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250k Bankroll Please Read!!! 250k Bankroll Please Read!!!

03-22-2014 , 06:21 PM
So first off I have been playing poker for eight years. I have lived and played professionally in LA and South Florida. I play mostly mtt tournaments and some, PLO - 2/5 and up!

I recently was injured and will be coming into a minimal 250k + within the next couple months. ( can explain)

I'm going to play professionally at a high level when this happens, but I'm a blaster and I'm looking for some solid advice.( not hookers and cocaine)

Looking for some answers as the days are coming and I want to have a support system and do this right.

Btw blew a few 40k rolls in my day in Vegas. I'm looking for someone to reach out to me and point me in the right direction.

I have the game to be one of the best, I have put the work in, it's my turn to get what I deserve !!

Please relocate if needed thank you guys.
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-22-2014 , 07:30 PM
yeah explain the $250K+, is this after like insurance and health bills or something...what happened?

Right direction = likely living out of the U.S., play online, go to the tournament/sng or cash games poker coaches area, hire someone who is charging like $100-$150 an hour, do a bunch of sessions, and grind away and hold on to most of that $250K...if you are a blaster, probably means you just need to drop down to lower stakes online and build a foundation and move up after that...won't hurt that is for sure...

marathon not a sprint...subbed gl!
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-22-2014 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by feeltheburn88
Btw blew a few 40k rolls in my day in Vegas.
I have the game to be one of the best
So many contradictions...

If your 250k payout is legit and you're not smoking crack, my advice is to use this cash wisely and invest a very small amount into poker. Maybe you can consider taking a shot at becoming 'pro' when you have proven results, but until then you need to control that inner degen.

250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-22-2014 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by randomtom
So many contradictions...

If your 250k payout is legit and you're not smoking crack, my advice is to use this cash wisely and invest a very small amount into poker. Maybe you can consider taking a shot at becoming 'pro' when you have proven results, but until then you need to control that inner degen.

this +1...I'd say total for poker, of that money if its not for any medical bills, between 10-15K overall for poker to start, period...gotta control the degen monster man...
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 10:12 AM
I was at a very fancy 5 star establishment, having a birthday drink and they had been feeding a UCF lineman shots all night.

He was in a complete black out and I was in the wrong seat of the bar and the wrong time and with one punch he caved in my face. Multi facial surgeries 75k in medical bills. Two plates screws all the above. I hired the best lawyer in Florida.

My first settlement offer was 212k , my lawyer sees us settling for over 300k obv he will be getting 1/3 of that.

*** I've been a winning player at 2/5 for 3 years , and have played as big as 50/100 online so telling me to grind micros isn't good advice. I wanna stay in the country , Vegas, Cali or wherever I can find the best fit.

I apologize for the opening post I didn't really know how to word everything!
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 10:14 AM
Not looking for people to tell me what to invest in, 100-150k is going to be just for poker, I already own a house , no kids etc etc.
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 10:36 AM
good luck; dont forget to post here how it goes, even if it's south
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 10:51 AM
I know OP and his story is legit. I've seen the injuries and heard the story. He will surely be getting a settlement. My opinion is he should take ~$100k poker bankroll for live and online play. Have strict BRM rules and stick to them! And another ~$50k for $10 HU PLO freeze outs vs me.
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 11:49 AM
I don't think such a big % of that money should be considered your 'roll' OP. Roll ≠net worth.

Your roll should be mostly money that you have won from poker, even though a liquidity injection at the start of your grind is obviously welcome.

So don't start at the micros, especially if you're confident you can beat 2/5, but there's no rush to play high stakes either. Just take 10-15k as your roll, choose a good location and put in volume at 2-5. Continue working on your game.

You'll be obviously less scared money to take shots at higher stakes (which is great as long as your ego doesn't get in the way), but I would recommend you only ever do it with profit from the 2-5. This guy's approach to shot-taking is great, as are most of his advice for similar stakes at live poker.

Cherry-pick only the best PLO games and remember how swingy they can be, especially live.

The best way to blow it all away is to play high buy-in MTTs.

250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 12:17 PM
Like other posters said, a few things:

1) So you're getting $250k let's say… and you're considering this your poker bankroll… how much do you have in other assets? Millions I hope… tell me how putting 100% of your net worth into poker is ever a good idea? You just admitted you've blown 40k rolls countless times.. yet you have the skills to be a top player? If that was the case don't you think you wouldn't have blown those rolls?

2) Diversify your portfolio. Seriously, get yourself a financial advisor if you don't have any ideas in the market. You have any idea how much a $250k lump sum will return you in the long run? Stop looking at short term rushes in poker which sure you could bink a tourney here or there but let's say you invest it in the market over the next 25 years, and you achieve 5, 10, 15, 20% returns a year

5% a year - $846,588
10% a year - $2,708,676
15% a year - $8,229,738
20% a year - $23,849,054

Ok the 15 and 20% a year on average is not realistic, but 5% a year, heck even 10% a year is. It's going to give you a lot more security in your financial future in the long run is than poker will. It's your money, do what you want with it but if you're putting all of your settlement into poker, man you're going to be mad if you lose it. I fear that if this is your thinking, you won't have good BRM skills anyways so it won't really matter what games you play.

Just my opinion, good luck either way.
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 01:06 PM
Mr. Juice wish someone gave me your advice before I lost 300K 6 years ago.
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 02:31 PM
Op if shorty knows you I must .... Who are you?
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by MrJu1ce
Like other posters said, a few things:

1) So you're getting $250k let's say… and you're considering this your poker bankroll… how much do you have in other assets? Millions I hope… tell me how putting 100% of your net worth into poker is ever a good idea? You just admitted you've blown 40k rolls countless times.. yet you have the skills to be a top player? If that was the case don't you think you wouldn't have blown those rolls?

2) Diversify your portfolio. Seriously, get yourself a financial advisor if you don't have any ideas in the market. You have any idea how much a $250k lump sum will return you in the long run? Stop looking at short term rushes in poker which sure you could bink a tourney here or there but let's say you invest it in the market over the next 25 years, and you achieve 5, 10, 15, 20% returns a year

5% a year - $846,588
10% a year - $2,708,676
15% a year - $8,229,738
20% a year - $23,849,054

Ok the 15 and 20% a year on average is not realistic, but 5% a year, heck even 10% a year is. It's going to give you a lot more security in your financial future in the long run is than poker will. It's your money, do what you want with it but if you're putting all of your settlement into poker, man you're going to be mad if you lose it. I fear that if this is your thinking, you won't have good BRM skills anyways so it won't really matter what games you play.

Just my opinion, good luck either way.
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 03:18 PM
OP don't listen to their advice. You are in an absolutely unique and incredible situation clearly. You've played 50/100 online which is one of the toughest games in the world and are a consistent winner at 2/5 live (higher stakes don't play much harder live). If you don't want to move outside of the US then just find out where the best live cash games are, take your bankroll there and start dominating.

Gl, will be following, keep us updated
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 04:36 PM
Is it wise to put the reason behind the money on here? in case for some stupid loophole you end up getting nothing
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by I Liek Mudkipz
Is it wise to put the reason behind the money on here? in case for some stupid loophole you end up getting nothing
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 05:47 PM
No I'm past that point now! It's time to sign a check with my name on it!
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by feeltheburn88
I'm a blaster and I'm looking for some solid advice.( not hookers and cocaine)

Looking for some answers as the days are coming and I want to have a support system and do this right.

Btw blew a few 40k rolls in my day in Vegas. I'm looking for someone to reach out to me and point me in the right direction.
Please consider dinkangell!
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by game2eazy
Op if shorty knows you I must .... Who are you?
No. He's someone I know from high school
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-23-2014 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by feeltheburn88
No I'm past that point now! It's time to sign a check with my name on it!
Might not work like that for all you know. If for some reason this value needs to remain confidential, or the facts remain confidential and someone finds out they're not, you could need to hand something back. Not that I'm a law expert (in fact I know nothing about law) but i'd rather err on the side of caution with these things. At the end of the day, if some kind of loop hole exists, it doesn't much for this to get back to someone.

Having said that, do not dump this roll into poker. If you're going to degen it up, invest in some ultra high risk debt fund, at least you have a chance of getting some ridiculous returns - if you lose it all this way, you were going to lose it all playing poker/degening in the pits anyway

Last edited by I Liek Mudkipz; 03-23-2014 at 08:23 PM.
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-24-2014 , 12:37 PM
I'm taking 100k for a poker bankroll.(maybe revise the title)

1.) Where are the best places for live MTT? 200-2500$ range?

2) PLO 2-5$ - 10-25$

3.) I understand 100k isn't enough to travel the circuit, but it is a solid start in my eyes.

To me life is about doing what makes you happy, this has been my dream since I started playing 5$ sngs online.
If I succeed then great I've accomplished a life goal. If not, I can say I had my shot and I can move on, maybe finish school etc etc!
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-24-2014 , 01:17 PM
Los Angeles is the answer. You can degen your money up and down all over LA.

The Bike and Commerce are spreading PLO a lot now, those two card rooms always have good MTT series going as well. The bike is just finishing up the WSOP Circuit event, and the Commerce just wrapped up the LAPC (WPT Event).

Lots of action all over the place, with about 6 card rooms within a 30 minute drive from each other.

GL, and crush all the poker!
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-24-2014 , 04:05 PM
please don't play high variance poker games with a 40 buy-in bankroll.
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-24-2014 , 04:24 PM
What do you have to fall back on if you burn through that 100K? You said medical bills was 75k of the other 100k right? Aren't there taxes on the 200k? That would be more then 25k right?
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
03-24-2014 , 05:14 PM
as long as you post whether you make millions or bust, I am in for this show, should be exciting either way
250k Bankroll Please Read!!! Quote
