I'll be playing out of Canterbury Park for live games and over BetCoin (WPN Network) for online cash and tournaments. Depending on how good of a wifi connection I'll have access to I will probably stream here and there too (have everything set up to stream on Twitch I just need a little better internet so I don't have to stream at 480 pixels...makes it hard to see numbers lol)
Last edited by lovestarsz; 01-07-2016 at 03:47 AM.