Hi. I'm 25nl grinder with 4 months career.
Sorry for my future bad English since It's not my mother tongue
I started from 2nl, with 50$ deposit.
I'm in bit downswing and start to break important mental prepares before starting session also my daily routine is messed up. Those things are really tilting me atm.
I tend to become elegant philosopher who always think about mathmatical decision and balance my range, while ignoring timing tell, bet sizing tell, general pool tendency, location tell, smart phone tell etc..
Also I will try hard to put enough volume with at least B game based on solid daily routine.
So my thread will mainly focus 'exploitable way to access to game'(not trying to unexploitable) and 'Solid daily routine'
I'll post biggest pot that I win and loss , some exploitable moveish hands and sleeping time everyday.
Last edited by MinAh; 01-27-2015 at 03:35 PM.
Reason: Image inserting