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2019: From 5nl to ... 2019: From 5nl to ...

06-10-2020 , 08:27 AM
@ForZoe Well, less min 3bets going on at NL16

Also more nits at least from my initial pov, but I have no history with the regs, and they probably donīt have history with me, so that might explain the initial "respect" going on lol. Not planning on doing anything too different than what my current abilities perceive as optimal vs regs anyway.


*About the min 3bet thing, this came mostly after the lockdowns, as I took many shots before and they werenīt as widespread as they are right now. I was playing at 5nl also til end of April and didnīt see it that much (obv fish do it everywhere, but the freq it happens at 10nl nowadays is smth otherworldly, canīt find a better way to describe). 16nl seems a more standard ABC game with 1 fish always present at the table (modern ABC, not 2010 ABC).

My expectations for the mid/longer term are less fish, slightly better regs by the way. As ppl always tell when moving up Time will tell.

Last edited by FazendeiroBH; 06-10-2020 at 08:32 AM.
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-10-2020 , 07:00 PM
Volume still low, but today had irl issues to solve so itīs completely acceptable to me. Tomorrow I think I can get back to 1k hands.

Good news: 16nl has a decent amount of FR tables running during the fun hours, and Iīm already spotting yummy yummy fish, so itīs pretty much grindable as a limit for the most part. Only in the mornings 10nl would be necessary. Just anticipating a little bit what I could do past 480 USD, long way to go until there

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-11-2020 , 06:27 PM

Still a little bit short of my # of hands goal. Today motivation was at the max, but didnīt sleep so well and as a result Iīm already falling asleep, so very bad idea to keep playing

Was thinking about the game today. As you guys might have noticed by my insistence in playing, even with all the setbacks and whatever, I love this game. Sometimes love to hate. Others hate to love. But mostly love it.

As I posted here a few months ago, plans for early April were packing my stuff and do some travelling. Around that time I was playing 5nl obv, with nitty goals for it, and if the quarantines/lockdowns havenīt come, I would be out of the country, not playing or playing smallish volume at most, and never ever would have the confidence boost (due to the increased softness) and the balls to take a 10nl shot with 20 bis.

Donīt get me wrong, this is far from the ideal year, and things are messy. And obv Iīd be very happy travelling and have a good time and good experiences. Yet things are going so well on the poker front, and I canīt help but think how funny life is: Iīm finally achieving smth I was trying since 2017, and it came due to a pandemic killing ppl and destroying economies.

Hopefully the next stakes wonīt come with this huge brick wall, and things will be a little bit smoother

A good article about rake effects on microstakes poker, if anyone interested in reading:

Hopefully this friday Iīll be able to put good volume and capitalize on the friday fun hours lol


Last edited by FazendeiroBH; 06-11-2020 at 06:37 PM.
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-12-2020 , 08:00 AM
Note to myself: I need to time my water intake a little bit better to improve my sleep and not get in that zombie state so early in the night. I usually drink a 5l gallon of water per day (sometimes a little bit more, rarely less), and Iīm pretty sure this consistent hydration helps a lot for so many things, BUT, it makes me wake up at night to pee (usually once, sometimes twice, and if I keep drinking before returning to bed and get unlucky, even 3), so I will try to drink waaay more frequently during the day and then stop earlier, like 4 hours before the time I think Iīm going to bed (and drink no more than half a cup if I wake up in the middle of the night). Hopefully Iīll solve this "problem"
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-12-2020 , 06:34 PM
Finally achieved my "at least 1k hands/day" goal

Swingy, almost got back to even but what can I do, some days we are just supposed to lose a bit.

Btw, only 10nl today.

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-12-2020 , 09:09 PM
Getting back to almost even just as good (at least for me).
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-13-2020 , 08:42 AM
lol yeah, the feeling of victory and mission accomplished is the same to me
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-13-2020 , 10:35 AM
100% agree worst feeling ever is getting off to a great start and than seeing your stacks just fly away xd
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-13-2020 , 05:10 PM
A good day, despite the low volume. Gonna try 1k hands, or close to it, again tomorrow.

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-13-2020 , 07:23 PM
You know those days when you play low volume, feel bad for it and decide to play another session out of guilt? Think twice before doing it

Lost a big pot aipf sb vs btn at 16nl close to hand 800 lol

Not tilted by any means obv, actually pretty sure anyone who follows my thread long enough knows that I value aiev way more than actual winnings (unless Iīm losing really badly in real terms ofc) bc while still flawed, in a honest game it measures performance better than the green line. So still consider the day a winning one.

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-13-2020 , 09:49 PM
AIEV is genuinely about as meaningless as how well you run. It is ever so slightly better but still meaningless without huge differences over large samples.
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-13-2020 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by FazendeiroBH
You know those days when you play low volume, feel bad for it and decide to play another session out of guilt? Think twice before doing it


Yes, that has been moi, up two buy ins or so, then plunk, its gone and more.

Oh well, there is always the next day I say.
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-14-2020 , 07:06 AM
@MMSS Letīs face it, the only thing that matters is the true EV of each decision, and unfortunately, there is no accurate way to do it consistently. We need to rely on results, and results fluctuate alongside luck/lack of it, our own game, pool quality etc.

We humans evaluating EV by reviewing every single hand played in a session is obv the best way, theorectically, if we can be really unbiased and also only do it when our mental ability is near its best. IRL this is still a little bit dangerous.

Gonna try a different approach. Actually not that different since I did it before. Evaluate EV using own reasoning + snowie. Think I can get the best of both worlds by making my HH reviews android-like, without the laziness of pure machine or the bias of pure human evaluation.

@FutureInsights Agreed, there is always the next day
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-14-2020 , 01:12 PM
Yeah, EV is a bit better than results, as long as you don't look at that as the sole method of figuring out how well you ran. The luck bell curve in PT4 is also quite helpful in looking at another element of luck. Don't remember if HM had anything like that.

Btw, if you always make a BI in EV in your follow-up "guilt" sessions, then you should always do that lol.
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-14-2020 , 02:36 PM
I donīt remember anything like this in HM, but will check it again.

Haha yes. Not running particularly well today, down close to 1 BI, but letīs see if I can revert it in the last session. Games not that good tho, having to jump a little bit from some tables due to no fish. Fingers crossed theyīre just drinking their alcohol and getting intoxicated, so all the expected Sunday spew will come in the end of the day.

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-14-2020 , 06:38 PM
Games were pretty fishy on this last session. Limpfest, the usual spew I was expecting. So pretty much just +EV tables, the opposite from earlier. And...

...Iīm down another 2 BIs, finishing the day down close to 3 BIs. Fortunately, today played only 10nl. Still, already on a downswing, down 5 BIs from the last top. Hopefully this wonīt last longer, feeling good mental game-wise, no tilt, no spew. Having no control of the cards, obv no guarantees

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-15-2020 , 07:21 PM
A good day

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-16-2020 , 12:16 AM
Checking those results hey?

Tis okay, I check cash each day (last nights tourney spree not so great), but I can't get graph until 24 to 48 hours later. I have learned patience.
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-16-2020 , 02:40 AM
Nothing wrong with checking your graph each day. I do it too lol.
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-16-2020 , 04:24 AM
Just played some 10PLO (had a hand chart, deviated, 6 max, reg tables). Trying to learn some techniques (can win at NL and SNG, no good at MTTs). PLO is hot if you want to take a break. I am jamming 25nl right now (to make up for the rebuys at 10+1 tourneys). As bad as the tourneys have been, it is making me a better cash game player. Something to think about. They say rounding out your game play enhances all of them. I am already good at Omaha hi/lo.

Won at 10plo, lost at 5plo (just a few cents). I think on those days, where you want to get extra volume in after winning at the main stake (right now for me, 25nl), maybe come back and play some games at lower stakes, different kinds of tables, to enhance your learning?

PS, tried to get HUD running, but never did for the PLO. Can't get it running for the tourneys. Got enough for a nice size withdrawal though.
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-16-2020 , 11:29 AM
Itīs more or less a pseudo stop loss policy, so I actually check results at the end of each session (I usually play 3-4/day). At least regarding my own game, I was completely wrong every time I restricted myself from seeing results. Ppl are different, some do better without results, some do with results

Btw pseudo stop bc Iīm not really leaving to not come back til the next day (unless I lost a lot and it affected me mentally). More bc losing a lot might indicate a bad pool, and the +EV action would be to gtfo for a few hours til the problematic villains leave and better ones enter the pool

Thought a little bit about MTTs but the way I would be forced to structure my days isnīt exactly what I envisioned for myself. Still playing mostly for fun so obv the freedom I have with cash is smth I canīt really trade even if MTTs are the most profitable/soft (which Iīm sure they are).

PLO is fun, I played before. Unfortunately PLO seems to attract me the most when Iīm tilted from NL, and this is not exactly a good combination. Btw, PLO Zoom with antes and the rake is a big no no.

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-16-2020 , 01:36 PM
And Iīm sure now that no one can deny games on stars are back to normal. No more boom. Just look at the traffic numbers

Thankfully 10nl regular tables are still fishy and will remain this way for a very long time (no more multitabling nits, remember? lol) but Iīm really, really glad that I made the move fast enough to enjoy a full 1.5 month of madness.
2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-16-2020 , 05:41 PM

Well, tables were pretty meh today. Tonight we had our fishes as usual, but even with them, couldnīt get much going. And the most I could get were 2 on a table. The others would either have one, or one alongside a semi fish. Far from the boom, back to 2019 levels Canīt complain tho, itīs tuesday so not exactly the best day for poker anyway. And in normal, non-covid-19 times, thatīs the pool we should always expect, so better getting used than crying hoping things change by magic.

Feeling pretty alert right now. In the afternoon felt very energetic. Guess stopping the hiper hydration nonsense has smth to do with this for sure. Main reason as I said was to improve sleeping, but obv drinking too much water, especially too much at once, isnīt exactly healthy, and I should have taken the headaches after doing it as a sign of alert. Messing with electrolytes balance can lead to quite a few unintended consequences, including fatigue and, worse yet, brain swelling.

Obv hydration is important, but as most things in life, overdoing it is pretty bad and unhealthy.

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-19-2020 , 07:29 PM

Pretty sick ride the last 3 days

Idk whatīs worse, running like crap as I was (am?) or having to leave tonightīs game bc Iīm too tired to continue. Like, games are unbelievable lol. Just check the right end of the graph. Anyway, Iīm too -EV when Iīm tired, and the downswing of the last few days doesnīt help that much, so better to rest, games will be here tomorrow, saturday nights still soft, and thatīs how a responsible guy should behave .

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
06-23-2020 , 07:44 AM
So, I still canīt handle 10nl downswings lol. Iīm obv still up and, besides the 10 bi ds when I wasnīt looking at results, no down leg surpassed 5 bi. All standard I guess, but my mindset is too weak. With that said, Iīm moving down to 5nl AGAIN and wonīt move up to 10nl until I reach 1000 USD (100 buy-ins) minimum.

Pretty sure most of you guys know how I frequently change plans, so Iīll be offering 20 USD (10 x 2 posters, gonna use RNG) if I:

A) Change courses again and start to take shots higher;
B) Talk about plans (or any change implying I wonīt follow the 100 bi rule anymore), no matter how good my justification is. From the next post onwards ofc. By my own initiative, so obviously if anyone brings the subject, Iīll be answering

Hopefully I still have all my loyal followers here and I can trust you guys to police the B) rule. Who doesnīt want to win 10 USD with close to 0 effort right?

2019: From 5nl to ... Quote
