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0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. 0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012.

10-30-2011 , 11:30 PM
when you took that bet it was the most ridiculously +ev bet, no doubt

quite frankly i was surprised he took it given the amount of your bet (larger than combined totals of his 2+2 bets i think) and especially with how much he was down

he obviously had the faith

anyway just bink a massive mtt or win that "round ball game" bet that you have!!
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
10-31-2011 , 04:45 AM
I think Phase had so much dedication..

But - is binking a tourney the way its heading or is this just speculation :P?
Regardless, you've got to be pretty happy withyourself this whole time right?
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
10-31-2011 , 09:14 AM
Chillin: you are ubsolutely great. Thanks to your post I became confident enough to start doing a similar challenge to yours. Hope you don't mind that I'm using a similar format to your's, but this way I remember what you have achieved so far and keep up my motivation. Hope I'll reach the goals you have set someday. Oh, bdw SUBSCRIBED :-)
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-01-2011 , 09:47 AM
Is there any particular reason as to why you are playing 50/50 games chilin? Is it to do with trying to reach supernova or you just fancy a change?
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-01-2011 , 10:26 AM
Was gonna post about that on the update, but i'll give brief reason, its to improve hourly because they will stop me 2/3 tabling at start and end of sessions for as long, plus the extra rake is good for chasing supernova
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-01-2011 , 04:02 PM
whats supernova worth isnt it like 6k total or something like that ?
hopefully you make it and it will cancel out the phase loss

GL with 50/50 anyway what stakes are you playing them? do you think your profitable at them yet?
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-01-2011 , 05:34 PM
Well before coming back to 45s/180s I played a good amount of DONS and was one of the better winners at them. Since then I've improved a lot as a player, and there are a lot of similarities to Dons so I like to believe I'm proiftable at them, be surprised if not (though maybe my ego is blocking the truth). Playing 15s n 30s of them, not many of them tho only at start and end of sessions.

Not sure what novas worth tbh, just know its really good for vpps for the next year
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-02-2011 , 03:19 AM
You can work it out using the calculators on . Not sure of the exact value but its about 6% extra in rakeback equivalent plus milestones and 4 x quarterly $250 VIP tourneys.
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-03-2011 , 07:35 AM
somebody just had the most awesomenest start to November
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-03-2011 , 08:11 AM
mbn to ft the 55 2x + 54kot same day both those tourneys piss me off immensely
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-03-2011 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude

215 Turbo Final table replay:

Thanks GL guys

Hi I'm a small stake MTTer and just how some questions on your aggression. Why is hand 5 and definitely hand 7 a shove? You're in early position with a kinda weak ace. I'd like your or someones elses thougth so I can improve my game.

If it's not FT are those still shoves? Or are they shoves because of the ICM which the other players should think about?

Thanks in advance.
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-03-2011 , 01:30 PM
hiya chilin

sayin hi cos i saw you at the 3r today. I had been askin you a couple of questions but I feel bad for bothering you. I just need to work out all the stuff myself about BR and general stuff that goes with playing a lot of poker.

You raised my BB and I wanted to play 47hh w about 10-14 bb.

As an additional note I was playing or could afford to play the 3rs because I luckboxed a milestone hand and brought in an extra 1k this week!

Im gonna read this thread thoroughly again I think for any helpful advice. GL
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-05-2011 , 04:56 PM
chilin i was talking to a friend that was telling me the overall standard in the $35 180's is apparently waaaay higher than even the 109turbo's seems crazy i guess there are more fish but surley there are way more good players and regs too.

do you agree with him ?

oh and how different are 50/50's from double DON's
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Was gonna post about that on the update, but i'll give brief reason, its to improve hourly because they will stop me 2/3 tabling at start and end of sessions for as long, plus the extra rake is good for chasing supernova

I'm unsure as to what you mean when you say they will stop you 2/3 tabling at start/end sessions?
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-06-2011 , 05:25 AM
He means he wants to keep his # tables higher when he stops reging for 180s and starts getting knocked out of them at the end of the session. DoNs are much quicker than 180s so can keep reging them right up to near the end of the session
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-06-2011 , 12:57 PM
Before I found that thread here I wanted to give up poker after I busted my roll this week but now I am really tempted to try smth similiar like you are doing (on a smaller scale).

Anyway subed and best of luck!
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-06-2011 , 02:32 PM
Hey chilin, what would you do in this spot?

I have been shoving a lot the last couple of hands. Villain is 25 vpip over 80 hands.

PokerStars Game #70129334127: Tournament #465318891, $2.28+$0.22 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (1500/3000) - 2011/11/06 13:15:13 ET
Table '465318891 15' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: AIKn1 (51416 in chips)
Seat 3: Katala DEN (46150 in chips)
Seat 4: Yusim400 (35033 in chips)
Seat 5: Bertrap (58982 in chips)
Seat 7: TunnelBauer (18324 in chips)
Seat 9: Buamop777 (60095 in chips)
AIKn1: posts the ante 300
Katala DEN: posts the ante 300
Yusim400: posts the ante 300
Bertrap: posts the ante 300
TunnelBauer: posts the ante 300
Buamop777: posts the ante 300
Katala DEN: posts small blind 1500
Yusim400: posts big blind 3000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to AIKn1 [Ad Qc]
Bertrap: folds
TunnelBauer: folds
Buamop777: raises 3600 to 6600
AIKn1: folds
Katala DEN: folds
Yusim400: folds
Uncalled bet (3600) returned to Buamop777
Buamop777 collected 9300 from pot
Buamop777: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 9300 | Rake 0
Seat 1: AIKn1 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Katala DEN (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: Yusim400 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Bertrap folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: TunnelBauer folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: Buamop777 collected (9300)
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:34 PM
Hey chilin, whats the reason for hiding from search?
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:39 PM
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-08-2011 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by analoguesounds
when you took that bet it was the most ridiculously +ev bet, no doubt

quite frankly i was surprised he took it given the amount of your bet (larger than combined totals of his 2+2 bets i think) and especially with how much he was down

he obviously had the faith

anyway just bink a massive mtt or win that "round ball game" bet that you have!!
Yep I can look back with heindsight or I can be realistic and I still think that it was a good bet, just got to chalk it up Thanks

Originally Posted by Larz
I think Phase had so much dedication..

But - is binking a tourney the way its heading or is this just speculation :P?
Regardless, you've got to be pretty happy withyourself this whole time right?
It looks as if I'm going to have to bink a tourny however if i keep putting in big volume maybe not a massive one, just one 10k+ score (215 turbo?)
Yeh realistically still super happy how this year has gone, just really want to complete the challenge.

Originally Posted by Steve Fenech
Chillin: you are ubsolutely great. Thanks to your post I became confident enough to start doing a similar challenge to yours. Hope you don't mind that I'm using a similar format to your's, but this way I remember what you have achieved so far and keep up my motivation. Hope I'll reach the goals you have set someday. Oh, bdw SUBSCRIBED :-)
Thanks for the kind words and best of luck to you with the challenge yourself

Originally Posted by ramdeebam
Is there any particular reason as to why you are playing 50/50 games chilin? Is it to do with trying to reach supernova or you just fancy a change?
This response is perfect to this question:
Originally Posted by mywifenow
He means he wants to keep his # tables higher when he stops reging for 180s and starts getting knocked out of them at the end of the session. DoNs are much quicker than 180s so can keep reging them right up to near the end of the session
Plus add in decent vpps and it makes sense.

Originally Posted by primate
somebody just had the most awesomenest start to November
Originally Posted by OperationDoomsday
mbn to ft the 55 2x + 54kot same day both those tourneys piss me off immensely
Haha yeah was a good start to the month, two 4ths though, got to be happy somewhat but still a little whatif etc.

Originally Posted by wsmp
Hi I'm a small stake MTTer and just how some questions on your aggression. Why is hand 5 and definitely hand 7 a shove? You're in early position with a kinda weak ace. I'd like your or someones elses thougth so I can improve my game.

If it's not FT are those still shoves? Or are they shoves because of the ICM which the other players should think about?

Thanks in advance.
Hey man.
Hand 5 & Hand 7 I think are shoves because we're actually in MP, plus its a final table so people always call way tighter than they should have simply because of the amount of money on the line, and ICM says they should call tight as it is anyhow. Its a much easier shove BECAUSE its the final table than if it wasn't when you're more likely to get snapped off lighter.

Originally Posted by Brown Gord
hiya chilin

sayin hi cos i saw you at the 3r today. I had been askin you a couple of questions but I feel bad for bothering you. I just need to work out all the stuff myself about BR and general stuff that goes with playing a lot of poker.

You raised my BB and I wanted to play 47hh w about 10-14 bb.

As an additional note I was playing or could afford to play the 3rs because I luckboxed a milestone hand and brought in an extra 1k this week!

Im gonna read this thread thoroughly again I think for any helpful advice. GL
Hi. Noooo never ever flat with 47s etc to a 2.2 time, literally that is why I'm 2.2xing the big blind, because people get tempted and its impossible for them to play it profitably postflop, its just burning money for you to be honest, with 10-14bbs its really just shove/fold for you to a raise.
Grats on the milestone man

Originally Posted by aroyalshark
chilin i was talking to a friend that was telling me the overall standard in the $35 180's is apparently waaaay higher than even the 109turbo's seems crazy i guess there are more fish but surley there are way more good players and regs too.

do you agree with him ?

oh and how different are 50/50's from double DON's
The level of 35 180s post black friday has got absurd to be honest. Prior to black friday I'm still adamant they were actually SOFTER than 15 180s, now they are wayyyyyyy tougher. If he meant the daytime 109Turbo I agree, night time one its probably the same.

I don't have sufficient sample yet but I think 50/50s are similar to DONs just with a bit more strat/complications which make them more fun shoving wide with 6 left and a big CL is fun knowing they cant call.

Originally Posted by ready 2 win
Before I found that thread here I wanted to give up poker after I busted my roll this week but now I am really tempted to try smth similiar like you are doing (on a smaller scale).

Anyway subed and best of luck!
Good luck to you man, I've got to say that the 10-15 downswing I suffered before starting this challenge is probably the best thing that ever happened to me, changed my perspective and motivated me, sometimes you need to fall to get higher

Originally Posted by DanteA
Hey chilin, what would you do in this spot?

I have been shoving a lot the last couple of hands. Villain is 25 vpip over 80 hands.

PokerStars Game #70129334127: Tournament #465318891, $2.28+$0.22 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (1500/3000) - 2011/11/06 13:15:13 ET
Table '465318891 15' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: AIKn1 (51416 in chips)
Seat 3: Katala DEN (46150 in chips)
Seat 4: Yusim400 (35033 in chips)
Seat 5: Bertrap (58982 in chips)
Seat 7: TunnelBauer (18324 in chips)
Seat 9: Buamop777 (60095 in chips)
AIKn1: posts the ante 300
Katala DEN: posts the ante 300
Yusim400: posts the ante 300
Bertrap: posts the ante 300
TunnelBauer: posts the ante 300
Buamop777: posts the ante 300
Katala DEN: posts small blind 1500
Yusim400: posts big blind 3000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to AIKn1 [Ad Qc]
Bertrap: folds
TunnelBauer: folds
Buamop777: raises 3600 to 6600
AIKn1: folds
Katala DEN: folds
Yusim400: folds
Uncalled bet (3600) returned to Buamop777
Buamop777 collected 9300 from pot
Buamop777: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 9300 | Rake 0
Seat 1: AIKn1 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Katala DEN (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: Yusim400 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Bertrap folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: TunnelBauer folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: Buamop777 collected (9300)
Yoooo man, given you're read its even more of a 3bet ship. Reason being he is likely to get fed up of you and spite you wider thinking that you're just full of ****, so will call with AT AJ KQ maybe even A9s etc.
I shove ATs and AJoff here too
Originally Posted by SmileyFaces
Hey chilin, whats the reason for hiding from search?
Was because I was playing the warmup and I don't like people knowing i'm playing loads of tables as well as milly/warmup.
Originally Posted by ONLYRAISEAA
Hahahaha made me lol loads.
Reason is that I really really have upped my motivation to complete this challenge so have been playing a fkload since last update, 49hours so far this month and I'm still really enjoying poker.
I hate failing at anything and really reallly want to almost prove myself by achieving the 100k.
I'll most likely update tomorrow or the day after in the day because I'm going out for mates birthdays tonight & tomorrow so will be hungover the next day lol.
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-08-2011 , 10:18 AM
Also thoughts on if I should include rakeback/vpp rewards etc as part of the profit or not for the year?
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-08-2011 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Also thoughts on if I should include rakeback/vpp rewards etc as part of the profit or not for the year?
ofc you should include them.
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-08-2011 , 10:38 AM
In that case the chance of making the challenge just improved a lot
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-08-2011 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude

Good luck to you man, I've got to say that the 10-15 downswing I suffered before starting this challenge is probably the best thing that ever happened to me, changed my perspective and motivated me, sometimes you need to fall to get higher
Thanks for the kind words, just sucks to be broke now... you are not staking atm do you? (just jkn)

and def include FPP stuff into your results, no reason to not do so.
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
11-08-2011 , 11:00 AM
allright cool, grinding>updating obv.

glgl buddy & yeah include them - money is moneeeeeeeeeey
0 to 0k profit & k Bankroll by 2012. Quote
