So the challenge is simple: Play in the new target when you have 20 buyins. Move down when you have 10 stakes.
When I reach the target of 2k in 100NL - I'll stay there and start a new blog.
Start is:
171€. In $ it might be more.
So grinding 5NL.
My background: I was 2nd in winnings worldwide in 100NL in twothousandwhatsover. When SharkScope was still alive.
Now I am a freelance software developer waiting for the next gig.
I got offers from all over the place including London for a big fat 6 figs job, but I declined.
Since I am a freelancer now. (And my mum suffers from dementia.)
I am waiting for a good job.
Meanwhile I can just as well work on my poker game.
I guess: From 5 to 50 will be easy. Then it will become tough. At 50NL.
So back then I did have Holdem Manager. And before that, I had PokerTracker.
Both awesome products.
Well, I'll support stuff that's open, like Hand2Stats, Or what's it called.
Hand2Notes I think. Sorry.
Ach so. Interessiert hier schlicht niemanden: Hauptsache, man is ADHS.
Damit lässt sich alles erklären.
Ich möchte gerne die letzten zwei Posts löschen. Ist das möglich?
Ne, is nich möglich. Krasse Sache! Dann stirbt das hier und jetzt.
And I guess: You don't care and just being an *******.
Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-19-2023 at 06:10 PM.
Reason: 11 consecutive posts merged