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2NL to the moooon! 2NL to the moooon!

04-19-2021 , 07:21 PM
Bankroll: $353.81

A little background. Been playing poker since I was 17 I'm 33 now. So about 15+ years of playing poker off and on. Grew up playing StarCraft-broodwar and card games like Magic The Gathering and Yugioh/pokemon. Always been a gamer as far as I can remember.

Currently I'm playing 2NL on ACR and looking to study/improve and move up stakes. I'm in no rush and I know I'm over rolled but I'm okay with starting at the bottom and working my way up.

I live with my grandma and have no bills to speak of so I have plenty of free time to play poker full-time. My mom won't let me get a job right now because it puts my grandma at risk due to the current pandemic. I had a few opportunities to work but had to pass on them. It's not like I don't want to work or anything like that.

As far as study goals go I would like to read all four PDF's I have on my desktop right now. They are The Mental Game of Poker, Grinders Manual to 6-max, Building a Bankroll, and Treat your poker like a business. I've barely cracked these open.

So maybe 4-6 hours of play followed by at least two hours of studying would be a good place to start. I'm also in a few poker groups on discord so I can post hand histories there and here as well.

I'm currently on day three of the 2NL grind. I'm proud of myself for staying out of the limit hold em tables where I'd usually donk off all my chips. Lost $220 one day and decided instead of chasing my losses I'd better invest that money in to NL. Had $530 at my high point but because of that loss I'm now moving down and being more cautious with my bankroll as it's all the money I have right now.

I'll be posting at least once daily in here and I'm looking forward to hearing from some more experienced players than me.

Thank you for reading and maybe I'll see you at the tables.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-19-2021 , 08:10 PM
Listening to Blue's and on the list for some tables. Going to 4-table and play 500+ hands tonight.

Wish me luck!
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-19-2021 , 10:23 PM
Played for two hours and hit 500 hands. Played four tables for an hour and half then switched to two tables when the other tables broke. Here's a graph of how it went.

Two big hands I remember are KK vs QQ for 200bb's pre-flop. Glad that held up. Then also KK vs QQ and 22.

22 could have hit running diamonds to beat me but he bricked the river. I flopped a set of kings so that was the only way I could lose after the turn. Both stacks were about 100bb's deep.

Going to read The Mental Game of Poker for a bit then possibly play some more after that.

Bankroll: $361.85

Last edited by NotVanilla; 04-19-2021 at 10:37 PM.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 12:26 AM
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 02:21 AM
Played for an hour. Got about another hour before bed going to read some more.

Pretty uneventful session. Was down a bit early from overplaying AKos. Other than that Flopped a full house with TT on a J T J board. Both players checked to me I bet 2/3rds pot and they both folded. Should have checked back. I tend to play my hands fast and a friend of mine said I need to be more tricky. Definitely don't have Fancy Play Syndrome but could use some.

Here's the graph for the hour of play.

Going to study now. Pretty good Day 3 overall.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 03:22 AM
GL with the challenge!
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 03:45 AM
Hey GL GL! You seem in a good position to improve fast and move up. Not having to work and experience in strategy game. No need fpr fancyness at 2nl! Lets get em.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 11:30 AM
good luck bro, I'm also grinding at NL2 and I will be paying attention on your thread.

also, don't you think you have enough bankroll to start playing at NL5??
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 04:41 PM
Thanks for the positive vibes!

As far as moving up to 5NL I'm going to spend at least a month in 2NL first unless my bankroll gets to $500+ before then. I know I'm over rolled but I'm okay with that.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 05:03 PM
Day 4 Goals:

Play at least 500+ hands. Study for at least 1 hour.

Bankroll: $361.94

I just woke up and have about two hours before I have to eat dinner. Going to get some hands in. Not sure how I'll play as I just woke up and I'm not completely focused but we'll see.

To quote SkullKid "Lets get it!"

Edit: Going to play two tables and take it easy for now. No need for four first thing in the morning. Possibly later.

I'm on the west coast and usually wake up around 2pm. I stay up late so that's why I'm saying "morning" lol. I know its the afternoon.

Last edited by NotVanilla; 04-20-2021 at 05:16 PM.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 06:37 PM
Played for about an hour got in 200 hands. No big all-ins or anything like that this session. Mostly picking up blinds.

One hand that comes to mind was at the very end of the session. I opened for 4c on the button with A9os. I got three bet by the small blind and decided to call. Flop came A high two clubs. He bet 12c I called. Turn put three to a flush out there and he checked. I bet 48c he called. I figured he had some type of club draw. River came 8h. He checked I checked back as my kicker wasn't the best and he showed JJ with Jack of clubs. So I took down a small one there.

Here's the graph.

Going to eat then I'll hop back on the tables. Nice to book a small win. Better than losing as my grandma would say.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 06:40 PM
Yeah don't over-extend yourself man. Everybody who has never experienced the doom switch will tell you: Move up, move up! But in my experience, the goal is to not bust, moving up is secondary.

Best of luck.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 06:42 PM
I would also recommend not calling with very much of suited hands even the ah one, to 3bets. Do you know what a preflop charts is? take a look.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 06:44 PM
Agreed, move up once you feel 100% ready and are crushing the games you currently play
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 07:02 PM
Thanks guys. Yeah I have some pre-flop charts from Grinder's Manual to 6-max. I was kind of "taking a stand" with A9os because he had 3bet me previously. Definitely a fold there as he wasn't doing this light with JJ. I got lucky and it happened to work out.

Just ate spagetti, chicken strips, and spinach. Feeling kind of full right now haha.

I figured there would be a lot of people telling me to move up but I'm going to stick to 2NL for a while until I'm ready. I'm in no rush.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 07:37 PM
Dont justify loose play by those kind of justification. What if he had 2times a value hand. Except of 1 value one bluff. Apply your range dont try to adjust because of dynamic. More so if the sample is 2 hands. And look at showdown to adjust.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 07:48 PM
Ty SK I'll definitely do that. Appreciate you.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 09:42 PM
Played for an hour after reading through some blogs. Made some really weird plays this session.

First was ATcc. A short stack opened 4c with 34c behind, one caller, I called, button 3-bet to 28c everyone folded and it was on me. I thought he was trying to iso the short stack so I decided to call. Flop came J 4 8 one club. I checked he bet 14c which was small compared to the pot so I called. Turn was a blank. I checked, he bet small again I called. River was another J. I checked he checked back. He showed QQ and took the pot. Oops!

Another hand was 77 UTG. I opened for 2.5x and got one caller. Flop came A Q 9 two hearts. I fired a bet he called. Turn was 8d I bet he called. River was 3s. I figured if he was on a flush draw he would have to fold to a bet so I fired again for half the pot making it look like a value bet. He tanked for 10 seconds then called with AJdd.

There was one more hand where I called the river with 66 with 3-4 overcards when the flush missed for 11c. He showed top two pair and I really could have saved that 11c. I need to stop putting people on missed flushes probably a leak.

Just a weird session. Anyway here's the graph. Going to take a break to study a bit then possibly hit the tables again.

Bankroll: $360.95
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-20-2021 , 09:50 PM
I feel like I really leveled myself for about an hour. There was no reason for that or those plays. But mistakes are part of the game and as long I can learn from them I'll be okay. That's why I'm sticking to 2NL to work on my game and not burn through so much money.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-21-2021 , 02:15 AM
Had a really awesome session just now. Played about 400 hands was down $6 or 3 buy-ins real early but made a comeback. Up $8.99.

Made a mistake early with QK. I 3-bet in position got four bet jammed on and called against AJ and lost. I thought he was pretty fishy and QK could be well ahead of his range but he was at his top. So that's how this session started out. Turns out he WAS really fishy and I just had to wait him out.

I check raised shoved A7 hearts on a two heart board Q 8 3 two hearts and got called by pocket 77s. That's how lost I another buy-in real quick.

First all-in I won was with 99. UTG bet 4 cents got 3-4 callers and I jammed in the bb with 99. It went back around to the fishy player who called me with 86os. Flop came Q Q 9. It was all upwards from there.

Big hand I had KTdd flopped a T and hit two pair on the turn. Fishy player jams all-in $4.50+ in to a 40 cent pot. I take about three seconds and call. He has K8 for pair of kings only and is drawing dead. He actually hit his 8 on the river so we could have got stacks in there too but whatever.

Last big hand against really fishy player. I had K-rag and flopped a gutshot straight draw on an A T J board. He bet 12 cents I called. BINK! Qd putting two diamonds out there we have the nuts for now. I checked he bet 70 cents I min-click raised he re-raised I jam. He shows Q9 and is drawing for a chop. 300bb pot.

The very next hand after that I'm dealt pocket kings. I open for 2.5x and get three bet. I 4-bet he jams I call. He has J2 off suit. Turn pairs the board but he can hit a deuce for the win. River is another K we scoop a 100bb pot.

Here's the graph. I'm pretty stoked.

Bankroll: $369.94
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-21-2021 , 02:28 AM
Well even if you made some questionable call and/or punt. Your opponents look clueless. Good news!
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-21-2021 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by SkullKid
Well even if you made some questionable call and/or punt. Your opponents look clueless. Good news!
They both were talking smack to me I just ignored them. Then I ended up busting both of them later on back to back hands.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-21-2021 , 03:09 AM
Haha best feeling to bust the guys that talk smack. I can be a chatter sometimes. I try to be fun. But sometime im a little cocky for the lulz too.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-21-2021 , 08:57 PM
Day 5:

Feeling pretty unmotivated to play right now. Watched a streamer play a Zelda game for about an hour. Ate some pizza. Watched a poker Vlog on youtube. Just not feeling like firing up the tables any time soon for some reason.

Going to at least study for a little bit then maybe hop on.
2NL to the moooon! Quote
04-21-2021 , 09:07 PM
Majora's mask I hope. you have met with a terrible fate haven't you?
2NL to the moooon! Quote
