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The 40% Rule - Highest volume online cash PGC of 2020!?!? The 40% Rule - Highest volume online cash PGC of 2020!?!?

02-04-2020 , 02:11 PM
02-04-2020 , 04:35 PM
02-04-2020 , 06:27 PM
02-04-2020 , 07:09 PM
Im calling 1700, will be following this thread glgl OP
02-04-2020 , 09:20 PM
1950 I have a big faith glgl
02-05-2020 , 07:49 AM
1900 hours
02-05-2020 , 04:35 PM
02-09-2020 , 12:06 PM
Sub. GL!

我從使用 Tapatalk 的 SM-G965U 發送
02-09-2020 , 12:52 PM
He’s so busy grinding he doesn’t even have time to post in his thread
02-09-2020 , 01:00 PM
02-09-2020 , 01:08 PM
02-09-2020 , 04:03 PM
02-09-2020 , 04:47 PM
02-09-2020 , 04:48 PM
02-09-2020 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by max85
i would suggest a goal of say 2 x sessions per day of 2 hrs as example of goal. Then work out the hours and hands goal from that.

What sites are you playing OP?

GL this year
Hey mate, I'm playing on Bodog88 exclusively. I'm not sure what you mean by 2x 2 hour sessions per day? You mean to play 4 hours a day? Sadly this doth butter no parsnips!

Originally Posted by Oladipo
Goggins gives me the ultra cringe

1456. Good luck my man, will follow closely
Hah why do you say that? Cheers man, appreciate the support

Originally Posted by GarbageReg
So this will be a PGC thread without any HH's and just a platform for Meales endless high school philosophy dribble and hooker stories? In.
First year uni philosophy tyvm*** Sadly, I'll be surprised if I bang a single hooker this entire year. I've been in TL a bit over 2 years now I guess and I am quite enjoying a pretty big change of pace lately where going out and partying rarely features on my to-do list.

Originally Posted by GamblErrr
im gonna guess 1435

do you workout twice a day morn and evening to negate all the sitting, like gentle exercise or cardio something daytime morning, and sport or lifting heavy stuff evening ?
Working out twice a day unless you're a professional athlete/on a lot of gear is absolutely spastic. I attempt to negate the excessive sitting on my arse by foam rolling in between sessions and weekly Thai massages after leg day. Once I moved into my new place I'm going to buy a sit/stand desk so that I can reduce the overall time spent on my ass because I'm dealing with a lot of lower back issues at the moment and think that'll help a lot.

I can't do any cardio at the moment - started running for 30 mins in the mornings a few weeks ago, after day 5 I woke up the next day barely able to work - my knee was completely blown out. This happens every time I try to run consistently - I have pretty bad meniscus issues that make it very difficult. Phuc cardio anyway innit.

Originally Posted by Oladipo
He’s so busy grinding he doesn’t even have time to post in his thread

I did say I was going to update this once a week but I've pushed my "day off" back a couple days because I've got a couple mates arriving today from Aus who want to see the city and party a bit. So I decided I'd just grind hard til today and then pretty much take the day off. Going forward these updates will come through pretty consistently every 7-10 days I imagine, just depends on what obligations I have in my schedule and when I can get a day off in.


I have one of the most beautiful gradients I've ever seen on a graph lately,

This is my recent 500nl sample which I played at the end of last month/start of this month. It's been a nice mixture of losing coolers/flips and getting bluffed to smithereens unfortunately. So I jumped back down to 200 and have been slowly grinding it back,

Have almost got the month back to even on EV at least. Last month was pretty rough for me too as I started out up about 5-8k after the first couple weeks and then basically halved my bankroll in the last couple weeks :') Finished January with an EV winrate of 0.05bb/100 thanks to the 200nl rostucko.

Study & Some thoughts on Poker Detox metholdologies

As I said, looking through hole cards I've been getting bluffed a disturbing amount lately and at the same time I've been making a number of bad bluff catches. So obviously I've been spending my study hours this week working on bluff catching efficiency. I'm really confident in most other areas of my game, but when the topic of bluff catch efficiency comes up, I cringe at how much of an issue it has been for me lately.

So I went through Detox's Ether almanac yesterday and was pretty underwhelmed TBH, as I expected, but it definitely did give me a few extra things to think about, like certain lines for both the reg and fish profile that are underbluffed, and what sizings too. Being aware of these commonly overshot/underbluffed lines will just add one additional layer of confidence to my decisions when the spot is close.

Just on the topic of PokerDetox - I think Nick has for the most part done a great job, but I can totally see how his methodologies get a bad wrap. If you just attempt memorise the "hot spots" in the Night Vision pack and try to memorise the under/overbluffed spots in the Ether, you're going to completely fk yourself if this is the basis for your poker strategy. I've heard several guys critique the program/methodologies as being a cookie cutter "do this in this spot because MDA" approach, instead of actually telling you how to fundamentally think about ranges.

I don't think this was Nick's intention, and he definitely says in the Ether at least that memorising this stuff is not the right way to go about things, but I know for a fact the CFP guys are taught a very rigid "do this here, do this vs this sizing, do this 100%, etc" approach which I think is a great way to get in trouble at 500nl+.

I do think if you're thinking about the game properly to begin with, having the additional knowledge of the hotspots/lines/PD stuff is a great addendum to help improve efficiency in certain areas, but it would be a terrible shame if this was the basis from which you learnt how to play.

Enough of that for now.

Additionally to the Ether, in the last week I've run filters for every time I got bluffed on the river this year and last year OR made a bad bluff catch and started analysing the hands in Excel. I'm basically recording information like "vs player type", line, bet size, raise size, inconsistencies, bluff allowance, etc. Recording everything into a spreadsheet and trying to see if I can familiarise myself more with the common themes that lead to me making a bad bluff catch. So each hand will have maybe 7 criteria and then I'll "rate" each of those criteria either green or red, green being reasons to call, red being reasons to fold. So it'll look like the following,

QJo on Q72r - fish profile, bc/xc/xc, river sizing was pot, *spiel about inconsistencies in the line*, and *spiel about how many natty bluffs/is the spot under/overbluffed*.

After that write up is done, i'll then highlight the "fish profile" cell as green, because typically fish overbluff, I'll highlight the river sizing pot as red, because big bets esp by fish are usually value, etc etc. The bluff allowance cell might be coloured red because this board texture is underbluffed.

And what I typically end up with is basically a criteria sheet for each hand, highlighted mostly green or mostly red. And I've found that if I just look at how many criteria are green vs how many are red, I can usually get an extremely accurate correlation to whether i got bluffed or not. In something like 90% of the cases, if I'd managed to do this sort of analysis in real-time, objectively looking at each criteria and thinking to myself green or red, I'd have made the correct decision.

Of course, there's a fk ton of bias going into this sort of pathological analysis because you can see the hole cards and that reinforces the significance of criteria that might seem innocuous in real-time. Regardless, I find this sort of work to be helpful in familiarizing myself with key lines/signs of bluffs/value.

Last month I spent a lot of time looking at single raised pots in Pio. I looked at 200 boards BTN v BB, SB v BB, CO v BB, EP/MP vs BB and wrote a lot about my findings in my workbook. This is something I should have done a lot more of ages ago, because it's a pretty fundamental area of the game. Since lately I've been playing more zone which tends to be 3-4 handed, you end up playing a super high amount of SRPs in these positions, I figured it was about time I really tighten the screws on my flop betting strategies in these areas. Playing turns and rivers seems kind of intuitive for the most part, but I never really had a great understanding of what I should be doing on a number of boards BVB in these real wide range spots, so I feel like I was leaking a bunch of cash in these high freq spots. It's amazing how much just 10 hours of looking through and analysing Pio scripts can change the way you look at the game when it's something you've kind of neglected in the past.


My diet lately has been extremely bland. I do meal prep once every 4-5 days and literally just cook up a shart load of chicken breast and mixed veges and ram em into some containers. My diet consists of granola + fruit for breakfast, then 2x containers of chicken breast and veges throughout the day, and 1-2 protein shakes. And that's it. About once a week on my morning off I'll treat myself to breakfast out but otherwise it's very consistent. I get no enjoyment from eating this food, but I know it's the right path for me to be on after I really overdid it at the end of last year with the high sodium dirty bulk I was on.

Miraculously, I seem to have solved my sleep issues, finally. Touch wood, but it's been about 10 days now of very solid sleep. Usually for me I'll go through periods of 4-6 days of great sleep and then randomly I'll be up all night without a wink. But that hasn't happened lately. I think most of it has to do with the massive diet changes I've been doing lately. I'm also not really touching alcohol at all. Getting good quality sleep finally is the biggest relief and I'm really hoping I can keep that **** going indefinitely.

Gym has been okay, as I mentioned, my knee got completely fkd during morning cardio sessions, so I've cut that out now and it's almost fully healed. I'm basically just trying to maintain as much strength as possible in the gym while I'm on a caloric deficit. Once I get my bodyfat down to something I'm a bit happier about, I'll start adding back some clean carbs into my diet, mayb jump on some SARMs, and slowly transition into a caloric surplus and get that clean bulk going. I have real bad lower back pain still preventing me from squatting and deadlifting, so that's unless I can resolve that naturally somehow, I will probably end up getting it MRI'd so I can finally get back to some big lower body workouts.

I've been putting in some long hours of work lately too, which I intend on maintaining. Basically getting up at 6am, playing poker right through til 830pm only stopping for the gym/to eat/etc.

Annual Volume Estimates

Decided I'll close entries to this as of now, because I've just posted a graph and discussed my schedule a bit which may give some late entries a bit of an advantage. Thanks to everyone who has commented, and I'm glad to see at least a few of you think I'll put some decent hours in this year!

Cheers for following and I'll update again in a week or so!
02-09-2020 , 11:49 PM
02-10-2020 , 12:04 AM
2236 Hours
02-10-2020 , 12:07 AM
Nice post mate and gl!

May I ask why you started to play more zone tables?
02-10-2020 , 12:07 AM
02-10-2020 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by highestdd
Nice post mate and gl!

May I ask why you started to play more zone tables?

Chucking in Zone late at night when the pool is good and/or when I can't get 4 decent tables otherwise.
02-10-2020 , 01:05 AM
2 x 2 hours session or 3 x 2 hrs for maintaining focus...

how can you see hole cards in hm2?

Are you playing 500z? If so see you in the pool
02-10-2020 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by max85
2 x 2 hours session or 3 x 2 hrs for maintaining focus...

how can you see hole cards in hm2?

Are you playing 500z? If so see you in the pool
I'm playing on Ignition which is how I can see hole cards. 3x 2 hour sessions won't be enough volume for me either unfortunately. I'm usually playing 2-3 hours straight with a wee break in between sessions - mostly 4 tabling reg so it's not super tedious mentally.
02-10-2020 , 01:30 AM
yeah same
so do you note down the HH number then search it?
or you can see when you import the hands?
when i untick the see hole cards in converter it has errors, so needs to be ticked then imports and converts with no issues
02-10-2020 , 02:06 AM

02-10-2020 , 04:10 AM
so do you note down the HH number then search it?
or you can see when you import the hands?
when i untick the see hole cards in converter it has errors, so needs to be ticked then imports and converts with no issues
I just wait a couple days and download the hh and import them and usually 4-5 days later can see all the hole cards of each session
