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04-24-2012 , 06:17 PM
Yo guys...

My name is Brian (BDEL123 on stars)

I am an 18yo from london and for the last few years have been super interested in poker.

I previously made a thread about grinding a roll to $300 from $27 which i did (lucky to completed won a $1.45 turbo for $140 bulk of profits) but thread was kind of **** due to a bad plan.

This time i will basically be following chillin_dude's plan when he completed this challenge. (shouts to chillin_dude that was inspirational m8 congrats)

The plan is below -

Step 1 -Deposit $300, play $2.50 180s & low buyin mtt’s on stars till I have $1800.

Step 2 – After I have got my roll to $1800 playing $8 180s mainly, 2.50 180s. Also play any mtt up to around $11. Grind hard till I have $6000k in the bankroll. If at any point I drop below $1250 I have to go back to step 1 till I have $1800 again and try again at step2 again. I still will not be withdrawing any as don’t really need any Real Life funds.

Step 3 – Then with the $6k roll I can play any mtt up to $55. This gives me 100buyins, if at any point I drop below $3.5k I have to move down to step 2 until I hit $6k and repeat the process.

Step 4 - Once my roll is $15k I will play any mtts up to $109. If I drop below $9k I will drop down to Step 3 again. I will be playing The Sunday majors (Warm up and Million) but only if I make a package and sell on 2+2.
I will still mainly be playing the 180 man’s with the buy ins ranging from $8 to $35
As for a bankroll that excides this point I have no idea what I will be doing will think about this closer to the time (When I get there).
I am looking to put in some serious volume over the next three months and have set a few ambitious targets.

1. Have $10,000 more in my liferoll by the end of July. (Ambitious)
2. Play a live event (not really sure about this)
3. Try to get into a skype group or something to improve as a player.

If anyone has a group they talk with and wouldn’t mind me joining or want to create a group I will be up for it

I know the plan is basically the same as chillin's but if a plan works stick with it right?

Ty for reader fell free to post i will try to answer all (if any) questions ty guys
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04-24-2012 , 06:30 PM
So guys i basically started today with a roll of $300 but dont feel like grinding properly There are a few reasons for this they are A. barca vs Chelsea B. having real problems with getting HEM2 to work on my PC (sent like 10 e-mails to support and with all there suggestions still not working) C. I cannot mass table to the extent i want as i have not purchased Table ninja primarily due to not being sure if it will work if as HEM2 doesn't.

But any today was a crazy session played only 13 180 man's total buyin $32.50 but cashed 7 time including a first (nice to bink on first day) a second lost AQ to AK for all the chips a 4th a 9th and 3 10th-18ths to cash for $259.83 and make $227.33 with an ROI of around 700% (wonder if i can keep that up lol) Also played a few low stakes Mtt's but whiffed all to make a lose of arond $10-15 To leave my roll at $514.83 not bad for the first day.

Still in the big $4.40 hopefully can bink this and move up a step today would be nice

Anyways guys thanks for the read and fell free to comment
ty bdel123
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04-25-2012 , 05:59 PM
So guys today has been another super low volume day as i just don't want to keep playing without a hud/table ninja i made a few bucks in 180's with a third place and a 10-18th i have just about broke even playing Mtt's today with me cashing in the $3.30 2xturbo rebuy in last 110 will update again if i go super deep

So overall average day but should all be going good when i have a hud

ty for reading bdel123
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04-25-2012 , 06:09 PM
Gl, subbed. I will also play the 2.5$ 180 man's starting next week and concentrate on mtt's.
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04-25-2012 , 06:12 PM
super heater lol
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04-25-2012 , 06:57 PM
What you mean the start?
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04-25-2012 , 06:57 PM
ty gatavas19 GL when you start 180's hopefully run into you on the tables
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05-12-2012 , 07:34 PM
2+2 finally back
guys basically my roll has been bouncing between $400-600 have not really put in many hours of serious volume but that is all about to change my hem2 is finally up and running and i will be able to keep track of everything.

Done with the short update a have a ? for any body who cares to answer - Basically i have had a few deep run in big mtt's $4.40 finish 41st and scoop ante up $7.50 131st along with other 1-300 remaining left out of 10k+ fields and get annoyed when i get knock out is there any way to get away from this feeling.

Also i will put up a bust out hand from the scoop event and hope for some decent feedback

ty for reading bdel94
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05-12-2012 , 07:37 PM
    Poker Stars, $7 Buy-in (5/5 blinds, 5,000 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #12845852

    UTG+1: 619,833 (123,966.6 bb)
    Hero (UTG+2): 627,067 (125,413.4 bb)
    MP1: 557,915 (111,583 bb)
    MP2: 404,651 (80,930.2 bb)
    MP3: 409,052 (81,810.4 bb)
    CO: 967,385 (193,477 bb)
    BTN: 732,534 (146,506.8 bb)
    SB: 374,884 (74,976.8 bb)
    BB: 469,179 (93,835.8 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is UTG+2 with T J
    UTG+1 folds, Hero raises to 15,010, 3 folds, CO calls 15,010, BTN calls 15,010, 2 folds

    Flop: (90,040) J T 5 (3 players)
    Hero bets 55,005, CO calls 55,005, BTN raises to 223,780, Hero calls 168,775, CO folds

    Turn: (592,605) 2 (2 players)
    Hero bets 383,277 and is all-in, BTN calls 383,277

    River: (1,359,159) 2 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: 1,359,159 pot
    Final Board: J T 5 2 2
    Hero showed T J and lost (-627,067 net)
    BTN showed 5 5 and won 1,359,159 (732,092 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    basically i now feel that i should shove flop if i am going with this hand. It was difficult to fold because there are literally 5 combo's that have me beat on flop (This is just a cooler right) btw if i win that pot im 3rd in chips with 130 left
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    05-12-2012 , 08:11 PM
    glgl go kill them sng's
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    05-14-2012 , 08:56 AM
    spiceitup23 - ty m8

    Short update played the low scoop Mtt's and the big 11 and storm with no cashes ouch today i will grind 180's with some scoops potentially will update later

    ty bdel94
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    05-14-2012 , 09:11 AM
    GL, some graph plz
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    05-14-2012 , 09:38 AM
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    05-14-2012 , 07:02 PM
    ty benny lava and maxostoch

    Might put up some graphs when i have a better sample size just hem2 sorted
    also i will need to find out how to do make graphs lol

    Well today was an ok day $40ish profit played 40 180 mans took a second and a sixth with a few min cashes

    I won two seats into the $27 4 max for $13.50 buy ins

    played the scoop 22L and 23L also played the BIG 11 and did not cash in any whoop whoop

    BANKROLL - $512.57
    ty for reading
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    05-14-2012 , 09:02 PM
    GL! Subscribed
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    05-15-2012 , 07:40 PM
    So guys today i put in another 30ish 180man session and got 1 min cash lol (all 180 man grinders will no that when you are not winning the flips with 40-50 left your gonna have a bad day) I also played the big 11 and a 2.20 turbo whiff both after building my stack a little. And i am currently playing the $11 scoop nlh freeze out and have around 11.5k but people can still buy in so will update if i get anything going

    bankroll at $425.79 so around an $85 losing day but i feel that i am playing better than i have at 180's and playing more tables then ever so after i fully adjust to stacked 24 tabling i will crush i promise.

    Not the best update but i feel its better to write something then nothing

    ty for reading
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    05-15-2012 , 07:55 PM
    Pretty awesome hand kinda beautiful

      Poker Stars, $2.28 Buy-in (400/800 blinds, 75 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 7 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #12883752

      MP1: 2,895 (3.6 bb)
      MP2: 11,497 (14.4 bb)
      Hero (MP3): 3,850 (4.8 bb)
      CO: 4,020 (5 bb)
      BTN: 15,146 (18.9 bb)
      SB: 33,079 (41.3 bb)
      BB: 8,288 (10.4 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is MP3 with A 3
      2 folds, Hero raises to 3,775 and is all-in, CO folds, BTN calls 3,775, SB folds, BB raises to 8,213 and is all-in, BTN calls 4,438

      Flop: (21,126) 2 4 5 (3 players, 2 are all-in)
      Turn: (21,126) 6 (3 players, 2 are all-in)
      River: (21,126) Q (3 players, 2 are all-in)

      Results: 21,126 pot
      Final Board: 2 4 5 6 Q
      Hero showed A 3 and won 12,250 (8,400 net)
      BTN showed A J and lost (-8,288 net)
      BB showed A K and won 8,876 (588 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

      Guys also if there is anyone who want to chat about 180 mans like a study buddy pm me
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      05-16-2012 , 06:55 AM
      guys i am just wondering that if my $won is like $-30 and the $ev is like $50 does this mean that i am playing terrible. what exactly does this mean?

      also finished about 3000 in the scoop$11 lost AJ to KJ for what would have made my stack about 25k instead of 10 then lost K10 to A7 with 9 bb
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      05-16-2012 , 08:18 AM
      Good luck mate. Not a tourney player but thought I'd send some luck to a fellow UKer!
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      05-16-2012 , 09:13 AM
      ty rivered_nuts
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      05-16-2012 , 09:27 AM
      GL dude.. wish I was able to play on pokerstars, US here.. best wishes
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      05-16-2012 , 10:54 AM
      so guys i fired up a much earlier session of 29 games have four left going and have had 1 min i do not feel that i am playing bad i just feel that i can not win a 70-30 60-40 or anything really just flopping really bad and when all in not winning flips but hay that 180 mans.

      bankroll update - $354.91 kinda horrible considering 3 days ago it was $550

      just in the time typing this i have just 1 game left looool

      ty for reading
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      05-17-2012 , 01:48 PM
      so guys yesterday ended up with 2 more cashes for like $30 which brought back to like $360 i then played the scoop $27 turbo super knockout (real bad bankroll management but take a shot at such a huge payout obviously did not cash lol) so i am starting today with a bankroll of $333.55 i will not be taking any more shots until bankroll is back at around $500 as for the scoop main L i am trying to get on the marketplace to sell a big% but not sure when that i going to happen hopefully b4 or i will have to come up with a different plan.

      Someone ask for a graph little sample size and does not have maybe my first 4-600 games (pre hem2) but anyways here it is : it is not pretty

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      05-17-2012 , 01:50 PM
      Ok guys so there seems to be something wrong with the image can some one please give me a guide on how it is done ty
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      05-17-2012 , 06:31 PM
      So guys today has followed on from yesterday and the day b4 that i just can not win any flip deep and so keep dropping $$$'s daily around a 100 buying downswing but hay cant moan about that think about the downswing that theginger45 went through lets hope i turn it around too.

      today i played 29 games for a total buy in of $72.50 and got an amazing 4 min cashes which means i am a around $53 loser on the day but i think that i am playing very well in most spot and y the end of today's sessions noticed something that could really help i feel

      anyway bankroll at around $280 i think that if it drops below $100 i will play the $1 90mans for a bit but lets hope that that doesn't happens

      ty for reading
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