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2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! 2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge!

09-05-2016 , 06:34 AM
This is how you have to play. If you respect this bankroll and don't go to 50$ buy. I think you have take shots and 50 $ only when you have a 2500 bankroll. Here in the range 5-20 you will have also good results (because from what I saw you are a decent to good low midstake player. I wish I had your skill, I'm making a very good banroll management. I'm still studying because I think I can succeed my goal for the next year (Make around 800-1000$/month playing part time, from micro low MTT and taking shots to Mid)

If you FT one of this events on weekend, especially Sunday, you have to play every sunday.

I hope you will stop degenerating
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by DegeneratePro!
I have had a few different jobs for 7 years total and hated everything about it. What kind of job u have and do you really work every day and happy about it? I value freedom to decide my own hours and poker is 100 times more fun than any job i am qualified for or can imagine having. Also with such a huge debt it will take me 15 years to pay it back.

Has it ever occurred to you that you're not qualified to play poker?

It's going to take you longer than 15 years to pay back your debt if you keep adding to it by gambling which I guarantee will happen.

You sir are a textbook gambling addict.

20 questions to identify a gambling addict taken from gamblers anonymous:

1. Did you ever lose time from
Work or school due to gambling? Assuming yes.

2. Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy? Yes.

3. Did gambling affect your reputation? 200k in debt so I'm assuming so.

4. Have you ever felt remorse after gambling? Yes.

5. Did you ever gamble to get money with which to pay debts or otherwise solve financial difficulties? Lol this whole thread is that.

6. did gambling cause a decrease in your ambition or efficiency? Almost certainly yes.

7. After losing did you feel you must return as soon as possible and win back your losses. Described in detail in this thread.

8. After a win did you have a strong desire to return and win more? Don't remember but I'd guess yes.

9. Did you often gamble until your last dollar was gone? Assuming yes and also currently in the process of doing just that.

10. Did you ever borrow to finance your gambling? 200k worth

11. Have you ever sold anything to finance gambling? Don't know. I'd guess yes.

12. Were you reluctant to use gambling money for normal expenditures? Don't know.

13. Did gambling make you careless of the welfare of yourself or
Your family? Depends on who you owe the money to.

14. Did you ever gamble longer than you had planned? My guess is yes.

15. Have you ever gambled to escape worry, trouble, boredom, loneliness, grief, or loss? Yes.

16. Have you ever committed, or considered committing an illegal act to finance gambling? I hope not.

17. Did gambling cause you to have difficulty in sleeping? I think you described this.

18. Do arguments, disappointments, or frustrations create within you an urge to gamble? Demonstrated in the thread I believe.

19. Did you ever have an urge to celebrate any good fortune by a few hours of gambling? Or a few years?

20. Have you ever considered self-destruction or suicide as a result of your gambling? Hope not but suspect it's possible

You can fill in your answers better than I can but at a glance it seems you fit the bill.

A few years ago I had a pretty traumatic personal issue arise. The best thing I ever did during that time was quit poker. I didn't play for about 6 months. I likely cost myself a few thousand dollars by doing so as I am a proven winner in my games, but it was very healthy for
My emotional well being. You are admittedly not in a good place and cannot even point to winning results to justify playing.

It is abundantly clear that the best course of action for you is to quit the game. Not only that but you likely should be in an addiction program because you clearly have a problem.

You don't seem like you've hit rock bottom but you're close. I doubt any words will deter you at this point. I just hope so. Stop now. Get your life together.

Last edited by spikeraw22; 09-05-2016 at 09:16 AM.
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 10:57 AM
But Poker isn't the same as Gambling,Poker is a game of skills !!

**That's what I keep telling myself over and over
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 11:17 AM
Spike is totally right thoufh. Listen to him OP! Poker is a game of skill, but if you have the wrong attitude it easily becomes gambling.
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 11:59 AM
LoL ok so I know I have been super degenerate in this thread. I left a ton of details about my real life problems, how it came to this, how was still in a bad place etc. It would be really hard for anyone to even get out of bed with my experiences that I have been having outsite poker. Like i have said before, i have studied a ton over the last 6 months, I have had a great coach for many hours assuring me I am good enough etc. I am not saying i am a great reg just think I am decent enough to be winning in up to 109$ MTT`s plus some 215$ majors.
Poker has been one of the few things that has been helping my depression ATP and 90% of the time I actually enjoy it including studying. I can understand why you guys telling me to quit but I got this chance for 30 days to make 6k with 2,5k. If i was not gonna make it I would freeze all my poker accounts and get a job. Sort of like a last chance after a 10 year long dream. Am i addicted to poker? yes sure. Does it make me 100 times happier than any other job would? yes. Also keep in mind if I had started with for example 5k and i lived by myself I would have followed proper BRM and NEVER set myself a time limit to make X amount of dollar. But in this instance it was not up to me.... Also if I had zero debt I would have played very little poker. Just enough to make a living and traveled the world. It is hard for me to explain everything lol sounds like I am just making excuses which i kinda am but there is a ton of detail to my story but for now i have not slept for 30 hours or so. Anyways I appreciate all comments I know you all mean well.

Day 13:

So I started of with cardio before breakfast again and got into it early this sunday. Much because in case of early success i could play some more mid stakes high value deep structured MTT`s plus some events in the series across all sites. I was not gonna go too hard on my roll. Well I ended up cashing for 7,2k across within the first 10 MTT`s some of them turbos with big fields and all in 4-20$ buy ins. Just like that in the middle of the sunday I had smashed the goal out of the park. I was super focused and obv relieved and in the zone + ran very good. I started regging to some 10-20-50 and a couple of 100`s in various MTT "online events" across the various sites. I was already 7,2k in profit and still had some big stacks deep so would be at least 8k profit even if I lost those big stack deep runs i still had going. Well the Day went on and It went really well, i played probably my best poker so far cause the pressure was of with challenge completed etc. It was by far the best sunday of my life in poker. I ended up on 3 huge FT`s later in the night/morning and chopped 2 of them, one 4 ways and one HU where i had 2/1 chiplead. Total profit after 20 hour long session: 132 300$$$!! I Can`t really say which of the MTT´s it was cause i want to be anonymous both for private reasons and i don`t want to risk any poker site freezing my account cause the see this thread and see I am a gambling addict with severe depression lol. I have been drinking and smoking weed with a friend since around 10am my time . Next chapter is put almost all the money into my loan, move for myself in a new city, keep 10k and perhaps start a new challenge thread with zero time limit and a study/workout/become better at poker goal instead of making x amount of $$ goal. Will be putting at least 5k into coaching and getting a mindset coach, work out my problems, and take a long break from poker. Will just play some during this WCOOP/W-series/Powerfest/demi million but probably not a ton. definitely nothing above 215$ but mostly stick to 20-50`s where i belong. Anyways I will finished this thread now since it`s completed and I don`t see the value in continuing. Perhaps in the future I will start the next chapter challenge. I appreciate all your tips, advice, kind words etc. Lots of great stuff! Never give up your dreams

BANKROLL: 133 100$
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 12:03 PM
I am really happy for you OP. Congratulations! That's absolutely fantastic. I just hope you're able to use this chance to follow the plan you've set out in the last post, and be responsible and turn your life around. Good luck man!
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 01:01 PM
WOW..just Wow..

Please withdraw the money and pay the debt..

GL for you in life and poker wise..

2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 01:03 PM
Step 1: Withdraw $132,100
Step 2: Turn the $1,000 into $132,100 again.
Repeat Step 1, Repeat step 2.

If this is true, I hope you realise this is like winning the lottery. ie. It doesn't happen many times in one's lifetime so don't take it for granted.
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 01:22 PM
Yeah. Some advice. If you want to play $50 MTTs, and you think you can beat them, do. BUT MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GOOD BRM. I would ideally use $10,000 to play $50 MTTs.
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 01:33 PM
Thanks a lot! I instantly withdrawaled the max amount and I already told my father and Will put everything into the the loan. I realize this is like winning the lottery or better lol. This kind of MTT day will probably never ever happen again in my lifetime for me. But yeah HUGE monkey of my back. It is time for a break, get my **** together, work out all the time, put a ton of study in with coaching, etc. I hope nobody reading this will be inspired to ever try to do the same with my reckless stupid approach for success. I was probably 95% chance of failing before this sunday started. I got extremely lucky to run so hot etc even at my A game being in the zone i am not a super reg by any means. I am also super happy I have already had a big bink before, failed and gone down that path of horror and delusion already to learn from it. Anyways; thanks a lot guys appreciate it. I am still in debt but i will overcome it without rushing at all. This is like a dream come true! I wish you all good luck and never give up GG
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 02:40 PM
Nice. Very nice. You don't have to take a job anymore)))
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 02:43 PM
Very happy for u. Also because u had to show ur dad the results. Could imagine how that would be even more failure. Congrats!
Please let the rush out. Pay respect to victory TILT. Could probably last a week at minumum.
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 02:58 PM
Congrats op super stoked for you. Hope this really happened
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 03:03 PM
Not sure what the situation is where you are but do you have to pay tax on that? You don't want to end up in trouble and having $120k going through your bank account may draw a little attention.
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-05-2016 , 03:53 PM
WOW! OMG! just WOW! i have been laughing constantly for like a minute when i read your post about the sunday! you made it man! Dont lose your mind ever again, and take BRM seriously! well done!
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-06-2016 , 08:14 AM
This has to be one of the most bizarre twists of all challenges here. I've been following you since the beginning of this thread and I have to say that I didn't think it would end up well for you.
With every new post you were driving a little bit more towards the abyss, but I'm glad it turned out well for you. You seem to be a nice guy with the right work ethic. In fact I'm actually a bit disappointed that this thread has come to an end already. It was interesting to read.

Hope you'll spend you're money right and start a new thread soon.

2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-06-2016 , 10:24 AM

2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-06-2016 , 10:34 AM
Congrats OP. I am truly happy you hit a big score.

I will not retract my previous post however. You're incredibly still only half way to even being out of the hole and you still have the gamblers past. I hope you spend the money wisely and find a way to get out of the cycle. I truly hope you do
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-06-2016 , 09:44 PM
Biggest twist I've come across in PGC ever i think lol. Was fully expecting the next post to say busto and then BAM! Congrats you massive degenerate Pleased for ya it sounded like you needed a break ;D

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-06-2016 , 11:42 PM
Best thing you can do right now is stop playing poker for awhile and sort out your problems op. Spend the money as if you were still broke. Gl and update us once in awhile
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-06-2016 , 11:49 PM
Screenshot of BR to prove epic ending to thread?

Congrats that was quite a ride. I was starting to feel really sorry for you
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-07-2016 , 12:09 AM
I can't believe you guys are actually buying the story in this thread lol. Biggest bunch of bull**** I've seen in these forums.

In b4 he starts promoting his "poker coach"

Beware of scammers in these forums... Although it might not be a scam; OP might just be a mental case.

Last edited by TommyTsunami; 09-07-2016 at 12:27 AM.
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-07-2016 , 03:44 AM
Hope it's true.

But cant help think it went-

1- Take a shot at big Sunday mtt's
2- Lose roll, feel stupid
3- Close thread on 2+2

Anyway gl
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-07-2016 , 04:00 AM
Thinkin the same yesterday, but i was like whatever. If thats what he wants to do the i feel sorry for him. And we buy it cause we cant believe anyone would do that. At least those who replied. So anyone who did replied has good integrity
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
09-07-2016 , 05:17 AM
Definitely going to need some receipts here. Username and confirmations.
2500$ to 6000$ in 30 days Bankroll challenge! Quote
