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2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200

01-01-2017 , 05:03 AM
Hello guys,
I want to share my journey in 2017 , start from zoom NL50 and try to reach zoom nl200

About me :

I'm 27, living in Taiwan(sorry for poor English), used to an engineer last 18 month

2016 result

Cash Game ( 85% on stars, 10% 888 5% party)

Profit ~ 28K+untracked site 6K ~34K


~14K + untracked site 1.5K ~15.5K

Overall ~50K

2017 Goal:

1. 150W hands in Cash game,beat zoom 100 w/ 3bb+ winrate

take some reason(not tilt) shot to zoom200

2. abi>15$ roi>25% in MTT , 4000game at least

3. bench press to 300pounds+/ 1RM , lose 40pounds

4. date w/ some girls, stop being a losing nerds(poor me)...

5. Play live mtt/cash, will play MTT in Macau at Feb.

Jan Goal:

1. 15W+ hands in cash

2. play 250-300 counts mtt

3. live MTT in Taiwan

4. gyms 2 times/week

Thx for reading

GL in 2017!!!
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-01-2017 , 06:04 AM
In,gl! Nice results.See you in the tables.
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-01-2017 , 07:54 AM
Solid results.

Subbed, goodluck!
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-01-2017 , 01:07 PM
Wish u gl m8 !
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-01-2017 , 03:02 PM
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-02-2017 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by koskosmo
In,gl! Nice results.See you in the tables.
thx, gl at table

Originally Posted by RLGallday
Solid results.

Subbed, goodluck!
thx, gl at table

Originally Posted by kafrinius
Wish u gl m8 !

Originally Posted by day'n'night

First day in 2017, play two session in z25+50 and run very well

Day report


Plan to grind z25+50 in weekdays

and take some shot to z100 weekends

Never ever slow play Aces anymore....
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-02-2017 , 10:31 AM
Casual 50k year as a 50nl player Good job man, that's half decent MSNL money these days. Nice volume.

2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-03-2017 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by SalmoTrutta
Casual 50k year as a 50nl player Good job man, that's half decent MSNL money these days. Nice volume.

thx bro, your blog and result are really sick

hope i can play at least 50% like you , red line warrior

Today's report


Running well , play not bad i think

Volume not enough for month goal(at least 5k hand/day)

i think i should make a weekly goal to push myself

1/1 - 1/7 Goal

[] Play 30K hand at least
[] gyms 2 twice at 1/4 and 1/6
[] Study
-Renew Preflop range by AJackson database
-Record session vedio and try to find/fix leak
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-03-2017 , 05:32 AM
in glgl
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-04-2017 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by 5890
in glgl
thx man, gl too.


day report


Play too bad, make too much stupid river call and leveling myself too much...

Volume is ok, plan to play 8K hand tomorrow
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-04-2017 , 07:28 AM
in gl
so you quit your dayjob?
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-04-2017 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by yasuo
in gl
so you quit your dayjob?
Yeah, that's a -$$ ev call (i worked in Mediatek)

but ++ev in mood lol
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-04-2017 , 09:22 AM
Gl for 2017.

But one question. How can someone trasform into a solid winner after playing 3,8m hands with -0,9bb EV?

Looks like you found the holy grail of NL50z.

No offence but I´m interested in the way you improved to fast so well.
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-04-2017 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by BornToGrind
Gl for 2017.

But one question. How can someone trasform into a solid winner after playing 3,8m hands with -0,9bb EV?

Looks like you found the holy grail of NL50z.

No offence but I´m interested in the way you improved to fast so well.
By AJackson's database review and study w/ friend and play less table

i used to be 8 table zoom grinder, just auto pilot everything and fast-fold too much hand preflop

Ajackson point out my leak is just "missing too much oppotunity"

Once i notice that, my game start improve~
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-04-2017 , 09:36 AM
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-04-2017 , 10:45 AM
You're running good at 50z but still your EV winrate is 4.52bb/100 over large sample. That's pretty ***** good winrate for 50z why haven't you already established yourself at 100z?
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-05-2017 , 02:07 AM
glgl cya @ the tables
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-08-2017 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by mahsjdi
You're running good at 50z but still your EV winrate is 4.52bb/100 over large sample. That's pretty ***** good winrate for 50z why haven't you already established yourself at 100z?
Some mental game issue and i do think z100 is much hard than z50

Originally Posted by meale
thx, gl too

Originally Posted by neil02
glgl cya @ the tables
thx, would you mind share you sn? pm me~

Weekly review

1/1 - 1/7 Goal

[o] Play 30K hand at least
[o] gyms twice at 1/4 and 1/7
[x] Study- done 60%
80%-Renew Preflop range by AJackson database
0% -Record session vedio and try to find/fix leak[/QUOTE]

Weekly Graph

By stake report

Run really good and play most B+ game

Keep preparing for z100, building/update preflop range and review vedio

Goal for 1-9 ~ 1-15

[] Play 45K hand at least
[] gyms twice at least
[] Study
- Finish preflop range
- Record 2 session Vedio and review
- Data mining some pre/post flop spot by AJackson report
[] Ready to Z100!!!

Hope to achieve all above!!!

gl guys
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-08-2017 , 03:47 AM
Gl bro
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-10-2017 , 12:45 PM
subscribed! GL
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-14-2017 , 09:32 PM
Update!! low volume , big decision this week
1-2~1-15 Graph

By stake report

Goal for 1-9 ~ 1-15

[X] Play 45K hand at least=> only ~15K hand
[o] gyms twice at least
[x] Study
[o]- Finish preflop range
[x]- Record 2 session Vedio and review
[x]- Data mining some pre/post flop spot by AJackson report
[o] Ready to Z100!!!

Low volume this week cause my neighbor is making housing renovations, a lot noise from morning to afternoon.
I don't think play in that environment is +EV...really easy to get tilt


Making a big decision about 2017..... whether to call d7's CFP deal

There're something need to be concerned...

In money, i think 15-20k cost at least( unless i can't beat z50 anymore) , and 20k is a big cost in Taiwan...

But i think 2017 is the last year i should put much effort on cash game in pokerstars, cause the cash game on pokerstars will become incredible tough after 2017, AI might be everyone's coach, more player in mid-stake play more solid/GTO w/ solver...etc...

So, if i can't reach z200 at least, i will quit cash game on pokerstar and start playing MTT online or some live/APP game in Taiwan....

I don't have 100% sure to reach z200, even 50% w/o receiving good coaching

So i finally sign d7's CFP up , and hoping i can crush z200 at the end of year.

To Become top reg in mid-stake or quit pokerstar cash game

Last year or go big.

Last do this!!


Goal for 1-16 ~ 1-22

[] Play 25K hand at least - play w/ friend 15-17, so low volume goal
[] gyms twice at least
[] Study
- Record 2 session Vedio and review
- Data mining some pre/post flop spot by AJackson report

gl guys!
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-15-2017 , 11:12 PM
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-31-2017 , 12:48 AM
in glgl
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-31-2017 , 03:07 PM
This will be Legendary.
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
01-31-2017 , 03:31 PM
GL man, sick results
2017 from  zoom NL50->zoom NL200 Quote
