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2024: Annus Mirabilis of an Untalented Reg 2024: Annus Mirabilis of an Untalented Reg

12-30-2023 , 08:38 AM
Hey 2+2!

My goal is to move up from 10nl to 200nl, go pro, and move out by the end of 2024.

I started to play poker seriously in October 2022 and the graph starts from there.

I aim to grind 30-40k hands/month and study for 3-4 hours/day.

Gonna join a CFP when I reach 25nl or 50nl to accelerate my process of improving as a poker player (compared to doing it on my own).
12-30-2023 , 11:40 AM
Hello and welcome to 2+2!

It's great that you've set clear and ambitious goals for your poker journey.
Joining a CFP program when you reach 25nl or 50nl is a smart move. Having the guidance and support of a structured coaching program can significantly accelerate your learning curve.

Feel free to use this space to share your progress, discuss hands, ask for advice, or simply connect with the poker community. It's a valuable resource for learning and sharing experiences.

Best of luck on your journey to becoming a professional poker player, and I look forward to hearing more about your successes and challenges!
If you have any questions or updates, feel free to share them here.
12-30-2023 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by untalentedreg
Hey 2+2!

My goal is to move up from 10nl to 200nl, go pro, and move out by the end of 2024.

I started to play poker seriously in October 2022 and the graph starts from there.

I aim to grind 30-40k hands/month and study for 3-4 hours/day.

Gonna join a CFP when I reach 25nl or 50nl to accelerate my process of improving as a poker player (compared to doing it on my own).
As someone who has gone through the staking / CFP style groups in the last couple years, highly recommend trying to find a coach with a good reputation that you can work with, not just anybody that will take you.
12-31-2023 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by slyless
Hello and welcome to 2+2!

It's great that you've set clear and ambitious goals for your poker journey.
Joining a CFP program when you reach 25nl or 50nl is a smart move. Having the guidance and support of a structured coaching program can significantly accelerate your learning curve.

Feel free to use this space to share your progress, discuss hands, ask for advice, or simply connect with the poker community. It's a valuable resource for learning and sharing experiences.

Best of luck on your journey to becoming a professional poker player, and I look forward to hearing more about your successes and challenges!
If you have any questions or updates, feel free to share them here.
Originally Posted by KnoxKnoxJoke
As someone who has gone through the staking / CFP style groups in the last couple years, highly recommend trying to find a coach with a good reputation that you can work with, not just anybody that will take you.
Happy New Year to you guys. Gl with whatever you're up to in 2024.

As for me, I'm making a promise to myself that 2023 is the last year that I'm going to be a lazy fukc and mentally weak. I'm tired of not achieving anything in life and being a failure.

I'm going to change all that in 2024. I will have an excellent work ethic, be disciplined, and be gritty.

I don't give a fukc what I have to go through. I will do this. I will thrive. I'm going to achieve my goals.
01-02-2024 , 10:01 AM
Starting the grind right now.

January Goals
[] Grind 30k hands
[] Study for 60-90 hours
[] Beat 10nl for minimum 3 EV bb/100

If I achieve these things, I'll allow myself to take a 5 buyin shot at 25nl.
01-16-2024 , 01:53 PM
10nl is destroying me

but after playing over 20k hands there, I realized that there's little to no difference in game quality as 5nl, which gives me confidence that I'm already good enough to beat 10nl since I have a pretty good wr at 5nl over a decent sample

From now on, I will update my blog regularly by posting session graphs/results, bankroll updates, and the most interesting hands I can find.

BR: $540.66
01-16-2024 , 03:45 PM

Sucks. Don’t let running bad screw up your game. I’m currently 25 under lol it could always be worse

Looks like just a bump in the road for you. GL, in.

You could be my doppelgänger
01-16-2024 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by swerbs22

Sucks. Don’t let running bad screw up your game. I’m currently 25 under lol it could always be worse

Looks like just a bump in the road for you. GL, in.

You could be my doppelgänger
variance obv, just gotta live with it and I can
01-20-2024 , 08:56 AM
I need to prove to myself that I'm a winner over a sample at 10nl before moving up.

So I'm setting a minichallenge to grind 50k hands (decent sample) of 10nl in the next 25 days (or longer) at minimum 4 ev bb/100.

If I can do this, then I'll allow myself to take a 5 buyin shot at 25nl. If not, then I'll subject myself to the same minichallenge again.

I won't update this blog for a longtime so I can focus on grinding and surprise you with a nice graph.
01-21-2024 , 02:07 AM
Posting my lifetime 10nl stats and graph to have something to compare to when I finish my minichallenge.



I think the biggest reason I'm struggling at 10nl atm is because of my terrible redline. I need to fix it.

So here's my plan:
-review every hand where I won/lost 10bb+
-review marked hands
-discover and fix leaks using mobius stat checker + hand2note + gtow drills
02-10-2024 , 06:19 AM
since the last update


Really low volume I know, but the reason was I spent almost all of my poker hours studying and only played 1 hour per night, and I'm happy that I did that because I've improved some of my leaks, i.e., overfolding bb vs openraise, not 3betting and 4betting enough preflop, and overfolding vs flop cbets.

Now, I'm working on my overfolding tendencies ott and otr. And I'm back to playing for 4-5 hrs per night.

I also bought and started reading the A-Game Poker book by Elliot Roe, and I now always do a warmup before every session.

I also decided to change my approach for moving up, to a more aggro approach. I will take a 3 buyin shot when I have 30 buyins for the next limit, move down if shot fails, rinse and repeat. Instead of trying to prove to myself that I am beating my current limit over 50k or 100k hands before taking shots at the next limit.

And lastly, I decided to update this thread on a weekly basis with graphs, bankroll updates, how my shottaking is going, etc.

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