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The 40% Rule - Highest volume online cash PGC of 2020!?!? The 40% Rule - Highest volume online cash PGC of 2020!?!?

02-02-2020 , 08:35 AM

I decided last year to no longer continue maintaining a PGC because it became pretty tedious dealing with the trolls everyday but after seeing all the 2019 EOY updates and a bunch of guys off to a ripper start in 2020, I decided I'd get back in the saddle for 2020 with yet another PGC.

Once a week I will attempt to wade through the inevitable sea of toxic troll posts and accusations my PGCs tend to attract and respond to any legitimate questions or comments any of you lovely people have. In addition to this I will look to do up a short post each week addressing a random topic that I think would give poker enthusiasts and professionals alike something stimulating to think about... Usually something along the lines of mental game concepts, variance and strategies for dealing with it, time management stuff, personal development, philosophy, etc. I'll do this basically to make up for the lack of hand histories because honestly I find it pretty boring to read through a bunch of HHs on 2+2 nowadays and think people will enjoy/get more out of reading more about the backend of poker as a profession as opposed to the frontend strategy stuff.

As for goals, it's pretty simple this year for me. In a nutshell I want to work a lot harder than I did last year. Last year I coasted extremely hard... had a pretty good year in terms of variance, possibly very good. And in fact I achieved all the poker goals I set in my 2019 PGC excluding the 600k hand volume goal. Sadly, HEM said I'd only played a little over 1,000 hours in 2019 which is, to put it bluntly, pretty pathetic.

This year I want to push myself to see what I'm capable of in terms of volume while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. How much time can I spend playing poker while still hitting the gym everyday, getting enough sleep, preparing food, maintaining relationships, etc. all while avoiding getting burnt out and quitting? It's one thing to lock yourself in your room all day, eat fast food, never work out or see the sun, probably end up fat and depressed but post up some impressive hours over the course of a year. But I want to see what is possible while maintaining a healthy life, while progressing in the gym still, etc.

I have a number in mind but I'm curious as to see what you guys think I'll hit. Here's where I'm at currently, it's 20 Feb and I've played about 138 hours so far this year according to HEM. I can tell you I'm planning on taking two full weeks off this year to go back home about midway through the year to visit friends and family, and then a week in London at the end of the year to visit my sister/family over Christmas. Might take a few days off in April to muck around a bit during Songkran festival. I will play no more than 4 tables at once while grinding. I will be looking to do 9 hours of study/offtable work per week. Will be playing on Bodog88 unless that changes for whatever reason.

I'll post graphs about once a week with my ramblings about whatever topic I find central to my life at the time.

Special Reward/Freeroll

Anyone who posts in this thread over the next 2 weeks (entries close Feb 16) their estimates of how many hours of poker HEM will say I've played by the end of the year, will go into the running to win a special gift from me to you at the end of the year. Will reveal what this reward will be at the end of the year but I think it's something that whoever wins it will get a lot of value out of. Whoever gets the closest estimate of hours played will be Crowned the winner.

Let's get it!
02-02-2020 , 08:40 AM

Last edited by BigBananas; 02-02-2020 at 08:52 AM.
02-02-2020 , 08:41 AM
02-02-2020 , 08:59 AM
1100, going for the lowball.

GLGL mate, what games are you going to be grinding this year?
02-02-2020 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by BigBananas
Originally Posted by vrbik
Booked and booked!

Originally Posted by PlsPlsFold
1100, going for the lowball.

GLGL mate, what games are you going to be grinding this year?
The plan is to play nothing lower than 200nl and hopefully run and play well enough to be playing 2knl as my main stake at some point. I'll be happy wherever I am as long as it's somewhere in that range and so long as I'm consistently getting better at the game at a rate I'm happy with.
02-02-2020 , 09:12 AM

02-02-2020 , 09:16 AM
1622, GL.
02-02-2020 , 09:22 AM
1420, gl mate
02-02-2020 , 09:53 AM
1350, GL!
02-02-2020 , 10:01 AM
1234 hours
02-02-2020 , 10:02 AM
1351, gl
02-02-2020 , 10:18 AM
1411, gl man!
02-02-2020 , 11:15 AM

1288. gl bro
02-02-2020 , 11:21 AM
In. 1518. Gl!
02-02-2020 , 11:43 AM
02-02-2020 , 11:58 AM
1624 gl gl my dude
02-02-2020 , 01:11 PM
02-02-2020 , 05:55 PM
Love the goggins video. Looking forward to this one

02-02-2020 , 05:58 PM
02-02-2020 , 06:01 PM
1399 glglgl
02-02-2020 , 06:54 PM
02-02-2020 , 06:54 PM
In! I'll go with 13 in honour of your 13th pgc
02-02-2020 , 07:33 PM
02-02-2020 , 07:39 PM
i would suggest a goal of say 2 x sessions per day of 2 hrs as example of goal. Then work out the hours and hands goal from that.

What sites are you playing OP?

GL this year
02-02-2020 , 08:55 PM
1457 glgl
