Long january for me, really couldn't find any rythme for putting in decent volume but this wasn't really my decision too much, as couldnt' play for 2.5 weeks of january due to exams and stuff. so the volume has been pretty woeful. but apart from that thought my play was decent, only had 2 session where i thought i wasn't playing well, which is pretty positive! also feel like my game has improved quite a bit, in adjusting to opponents and developing game plans against different types of players. Also im feeling pretty confident in my four tabling ability, i need to try and work out how my hourly is highest 2-3-4 tabling? think likely 3 will give me the highest hourly but not sure.
Also i had to withdraw a big portion of my bankroll for living expenses and stuff so i stopped playing 60's for the last 1/3 of the month whichs sucks because it means this month ill only be playing 30's
heres the graph for january basically only one real weak of grinding! my roi adjusted ain't too great think i ran pretty lamely card distribution wise at the 60's but not 100% sure. Either way the sample size is tiny so really not too bothered
Enough whining anyway, goals for february are
-4.5k games to make up for my weak volume this month!
->3 ev roi., i don't really like making these ev.roi goals but with good volume this should be comfortably doable!
-finish Will tiptons book 1st book
-Manage my money better off the tables i'm just spending way too much money per week at the moment
-Be more professional when playing stuff like being easily distracted, and disrupting sessions will have a big effect on my roi and volume played
These goals aren't set in stone and i may add to them as the month goes on cheers and gl at the tables.